Love has Conditions

Transcript Details

Event Name: Love has Conditions
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/23/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

Bis Millah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim

For the Quran said at their own ears did you

bloom and this ayah is what the Arabs

called a conditional sentence Germany

sharply yeah that there oniy a stage a

blue comb so whenever you have a

conditional sentence it means that

whatever the proposition of the sentence

is its predicated on the condition being

fulfilled so if you don't fulfill the

condition then whatever is being told is

not going to happen so Allah subhana WA

Ta'ala says at the earliest the doubloon

call on me and I will answer you so what

Allah says is if you call on Allah he

promises to answer you as the doubloon

and that's the condition that he puts

that you just call on him now if you

look at the word Dawa like the Arabs

they say that I adore Atman he called or

he invited or he prayed it could mean he

prayed so if you look at the word though

the word has to do with an invitation

it's an invocation or an invitation like

for instance if I invite someone in my

house I say down to eat of a tea

I called him to my house and so what

you're doing is you're inviting somebody

into some part of your life so when you

call on Allah subhana WA Ta'ala it's

like an invitation you're inviting Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala to help you but every

invitation has certain aspects that make

it appealing no invitation is answered

simply as an invite for instance if

somebody who you don't know at all

invites you to someplace you're likely

to say that's all right because you

don't know the person and you might ask

about him later but you're most likely

you'll just ignore that person or for

instance if you invite somebody to

dinner and then when he gets there you

serve him a glass of water and you say

well that's the dinner he's probably not

going to return an invitation again if

you invite him

dinner so what you do or what humans do

they tend to do when they invite people

is they prepare something and so the

invitation is appealing there's an

appeal to it now when you invoke Allah

super Hanuman to Anna the scholars

stated that there are certain conditions

in other words there are things that you

do now there are circumstances where

those conditions are completely thrown

out for instance somebody who's

oppressed when somebody is oppressed if

they call on Allah subhanAllah Diana

there's no conditions even if he's not a

Muslim an oppressed person the prophets

allah said i'm said lazy bane bane and

monomi wallah hey job there's no he jab

between Allah and an oppressed person

well no kaffir even if it was a cafe

somebody who reject just calling you

know pleading because he's being wronged

and allah subhana wa ta'ala is just so

even just like we would side if we're

fair if we're just if we saw a muslim if

he's oppressing somebody who doesn't

believe in allah doesn't believe in his

prophet we're going to side with the

non-muslim like Sharia hello Paulie when

he sided with the Jewish man against

Satan Ali when he was a mirror and what

meaning because he's being fair so Allah

is fair also so even if one person is

says Allah exists and believes in his

prophet if he's oppressing somebody who

doesn't believe in Allah doesn't believe

in His Prophet

I lost behind with the other sides with

the oppress in that case so those are

places weathers no conditions are thrown

out but in normal circumstances there's

conditions to everything and this is why

a group of people passed by Ibrahim even

Adam in Basara a city in Iraq in the in

a famous city famous for scholarship for

great saints and and people of allah

subhana wa ta'ala famous for grammarians

and many many other things the dates of

Basara were also famous it was a place

of immense abundance from Allah subhana

WA to Anna

but these people he was in the

marketplace and he passed by some

merchants and they said yeah abyss hawk

that was his love you know father is how

we have a question for you and he said

what's your question he said in Navajo

super Honora talakad at the erroneous

did you bleep whom you call on me and I

will answer you like in the drew who

when I used to do plena you know we call

on Allah but we don't see that Allah is

answering us which already indicates

they're ignorant because you're not

allowed to say that the Prophet

prohibited that when you call on a lot

you're not supposed to say I I asked

Allah Allah he didn't call because

there's do as that allow you the

suitable he will actually defer

answering the prayers of the Day of

Judgment there's people that Allah just

loves to hear them complain to him so

he'll just just to hear their complaints

Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will defer

answering their prayers and that's why

one of the Persian Post told the story

about the man who was calling on Allah

calling on Allah and a skeptic walked by

and he said how long have you been

calling on Allah he said Oh years he

said have you got what you've been

asking he said no he said then why do

you keep calling and so the man became

confused because he was simple he was

Abid he wasn't the Adam he was just

devotee he got confused and then he fell

asleep and he had a dream and in the

dream one of the people some say how

thought came to him and said to him why

did you leave your prayer he said I've

been calling and I didn't get the answer

he said no no your prayer was the answer

just that you're at the door of Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala is already an answer

because you know who to go to and

whether he defers it or he doesn't is

irrelevant because your certainty

enables you to realize that just being

at his door is the place to be

so they said we call on Allah he doesn't

answer as he said because your hearts

are dead in other words in order to call

on a lot you have to be alive the dead

don't call Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says

do you hear that do the dead hear you

know so the dead can't even even if you

answered they wouldn't hear they

wouldn't where he said that Akali and

the koodoo become admitted yeah I shot a


hearts are dead because of ten things

and then he told them what these ten

things were and this is a hikmah from

one of the righteous people of the early

community he was a great valley of God

and people recognized him for his

uprightness he said out of them Allah

fed him to a duel alcohol you know Allah

but you don't fulfill his rights that's

the first problem your hearts will die

because Allah subhanAllah to Anna said

vitamin new hoola la-la-la know that

there is no god but allah and knowing

there's no god but allah and saying

there's no god but allah are two

different things is because even the

hypocrite says that you know him a lot

but knowing and saying are two different

things so he said you say you know Allah

you know Allah but you don't fulfill the

rights of Allah and now my reefa

knowledge of Allah and His Messenger

engenders love that's the nature of

knowledge of Allah and His Messenger the

more you know about the prophets allies

and the more you will love him the more

you know about Allah subhana WA Ta'ala

the more you will love him now the lover

is obedient to the beloved that's the

nature of love if you have somebody who

claims they love you and then they never

do what you ask then you should know

there is a false claim they don't love


they're just giving you lip service

because the nature of love is that you

do what the one who you love ask and

that's why one of the poets he said

that's you claim to love Allah and yet

you disobey Him you claim you love Allah

but you disobey Him and then he says

this is a wondrous type of reasoning

that you're using we've never heard of

that before somebody claims they love

and then they don't desert nobody you

lay with I'll see you you claim you love

London you disobey him and then he said

in Caribou casada allah - who if your

love is real you would obey him in and

women boom appeal because the one who

loves somebody is always obedient to

them one of the women who had somebody

was in love with her she said to him

tell me about the one who loves me and

he said God it will cut set at an area

as shabeeha relay he is super what a

tongue cause what it is easy you know

tell me about this one

loves me and don't attract and don't

embellish you know just give me the

straight truth and so the poet said his

states in Kenya lumen motive Adama will

confine gurukul ta kispa and guru then

melomelody if he thought that he would

die from thirst and you said don't drink

he wouldn't drink that's the state of

the lover you see the one who claims to

love and the one who loves are two

different say many people claim to love

Shakespeare he said love is not love

that alters when it alteration finds or

bends with the remover to remove

oh no it is an ever-fixed mark that

looks on tempests and is never shaken

that's love love is not something that

changes when the situation changes

people claim they lose their faith you

know I lost my faith they didn't have

faith in the first place you can't lose

faith because when you were tested

suddenly you lost your son gets taken

away your wealth gets taken away that's

when faith is tested that's when the

mettle of a person is shown is not when

things are going well any of everybody's

a believer when things are going well is

when things are going horribly that's

the test of faith so you say out of the

Malawian - I do have to cut out two more

Quran but I'm that little B you read the

Quran and then you don't act according

to it you read the Quran and then you

don't act according to it so if you if

Allah super Henry Tata says an Amur what

poodle in SEO snob speak well to people

that's an honor from Allah Farren armor

well Kundalini see Krishna and then

you're going around cursing this one a

choosing somebody cuts you off the road

Allah Allah anok allow you have a basic

right that's not what kulilin se Hasina

right it's not anything that happens in

the Quran Allah subhana WA Ta'ala either

asaba to Moosa Batum what do they say

auto in early Lionel a garage your own

when an affliction hits them the first

thing they say is we belong to Allah as


in other words we're his property he can

do whatever he wants and we're going

back to him in other words we know he's

going to reward us for any tribute

we had so that's in the Quran Allah says

that's the attribute of the believer so

you read the Quran but then when an

affliction comes you're all over the

place why me why is this happening to me

what did I do

look at all these bad people over here

what's happening to them that that's

what people do they read the Quran but

they don't apply to themselves they

apply to so and so and so and so and so

and so really they apply to the rulers

why don't they obey the four-alarm the

Quran why don't we obey Allah and upon

Allah simple and moving in it hold them

in up sorry him say to the believers

lower their games Allah subhana WA

Ta'ala says Aladin whom feel sorrow team

harsh your own people that have who sure

in their prayer there are people they do

the prayer you know it's they call it

not put a deke just like a chicken

pecking there's people that they'll go

to the supermarket and they'll go over

avocados for five minutes just to get

the right they'll check all the

different watermelons you know and

they'll teach you ways of doing it

they'll show you no no you see if it's

dry here and I had somebody teach math

it's all science to pick a water mount

where does the watermelon go in one and

out the other but where does your prayer


it goes up to Allah subhana wa tada you

give more to a watermelon then you give

to such de and Allah says that you're

closest to him when you're in such de I

mean that's the state of Beni Adam it's

an amazing State people will read a

newspaper they'll spend every day

they'll get the Wall Street Journal

they'll get the New York Times and

they'll read and all these things that

have nothing to do with them whatsoever

nothing you read about some man in New

York that went bankrupt and this sign

and the other and you won't take ten

minutes for the Book of Allah fifteen

minutes 20 minutes but Time magazine

every week read through it cover to


The Economist read through that's what

people do with their life so if they

were reason of what I'm not active

people aren't even reading the Quran

anymore or give some time to the Sunnah

of the Prophet salat incident people get

they get agitated they'll watch


watch a movie for two hours people will

watch a movie for two hours excited

waiting - oh I can't I can't just wait a

second I got to see what happens here

but one of the things in reading the

Quran it's makrooh to look to the end of

the Jews to see when it ends right to

see when it ends so how much more do I

have to go

but they'll rewind something else sports

think rewind it let's see that play


and we know that in the hadith the

Prophet saws and recited verses over and

over and over again the same verse he

recited the whole night but people don't

watch our rerun over and over again look

at his play you got to see this do you

see that look at that kick that's what

people do that's the state of Benny Adam

it's a pathetic state it's a pathetic

state because people waste their lives

so we read the Quran we don't act

according to the Quran the Quran tells

us that we should have fear in our

hearts that we should have all that we

should have love and then he said at the

age of the Rasul for them come it'll be

soon it e you claim to love the Prophet

SAW lisent but you don't follow his

Sunna I'll give you one example

listen up the Prophet on Friday is to

take a shower to wear your best clothes

to wear your best clothes if you guys

were going for a job interview you think

you'd look like you look today if you

are going for a job interview would you

be late for the job interview

no you'd have your CV ready you'd

prepare the night before you'd be doing

all these things right that's what

people would be doing for a job

interview for their dunya not for the

Ankara for their dunya that they might

or might not get they'll go to links and

extremes to impress people about their

dunya but they won't go to any links or

extremes to impress Allah super Hanna

without about their ocula right people

wear t-shirts t-shirts I don't know I

wouldn't even go outside with a t-shirt

because I have

a more of a sense of dignity about being

part of Benny Adam than to wear a

t-shirt out in public that's an

undershirt muscle never wore undershirts

in public even our peasants you go to

side Muslim and you look at how peasants

dress in their daily life and maybe it's

changed now because they watch so many

big loose Erie runs right I don't know

maybe it's changed but that's the way it

was when I met those IEDs

I saw a peasant that looked like kings

because they had some sense of their own

human dignity and that's the way our

women were as well but people don't have

that anymore people don't have that

anymore seriously when I was growing up

as a Christian in this country what we

went because I was I was Orthodox and

Orthodox as most it's like it's more

rigid than Catholicism right we had to

go in our Sunday best when I was a

little boy a child dressed well we'd go

and you had to sit there quietly

impatient and you would listen and they

would do kiddie Eleison care for hours

it's a three-hour Mass that's what I