Legacy of Malcolm X, The Malcolm Nobody Talks About

Transcript Details

Event Name: Legacy of Malcolm X, The Malcolm Nobody Talks About
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/23/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

about it

did it for me it did it for him Imams a

that did it for dr. Abdullah Hakim quit

for dr. Omar Abdullah Farooq and there's

many other converts in this hall we know

what we're talking about

Mustafa Shaheed right there we know what

we're talking about

some of y'all have been taking this

religion for granted for so long

you don't know what you have you don't

know the precious gift that you've been

given but you owe it to people out there

that need this elevating transformative


this power this spiritual power that can

take a degraded individual and turn them

into a mover of mountains a leader of

men give him or her the human dignity

needed to live a life that in the end

somebody can say that's a great man

that's a great woman that's what this

man that we're honoring tonight means to

me he's a great man

and as long as there are Muslims in

America he should be remembered and

inshallah he will be remembered and


Longfellow says lives of great men all

remind us we too can make our lives

sublime and departing leave behind us

footprints on the sands of time

footprints that perhaps another sailing

or life solemn main a forlorn and

shipwrecked brother seeing so they shall

take heart again let us then be up and

doing with a heart for any fate still

achieving still pursuing learn to labor

and to wait that's what the life of a

great man is about it's an example it's

an imam he is an imam on that day we are

going to be called and be behind our

Imams who is your Imam

who is your exemplar inshallah it'll be

the most dignified of human beings

Akram oh hello kinder the noblest of the

messengers sallallahu and Eva and he was

Sedna said on my neck