ISNA 2003: Ethnic Jihad

Transcript Details

Event Name: ISNA 2003: Ethnic Jihad
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/21/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

like is it's not an ethnic struggle you

see it's not an ethnic struggle it has

an ethnic component to it because the

majority of our peoples are off-white

so it does have an ethnic component I

will not deny that but Dr Omar and I are

living proof and evidence that it's not

entirely ethnic although I somebody

wants at this Protestant lady from

England she kept saying how did you

become Muslim how did you become us and

she kept crying and crying and this is

well what were you before and I said

well I was Christians Jesus what what

branch and I said well actually I was

baptized Greek Orthodox I'm a quarter

Greek she said all of course in other

words a Greek you know of course makes

sense they're almost like Turks anyway

right I mean we stole their I grew up

thinking baklawa

baklava I thought that was Greek I was

proud that Greek least we make good

pastry we don't have a Socrates anymore

but we make good pastry and then I found

out it's all Arabic but the Arabs got it

from the Persians series and feta cheese

I thought feta cheese was Greek that's

what I grew up thinking Greek feta it's

feta it's crumbling cheese and then even

the dancing I had to learn Greek dancing

when I was because I was part of what

you did at church I mean you didn't do

it in church you did it but I had to do

that and uh and then I realized as

Lebanese dancing I thought it was Greek

and I was just learning Lebanese dancing

and then we had worry beads

I had worry beads seriously I was I

literally was given worry beads and why

they call them worry beads because when

Greeks worry they pull out their beads

because they used to see the Muslims

always doing them whenever they got

worried they pulled out their beads but

the Greeks just flipped them around they

don't actually do think oh so it just

makes them worry more but it's good for

the worry beads sellers the people that

sell worry beads make a bundle because

everybody's worrying and increasingly so

that in fact Muslims should start

importing those things right

you work 911

ever tried worried beats the Muslim

struggle Allah Allah kobato this is

amazing these people we should everybody

should know if I want to see yato

Mahmood on the cover of Time magazine

I'm serious I want to see them on the

cover of Time magazine a cover sir

because time does historical stories

they've had Native Americans Columbus I

want to see y'all on my mood or I'm up

inside I want to see people have to know

about these people and it's our duty

that these names are in every history

book in this country because these were

great men look at the composition here

24% Arabs and the majority of Arabs in

this country are Christian and we also

have an alliance with those people we

should recognize that and then we have

South Asians Europeans 2% 32% and then

African American what and what a

wonderful pie it's humble pie

I mean to all the island out of our

world law whoever humbles himself for

Allah Allah will elevate him so let us

be a humble pie right instead of having

to eat crow or Jim Crow people don't get

those jokes because they didn't grow up

with all that stuff that we got when we

were young Jim Crow you should know Jim

Crow other phase my goodness

but look at that slice right on top and

and I'll tell you something that slice

is getting bigger

because the other the other part of that

circle is hungry they're hungry and I'll

tell you something about the struggle

the only thing that makes struggle real

is God everything else is just empty and

false and that's the truth and that's

the power of Martin Luther King the

power of Martin Luther King is that he

struggled he always men

in God he ultimately was a preacher and

he was calling people to the moral

conscious a moral component in them and

reminded them constantly that we hold

these shoes to be self-evident that all

men are created equal and are endowed by

their creator and that's Providence that

that is in the founding document of this

country that is Providence and this is

Naji Lefou law this is the first person

killed in the United Farm Workers

struggle a Palestinian and this is what

Muslims should be doing we should be at

the forefront of what is right not

because it involves Muslims but because

it involves the conflict between right

and wrong and we should always be on the

side of right because the side of right

is the side of Islam that is the side of

right it is the side of Islam and

Muslims stand by right and the Prophet

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a

sound hadith on that if anyone is

treacherous to a limb me which is a

person of a non Muslim faith according

to Imam attic it can be any faith not

just Abrahamic faiths but any faith

Buddhists can be the immune and that has

been the active practice of our

tradition he said if anyone is

treacherous to within me any Muslim

oppressors are than me I will be the

them knees advocate on the day of

judgement our prophets on the lightest

and will stand next to the non-muslim

against the Muslim because we are not

about tribe we are about principle and

if the principle goes against the tribe

we say goodbye to tribe and that's the

truth and that is Islam and we have to

be witnesses unto humanity for the sake

of Allah well o Allah music on

even if it

against yourselves and we've got plenty

to testify against in our community too

much but it's time that we stop being in

denial or pretending people say to me

you shouldn't tell people about the

problems of the Muslims don't say that

to the non-muslim they read it every

single day in their newspapers they see

it in the in the Muslim world constantly

and when we sit there and pretend like

these things aren't happening we look

like fools we look like hypocritical

lying fools and they see right through

us and it's people that will stand up

for the truth in spite of all these

things that will be recognized as people

that those people want to listen to and

ultimately that is what we want we want

the ears because the ears are the

inroads to the hearts and if you shout

at them they'll plug their ears just

like anybody that goes into a room with

the music's too loud they cover their

ears if you're shoutings too loud

they'll cover their ears like Ralph

Waldo Emerson said I'm sorry I can't

hear you your actions are shouting much

louder than your words and that's the

truth and then our shaheed that I him oh

Allah this noble man that died because

he was a man of principle like Dr Omar

said that I him o Allah may Allah in

noble his face and elevate him in the

highest ranks of the people of paradise

and his wife who died - ahed in a fire

because the death of fire is the death

of a Shaheed and how fitting for the

wife of such a great Shaheed to die a

Shaheed his wife Betty Shabab oh that

was Malcolm right Malik Shiva al Hajj

Matic Shabazz said America needs to

understand Islam because this is the one

religion that erases from its society

the race problem why is this still

significant because this problem is

still deeply significant in this country

the problem has not gone away and we are

facing it today as a community this is

the fundamental problem after faith

itself if you look at it beliefs the

disease of beliefs was you created me

from fire and air you created him from

mud on a high dome in who that is the

devil and anyone that says that is a

demon anyone that thinks he's better

than anyone else because you don't know

and if you come into a room and think

you're better than anyone in that room

you're a fool that's a fool who has that

attitude because only I'll not super

Hannah without a nose and even a beggar

on the street might be better in the

eyes of Allah subhana wa tada

then the worshipful person in the moss

only Allah knows that and we are not

allowed to judge people's inner

realities and that's why race is

something that needs to be eradicated

and it is the Muslims

according to Arnold Toynbee the

extraordinary English historian it is

the Muslims that can offer a solution to

European and Western peoples to the race

problem which he wrote in his his essay

Islam in the West he said that we can

learn from the Muslims and benefit from

them and the two primary things that we

can learn from them is the solution to

our race problem because he believed

that the world was heading to an

inevitable race rate race war if

something was not done and we are here

to stand as obstacles to people that

want to see that to the war mongers out


we're here to stand as obstacles to that

because we are people of peace and Imams

aid shackle may Allah preserve him said

it would be one of the greatest

travesties of history if the Muslims are

torn and separated and sunk into the

quagmire of racism ourselves and if we

as Muslims that any force Muslim

some transform us into races who are

incapable of bringing this message to

America we have betrayed Islam and we

have betrayed Malcolm and that is why we

cannot allow race to be an issue we are

a people of meritocracy may the best

Dawa win and may the best in sin and if

it's a woman then let arise if a woman

is more capable let arise and this is an

age when the women are making the men

look pathetic I'm serious they come with

notebooks they there you don't have to

remind them to sit up with comportment

I'm really serious it's the women and

I'm not just saying this to make the

women feel good but I want to see the

man well V that ik affiliate NFS and

with the Nephi soon I want to see you

outdo these women and prove that you

deserve two to one in inheritance laws

I'm serious really prove it and you're

certainly worthy of it you young men all

of you I look at you and I see a

potential in this country really to go

out there and transform this country

there are a hundred and fifty thousand

members of MSA is that what it is 150

thousand how many and how many members

around fifty thousand

okay we always exaggerate so let's say a

hundred thousands there's a hundred

thousand MSA members and if there are

then let's make it so I was with a

afghani group a couple of weeks ago and

we and we were in a one of these Rancho

type places where you go ride horses and

I actually hungry like grew up riding

horses because my grandfather was a

horseman had a cattle ranch as well and

so I'm not a great writer but I can ride

ands and those horses that they rent out

are so broken down you don't have to

worry about it anyway

so I said let's go right hood then I

looked at I said do you know how to ride

horses and one of them he kind of did a

feta thing he said do we know how to

ride we're Afghan ease of course we know

how to ride horses and if we don't know

we'll pretend we know and that should be

your spirit well lie that should be your

spirit to go out there and and if you

don't have a hundred thousand members

pretend you have a hundred thousand

members and four dollars and a biscuit a

so a latte and a biscuit a is how much

moulay seven dollars seven dollars a day

right those would college students do

they go down and have a cafe and seven

dollars seven dollars a day huh

you can you do that I mean seriously

that's over two hundred dollars

give-give by your latte away for the

sake of allah subhana wa ta'ala if

everybody did that you know how much

money you'd have you can go back to

drinking after a couple of years that's

a not yeah not the other kind

don't do that that's what they said

people and I was in New Jersey and I was

saying that I would prefer that they

allowed marijuana to be smoking on

airplanes than alcohol because marijuana

cools people out alcohol gets him riled

up and they get belligerent because I

was on a plane where this man was drunk

he was very belligerent to the

stewardess and I told her you know they

could really solve this problem

just pass out joints for people that

want them and now and they'll just kind

of chill out right they might get the

munchies and want a couple extra bags of

peanuts but basically they'll be cool

calm and collected and and it's a double

high because you're 30,000 feet up there

so I said I'm worried there I said I'm

worried they're gonna say my mom says

promoting marijuana use so I'm not

promoting marijuana use don't use it

don't abuse it don't use it stay away

from it and and don't be like you know

the guy that said I never inhaled and

don't go to places where they smoke and

you inhale right I didn't smoke any but

it's called secondary smoke when you

hang out with people that are doing that

I don't want to do that all right so

stay away from that may Allah give you

all tell field and increase you and make

you fit Y on the allah subhana wa ta'ala

when he mentioned the the people of feta

is our 250th we led cap when they went

to the cave and that's what you have to

do you have to go cave of iman in the

midst of this plane of jaliyah

go to the cave of iman which is in your

heart there's a hollow space in your

heart and that is a cave and seek refuge

in that cave and safe Apollo Robyn a

Tina min ladunka Rama as for the grace

of Allah that's what the fit you do they

asked for the grace of Allah well yeah

then I'm an MD now Rashad ah and guide

us to do the right thing and then when

they came out of the cave what did they

say they told them vibrato a Hadouken

bwaaaah Tacoma Holly Hill and Medina

send a some of you with this money to

the city and then what does and he says

for young for you has kappa amma make

sure your food is pure because that's

that which will give you spiritual

strength is pure and halal food and

that's very important that that's in

there about the fit an and then also

Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says when he

mentions them he tells them fedia Talib

buff and let him be gentle and take care

don't go out belligerent don't go out

with anger anger and perturb states are

not the states of people that have

Sakina in their hearts don't go out

angry if you go if you demonstrate

demonstrate with dignity

never shout in a demonstration I'm Syria

it's not a Sunnah don't shout don't


Huckabee if people don't know what that

means you scared them and really and

it's not it's not good to scare people

don't let any of you cause them to know

who you are why because they'll stone

you and try to force you back into their

min la so be careful because you might

get tribulations that you can't bear and

there are reports of suicides in

Guantanamo Bay you don't want to get

tribulations that you cannot bear it's

not the Sunnah of the Muslims if they

can avoid those type of things they

don't put themselves in the line of


if they come to them then may Allah give

all of us perseverance to take what

comes from Allah subhana wa tada but he

may give us may he give us wisdom to

avoid what does not need to come there's

a camel ahead on was Salam alaykum Salam

