God's Prescription for Anxiety - Podcast S1-E06

Transcript Details

Event Name: God's Prescription for Anxiety - Podcast S1-E06
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/23/2022
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

n the arabs have one word for it xena
because it's an obscenity it's foul it's a fahisha wasabida and it takes you down a
terrible way and all you have to do is google the statistics on stds and on all the things that happen
to people who transgress these hadoo these are the hadood of god so don't go
beyond them because the hadood are there to protect us this is god's mercy towards us it's not anything
else it's allah subhanahu wa tells us his mercy towards us and so this is what
allah says that they guard their private parts
that's not blameworthy if it's rightful and lawful famine
and those who go beyond that they are the transgressors they go they have transgressed the limits and
those limits are not just moral limits they're biological limits and they will have repercussions
and one of the tragedies in american society and i apologize for people because i know
we've had people from all over listening to this but in the american context but this applies everywhere one of the
tragedies is this loss of a sense of chastity and the importance of a female guarding the
virtue of chastity because the great virtue of a woman is chastity this is not sexist it's
not to say this there's nothing wrong with saying this because a woman is far more susceptible
to venereal diseases than a man is just because of the nature of the epithelial lining and this is why
the stds amongst women are much higher they don't tell them that and it's a crime to these poor
girls that think that they can be promiscuous and go about and do these things like
some men do and not suffer the same consequences no it's much worse
it's worse for them and it's bad for men and chastity is a virtue for men as well as
women but women traditionally guarded that the women of the arabian
peninsula sometimes when they were taken from tribes would come they would raid other
tribes and defeat them and take the women as captives that women would throw themselves off and break their necks
because they did not want a man to take them and this happens in there's cultures where women do this i mean it's
it's a tragedy i mean the rape of the savines is one of the great masterpieces of western art it's
horrible when things break down it's the women who suffer and that's why if you have a society
where you you say masculinity is toxic where you take away men's
chivalry and the idea that they're there to defend women and children when you remove that concept from them
that will work temporarily in a culture that has still a civil society
but when things break down look what happens who suffers who suffer everybody suffers
but the ones that suffer the most are the women and children if you don't believe me just ask the poor's yazidi
girls about what happened to them where were the chivalrous men then where were the men that should have come
and rescued those poor women from the horrors of war and the the pillaging
and horrible beastial ravaging of men that should not even be entitled
to the name man and even to call them a beast would be unfair demons are the only word that is
appropriate for people like that demons because even animals don't do
these things animals take what they need and they leave the rest if you ever watch those animal channels like they'll show like
the lion and then all the zebras will run but then they catch one zebra and then they all go back to
eating because they know the lion's not it's not like a man who comes in there and just kills everybody
the lion just takes what it needs they say oh you know poor herbert he's lunch today for the lion but we're all okay
and that's what happens in in the animal kingdom but humans know they gloat in the ability to inflict
cruelty on others these are the horrors so this is what allah is telling us these are transgressions
those who shepherd well who watch and guard their sacred trusts and their covenants
this is a hallmark of believers the prophet used to say many many times
three times and he said this many times the sahaba said that he said this counseling that whoever is not
trustworthy he has no faith and this something also it's important to remember that
you know what's up with you how are you judging do you make muslims like criminals but you should
also not make criminals like muslims because there's a big difference between
the righteous and those who lack righteousness one of the most fascinating
verses in the new testament is from peter who actually says
that he realized that whoever feared god and did right in whatever land he was
from would be pleasing to the lord as an indication about a truth that many christians
i don't think have reflected on that verse but that's we see that that people that are
believing god and are righteous those are the people that god loves one of the
heretics once said that about the dia the blood money for a hand
he said
what's up with a hand that is worth 500 dinars
as a dia like if you cause somebody to lose their hand you have to pay them 500 gold coins
yet it gets cut off in just a quarter of a dinar so he's like that doesn't make sense to
me the great mataki scholar he said is
that the dignity of its trustworthiness made it of great value but its treachery
made it worthless and another said mccann it's amina can it
when it was trustworthy it was precious but when it became treacherous it lost its value and so it's very
important to recognize that that there's a big difference between the righteous and between others it's also very
dangerous to think of yourself as righteous we ask allah to make us amongst those who are righteous because
we don't know if in god's eyes we're criminals may allah forgive us but that's important to remember that
those people that are out stealing and doing horrible things i mean that
doesn't matter two wrongs don't make a right you can't say oh because some people steal you know i can steal no we're people of
allah subhanahu wata'ala inshaallah we're the people that stay within the hadood and so
that's one of the hudud is that we don't do that and that's why there's going to be oppression
in this world and the oppression won't end until the world ends the nature of the abode and if you
haven't worked that out yet just give it some time you'll get there eventually
if you have enough life on earth you'll realize anybody who knows history and that's part of the problem with modern people is they don't study history
they don't read they don't study they don't think about things i mean i heard somebody interviewed
recently who he's a very famous poet but he's old now he said you know i'm getting very
interested in history and the person asked him why he said because i realize i'm about to become history people don't think about that
that we are going to leave the world but history is important and that's why one-third of the quran is sacred history
one-third of the quran is sacred history and the quran tells the same stories over and over again in different ways
with nuances but they're essentially the same stories of people being oppressed that if you
believe in god you're going to be oppressed you're going to have difficulties this is just dunya it is dunya and that story is repeated
over and over again to let you know that on the day of judgment believe it or not on the day of judgment and where people
that believe on the day yoma
that on that day when they are all manifest before god nothing is hidden from god from them and
god says who has the dominion now all the tyrants all the oppressors all the dominions
that they held they're all gone
on that day every soul will be recompensed for what it earned there's no
oppression today that's what allah says that's the only day where there won't be oppression
so if you don't have patience to wait if you think you can get justice now you will never get justice in the dunya
if somebody wrongfully kills somebody you know what justice is in our religion 150 000 dollars approximately that's
what you get 150 000 that's redressing the wrong according to sharia they pay the dia if
it's a private crime the family can forgive if it's a public crime
then the family doesn't have the right to forgive but if it's a wrongful death and it
wasn't intentional then it's a dia that's what's paid 150 000
that's dunya justice how do you replace a life 150 000 that's sharia right a thousand
gold dinars that's sharia it might be a little higher now because gold's higher but the point is is that that's worldly
justice the real justice on the day of judgment but the truth is if you're wise and i'll
end here this has been a long podcast if you're wise you won't want justice
you'll want mercy because the prophet saw i said said malaya those who don't show mercy
mercy will not be shown if you want justice that's fine you can have justice but just know
by the standard that you judge shall ye be judged right that's it so
god's aladdin but he's also he doesn't begin his book in the name of god the just the revenger
of wrongs that's not how he doesn't begin bismillah
he begins it bismillahim in the name of allah the merciful the
compassionate big difference thank god and then allah
says those who are resolute and firm in their
testimonies so they're they're upright in their testimony they don't lie they don't make false accusations this is really important but
also i mean we could look at it in an ishara sense there are also people that
established their shahada with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and then finally
so it begins with illegal and then the very first quality is that
they're constant in their prayers and it ends [Music]
those who muhaffa is like to guard your prayer you have that they
make sure that their prayer is done on time with the requisite conditions fulfilling
the the sunan and hopefully the mandubat the obligations the
practices of the prophet that were consistent and also all of the recommended things and then allah says
they are in paradises honored that's the iqram of allah