17 Benefits of Tribulation

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Event Name: 17 Benefits of Tribulation
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 3/29/2019 8:40:55 PM
Transcript Version: 1

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The eleventh one, the purification that these calamities have towards their wrongs and their sins. Allah said that anything that afflicts you is from what your own hands have wrought and He pardons much of what you have done in other words what you are being afflicted with is actually much less than what you deserve and in that, one of the things that Imam Nasafi in his tafsir and his tafsir, it is a beautiful tafsir, one of the things he says in that, he said if you reflect on the meaning of that you will show gratitude for your calamities because you will realise that it is a blessing that they are much less than what they are, that is the secret of that ayah. That is why Allah followed that up, that you are afflicted with your wrong actions, you can feel bad about that when you realise that He has pardoned so much, it actually makes you feel grateful that Allah has overlooked so much of your shortcomings.


That the believer is not afflicted with any difficulty, exhaustion, fatigue, anxiety that concerns him or even a thorn that punctures him except that Allah removes with it, that he steps on a thorn that he steps on except that Allah removes with it his wrong actions so those are all blessings. So no disease, no exhaustion, fatigue anything like that at all comes as a removal of wrong actions, subhanAllah.


The twelfth blessing is the compassion that Allah enables you to show to people that are in tribulation and to help them. “Whoever relieves a quorba, one of the calamities of this world for a believer, Allah will relieve a calamity for him on the yaum ul qiyammah” so people in tribulation become an opportunity. One of the things that Imam Muhammad al Hasan one of the things that he says in his commentary on the Mudhara, he said there are two conditions that people have:


  1. Where you have the afiyah, you have the wellbeing in yourself, in your family but you get problems of other people
  2. You have these problems


If you do not help people who have problems then Allah will give you those problems. That is the nature of the world it is to test you. So you are either tested in yourself or with others but you have to respond appropriately so avoiding those things is a danger and that is why the tribulations of others are actually a blessing if they come to you for help or something, it is an opportunity to earn some closeness to Allah.


In the Muwatta of Imam Malik, Isa (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) was reported to have said “people are of two types, people of wellbeing and people of tribulation so have compassion for the people of tribulation and show gratitude for well being”. That is why if you are in good shape, do not complain, tell somebody to punch you if you complain or something because you do not want, if you complain and you do not have anything to complain about, Allah will give you things to complain about and then you will think about how good things were. Remember we used to complain about that, what were we thinking? There are people that say that when real calamities hit them they think what was I complaining about before? The truth is well stop complaining now because it could get worse, that is the whole point. It could get worse and one of the poets said


“The only people that really feel sorry for people in passionate love are the people who have been in passionate love”


So when you see people in tribulation you should remember I have been there, I should remember what that was like and show compassion to them.


The thirteenth one. Tribulations give you the blessing of having true knowledge of the extent of blessing of well being so when tribulations come you really appreciate what well being is. So it is better to appreciate it when you have got it. The nature of blessings is that nobody realises the extent of them until they have lost them. That is a human being. He is just oppressive of himself and constantly denying the blessings of Allah.


The fourteenth. What Allah has prepared from the blessings of the reward of the akhirah based on these varying ranks so this is also a blessing that Allah has prepared rewards for the calamities that you bear patiently or with contentment based on different ranks. There are people that are content that will have a higher station in paradise than people that were simply patient and patience is the lowest maqam in the maqamat of the tawbahs actually the first one.


The fifteenth: What is hidden inside in the folds of these calamities are blessings. That is another benefit. Maybe you dislike a thing and Allah will put in it much good. You don’t know, there are things hidden in blessings so I will give you an example. I missed a flight once and alhamdulillah I have never been upset about missing a flight I guarantee you because I always think if the plane goes down I am going to feel like such a fool for having run to catch the plane or something like that. So I just relax, never want to be in a plane that you ran to catch and then it goes down. What was I running for? So if you miss it, you miss it. But I missed a plane, they ended up giving me $500 back because they had to re-route the ticket and things like that and the difference was nothing in time and things like that. There are always benefits that are hidden in what you think is a trouble. The thing about the world is that if you enter into a state with your experience of the world in which whenever these things happen you just accept them you will always find the benefit, you will see them always, Allah will show them, you will know there is a benefit. In every delay there is God’s choice in it and that is part of what the mumin does, he submits to it.


The sixteenth one is that tribulations prevent you from arrogance and from evil, pride, tyranny, doing all these things like Nimrud. Had Nimrud been a poor sickly person deaf and dumb he would have never had done all those horrible things that he did. The same with the tyrants of the world, had they been born impoverished and this and that but it is those things that make them arrogant.


The seventeenth one is contentment, ridha because tribulations afflict the good and evil and whosoever does not like it then it is just on him and he has lost the dunya and the akhirah and whoever is pleased with it he is pleased because he knows that paradise is better than anything in this world and if those are the tribulations that it takes to get him into paradise then he is content with it.



So these are some of the blessings I mean there are many blessings but these are the ones that Sultan al Ulema Abdul Aziz Salaam enumerated and they are good to remember in these times.


But I will end by saying read history. These are not bad times. Muslims should not be so negative, there has been much worse times I mean there are aspects that are bad about this time and certainly one of the greatest calamities of the rime is that we do not have a lot of people of knowledge any more and we do not have the levels of deen and things like this but just in terms of outward dunya calamities, this period is nothing if you read history, this period is nothing.


The real calamities of this age are spiritual calamities, they are not worldly calamities so if we are going to weep over the calamities of this age we should be weeping about the lack of religion, about the lack of spirituality, we should not be weeping about all this stuff we see out there because it is just not that bad. I am sorry and if you think it is you have not read history. Things have been much worse, read about earlier wars and how many people died and plagues that afflicted people, a third of Europe was wiped out by the black plague.


There are too many blessings, the blessings we have overwhelming. That is why inshaAllah we will ask Allah to put us in a state of gratitude with Allah and make us from the shaakireen really make us from the shaakirneen and just not complain. The thing about complainers is that even complainers do not like complainers really. They want to complain but they do not want to listen to anybody who complains. So insha’Allah we will stop whining. It is the maqam of the tifil is to whine. It is what I always tell my boys, nobody likes a whiner even a whiner and they laugh because they know it is true. So whining is a maqam, it is the maqam of the tifil, that is what a whiner is. The rijaal in haqiqah it does not mean male, the rujul is male and female it is the one who has reached the maqam of the adult, it is the mature one, that is what it means, the mature one. Rujula is maturity.


So insha’Allah Allah make us all mature.




Summary of the 17 Benefits of Tribulation



1. You realise the power of Lordship over you


2: You realise your abject servanthood and your complete state of resignation and brokenness before the will and power of Allah


3: Sincerity to Allah


4. You return to Allah and are suddenly fervent in your desire of your Lord


5. It leads to a humbled state before God


6. You are forbearing to the One who has afflicted you.


7. You can actually forgive them


8. To be patient during the tribulation


9. To actually be happy, glad about what is happening because of these benefits


10. To be grateful for it because of what are contained in there of the benefits


11. The purification that these calamities have towards your wrongs and your sins


12. Allah enables you to show to people that are in tribulation and to help them


13. Tribulations give you the blessing of having true knowledge of the extent of blessing


14.  What Allah has prepared from the blessings of the reward of the akhirah based on these varying ranks


15.  What is hidden inside in the folds of these calamities are blessings


16.  Tribulations prevent you from arrogance and from evil, pride, tyranny


17. Contentment