School of Eternity - Sacred Text Message Podcast S1-E02

Transcript Details

Event Name: School of Eternity - Sacred Text Message Podcast S1-E02
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/23/2022
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

ant this is the key through this outlook prudence good feelings
companionship and overlooking mistakes takes place so in other words you can you can keep
your friends and and when you see them fall short i mean uh there's a famous actor
david niven who who was friends with this other actor named errol flynn and he said the one thing about errol
flynn that you could always count on is that he would let you down so so there's people like that you know
but to know that about somebody is is useful because it's like okay
that's just him being him or her being her so that's just dunya
there's going to be people that will constantly let you down and just recognize that that's that's who they
are and and just try to show some compassion right so
this principle is that the world dunya is their dwelling and is a source of and then he says
i have established a principle through which i shall i never find repulsive anything that
comes to me in this world okay let me repeat that because it's it's so interesting
he says in arabic imam al-junaid
a-s so i have taken as an axiom something
that is axiomatic it's it's a principle it's a foundational truth about the world and and and it and and
it is this he said once i took this as
a principle i no longer find repulsive whatever comes to me from the world and it is
that this abode is the abode of depression tribulation strife fitna
which is trials and tribulations civil strife
and all of this abode is doesn't really mean evil what it means
is it's deficient because the arabs call poverty shuttle because you're lacking
so it's an abode of want it's this is the nature of the abode that we're in it's the abode of
want and and he said woman
and from the judgment upon this world is that it will always come to me with what i don't like
it's and and the one of the most extraordinary hadiths of the prophet says him in my estimation
that paradise is surrounded by distasteful things things that we don't like uh and and but then he said that the
the and hell is surrounded by
delightful things things that entice us and so part of what we're doing here in the dunya is is
to really uh to deal with those uh avoiding those things that might be pleasurable in the
moment but in the long term or very harmful it's like eating cake or something like that it's pleasurable
in the moment but over especially if you have diabetes you know but but over a long time it's very
harmful whereas most of the foods that taste good are harmful for you and then the foods that
are really good for you are not as tasteful and that's kind of a metaphor for what the prophet sam was saying the
things that are good for you are often not very pleasurable but things that are bad for you are very pleasurable it's very
interesting that sugar everybody loves sugar but it rots your teeth it it really has a
bad impact on your health and yet it's pleasurable and that's that's the nature of sin and so appetites are what take people
to hell because they're going after what they want as opposed to what they need and there's a big difference between
needs and wants and then he says
and if it greets me with what i love that's grace from allah
the basis of this dunya is the first in other words that it's just a place of tribulation and that's you
know that i mean that's the first noble truth in buddhism it's just coming to terms with the world is suffering and and and then they said the second
one is that the source of suffering is attachment to the world and that's what kierkegaard was saying is that we have to be weaned of the
world like you wean a child what does a child do when it's weaned it cries but once it gets weaned it's it moves to
the next stage so we are going to be weaned of the world forcefully it's called death and and our tradition is
consider yourselves already dead in other words wean yourself of this world and the best way to do it
is just to accept the world just accept it don't desire you know somebody
once did an emotional equation where he said that disappointment was reality plus expectation
so if you don't expect anything from the world you're always going to be happy
even better yet if you just expect the worst and this is you know this whole thing
about the secret you know this new age thing is like oh you can you can just put in your mind positive thoughts and it'll
all we should be positive and that the prophet salallahu was very positive in fact somebody once asked him
kenia said and he said let's don't ask me about evil ask me about
good so the prophet saws was very positive but he knew the abode he knew the secret
of the abode and that's why all of the tribulations he never it never affected him he was always
it's called being in the hub it's it's it the eye of the hurricane is real i mean god made the hurricane
but he made the eye of the hurricane and if you're in the eye of the hurricane the hurricane's all around you that's
dunya the eye of the hurricane is accepting the dunya as it is
and if you live in that abode and and and i'm preaching to myself because we all fall
short but if you live in that abode you will you will really be in a in a good state
and we should be happy in fact one of one of my father's teachers was
once asked can a man be happy knowing the world's filled with suffering and he said oh yes the happy man
knows that the world is suffering and yet he's happy despite that suffering and he said how
is that possible he said because one of the reasons why the world is is such a miserable place
is there so many unhappy people in it and so don't contribute to being one of those
people that make the world a miserable place there is a moral obligation to be happy
and this is why the prophet loved uh saeed he used to if he heard somebody
call somebody named saeed he would light up because he took it as oh happy one
oh felicitus one yes if he heard that he would he would take it that's me
because he was let them rejoice in in what all this
guidance that we've been given let's be happy not miserable
all these miserable but you know the word for the people going to hell is shaki which also means miserable so don't be
from the ash kiya don't be from the miserable one be from the swada the happy ones the
philistine oh rejoice oh people of islam
we have a rook we have a pillar that can never be destroyed it's called rasulullah
he's the pillar just cling to the rope of allah he gave us the rope the prophet
he gave us the rope and and he said cling to it the quran says
so some text messages inshallah and some reflections on those text messages may
allah subhanahu wa without a bless all of you and just to let you know that
that little um uh intro and outro is from my my dear friend who passed away hamza
ala odin is a beautiful nubian man and and really brought a lot of
people to islam through his singing and so alhamdulillah bless him
wherever he is