The Power of Powerlessness

Transcript Details

Event Name: The Power of Powerlessness
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 6/9/2019 11:11:23 PM
Transcript Version: 2

Transcript Text

then then the

revelation came but she said come to a

clear enough see i i i deemed myself

insignificant she said I knew Allah

would absolve me of this of this slander

but I just deem myself insignificant

that any revelation would come that

that's what this is about

well then defini hate m'lady must utter

like beggars just by begging you know

that laffy enough see he but it's saying

without being in a state of need you

have this insignificant view of yourself

and this is something really important I

mean so many people just take themselves

far too seriously and and their own

significance and and it just creates ego

it creates a sense of a just inflated

sense of self and and there's there's

nothing worse than a puffed up soul one

of the things in in in

in the Western tradition they have this

idea of canosa sub the emptying out of

the soul and we have the idea of techne

it's the same concept yeah it's a holla

Thalia you empty your soul of yourself I

mean there's a beautiful Egyptian

expression for the Egyptians out there

there's a beautiful Egyptian expression

that I thought about because I always

thought it was so such a strange way of

the Egyptians like in Mexico you have

idioms like in Spanish they say fungi so

you must throat you you're like watch

out which if you actually literally

translate it seems strange but in in

Egypt when they say watch out they say

highly Bannock i mean f sick hella

baddack monistic just means watch out

you know he'll live adequate enough sick

you know watch out but what it literally

means is empty your mind of yourself

that's how you watch out because if you

enter your mind of yourself if you if

you took her leave addict mean f ck

Allah will watch out for you it's it

must have come from from some

enlightened people in Egypt that just

started that phrase because it's a

beautiful phrase suddenly VALIC mean if

sick empty your mind of yourself and one

of the Moroccan great Moroccan sages

serial German he said but I yeah Banach

with Tana massive aha set your mind at

ease and learn how to swim set your mind

at ease and learn how to swim the world

is in good hands no matter what you see

out there of trial and tribulation it's

all from what we our own hands have

wrought all of it there's nothing out

there that we haven't caused ourselves

people say where is God somebody

actually said to that that to me

recently somebody from one of these

countries is going through immense

tribulation they said where is God and I

just said I think God's question to us

is where are you and and that is a

perfectly valid question from God it's

not a valid question from us lad you

said oh I'm not a fan

well whom you said God has not asked

about what

he does but they will be asked about

what they do and so that's a different

way of looking at it so just remembering

that power is a laws alone allahumma man

allama medical mood to attend would

command tisha oh oh allah possessor of

dominion medical would to attend would

command tisha you give Dominion to whom

you please you give it to whom you

please or turns out more commitment asha

what wisdom and I shall go to the lumen

Tosha you dignify whom you please and

you humiliate or a base whom you please

this is this is this is it what right

this this is the reality so it's very

important to remember that and then well

I'm feminine Gemma a whole fee of 80


and they expand wealth that they have

gathered or earned without any

disobedience in the law hapa you own

that what i a better a lot by yoga

allies pure and he only accepts pure


what are him although I had a duly when

my Skinner and God will have mercy on

humble people and the poor people Allah

loves the poor poor in spirit

not necessarily poor in in in wealth

because there are many good wealthy

people and we don't we don't have the

tradition that wealth is somehow evil or

something to avoid know some of the

people that that had the highest mcoms

in our early Islam around the prophesize

and we're extremely wealthy people but

they used their wealth for good and the

prophet sal i said i'm said to people

will never will never go to people are

envied the one who's given wisdom and

and teaches and the one who's given

wealth and expends it piece of you tada

by night and by day so those are the two

things that we should want in the world

is either wealth to do good things with

or wisdom to act according to and to

help others to act according to so i

just want to look quickly and then and

then we'll open up for some questions I

want to look quickly at at surah taha

Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says and this is

from Imam Ali Baha'i one of the great

commentators of Quran great Shafi

scholar in Zen now who he later


yeah near Piranha means the Ferranti

night and a nevada mathcore so it's a

it's is basically taking the place of

what's not mentioned so the Damier there

the personal pronoun who in and then who

goes back to the Quran and know who and

zero who Jim Letten Wahid attend feel a

little fatter mean lol muhaha it a

simmer at dunya so Allah revealed it at

one time so it all came down to Samoa

dunya one time the Quran and then it it

was revealed by over time over a 20-year

period through from there so so well da

who he baited

essa so this is a debate that the the

house that is over the Kaaba it was it

was placed there thumb can it unisol be

he drew Briella I am and this is why and

Zell naho in the Quran you have Angela

and mrs. Ella Angela means to come down

all at once mrs. Ella means unit zero

who to come down pieces so both happened

and then it says wama adraka ma later

tour cutter and this is this is Adam and

Eve a yahoo so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala

has its to make you think wow what is

this and what will convey to you what

lailatul cutter is and and and so sue me

Atlanta stupider Ileana Leila - taka

Darrell or more well akan yoga dear

allahu feeha a mother Senna TV everybody

he will be dad he in a senator mock Mira

so this is the reasoning muhammad baba

he says and this was the tafseer that

was studied by all students of knowledge

after it was written amount of the holy

and bow he became the two most important

tough series for students of knowledge

so he says that that it was what Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala

decrees for the following year excuse me

for his servants and for the land so

for instance the wars that are going to

be determined all these things the the

droughts the famines the blessings

everything and this is why you want to

be in the most obedient state and you

want to be really calling on allah

subhanho wa taala because it's a time

where you have to be aligned with a

lawsuit behind without it so the prophet

sala I said I'm said to seek it out in

these last ten nights especially in the

odd nights but it's something that we

should also take that advice and think

about these things every every year and

then he says what terrible fear akiha

and they differ about its actual time

from Kalevala home in Canada and idea

Rasool Allah is Allah I said I'm

tomorrow Fiat that it it was only during

the time of the Prophet and then it was

removed that's one opinion what a metal

Sahaba tea would ruin a Matta and about

the Eternity a yarmulke p.m. et so but

the majority of Sahaba

and the scholars say no it continues

until the day of judgement Caraballo

home here later to malaria center it's

any night during the the nights of the


well Jim horn Manhattan in an official

area Ramadan but the majority of

scholars say that it's in the month of

Ramadan well Colonel Hassan Laila two

separate Shara it's the night of this of

the 20s of the 17th well here Laila

let's he cannot so be had so be had to

ha what a veteran and it's the night

that can so be had to her what a better

than that it's it's morning was on the

the day of butter and so well sorry yeah

well Lydia dear octoroon but the sound

opinion and what the majority say and

Horatio are officially Rama ban mhmm

Allah who had a hill a litter Anna had

Haruma t leash de doo flibbidee teal a

area Ramadan Dahmer and via da rocky


ETA VT vo majority officer otter gusta

the sorrow water Homs we small out of

them were a small out of them fit

estimate so this is amazing so he said

Allah has hidden this night from his

Ummah in order that they strive hard to

to find it with their worship through

the nights of Ramadan desiring to to

actually achieve this night because it's

worth a thousand months and so and and

and like that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala

has hid the hour of Aqaba

on the day of Jummah he also has hid the

the wool of Prayer some say it's

automatic said it was fuzzy up but he's

hid the middle prayer in the five

prayers he's hid his is Malayalam in his

name's some say it's yeah I am some say

it's Ya Allah

so there's different opinions about that

but we don't know what he'll bajo Fattah

adds the araga bouficha me mija and then

he put his earlier ba his pleasure or

his contentment in his devotional

practices so we don't know what devotion

we do is is is going to achieve that a

lot of Allah that we know that the

prostitute was forgiven for feeding a

dog who was thirsty or start starving

and so and he hid also was up in morale

see me and tell Anya me Mia and he also

hid his wrath in acts of disobedience so

that we would avoid all of them well

alpha P emma sati the Oh sh t he do

Fattah at have a 10 min OPM yeah and

then he also hid that that the time of

the the last hour so that we would

always be prepared for it and then he

says later to rodriram in at V sha na na

who I'm an on-site account if he dated

Heidemann a committee ed sheeran they

Sevilla later tour other so it's worth

the actions of your worship on that on

this night are worth a thousand months

and then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says to

Tennessee dole America to Aurora so the

Angels come down and the rooh the Holy

Spirit we know in our tradition the Holy

Spirit is not a persona of God as some

Christians believe but the Holy Spirit

is Jubilee and I had a said I'm he's

called a local does the Holy Spirit and

the Prophet believed in the Holy Spirit

and he said to Hassan II booth have it

yet the khalaby or Oracle dismayed

the spirit give you a sucker or help so

so that it's a time when the Holy Spirit

comes down a Bakula Eminem in a Haiti

what about akka so being the arugba

himming I mean couldn't be eminent in

other words of higher and Baraka

so yeah hold on I'm in a meeting that I

be a Marilla Saddam Alto said you use

Rama at Audia 11 at a party one of the

things in in in if you you know if you

have Christian friends and they might

send you a holiday card and they and

they quote a verse from the Bible that

says you know peace on earth and

goodwill towards men it actually doesn't

say that if you look at the in the Greek

it says goodwill towards a righteous man

and and this is something also in the

DAO de Jing it says all men hate arms

you know like violence

Thomas clearly told me it actually

doesn't say that in Chinese it says good

men good men don't like that so one of

the things that we have to remember is

that there are shielding and in out

there there's just there's so the sanam

is not for everybody it's for the people

of obedience to Allah subhanAllah a are

the ones that get the peace ah - at be

what to see any woman ethically

Audrianna and in massager Imam Shafi

said that it was that the angels are

greeting the people in the message on

latest of Qatar which is why everybody

goes i mean he Nita liebe shams Iranian

treasure from the time the Sun Goes

disappears until Roger appears Khalid

Kelby America in Girona feeha kunu ma la

Poma Mina no Mina tan sallim wa alayhi

memorably he had a pleasure opiate

America Rama and Capote he did not be

him including Emily so he said that that

the angels greet every believer man and

woman on that day that's what Imam and

Kelby said now in the in the in the

actual verse it says he had not Lyle


and in Arabic had to has three different

meanings but but in Arabic it's usually

what's called a preposition hard job

that what follows it is mature or but it

can also be a type of thought so so in

if it goes like he had to mop lion

fragile and it's muscle then it means

including Roger if like if you say I

killed to a semi Qataris aha I ate the

fish even the head whereas if you said I

kill to sanika hot air Ecija then it's

up to to that point and so here it stops

at that point so the night is the night

and once the day comes once the day

breaks then the night of power is over

even though that day according to the

enema is a good day to also have HD had

and Mujahid said Yan Yun la etapa dari

Sally Mattoon liar Sophie Rochet upon on

llamada feeha a sua Ora and you had this

fear you had this and you had either

Feehan so it's the time when she upon

can't do any suit and nor can he cause

any harm had not lion fetcher i la motte

lion feta and until so al hamdulillah

some comments or questions that anybody

has may Allah bless you and I and I

would just request for those of you who

are supporters of Zaytuna College I

really thank you for your support for

those of you who are not I really hope

that you might think about even at the

12,000 strong we have a campaign of

12,000 strong we had an extraordinary

commencement this year with some really

great students we've got 23 students

coming in in the in the next class so

how do that we have a master's program

here we're going to be also have having

a launch for a new website fairly soon

so we're excited about things that are


we have really wonderful new academic

chief academic officer dr. Thomas Porter

she's been fantastic we have really a

lot of really sincere and hardworking

people and so we really hope that you'll

consider supporting us and so we can do

more for this community and for the dome

has fallen on hard times but in

Charlotte there are good times there are

times and there's always blessings in

the midst of all the tribulations thank

you for that she comes amid low reward


I mean and inshallah I will ask a few

questions from online I'm in love we

have a lot of people commenting prayers

for yourself your family and Zaytuna

thank you for the work we're doing and

thanks for your Ramadhan rumination

series and the first question we have

from Facebook is from yes Mena who asks

what is the best way to counter our nose

it's a big question a lot of it than if

you have four enemies in this life and

only four enough shape on how and dunia

all the other enemies you if Allah sends

them to use the tribulation but your

real enemies are these four and if you

can conquer these four enemies that all

the other enemies are very insignificant

but the nufs is the number one bad that

I do with my enough Sakura TV nijam bake

the Prophet SAW I am said the the most

vicious enemy that you have the most

harmful enemy that you have the most

aggressive enemy that you have is your

own ego between your two sides and we

all have them were born with children

children have wonderful beautiful side

but then they've got that horrible

childish selfish side it's mine

you know when they grab a toy it's mine

so this this is something that as you

grow older or hopefully you you learn to

overcome that but there are many people

that behave like infants throughout

their whole lives so

one of the most important things that we

can do so they cut off all loss behind

with to Anna just to remember a lot to

work on ourselves we have to work on

ourselves I mean we all struggle I

struggle with myself we have to work on

ourselves we can always do better I was

today just today I was in a you know I

had a meeting with some people that came

there are nice people you know and and I

was I just really because I was really

busy with something else and I had some

problems I just I I didn't I felt like

you know I really wasn't

I was rude basically to somebody and I

immediately like after the meeting I

went up to her and I just said I want

you to please I apologize you know I I

don't think I listened to you

attentively and then and that was my

mistake and I think being able just to

admit that you're wrong about things

it's really important not being


the ego always defends itself in fact

one of the most extraordinary scholars

Ibrahim Al Thani it's amazing man if you

study his life you just marvel he

actually wrote the Johan in one night

and when he finished it he went to his

share and he gave it to him and he

shaped knew what it meant like he had

had a opening because it's a stunning

poem 144 lines of just crisp creed and

he he took a oath with him he said from

this day forward I never want you to

defend yourself and that's that that's a

powerful practice of just not defending

yourself we have an amazing story of Abu

Bakr Siddiq about the law and who when a

man was really abusing him in front of

the prophets in him and the probe was

there this thing and and and and smiling

and then well what could I just couldn't

take it anymore so now his nufs came in

and even Abu Bakr had enough I mean it's

the purest of all nufs after our

prophets lies them in in his OMA but he

he he couldn't take any more he started

to finish up the

profit left when he saw him later he

asked him why he left he said that man

was it wasn't true what he was saying he

said I saw the Angels defending you and

right when you began to defend yourself

chiffon came into the room and I don't

sit with chiffon I mean that that is

just such a stunning testimony to the

power of fighting the ego so what I

would I what I would suggest first and

foremost is that that you you you begin

to do a type of Mahasabha and we

actually Imams ate and I worked on

something together called the agenda for

changing our condition and it's actually

a program to work on the self where you

you do a Machado

you know and then maracas band and

Mahasabha and then what alphabat so you

do you you you actually commit like I'm

not going to back fight and you commit

to doing it for 40 days 40 days straight

because it takes 40 days to really yet

the Allah subhana WA Ta'ala gave up I

mean Aleida like he gave 40 to prepare

for the meeting he gave Moses forty

nights to prepare and so forty this is

why in Jamaat tably if they go out for

forty days there's a big secret in the

number forty and so you do forty days of

no I'm not going to back by for forty

days and if you do you have to do my

house about the end of the day and then

you start over if you didn't do it and

then you do a more aqua but you have to

punish yourself

even though what have been said I made

many oaths to give up backbiting and I

ended up fasting a lot because he would

break the oath he'd do another and then

he'd have to fast and he said so I

decided that I would give a dinar in

charity every time I I spoke ill of

someone and he said because of my love

for money I was able to finally give up

because he made that his oath instead of

fasting breaking his oath so

I think that's something that you can

practice it's just working on things one

of the things most of us in Indiana you

know an NFC boss the human being knows

his own so well Oh Alabama

Adira even if he gives his excuses he

knows his own soul and so I think most

of us know what's wrong it's very good

to ask people I mean I I always get

shocked sometimes I'll ask do I do this

or do that yes you do you know that

that's an ouch but it's something that

you have to to take reflection from

other people so that that's important

and then the the best thing and this

this is absolutely well established is

prayer on the prophesy so if you make it

a consistent practice your soul will

will align and and this is something

witnessed by many many people so people

that do consistent practice of Prayer on

the Provos allies to them that it has an

effect on the heart and they really

begin to behave in a much better way but

each of us have our trials and

tribulations it's also useful to know

what's what's called the temporal the

humoral theory so if you and this is

something in madaba Soddy said that you

really shouldn't be a teacher unless

you've studied this so you should know

it's similar to the Briggs Mayer type

personality test so it's very it's

actually very similar and Jung also came

up with with a similar model but the

humoral theory is what the Muslims used

it was a developed by it originally

comes from Hippocrates and then Galen

but the one who developed it extensively

was even Cena the physician so you

knowing what humor you have is really

important are you Flagg Matic are you

choleric are you sanguine are you

melancholic so this is demo we better

than me so doing so far away knowing

those and then there are also mixtures

of two like my my my baseline is demo

but my my layered on is so far away a

lot of people that are asked that like

reading and studying and scholarly by

nature tend to be so far away and so far

away is is a tough disposition people

that are melancholic so far we have a

really hard time so it just depends on

what God's given you people that are

sanguine tend to be very cheery but each

one of them comes with their

shortcomings and their blessings so

knowing that can help because, there's an interesting book called 'Tthe Temperament God gave you'.  It's a Catholic book, it has a test you can take.  The test will really help you to see what things you're naturally going to need to work on and and I swear by the temperament tradition.

I really believe it's very accurate

HOST: "Thank you for that.  We'll take a question from our livestream channel."

Could you ask your comes if someone doesn't understand the quran recitation' doing it's not a we're

but rather spend that time studying the

quran is there a similar reward that's a

really good question first of all i

wanted to say something about tara we

traditionally in most Muslim countries

today we I was actually done relatively

short doing a hut them in taraweeh was

not the tradition in in most places

there were certain mosques that did cut

them for people that wanted to

unfortunately now like if you go to

Turkey most of the mosque do very short

20 short rockets and I really think that

we need to revive this Sunnah because a

lot more people would come for tarot iya

a lot of people leave after eight

sometimes taraweeh ends now at like

twelve o'clock eleven thirty people have

to work the prophesy seven he said yes

you know what that's why sudo make

things easy for people make don't make

them difficult i love the the indian and

pakistani community is amazing like you

see these people that just masha'Allah


really quite stunning how they I mean

I've been to in the Muslim world in some

of the Muslim countries I've lived in

I've been to Moscow it's like Miss

mulatto none that I had even I mean a

lot like about women and Rahim mean a

lot I go out and I've literally seen

that and then I've seen middle and then

I've seen the the hutton so I think it's

important in the Maliki tradition which

is the school that I studied it's

actually preferred to do it in your home

if you're able to do it in your home so

if you're if you're gonna be lazy then

it's it's better to go the Masjid but

it's it's better especially people have

we don't have Moss on every corner like

many Muslim countries now in terms of

the question p.m. is is is one of the

sunan of Ramadan and I would never leave

us and I'll give an example there's

nothing there's no better vicar than the

Quran of the ludic Rida it's it's Keith

Avila it's my other I mean who was I die

that's the best vicar that you can do

I mean of the Roma Pope to the best

thing that anybody ever said I said or

any prophet said is la la la la la la la

la is also Quran so but in in the

furture time and in the mother of time

the best vicar at that time is the

avocado Sabharwal Meza about the Saudi

heart and things that the prophet saw

him did at that time it's better to do

those because it's the Sunnah to do

those at that time and following the

Prophet SAW I see them is very important

to do what he did and so you should do

some p.m. even if you just do you know

some short Rockets in your own home you

should do some p.m. if you find it

difficult it's not meant to be difficult

man is I'm not naked Quran latecha we

didn't reveal this Quran that you're

miserable so the understanding is and

then Quran ly Tessa to be joyful and

happy Sarah we has undeniably

uh-uh for most people I'm not gonna say

for everybody because I don't know but

for most people it's going to be a

richer experience if you can actually

understand the Quran it's even better if

you memorize so the parts that some if

if you memorize certain parts and you

hear them recited it's much more because

you can really follow them so I think

that definitely has an aspect but I

would say study the Quran in Ramadan but

also do p.m. even even if you can't do

the 20 records if it's difficult for you

just do some short rakaats in your own

home but do some p.m. particle Elfie

we have a somewhat related question from

Facebook for an ill person who couldn't

fast during this Ramadan what is the

right practice to adopt paid the Vidya

and fast 30 days when they feel better

before the next Ramadan or just pay the

Vidya and it is not mandatory to fast

thirty days prior to the next Ramadan I

feel very confused so thanks for

enlightening us if you can Ramadan

Kareem if if you if you if you can fast

later in the year you have to fast the

fidya is for people that can't fast so

you might be pregnant or nursing or

something likes it going to harm you but

when you're able to you make up the fast

phidias for like old people or people to

have diabetes or people that their their

physicians told them they can't fast I

know of somebody who was went into

pretty serious tachycardia because of

fasting that type person and it's

happened in more than one Ramadan that

person should not fast and the doctor

will tell them that and if the doctor

tells you not to fast if it if it's if

it's a valid doctor with an MD and

they're telling you it is medically

dangerous for you to fast

you should not fast the other thing and

and this is my firm conviction little

children should not fast I know there's

a feed off about this Imam Matta called

Ilan who said that it was tab that it

was actually torture for

children I know there's little children

that want to fast because they see

everybody fasting if they're going to do

that you should only do like half day

but they should their their brains are

developing they need glucose they need

energy they need caloric energy it's not

how it's healthy for us to actually fast

it's not healthy for them too fast when

they're young and I know there's Hadees

in the psyche collection things but that

was not the practice of the people of

madinah and Malik had 600 teachers from

the tabut mean and that was his opinion

it's a strong opinion and I think as

somebody who studied who has some

medical background and I think if you

ask most doctors they would tell you the

science is in and it's not good for

children to fast long periods of time so

the fidya is permitted if you allow a

year to go by you have to feed a poor

person for each day you allowed to for a

year to elapse before you made up that

fast so in Ramadan it's better to try to

make it up early if you did let the year

go by and you know when you finish

Ramadan you can actually according to

some opinions you could do the six days

of Show web and make the NIA of making

up fasting and shelter you get the rule

for both I mean these are enough issues

but I don't allow us yeah all those

mercies fast so that I think that that

answers that question in sha allah

particle elfia

okay we'll just take a couple more

questions and wrap it up if you don't

mind okay good question here may Allah

reward you for this talk and your

Ramadan ruminations any general advice

about the role the Quran should play in

our lives this we not remember him I

think the the Prophet Allah I said I'm

said towards these latter days to to

just go back to the book of Allah I

think the Quran is it's it's an amazing

experience to have a serious

relationship with the Quran

I think study is important but

recitation of Quran obviously if the

more you understand the the more

interesting it is just in terms of the

meanings because to do a Hatem you know

everybody should try to do a hutton once

once a month the Quran was divided into

30 just for a reason those Jews are

meant to be read

he's your honor Quran is considered his

Iran if you read it less than twice a

year that you've pretty much abandon it

so if you're only reading it once in

Ramadan you should at least try to do

one throughout the year the other thing

to do if for those of you who are trying

to memorize it focusing on whatever

you're memorizing is equal one of one of

the thing all of the Quran is is the

same in its equal weight that it's from

Kodama law I mean obviously there's some

verses and some things that like the

prose I said the greatest verse in the

in in the Quran is is ayatul kursi

because of the attributes of God that

are embedded in that first but all of

the Quran is Kaname law so any any Jews

you read from its Kaname law if you only

read one Jews a day but everybody should

try it it takes once you get used to it

it takes about 25 minutes on average

twenty to thirty minutes to do we waste

a lot of time there's a lot of people

that watch a couple hours of television

every day if you look on your cell

phones it's quite troubling to see the

type the amount of time that we spend on

the phone or on the on the cell phone or

looking at things people send us those

things I mean these are all things so we

should give give some time to a lost

book it's it's just a stunning

experience really to have continuous

connection with this book and one of the

things that I promise you if you do it

as a practice over time

it will it would just get stronger and

stronger in other words you you won't

want to stop so I think and that's

something all the people that have a

strong relationship with the put on the

experience so I just I recommend to the

students here don't do a lot of other

that goes to do the poor on don't don't

I think we need to get back to the Book

of Allah so behind with Donna and to a

foundational Sunnah Imam madacorp all

the Alana wrote a book the Moapa it's

the first major book in hadith he has

less than 800 hadith of the prophet

slice and even though he knew over a

hundred thousand he really put what he

felt was absolutely necessary

hadith tradition is for scholars it's

for our Ummah it's not for common people

it was never meant to be read by common

people the Hadees can really create an

immense amount of confusion and even a

weapon one of the greatest scholars of

Islam he's one of the Rashaad of imam

abu Hadi you even know what have been

said I learned so many hadith I became

confused and because of the the problems

in the hadith tradition and he said what

overlay thematically I'd like to had it

not been for lathe and imam malik imam