you have brought to California nobleness
you have cried to California nobleness
you have brought to California nobleness
welcome base color to God's Way Boyd I
ain't no mutiny
you know I
while a he was I love mohammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hundred
sallallahu aleyhi wa salem solo muhammed
solo love while
was I
um takbir Allahu Akber Salam aleikum
Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
jazakallah khair for the song for the
nasheed this is a celebration for the
beginning of the master degree program
at Zaytuna College and we have our first
incoming class this would not have been
possible without the hard work of a
number of people that I would like to
recognize to begin with and I think one
is dr. mark Delp who really took on the
forging of our own independent master
degree we were thinking about creating
an MA degree jointly with GTU so that's
still in the backburner and we forged
ahead with our own independent MA degree
which required a far more work than
possibly would have been needed to do so
so really we have to recognize that work
sumaya sitting in the back she became
our in-house expert on WASC so much so
that now wasps have taken her to
actually become part of visitation team
and she just had lost past week training
so she would become she would go visit
other institutions to be part of the
accreditation process so in here we
her work is tremendous and now for us
we're actually going to have another was
visit for the BA degree in the
institution next February so we're
beginning the work right now to prepare
our files and our documents
institutionally for WASC visit so this
is very important that we have someone
in-house that is able to know the
topography of the accreditation process
as well as the inside work working of
WASC the same institution that accredits
UC Berkeley Stanford and other
institution is accrediting us as an
institution so the master degree really
owes a lot to the work that have made it
possible for this Catherine just for
those who can the students in the MA
degree this morning when we had our
first orientation they received the
catalog and it just was hot of the print
print of the press that the first page
table of content was missing so talk