ISNA 2002

Transcript Details

Event Name: ISNA 2002
Description: Transcript from Youtube
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/20/2019 6:24:31 PM
Transcript Version: 2

Transcript Text

roves of allah

subhanho wa taala

is edging up because she concluded by

saying allah equal the deal of powerful

this is people who are truthful one

sincere with a lot of talents as

financial mechanical Moharram I just

wanted to make sure that we get reminded

I want you to be sure that the Shama

we're sending the forefront with the

help of allah subhanaw taala a lot can

be achieved is that come love Chiron

those of you are going to live tomorrow

we're likely a safe trip and they lost a

note either increase your blessings to

Chanukah menorah and ik the shadow a

light iron and the structure of allah

subhana wa alaikum wa rahmatullah wa


we have on our website several hundred

thousand people watching this whole

program in Indianapolis the city of

Indianapolis is famous for two things

one is that it has the headquarter of

the Islamic Society of North America the

other is that it is the headquarter of

the disciples of Christ this is one of

the biggest denominations Protestant

denomination which has its headquarter

in Indianapolis so jointly Islam and

disciples of Christ

they have signs and statement and they

are waiting on the website to hear that

statement read out so while you are

listening to this live here they are

listening to this portion of this

program on the website so I will read it


we have jointly drafted this website as

we neighbors in the city peace for all

as we recognize the first anniversary of

September 11 2001 our nation and indeed

the whole world will be focusing upon a

time of remembrance and reflection upon

the tragic events of the day the

terrorist attacks were directed not only

against the World Trade Center and

Pentagon but also again is the character

of our life as a nation and a people

committed to the fundamental principles

of human dignity and peace as leaders of

two national religious bodies based in

Indianapolis the Islamic Society of

North America and the Christian dynamic

disciples of Christ we strongly believe

that September 11 2002 must not only be

a time for recalling the events of the

tragic day in our history but also a

time to reach out and build bridges of

hope and understanding with each other

and among all religions religious faiths

traditions and races and cultures God

calls each of us to identify the Ground

Zero of hatred violence and despair in

each city and sound across our great

nation and to reach out in service to

the needs of our communities let us make

September 11 a day of action and hope by

serving in a soup kitchen

housing project neighborhood schools

hostel and nursing homes why simply

accept a world where such hatred can

occur we can honor those who died one

year ago by changing the world the

changing the world talking in our own

neighborhood we call upon the disciples

of Christ and all Muslims here in North

America to dedicate themselves and to

seek justice to love kindness and to

walk humbly with God let us begin by

seeking opportunities to build bridges

of understanding and tolerance in every

neighborhood as we reach out to persons

of all religious faiths working together

side-by-side to meet the needs of our

local communities let us affirm together

the sacredness of all human life which

lies in the heart of our religious


let us veeram let us be makers appeased

by reaching out in loving service for

the sake of world children let us be

beacons of Hope offering prayers of

healing and truly living as neighbors in

the city and finally let September 11

2002 marked the beginning of what we

muslims and christians can accomplish

working together towards a more peaceful

world takbir so we send our salutation

to the brothers disciples of christ who

have been informed previously that this

statement would be read out in this

session they are watching you they are

looking at you

the website because this whole program

is being webcast simultaneously shukran

jazakomallahu khayran thank you we also

don't want to forget one of the great

tragedies that took place recently that

was in gaja and this is this statement

we the citizens of united states

attending the 39th annual convention of

islam at washington DC on September 1

2002 do hereby condemn in the strongest

possible terms the genocide committed by

Hindu fascists in Gujarat India

we denounce the fascist threat to

ethnically cleanse India of its millions

of Muslims Christians and other

minorities we express our greatest

outrage of the at the killing of our

four thousand innocent Muslims the gang

rape of over six hundred innocent girls

and women and the two hundred thousand

Muslims made homeless in their homeland

we urge the US government declining to

decline the hindu fascist organization

as to declare the hindu fascist

organizations as terrorists and

investigate their infiltration into

american power center

yes I want to tell you that if we stay

here one minute after 11:59 we will have

to pay for tomorrow's rent for this hall

which would be $20,000 just remember

that that we should be out from here

before 11:59 if we are here at 12 that

means another day will be imposed on

Islamic Society of North America and we

don't want to do that shukran may Allah

make this convention for the best

remembrance for all of us we will see

you tomorrow insha'Allah in the smaller

Hall in the highest grand higher Salama