completely passive because you're just a
your your your receptive and it can
stimulate you you know you can at the
emotional level some films consume you
intellectually I mean some films a film
like red beard by Kurosawa is I think as
edifying as a lot of books you know in
just terms of and and great film
directors are do you know they have a
purpose in making their films they're
not making their films simply to
entertain although that's one level that
the film could be could be taken on but
one of the things that he says in here
is that he he realized after he'd gotten
his degree that he was actually a poor
reader this already he's got his PhD and
he was put into this class to teach and
he said that he'd read these books again
and he realized he hadn't really read
them the first time he thought he had
and then he was teaching in this seminar
with Van Doren and what happened was he
said he started reading commentaries and
encyclopedia articles about the books
and so he would come like
thinking he was really prepared but he
said Moses the good students had already
done that so and he said what would
happen is they would end up discussing
things about the book but they weren't
discussing the book and and he said what
really he and and he's very humble in
that he mentions that it was it was a
great blessing for him to have been
he says fortunately for me I was found
out or else I might have been satisfied
with getting by as a teacher just as I
had got by as a student if I had
succeeded in fooling others I might soon
have deceived myself as well my first
good fortune was in having a colleague
in his teaching Mark Van Doran the poet
he let off in the discussion of poetry
as I was supposed to do in the case of
history science and philosophy he was
several years my senior probably more
honest than I am certainly a better
reader forced to compare my performance
with him I simply could not fool myself
I had not found out what the books
contained by reading them but by reading
about them so he realized he really
hadn't read these books because and this
is why textbooks you see the reason that
you study textbooks do you know why you
study textbook you know why they other
than the money that the textbook
industry makes because you can't
copyright old books other than the money
they make and that's why they change
them every year they have new too even
though no new information they just
change the plain made money but you know
why you read textbooks you know know
anybody it's basically so-called experts
that have read the original books in
that field and they summarize the
knowledge boards digest knowledge so
what they're saying is you're too stupid
you know to really to read original
source material so we're gonna give you
this dumbed down version and but what's
happened consistently over time is they
keep having to meet more and more dumb
because they've never they're not
challenging people and so people become
lazier and lazier to the point that
basically what you're reading is
tertiary you know thought about
something and you're reading it in a in
a prose that is prosaic at best it's bad
it's just bad there's no voice right I
mean if you're used to good literature
Rashidah you've read good literature
right how do you feel about textbooks
it's torture isn't it I can't read
I can't I'm sorry I can't read them
because they're so
you know it's like some guy that
memorized Strunk and white and practice
every single rule in that book you know
and so technically you know there's no
grammatical mistakes generally because
they're well edited and everything
there's no voice there's no where as if
you read who would you rather read in
grammar you know I met folda some guy
from Egypt who was born in 1970 or would
you rather read even Hisham one of the
greatest grammarians that ever lived I
mean who would you rather read seriously
who would you rather read about you know
the philosophy of history some guy who
read even Hal dune or would you rather
read even huh don't cuz even hundin's
not that hard I've read him I know he's
not that hard right so so you know
that's one of the things about having
forcing yourself to read these books and
not read what other people say about
these books you read them for yourselves
and and you learn how to read them and
so you have to learn certain skills to
read these books and then this is what
he goes now the other thing he talks
about is dead and living teachers and he
says that in reality the dead teachers
aren't dead T's you know in this culture
they talk about dead white men you know
that phrase which is not really fair to
these people because they they they act
as if somehow these dead white men are
the reason for all this you know there's
this kind of let's get rid of dead white
men because all the problems came from
these dead white men the fact is this
civilization has consistently ignored
most of those dead white men I mean this
civilization has happened in spite of
them because many of them were
persecuted literally killed right they
weren't popular people Spinoza was
kicked out right they weren't popular
people Locke had to flee England from
political persecution right Socrates was
killed by the noble people of Athens but
we have dead brown men right that's our
tradition we've got this whole tradition
of I mean this is largely written
we don't have that many women that wrote
we do have some women that wrote and
Keith Abhinav Ani there were many female
scholars but female the women tended to
be you know you have to have a certain
type of genre in Arabic like a bravado
to write a book because writing a book
is putting it's really not only is it
putting yourself on the line
but it's also there's a certain
assumption that you're qualified to do
something and the women tend to be very
humble wasn't that they weren't great
scholars they had a lot of great
scholars but their nature was more
humble in that so it wasn't that there
weren't great women scholars there were
but they tended not to write and a lot
of them focused on areas like sierra
hadeeth great mahadji that several of
them but and some of the folk aha imam
up the howie's mother um
omaha we was one of the great folk AHA
quoted in the books of fit of the Shafi
school but generally you're looking at a
tradition that was largely written by
men and and that's something to take
into consideration critically when you
read because men have a certain view
that women don't always have the
prophesy said I'm used to take counsel
from the women listen to the women he
would have the women come they had how
people through Nisa
she used to come they make declarations
on the woman's behalf and the Prophet
would force the Sahaba to listen to her
and then he does what do you think and
they would all be woops amazing you know
because they weren't used to having that
voice so but he talks about dead and
living teachers and one of the things he
says is that reading a book is like
reading nature the questions you ask you
have to answer yourself and you ask
questions of a book you have to answer
them yourself whereas in a lecture you
can stop me and say what did you mean by
and I can explain it to you alright so a
living teacher is very beneficial in
that they can really help you to
understand some things so
he talks about you know long before the
magazine existed live teachers earn
their living by being readers digests
right in other words a lot of what
teachers and lecturers did is that they
learned all these things and then they
were able to transmit them to other
students but in the end the work you
have to do the work all right what time
is it okay so what I'm going to do right
now is this is just part one of this
lecture but I'll go over quickly you
know he said that that there's there's
three basic ways of reading a book
that's worth reading and he talks about
you know that you have to read it
structurally which is he uses the
metaphor of architecture which is a good
metaphor so you what you want what you
understand is the architecture of the
book because any great book is written
with a structure in mind if you read him
out of as Ali's book that yeah yeah has
extraordinary structure and he
articulates it early on in the book if
you look at he's he has 40 books there's
a reason why he put what's book 20 in
there yeah do you know anybody no book
20 what's book 20 nobody book 20 is the
book of the prophets character so he
puts that right at the heart of the book
and out of 40 books he puts it right at
the heart because that's the heart of
that that that whole opus well what he's
saying is here's the embodiment of
everything that I'm talking about all
these virtues all these qualities that
I'm telling you to inculcate this is the
one you should emulate in them but he's
got ten four books so he does quartet
and there's a reason why he has quartet
I mean there's a reason why we have four
movements in in music as well four is a
very interesting number and they were
very interested in numbers there's four
um Zija right the me
at Fort there's four seasons
right so four is very important in the
life of man because we have four basic
seasons in our lives we have our
childhood we have our you know adulthood
maturity and then we have our fall right
and then you have your winter your last
period and so he puts these in the fore
and then he's got the first is the book
of knowledge that's where he starts
because he's going to define for you
this is yeah yeah Illuma Dean but before
I'm gonna show you how to revive these
Sciences I have to tell you what the LM
is because this is a book about now so
I'm gonna define my terms right so he's
got it's a very structured book so you
have to look at the structure of a book
some books are very nice in that they
give you what are called analytical
chapter summaries so you have like a
chapter heading and then you have the
analytical summary so that the author is
telling you here this is what this
chapter is about you'll get that but you
should be doing that work you have to
really break down a chapter right so
looking at the structure of it and then
you have to look also the the second
type is the analytical the interpretive
where you really have to see what the
author is saying what's going on right
and then finally a critical reading
which is where you begin to engage in a
these are the three types that he said
every book has to be read three times
the first is to get the structure the
second is to understand the book and the
third is to have a conversation with
book and you can only he said a lot of
people will jump to the third reading
they'll read it critically without
really understanding and that and and
that's where you get people all of that
book it's rubbish why because you know
the authors full of it you know whatever
but have they really understood the
author's positions because in a lot of
cases they haven't you know there's
people that are entrenched in
ideological positions if I'm a Keynesian
any monetarist that I read I'm just
going to disagree with them off the bat
but if I
don't have a position economically maybe
I'm a Keynesian but I'm open to
you know persuade me that monetarist
policies are better than Kings iam or
maybe there's a third way maybe there
you know there's some synthesis out of
this dialectic or maybe you know there's
a fourth of fifth or a six way maybe we
can think outside of the box right but
if I'm entrenched in a certain
ideological viewpoint there's no way I'm
going to be able to read a book with an
open mind so that's one of the things
suspend suspending your criticism
charitable reading alright so basically
what I want to do now before we end is I
want to look at that poem so could
everybody read this is a poem by Pierce
Eva Shelley because reading poems are
like reading a book in miniature you
know a poem is really like a book
alright because it's so packed with
poets are you know you could write I
could write a whole book and I'm not
exaggerating I could write a book
comment a commenting on this poem I
guarantee you I know I could I could
write a book just commenting on this
poem that's how much meaning I consider
to be in this poem this is the reason I
like this poem is the first poem when I
was 12 years old I was in 13 I was 13
years old in eighth grade mrs. Augustine
Ellie's class she was my English teacher
and I read this poem and it gave me
goosebumps first poem that ever really
affected me like that right so for me it
has a lot of meaning in that way but
anyways some people you know he's from
the romantic spirit Eva Shelley famous
for marrying the woman that wrote famous
novel Frankenstein anyway these guys
were very critical of a lot of things
but so just read it and just just give
you a minute or two just read it and
think about it
so if you had to say in one word what
the poem what kind of what you felt
reading that poem what would it be
that's like yeah I guess if you
hyphenated them we could consider them
one more yeah well okay why what's the
feeling what did you feel
how'd you wrap you read it before no so
it's first time to ever read it okay
it's famous poem so what did you feel
yeah what most struck you about okay
can anybody identify what you think the
main point is rashida what's what do you
think the main point is in here it's
it's definitely a very ironic poem yeah
and what's the central irony
yeah yeah in the middle of these
yeah it's nothing there round the decay
of that colossal wreck boundless and
bare the lone and level sands stretch
far away yeah so I met a traveller from
an antique land who said two vast and
trunkless legs of stone stand in the
desert near them on the sand half sunk a
shattered visage lies whose frown and
wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
tell that it's sculptor well those
passions read which yet survive stamped
on these lifeless things the hand that
mocked them and the heart that fed and
on the pedestal these words appear my
name is Ozymandias king of kings look on
my works ye mighty and despair
that's the quotation my name is
Ozymandias king of kings look on my
works ye mighty and despair nothing
beside remains round the decay of that
colossal wreck boundless and bare the
lone and level sands stretch far away so
it's definitely an ironic poem now if
you get into what are there any words
that other
Ozymandias is actually a real name
because this was you know this was
during the British when they were
beginning to discover Egypt and they
were coming back they were actually
bringing things back as well but they
were discovering and so they were
telling they had these travel logs it
was very popular to read about their
experiences going up the the Nile and
seeing all these incredible Egyptian
ruins of the Pharaohs and became very in
in England it was a big deal and so he's
writing this
poem about somebody who's come back and
he's telling them about his experience
right and he's gonna tell him about this
he was out in the desert right and then
he saw this two vast and trunkless legs
of stone like trunkless legs of stone
it's amazing you trunkless like there's
no body just the legs of stone are there
right stand in the desert right there
standing there without a trunk right
near them and then nearby on the sand
half sunk and another really strong and
you know you can see the trunk sunk you
see these are the internal rhymes of the
poem I music these are these are you
know you could have said other he could
have described half-buried he could have
said right but he didn't he said half
sunk a shattered visage lies and sunk is
something we normally think of the sea
right something sinks in in water but
here's sand another type of water the
water of Earth right half sunk a
shattered visage right what's a visit
it's the face right and and this is
important because you know that's an
older word we don't know so you have to
know why he's using a village right lies
whose frown and wrinkled lip and sneer
of cold command what's he telling us
about this guy his character right tell
that it's sculptor well those passions
read right the sculptor really
understood something about this this
character right whose frown and wrinkled
lip and sneer of cold command I mean
sneer it's an interesting word right
what does sneer mean what are you doing
you sneer at somebody
it's contemptuous right arrogance just
sneering it's sneer of cold command
heartless we're dealing with a heartless
person here tell that it's sculptor well
those passions read I mean here we have
reading right the artist reads also it's
a different type of
reading he's reading into the
personality of the of the of the
character that he's sculpting he read
well those passions because he's put
them on that face and then what's he
telling his passions or when you think
of passion what do you think huh
well what do you think though passions
like somebody's passionate what are they
huh yeah but what passion he's got so
much passion uh-huh I mean I think of
life somebody who's really alive you
know they're passionate they're alive
right so he's it's interesting he's
juxtaposing here you tell that it's
sculptor well those passions read which
yet survive stamped on these lifeless
things so here he's juxtaposing passions
with lifeless and yet he's telling us
they survive
how have they survived the sculpture you
see so this is Shelley's own little
we're getting into his philosophy now
because Shelley was a romantic and
believed that in the immortality of art
that art was one way of achieving
immortality and so what he's saying is
look oz amanda's doesn't really live
anymore except because of this artist
right so the artists actually outlived
Ozymandias because he's the one that
left behind this thing it wasn't Azam
and is he paid for it but it was the
artist that produced it okay so he's
tell that it's sculptor well those
passions read which yet survive stamped
on these lifeless things the hand that
mocked them what do you think he means
they're mock them and the heart that fed
what does he mean the hand that mocked
what does mocked me
let's mock me there's another poem great
poem one of my favorite poems by Yeats
come let us mock at the great that had
such burdens on the mind and toiled so
hard and late to leave some monument
behind nor thought of the leveling win
come let us mock at the good with all
those come let us market the good with
all those calendars whereon they fixed
old aching eyes nor thought of how the
seasons run and now but gape at the Sun
come that US market the wise that
fancied goodness might be gay and sick
of Solitude might proclaim a holiday
wind shrieked and where are they mock
mockers after that who would not lift a
hand maybe to bar that foul storm out
who would not lift a hand maybe to help
the good wise or great to bow that foul
storm out for we traffic in mockery he's
talking about the modern age it's all
mockery let's just make fun of everybody
make fun of the Prophet Mohammed soul I
Sam you know it's just it's an age of
mockery make fun everybody's open gay
make fun of politicians make fun of
everybody's open game for mockery but is
that what he's saying here the hem that
mocked them see there's some importance
of knowing terms yeah that's what he
means he means more imitate because that
you know in his time mock also meant to
copy or to imitate the hand that copied
them because he wasn't mocking he wasn't
mocking Ozymandias so this is important
you can't understand something unless
you know the words
that the author is using in it so here
he means the hand that copied them now
what's he mean the heart that fed
the passions yeah he copied those
passions he nailed them
he got them on that face in stone right
the hand that mocked them and the heart
that fed what's the heart that fed fed
what the passion so it's the heart of
Ozymandias he got his heart it's it's a
cold heart
it's a contemptuous heart it's a heart
that you know it's it's it looks down it
frowns on things not not a happy heart
and on the pedestal these words appear I
mean what do we put up on pedestals
right on the pedestal these words appear
my name is Ozymandias king of kings look
on my works ye mighty and despair you'll
never be able to achieve what I achieved
despair mighty he's talking to the mind
he's not talking to the peasants he's
talking to other King I'm King of Kings
look on my works ye mighty not peasants
you know they're all shaking in their
boots I'm talking about the mighty
should look at me and Who I am
look on my works ye mighty and despair
and then boom he's got the exclamation
mark right and then what nothing beside
remains it's just such a beautiful turn
of phrase to come right after that you
know nothing beside remains that's it
round the decay of that colossal wreck
right this giant Ozymandias nothing
beside remains round the decay of that
colossal wreck boundless and bare the
level sands the lone and level sands
stretch far away so what do you mean
boundless and bare the lone and level
sands stretch far away what are the
sands referring to
it's the desert right but what do you
think what do we think of sands also the
sands of time right so it's time it
levels everything everything we build
it's all going to be leveled time is the
great leveler so you know he's basically
just saying look nothing beside remains
it's all boundless and bare the lone and
level sands stretch far away there's
just this little half sunk village in
the midst of a massive ocean called time
that no matter what we do it's always
going to be this half sunk a shattered
visage in the ocean of time the sands of
time right in the end pretty bleak
unless what alpha D and net in Santa Fe
Xhosa it'll in madina al munawwara
middle Saudi Hathi what's also but happy
with who also the summer unless people
are building not for this world because
all these things that you do here become
meanings in the next world everything
you do here is is meaningful in the next
that's another view anyway so any
questions any answers on the okay let's
hear it yeah yeah yeah speed reading is
like trying to read on methamphetamines
I don't believe in speed reading I think
you can speed read a blog not my blogs
now you can speed read a blog you can
speed read a an article in time or
Newsweek something like that you know
there's things you could read there's
their skimming and then there's
superficial reading skimming is just
scrolling down a page and you know
trying to see do I really want to read
this or not and then superficial reading
is to read it without really thinking
about it right whereas real reading
takes time I mean real readers are you
know if you're gonna read something in
the way he's talking about
Adler's recommends not reading more than
twenty pages an hour and taking a break
I don't know that's you know that's slow
reading so you know but I mean I you
know my teachers like chabela bimbe he
reads all the time amazing he's always
takes books with him and and bought up
that Hadj I brought him once a
three-volume book of at was Annie as a
gift it was a book of thought was that
he didn't have and it's a famous one
it's quoted he just for the next three
that's all he read when he would had
free time and he finished it in like
three weeks mind you he's reading
something that he knows a lot about so
it depends on also what you're reading
Adler talks about you know original
communication which are primary texts
because there's authors that that are
giving you original thought and most
books don't have a lot of original
thought in them because it's just not
very few humans have really original
things to say and a lot of them are
actually just rehashing things that have
already been said but because people
don't know tradition you know Mark Twain
said the ancients stole all their best
ideas from us all right and there's a
lot of truth to that statement you know
because people don't know where things
come from and so they they read
something wow that's amazing but then
you read Aristotle and you'll see like
oh that's where he got it from you know
so that happens anyway so I mean I'm not
a yeah I took a speeding course in
school that I had to take in residence
and maybe I didn't have to take it but I
think I did actually cuz I it was in a
it was part of four because I was a
tutor when I was in school in the
reading lab but I wouldn't recommend
speed reading I'm not a fast reader she
read really slow I look upwards to like
I don't if I don't know a word I'll look
it up which slows you down you know I
mean I have a pretty good vocabulary but
you know there's words I still come
across words all the time that I either
don't know or I'm not quite sure I can't
remember you know it's like because you
have passive and active vocabulary
active vocab is what you use passive is
what you can recognize and understand
when you here to read it and our passive
vocabulary are much larger than our
active vocabularies and our active Oh
cavities are usually limited to about
two or three thousand words but but are
passive but act
I mean active our passive ones you know
you're talking a lot of words people
people know a lot of words surprisingly
I mean even you know relatively
uneducated people know a lot of words
and also a lot of nuances and I mean
what the average person knows is just
phenomenal that's why people are
brilliant humans are we're not stupid
we're very smart you know in memory
people say I don't have a good memory
you you remember so many things it's
amazing you can all leave this room and
I can ask you to tell me basically
what's in this room and you remember it
I mean how did that happen just from
being in a room to know you know where
the podium was you know where the books
were approximately how many of those
shelves are in here you know where the
table was where you know we can we can
describe those kiosks the little
cubicles in the thing right we've been
and there's a little guestbook on the
thing right and then I saw a little
poster you can go there now if it's
still there you know a little poster
about building say tuna brick by brick I
mean that's just walking into a room and
I just noticed all these things I mean
how did that get stuck in there people
have phenomenal memories we just don't
know how to utilize our memories like
don't know how to read these things are
trained you know memories uh
you train your memory that's it's it's a
skill so anyway any other questions in
regards to reading higher-level books
and primary sources isn't it helpful to
rely on something that is a little
easier to understand as a means of
gaining familiarity with the material
and then heading into more difficult
original texts otherwise it would seem
to be a barrier to learning if an
individual becomes overwhelmed or give
ups you know I would say it depends on
what you're reading I mean for instance
you know I'm reading a book right now
that I've read before but I'm reading it
with somebody and it's book by moment
about Judy and he momma divide Judy
assumes in that book and it's a it's
really a secondary book cuz he's drawing
from a lot of different books but he and
it's a textbook it was used in a lot
hard for Activa
but in that book he's assuming that you
know logic rhetoric grammar philology
and mad wall that he's assuming that you
know theology because it's an
intermediate theology book so he's
assuming you've had basic theology so he
makes all these assumptions on his
reader now if you knew Arabic pretty
well you can actually read the book but
you would be missing a lot of his
nuances you just you just would cuz and
then you'll miss things like he'll use a
word that you won't know that he's using
it to refer to something else as a
science as a technical term because
that's one things about knowing terms
now one of the things that he's going to
argue in here is that you have to also
in in the second level of reading you
have to be able to identify terms and
propositions and arguments and these are
basically the three subjects of logic
understanding judgment and reasoning
those are the three subjects that logic
with understanding is what are called
simple apprehensions knowing terms
what's called in Arabic logic so water
being able to conceptualize something
and the Arabs say they say that I'll
hook more attache in foreign anti so
where he in order to judge something
judging a thing is a branch of its
conceptualization that you have to
conceptualize something before you can
make a proposition so you have to know
if I say all men are created equal
ok I have to know what men all men
that's a universal statement so I mean
every man does that include black people
at a certain time maybe people would
have agreed that right but now most
people right would include that does
that include you know Arabs
does that include right so when we say
all men we're talking about everybody
right irrespective of what people went
to hundred years ago when when they
declared that and they didn't think that
that was a universal statement Jefferson
did right and Benjamin Rush and others
but not all of them I mean I'm sure they
they didn't but you make that say you
have to know what they mean by all men
and then what do they mean created equal
equal is a mathematical term and they're
using it in a philosophical statement so
I mean are we equal like you're taller
than me aren't you standing he's taller
than me isn't he
so we're not equal so all men are not
created equal
he's taller than me right so what am i
what do I mean by equal here what am I
talking about
these are terms you have to understand
the terms before you can make the
proposition so is it a mathematical
metaphor is it am I saying created is
assuming God - right because created
means it's a passive form that assumes a
create or right because creative means
to be made so something was made has to
have a maker that's an assumption
and they believed it because they are
endowed by their creator they mentioned
the Creator right after that right so
that's a proposition all men are created
equal is it a true proposition in
modal logic you have what are called
modalities so it depends on what you're
talking about
you know because people aren't creative
some people are faster than others
taller another smarter than others we're
not all created equal so what are we
talking about are we talking about with
our basic human dignity
that's so there's a proposition is that
what he meant maybe we need to discuss
it so you you have to know the terms and
then the proposition now he's making an
argument that's a proposition as a
categorical statement right it's a
declarative statement all men are
created equal
he's not saying maybe all men are
created equal I think all men are
created equal in my opinion all men are
created equal those are different ways
of saying he's saying all men are
created equal categorical declarative
Universal statement we have to know what
those terms are and then we have to know
okay what's his reasoning
what's his reasoning what so now that's
the third level so that is that that's a
science that inshallah you guys are
going to learn before you get out of
here because it's very important you
know one of the things about logic is no
longer taught generally and it's it's
created a lot of havoc because people
can't think any more clearly and and our
tradition is very committed to logic I
mean the Shem CEO was a almost a
universal you know the pseudonym in
North Africa I mean one of the things
about Sheldon Bay yeah that makes him
distinct amongst a lot of scholars I've
seen is he really knows logic really
well so when he when he reasons he's
just it's like knowing chess logics like
knowing chess but you know you don't
just know the rules because everybody we
can all reason and we're humans like
yeah every game you can make an argument
you can make an argument a car give its
all the time but when that's there's a
difference between knowing the rules of
chess and knowing the strategies of
chess right because if you know the
strategies of chess you can end a chess
match in about three or four moves with
somebody who doesn't know the strategies
of chest and and logic is not simply to
win arguments it's it's really a means a
tool to pursue the truth and and that's
why you know that's one of the things he
says that you
should not ever want to read a book
critically just to win an argument with
the author no you should be open to
being convinced Imam Shafi said I never
debated anybody but I hope and prayed
that the truth would manifest on his
tongue so I would have to submit to it
and that's a whole other way of looking
at this thing
but he's assuming that you know
traditionally people study grammar
rhetoric logic they understood
conditional sentences they understood
universals particulars
they understood definitions and fib
Lee's equivocations all these type
things are really important in language
and they're all things they're tools of
learning that you need to acquire and
and the better you get at them the
better you'll be at it reading and the
better you'll be at critical reading
because one of the things about all
these men that one of the things that
they share if you go into any of these
books like imam sowwy you know wrote
this book is a commentary on his ships
book you know he is going to assume that
you understand you know logic I mean
he's just going to assume it and he's
going to assume that you understand
mmm you know al Cathy come on fess up
you know for hone Mandel Harlan repeat
Amanda body ie o'clock level JJ dolly
come first Sara B he al bhaji you know
so now he's defining what's he mean by
al kathira wa ha meter fill JJ the other
hard men who feel bad at Mohammed Farah
dear al owal al-qadir men who feel
better dil de la Roche that was a
mineral je dominar ad hoc Oh baby so
these are all terms that you have to
understand he's talking about jagged of
foodstuff the good of a foodstuff right
and the rowdy is the lower quality al al
Holly IL Cathy ermine who feel better
the majority of it in a country illa the
everybo shade that was up energy yet Oh
Mina rowdy yep yup ah Bobby so you can
also use what's between the two and then
he goes further into the commentary al
qadir here accordion for her
means the same at heart and some say it
means the as fee attack level je de la
it's the heart of the jade only so you
know these are like this is like a
I mean he's using you know it's like
it's like texting he's using minimal
language there and that's the way the
later writers are the earlier writers
are much easier to read but they're just
they kept distilling it distilling it
distilling it right because here see in
when he wrote this book this is a
six-volume when he wrote this book it
was assumed that you memorize the text
this is a commentary on a text that's
about 150 pages and he assumed you
memorize the text and then what what the
commentary is is those are for the text
to be memory pegs for the meanings but
this book is a condensation another book
which is called the mood Awana right
which i should be here somewhere
anyway it's the module one is like about
this size so they took the madonna and
took it down to about this size so they
took a book like this and summarized it
to this and then had to write this to
explain it so you're back where you
started but the reason they did that was
because in the old days they actually
memorize this and they couldn't do that
anymore so they started writing these
abridgements to keep the memory you know
to simplify it so even though it was
much smaller it was actually a lot
harder than this but the memory was
easier and so this was just to explain
what you had memorized because people
couldn't memorize that anymore so that's
the way the muslim tradition kind of got
into these summaries and glosses and
glosses on glosses and like that but
they're assuming at this level he's
writing in the two hundred years ago
he's he's assuming that you have
mastered a certain set of sciences he
and he's not writing for some guy that's
got a secondary degree from you know a
high school or even a college degree
now dine chumps or at Damascus
University they can't read these books
you know that you have to study people
you have to study with people who have
studied the books and that's why the
onus and that and he talks about that he
said some books you need a teacher
they're just not going to work without a
teacher he says if it's a great book
generally it should be understandable
it's a lot harder with a teacher without
a teacher but he said you can do it if
you put the work in and that and that's
true but I'll conclude sorry about I
know there's a lot of question but I'll
conclude a bahai Anatole he D one of the
great scholars of Islam he said you
illuminate hombre an adequate about the
akka famine is that I could do me that
that simple people think you know
inexperienced people think that books
will lead the one of intellect to
understanding your vulnerable Moodle and
it could teddy a family it that I could
allow me you'll come to know these
knowledge --is right well may other
Libyan afiyah
how are me BA how year at Oakland
Fushimi well my real Jahoda be under
fear how a my behavior at Oakland Fahim
but the ignoramus doesn't know that in
these books are ambiguities that will
confuse even the most intelligent of
people either um to the Illuma be lady
balota Anna Surratt or mr. Keamy hotel
to be sorrow more Oh Erica had a Serie A
Burnham into a mahaki me if you try to
learn the this knowledge you know
revelation and the knowledge is that go
with it if you try to learn this without
a teacher you will go astray and affairs
will become so confusing to you that
you'll be more astray than Thomas the
physician and it's referring to a famous
Arabic tradition of Toma
al Hakim he was a man who inherited
books from his father his father was a
physician who died he inherited his
library so he read and learned medicine
through books
and he had a book that said and habita
so that that doäôt woman could lead uh
the black seed is a cure for every
disease but there were two dots the the
Scrivener put two dots instead of one on
had that so it said I'll hire you to
soda the black snake is a cure for every
disease so he went to find a black snake
and they call Black Mamba it's very
poisonous snake and he tried to catch it
and it bit him and he died so they
that's their metaphor for anyway so
behind the Columbia time decay eyeshadow
under you don't hit that that's a little
cooler to we take talking a lot head-on
so I'm gonna do the next one will be
it'll be a continuation on this but I'm
going to go into more detail and and
we'll do some more poems and and also
I'm gonna read with you a speech to
analyze as well alright sorry it's just
a it's very hard obviously to follow
that hamdullah Joseph Walker comes with
the amazing intellectual journey we just
went on Jessica Moore cleared everyone
for being here please everyone
considered joining us here it's a tuna
for the intellectual journeys that
happen here and for supporting this and
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