The World and the West: "SHY continuosly mentions the autho Arnold Toynbee. Once even calling him `brilliant`"
The World and the West: "...notes in the 1940's that Saudia Arabia and Afghanistan would be hot spots in the future. Most likely to be taken care of by Europe or America.
Shaikh Hamza Yusuf
History of Bombing: "The author speaks of Imam Abu Hanifa as a jurist who spoke against unjust killing (Possibly the first)"
History of Bombing: "How Imam Abu Hanifa was the first man (in History) to codify the rules of war."
"The very nature of the Internet is Fitna; It creates a demonic energy
Shaikh Hamza Yusuf
Information about a lecture Shaykh Hamza gave. Organizes quotes he made, books recommended, a transcript. Llick the Lecture CD image see where you
can purchase the CD set.