Reasons for Season

Transcript Details

Event Name: Reasons for Season
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/28/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

sooner mm Rahim a hundred like him but

admin portal to a ser amada shirt off at

em via even more studying but I have no

luck with a lemon that are evolving from

the landing that we're very happy at

zaytuna to be launching our second

seasons journal addition although it's

taken us a little bit of time we believe

that the quality speaks for itself the

level of articles the level of work

that's gone into it I think people are

going to be very happy when they see it

the reason that I i named it seasons and

the reason I did that is because one I

love watching seasons i like watching

transitions one of the things that I

really like about Allah is that he's

made this planet with four seasons I

mean I just think why he did because

sometimes when it's summertime I think

why isn't every day like this but then I

realized I wouldn't appreciate that day

if it wasn't like that and then when

winter comes it's amazing to and when

spring comes Subhan Allah and then

autumn when the leaves are falling and

changing colors and so I actually really

enjoy that and one of the things that

allah says in the protons wanted reasons

that he did that was for you to be

thankful diamond other than the atomic

era hora the ship Allah the one who

wanted to remember God but also to be

grateful to God that's why he made this

changing of the night in the day and the

transitions in the world so I mean I

really love that about my lord I mean I

was thinking today I was peeling an

orange and I was thinking how easily it

is to peel an orange like when you

actually break it and you get that small

that comes out of it God didn't have to

do that you know but it's just super

bunches that's a beautiful thing to do

and then the fact that it breaks into

pieces it's like a very generous fruit

so if you're with other people you can

share it could have been just one month


like an apple well I I would see about

that today just dis orange i was looking

at how easy the peel came off and just

thinking you know Malik is grateful not

just for the orange but for the appeal

and for the smell and for the taste and

for the benefit of it all it's just I

really feel like modern people have

become so disconnected because now they

have orange drink and it says just like

real orange that's the modern world to

me it's it's all synthetic it's one you

know it's one step away from God's world

and so people are disconnected one of

the things that I learned from living

with nomadic people and something that

I'm very appreciative of the time that I

spent with them was just to look at

things one of the things that we used to

do in Mauritania was just watch the

little dung beetles that are amazing

they're these amazing little creatures

and they'll watch them because they're

everywhere and you just watch them you

have to Marvel and little children do

that it's one of the things about

children that I really like is that they

just they're amazed at little things

that people have become very

disconnected from and so that's part of

why I wanted that name because I really

like that seasons one of the really odd

things about modern moans is it we are

constantly going on about how universal

Islam is this Universal religion and yet

the way in which muslims practice it is

so exclusivist and so provincial as to

alienate so many other peoples and one

of the things that is long has always

had is this universal appeal there are

so many islamic books and magazines and

pamphlets that i see out there that i

wouldn't want to give to my mother I

wouldn't want to give to a non-muslim

because one it's poorly written it's

poorly presented to the information

inside of it is inaccurate or it's

limited its exclusivist inappropriately

contextualized there's all these

problems and so I think presenting Islam

in a way in which somebody says it and

that's that's iLike that that's

something that's Islam to me that's why

when it was presented to me i really was

attracted to it and so we feel like we

need to we just need to humble ourselves

a little bit as as a community I think

we need to be a little more self

effacing I really feel that it would

help us to be critical of ourselves I

mean the people i work with know that

I'm and I'm very critical of the work

that we do I want it to be better and I

look at it and and I'm always looking

how do we improve this because I bet

said that to me that's Islam Islam is

how do i improve my prayer should be

improving it shouldn't be diminishing or

leveling out there's always room for

improvement in the prayer there's always

room for more awareness more presence

better recitation of Quran even wudu

more presence in the wooble there's

always room for improvement and that's

why I really feel that when we're

committed to that we're going to I think

look at ourselves more critically

constructively i'm not talking about

turning into flagellate errs and

whipping our backs the woe is me

syndrome that's not in any way what I'm

talking about I'm talking about

constructively how can we actually

really do things that are going to

improve our community and instead of

whining and complaining I really feel to

be much more useful to give some

solutions there's so many armchair

critics out there in the Muslim

community that criticize this or that

effort or this or that effort and

they're not doing anything and sometimes

absolutely right i totally agree with

their criticism it's not like it's not

true but it's like give us alternative

let's see something better those those

are the people that I want to be liked

and aspired to are the ones that really

want to to do something the the Chinese

say don't curse light a candle and

cursing the darkness I really believe

that Allah has enabled us with means

unprecedented in human history for

getting a message out there and I also

believe that we as people that really do

believe in God and His Messenger saw a

lot of a sudden them we have to ask

ourselves why is it that we've made God

and His Messenger so unappealing why is

it that the devil has made vice so

appealing that's something I really i

asked myself all the time how is it that

the devil's got the best PR people he's

got the best public relations people

he's got the best marketing I mean you

look at what he's doing out there and

what he's taking people to and you have

to say this he's got one smooth

operation he's a smooth operator but I

really believe vice cells but virtues

the bargain I really believe that's the

bargain out there but it it needs to be

presented I read a book once I'm in the

titles somewhat less famous but it was a

Christian book it was called God has a

communication problem but it was

actually about poor preaching it was is

actually about preachers how they're

doing such a bad job at telling people

about God and I really think that that's

true in the Muslim world as well that we

also have a real problem in being

Khalifa is a representative and we call

the Haditha Haditha to rasool allah the

represent of the messenger of allah and

that's why every Muslim in essence is an

ambassador and the thing about

ambassadors and I've met several

ambassadors in my life one thing that's

really always struck me about

ambassadors they are the most civil the

most polite and courteous and the most

conciliatory people you'll ever meet and

that's why their government sent them to

represent them so i feel seasons in that

way is hopefully an ambassador of the


tradition that's how I want I want

people to see it and and realize that

this is an intelligent religion it's a

religion that has intelligent people in

it that are thinking about important

issues and trying to come to some

understanding of those we don't have all

the answers God alone has all the

answers we don't have all the answers

but Islam what it does i feel is it

provides enough that you do not become

confused you don't lose your mind you

don't lose your sanity or your humanity

but we as Muslims always have to be very

careful about thinking that any

individual or any group knows at all

because that's just not the case that's

why we always end our statements with a

low item and Allah knows best because

that's the reality Allah knows best so

that's what we're trying to do we're

trying to put something out there that

the Muslims will be proud of and

hopefully that the Prophet some of my to

sew them himself will be proud of

because that's what we really want is

that Allah is pleased with us and then

hit that His Messenger on the day of

judgment is pleased that we were among

the ranks of his Auma so may Allah grant

us that pleasure and Sean thank you very

much article by vehicle or como

LA and please make prayers for our

success for the success of this journal

and the success of the Institute was

automatically mwah