Mecca One Interview

Transcript Details

Event Name: Mecca One Interview
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 6/13/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

;re not a Muslim I guarantee you that

even in doing that you will find a

spiritual satisfaction from

reestablishing that relationship and

working to overcome those struggles and

unfortunately I mean there are some

insoluble problems out there i'm not

going to say that that i mean i really

do think that there are

or some where a parent has just become

so vile and wicked or a son or a

daughter has done the same that it

becomes a an intractable problem but but

i think that is rare that is not in any

way the norm i think most people out

there actually are yearning to

re-establish that connection and once

the parent dies the opportunity or the

child the opportunity goes and they'll

only be regret and remorse I often hear

about you know Jerry Springer or other

type shows how they come out sometimes

you know against the parent in a

horrific manner that I'm just stricken

with awe just watching that you really

feel that this is prevalent in our

culture that the parents have just been

degraded to that you love it Fighting's

me you know because honor thy parents is

that is a that is a universal yet that

your days may be long that is and that's

the same in Islamic tradition as well

one of the things that increases one's

lifespan is bitter at wadi dane or

filial piety towards penn but i really

feel that this is one of the greatest

problems on the planet today and it's a

two-way street and and i'm not saying

you know the the burden is solely on the

children is a two-way street i mean one

of the things interesting and

christianity is that Paul in Corinthians

mentioned he says children honor thy

parents and then immediately after that

he says parents do not give your

children excuse for dishonouring you and

so people forget that too and that's

also echoed in the Islamic tradition

when a man came to Amira meanie Nadia

that have you thought him and he said to

him who's the fourth caliph he said to

him my son is not showing me piety

dishonouring me and imam ali said how

did you treat him when he was young and

he said i didn't treat him well and then

he said then what are you expecting in

other words you know this is a perennial

problem but we should not allow

ourselves to fall into these patterns

with cycles can be broken and mercy you

know what what mercy really is

it's when that is interjected into any

situation to defuse that other energy

that is out there the the hatred the

contempt the animosity those things that

caused so much human suffering when

mercy is is introduced the power of

mercy is such that it often obliterates

these other emotions and the Quran

reminds us in fact bility heey accent

the levive an evolved an aha i dial tone

under who what do you know I mean that

we pay a wrong with a right and you will

see that the one between you and him is

filled with animosity suddenly he

becomes like a close friend a loving

friend well you and having a protecting

friend who's warm and impassioned toward

you and I have seen that many times that

Quranic verse can be tried and applied

in the real world I wanted to switch

gears again if you don't mind I wanted

to talk a little bit Bell higher or

lower new hondas I want to go in neutral

I wanted to switch gears and talk about

the border and just your thoughts on it

for those of us who are not familiar

with the clear in the club the Buddha

according to dr. Timothy winter of the

Hakim who's a professor at Cambridge

University he said that this is the

single most important poem in human

history and he's saying that as a

historian he teaches history and

theology at Cambridge he said if you if

you look you will find no other poem

that has had the impact in the world

that that poem has had and he's

including the iliad and odyssey in all

these poems millions of people in human

history have memorized it in its

entirety it is still sung to this day

all over the Muslim world read there are

literally hundreds of commentaries on it

and it had a central position in

devotional practices in the Muslim world

that was used as a devotional tool based

upon the the verse in the Quran yahan

no son lo la was sending me to cinema or

you believe invoke blessings and

salutations on the Prophet Muhammad

peace be upon him and so I cannot

underestimate in any way the importance

and the centrality that that poem has

had in Islamic history and part of why I

translated it and sand Allah published

it and we recorded the Fez singer

singing it that was really in order to

introduce it to the West because Muslims

in the West I think are not familiar

with a lot of the extraordinary

devotional traditions that have existed

in the Muslim world encouraged by our

greatest scholars and if you're

interested you can look on the sand

allah if you put SI and da la on the

website you'll come up with the the

website and those there was a very nice

Tom Chandler of Rasputin dot-org wrote a

very nice this was a non-muslim who

heard it and he actually called it an

antidepressant which I thought was

really interesting because traditionally

that's what it was known as was a

healing and it's also called at Borah

which means the Cure imam zaid any

comments on birthday I think what I

would like to add is just the importance

of devotional practice because people

are starving spiritually we overeat

physically and we say she ate our carnal

appetites but our spiritual appetites

are unmet and we're literally starving

in this country even in the Muslim

countries you can see a lot of the

traditional institutions a lot of the

traditional manifestations of a

religious Society of gone the cities

were designed in a way to soothe the

soul there were gardens at the center of

everything was the Great Mosque

everything was designed to

to soothe the soul the music we have

music that might sound like a heretical

concept for many Muslims in our day and

times but we had a very rich tradition

of spiritual and devotional music we had

gatherings where the spirit was allowed

to to freely exercise itself and a lot

of these practices are gone now so if

we're going to be victims of many of the

things that have afflicted many people

here in the West and speaking generally

not trying to indict anyone for anything

because as I'm saying in the Muslim

countries were suffering from the same

maladies but the alienation the enemy

and all of these modern psychological

conditions that are byproducts of an

environment that is not nurturing to the

spirit unless we're going to fall victim

to these things and we don't have the

sort of infrastructure to deal with the

the damage that results here you have a

network of psychiatric hospitals and

counselors and therapists but we don't

have that in the Muslim world so we're

going to really create a very dangerous

or we're in the process of creating a

very dangerous situation I think the

board is a good step towards effecting a

cure for a lot of those maladies and one

of the things I want to add a lot of

Muslims aren't aware in traditional

Greek philosophy there was something

nose etho Spirit came out of Pythagorean

thought the power of music that it had

and in fact play-doh in his Republic

bands music from the Republic and

artists and one of the reasons that is

given is that musicians do not

understand the power of music and the

effect that music has on the soul much

of what you're hearing over the radio

waves you're not really aware that its


and that you yourself or vibrations and

we know that when when in in in atomic

theory there are certain things that are

congruous and others that are in

congruence and and and chemical bonds

occur because of affinities that exists

between vibrations and resonances and

there are dark musical forces out there

and a lot of these musicians don't even

realize what they're doing I mean

they're actually really harming people

they're creating agitation in their

hearts they're creating agitations in

their souls and there's people that will

actually become violent or become

sexually aggressive because of what's

happening to their souls and they're not

even aware of it and that is not

everybody I'm not saying it's everybody

but there are people that have those

sensitivities to these types of

vibrations and that's that's what what

ends up happening and and one of the

interesting things about traditional

religious music it was entirely done

without what is known in in music as

harmony in other words there were no

thirds and fists that were used it was

done in octave so when you had any

differences you would actually move to

octopus what was traditionally in

Christianity known as Church plainsong

and moving into the octave had a

different effect on the soul so there's

actual science behind this what are

known as the mahkumat and the no bath

and the far back and this also relates

to humoral theory it's very profound and

so the music that was done traditionally

in the Muslim world known as some app

which actually means audition it's

hearing because ultimately what it is is

listening and so there are people that

can hear something I mean there's see

you can hear a song like Sinead O'Connor

nothing compares to you but that was a

popular song a lot of people heard that

now there's somebody that hears that and

all they can think about is leisa

committee shape nothing compares to you

to God I mean there's other people to

hear that may think of their lover or

they think of their you know

whoever they so there's people out there

that will hear something that is mundane

or profane and they will actually hear

the sacred and the celestial in it and

that is why traditionally the scholars

called it addition because it's actually

hearing it's what you are hearing and

and this is one of the powers of music

and this society unfortunately

manipulates people and I'll just give

you one example Steven Spielberg is a

master of musical manipulation and you

if you watch a Steven Spielberg film he

knows exactly how to get tears out of

you simply by the type of music that he

chooses at the most emotive points in

his film and that's why many people will

cry watching a Steven Spielberg film

which is actually a fiction and that's

what they call sentimentality and

sentimentality is a wretched human

quality I mean you're weeping for a

fictional character who's dying of

cancer and you're not visiting children

in a cancer ward in the hospital that's

right outside your door and and this is

what happens to our societies we end up

getting manipulated constantly our

emotions unmanipulated there's

commercials that use music to manipulate

you so you get jingles you know when

when I was growing up it was plop plop

fizz fizz oh what a relief it is and I

you know I'd like to find the character

that wrote that jingles I could punch

him in the face for actually implanting

and in my brain permanently you know one

thing that's interesting which I don't

recommend people to do and that is to

watch MTV with the mute on and if you

just watch the bat is my video they take

the sound off and look how crazy they

look like I'm lightning it is no it's

not like animals be fair to animals yeah

I don't like don't diss the animals do

not diss the animals I think that got a

lot of brothers out there calling each

other dog what's up dog right unless you

know the dogs out there Sam and these

cats are giving us dogs a bad name

because the dog has caused his loyalty

right right

his loyal man's best friend and these

human dogs aren't loyal to anyone they

treat women like a dog would never treat

so exactly so you know these cats are

giving the dogs the bad name so don't

don't respect the animals by comparing

this human this poor excuse for a human

being to an animal how do we get off on

that tangent i think i am going to come

out with a song we don't diss the dog

don't dis the dogs yeah after that we

only have like four minutes left for the

show I wanted to ask you what are your

long-term goals for zaytuna what do you

hope to see happening well I mean

ultimately zaytuna is an educational

institute we're committed to to trying

to help remove the ignorance out there I

mean we feel that that what is

confronting humanity everywhere is

ignorance and we want to remove

ignorance and embedded in the word

ignorance is the word ignore and when

you ignore things that are important

it's a display of your ignorance and

Islam is important one out of every five

people is Muslim just like i would

encourage muslims to learn about and to

have a greater respect for other

traditions that are out there I also

encourage non-muslims to actually find

out about Islam because even if you

don't become a Muslim in order to be an

educated person in the 21st century you

should know what one out of every five

people believe just like you should know

the basic principles and tenets of

Christianity and most people are not

afraid of Christianity and there are

certain types of Christianity that I'm

afraid of but the majority of Christians

I have no problem with whatsoever and I

have family members that are Christian

and they're good people and and that is

also true for Muslims the majority of

Muslims are good law-abiding people and

actually some of the best neighbors that

you could ever have and that and that

I'm not exaggerating that but

unfortunately there's also some

hot-headed there's some angry there

some resentful there's some impatient

and there's some deeply misguided

Muslims out there like any religion or

faith but they represent a very small

minority unfortunately very

statistically insignificant groups now

can have an immense impact and an

extravagant display of their rage that

ends up reflecting poorly on all of the

other adherence to that group but

intelligent people should never fall

into the fallacy of composition which is

a logical fallacy where you imply just

because one member has characteristics

you apply it to all members so if you

have a bad experience with a Jew

suddenly every Jew is bad or a bad

experience with a Hindu every Hindu is

bad or or a humanist or whoever's out

there or black person or a yellow person

or a red person or a white person so

we're about trying to eliminate remove

ignorance in our own selves because we

still have those those qualities and and

we don't just not some manichean

melodramatic worldview that we're

putting out there we recognize that we

we have work to do ourselves and that's

why we're committed to increasing our

knowledge practicing that knowledge and

also to spreading that knowledge to

those who are willing to give it an ear

and and eventually to also try to grow

and benefit from it okay that actually

concludes our show just like a la fair

for spending some time with us Jeff

comes a Yusuf an imam zaid checker well

you know thank you very much on there

and you know may you be blessed in all

your work here and and hopefully you

guys can be on soon inshallah alright

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