Making sense of our Past

Transcript Details

Event Name: Making sense of our Past
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/23/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

all this is the

great game they call this what they

called it they called it the great game

playing with the Muslims and it's still

going on the game is still going on and

it's actually quite frightening because

what happens is is what I've becoming to

realize now is that of the so-called

liberation movements of the 1950s that

were centered out of Egypt where in fact

nothing other than the power plays of

the Americans at removing the Europeans

from their colonial influence in those

lands the Americans were directing those

movements and this evidence I'm telling

you it's there you can find it if you do

the research they were directing these

movements they were undermining the

European power and they were moving in

for this Pax Americana the American


like post-world War two so many noble

people fought from the Muslims with the

best of intentions many of them died

and until Allah given Jenna but the

truth of the matter is our countries

after all of that bloodshed and all of

that suffering of the Algerian people

the the land of a million martyrs look

at the state of Algeria now

Veon look at the state of Algeria now a

million martyrs fought late 50s into the

1962 were killed at freeing the French

and for what for been done de and boom

ed young people that betrayed the people

that shed their blood for that land and

then Bella then becomes a you know he's

he's like he's saying now as long as the

only solution is but Chevy Shama poor

Hani I was once in a gathering and in

the Emirates and there was a ex Syrian

president there from the early 60s and

he was saying how Islam the only answer

and Shecky showered upon Hani said to

him why is it that you people never

realize that when you're in power and

then when you lose your power you know

suddenly it becomes obvious it's a very

good question now if you if you look at

this book it's very amazing is really is

extraordinary what that they were doing

here right Lord Kitchener Kitchener sets

out to capture as long Kitchener and his

colleagues believe that Islam could be

bought manipulated or captured by buying

manipulating or capturing its religious

leadership and they did it seriously

they did it

there's us howdy shoe that were in the

same three Masonic Lodge as Lord Cromer

in the Egypt its historical fact they're

all declassified documentation you can

see their own handwriting their own

signatures in fact you get this blue you

know the three Masonic and the French

Revolution the three Masonic colors were

red blue

like a galaxy Liberty Goudy and

Brotherhood right modem nonsense

free Masonic rubbish right and so you

get the US hobbies suddenly showing up

with red and blue instead of black

castles I'm not making this out blue

instead of black tassels on their

turbans where'd that come from red blue

and white right there the French flag up

on his head and now it's the American

flag he just needs some stars up there

right it's very sad they were intrigued

by the notion that whoever controlled

the honey controlled this long and it

was Kitchener actually did not want to

split up Islam up into several different

countries he wanted to control the

Haditha and just he said it's better if

we got the leadership we need to troll

the whole thing at one time the other

British divide and conquer it's better

policy we can make a lot of money

selling them weapons while they kill

each other so for Kitchener and his

entourage the possibilities of a Muslim

jihad against Britain was a recurring

nightmare right so they set out to

undermine it now what they did is they

created nationalism right now I just

want to read from Caen here very briefly

but it's very interesting what he says

often referred to as nationalists these

men are more accurately described as

separatists they do not ask for

independence they ask for a greater

measure of participation in local rule

they were willing to be ruled largely by

Turks because the Turks were fellow

Muslims he's talking about Egyptian and

Syrian and Lebanese people at that time

they were not nationalists unlike

European nationalist they were people

whose beliefs existed in a religious

rather than a secular framework they

live within the walls of the city of

Islam in a sense in which Europe had not

lived within Christendom since the early

Middle Ages for like the cities built in

the Arab world and

times the lives of the Muslim circles

centered around a central mosque they

did not represent an ethnic group for

historically the only ethnic or true

Arabs in quotation were the inhabitants

of Arabia

while the Arabic speaking populations of

such promises about a dad and Damascus

and other places were mixed ethnic stock

anyway the book goes on right now just

look what Weisman founder of Zionism

says was introduced to Prince Faisal not

the one that was killed but the one that

was working with Lawrence any people and

was enthusiastic about him a Zionist

enthusiastic about a Muslim that's a bad

sign Wiseman wrote to his wife that


he is the first real Arab nationalist I

have met so this is an indication that

it did not exist in the Muslim framework

only on less than a hundred years ago it

didn't exist does he say he's the first

real Arab nationalist that I met he is a

leader exclamation mark he's quite

intelligent quite can't be very

intelligent right if he said the Arab

and the nationalist right right and a

very honest man handsome is a picture he

is not interested in Palestine like

Sultana of the honey but on the other

hand he wants Damascus and the whole

northern Syria he is contentious of the

Palestinian Arabs who he doesn't even

regard as Arabs

the problem I sense that my Ummah would

be destroyed by little children from the

tribal college that the Omo would be

destroyed by little children of Alania

like little children little boys on the

tribal plane so it goes on but the big

game right they dismantle coup d'etat so

caught up and dismantle the thing and

then what where Islam is redacted and

people don't realize this that a whole

new version of Islam is written and it

begins emphasizing things like hope that

one minute we men love of nation is from

amen which is a saying that refers to

al-kitab primarily right because the

famous poet poetry that Imam noe has an

introduction to his in his introduction

to the real the Saudi King is that the

people who realized that dunya was not

their weapon right they realized that

the dunya was not their weapon so they

divorced the dunya so nationalism

becomes I'm an Egyptian ear Assyrian

he's a Lebanese Europe Pakistani he's a

Turk and this is the separation divide

and conquer we no longer see ourselves

within the fold of Islam the Brotherhood

that Allah has given us in the minimum

unit is what the believers are brothers

we now see ourselves I'm an American

Muslim he's a Pakistani Muslim he's a

Indian Muslim he's a thank God a Muslim

and on and on and on false designations

that Islam rejects completely

and you can go on and on I mean the

story goes on it just gets worse

so what I'd rather do is look quickly at

our present and then when I mentioned

about Envy the disease of envy is a very

because the Muslims have become deeply

envious of the West and you can see it

in that original quote that I used about

Envy that it's a secret admiration envy

is a secret admiration you want to be

like them but you know your happiness is

not going to be in admiring them so you

become contemptuous of them so we have

letter ik from Indonesia to Morocco

about the West and how terrible the West

is everybody's dress is like that they

eat like them they want to study in

their universities they want their green

cards to America and Canada right and

one of the movies in in Palestine is all

Long Island gave a fatwa that anyone who

sells land in Palestine in puts to Jews

is immortan because the Jews were

offering them $100,000 Canadian

citizenship and who runs Canada to sell

man because they'll just buy them out

right and then they'll say look we've

got it's all deeded to us we bought it

from them they sold it anyone in

Palestine now if they're just sitting in

their house really just sitting in their

house is Amerada really just sitting in

the house is an act of jihad in that

now if you look at this disease of envy

because everybody's watching their

television satellite dishes everywhere

they're cropping up all over the Muslim

world every rooftop look at Damascus

somebody was telling me that the

minarets are pointing up straight to the

heavens and all of the satellites are

pointing to Europe right and it's like

you have two choices walkie

right from Allah or what he from chef's

on the ship on has a wacky right you

wish upon Hausa why he because he tries

to mimic God just like a lost set his

throne is on water lettuce chiffon put

his throne on water you see so the green

is unseen influences Shia panic

influences and I'm not making that up

it's not an exaggeration television you

don't know what's going into your brain

but they're all watching it I mean I

just gave her a loose the world not that

long ago they're all in their houses I

went to visit people you can't even have

a conversation because the TV's on and

you're trying to talk and they're like

this and then every once awhile they'll

kind of come back right no this I'm not

making this up it's unbelievable you

have to throw that machine out as

Muslims really give it up it's a drug

it's a truck that's all it is

it's like any drug you kick the habit

you start feeling good get that out of

my system and unfortunately the images

come back and things like that right

really they're all imprinted in there

you can watch movies you don't have to

go buy new ones go out and get the video

you can just play reruns in your mind if

you have a good memory so look here

present condition right ended now about

spot on a lot of the Hanoi data says

about the problem

he says that he was from the people of

Musa at a sedan in the substitute they

say he was his cousin

some say the uncles some say even most

of them say the cousin he acted

instantly towards them but I believe him

he became proud

why because he'd been given him well who

gave him the wealth Allah I'd say now a

minute easy

we gave him in Oakland Uzi to be over

it's a positive we gave him some of the

treasures that exist so much so that the

cheese of those treasures would be a

burden to a group of strong men just

carrying the keys a wealthy man

Bill Gates modern Babu little WA and he

said to his people his people said to

him that's a fact don't rejoice because

you have dunya because Allah doesn't

love the 13 the people who rejoice with

dunya with the the who that I've allowed

with the public and the workmen of Allah

the Quran and the Messenger of Allah

that's what you should rejoice in the

halo me manage my own it's better than

what they're gathering and this is what

the prophets of light is a time when the

ants are were being affected because he

was giving the parade new Muslims that

lethal pollute he was giving them all

the the dunya that they've gotten the

booty and the unshod began to feel like

he's neglecting us and the friend one of

them mentioned after the Pope's allies

and the Prophet gathered them and he

said aren't you content that they get

the booty and you get me because she

went back he left Mecca he went back to

Medina with them they were happy with

that when they heard that they all

rejoiced because they were believers not

deluded by dunya now and then Allah says

if something a female attack Allah and

this is the beauty of pond you can't

translate this thing because the same

word but I am now

you zip tele right but now it's used in

a motel what form it's a reflexive do

this for yourself use what Allah has

given you for the Daraa Daraa don't do

it for dunya do it for accurate what a

sense an Aussie bit minute dunya don't

forget your portion of the dunya the

more fast you don't say the Chaffin is

your portion of the dunya that's what

you take with you that's your portion

what you take is your cousin but you're

wrapped in your funeral shroud that's

the portion of dunya you take with you

when you die don't forget that desire

and there's other interpretation that it

means that it's permissible to enjoy the

move our hats right but not to go to

excess in them but most of the early

ones prefer that one that it's use it

for alcohol and then he says well accent

come accent alone in a show yes and just

says Allah has shown it's and to you and

then what has to be emphasized again

Baha don't desire corruption in the

earth because Allah does not love those

who sow corruption so here's Harlan a

man from Benny is Satya

Benny is right here were the Muslims at

that time let us not forget and here's a

man who because of wealth that was given

to him he becomes oppressive and we can

see many examples of that in the Muslim

world now the Muslim world has some of

the greatest well now right they do

massively wealthy and we have many many

Patil ones now in the Muslim world many

of them on and on but he's being told

now what does they say what do they say

then he says ha mm I will teach you

either a man indeed know this wealth is

for me I have a knowledge I have a PhD

from Harvard that's how I got this well

I'm more clever than you are I think you

really I invented this machine and I got

the patent that's how I got it

Allah didn't give me this that's what

they think and I'm don't does I wanna be

Adam doesn't he know that all eyes

Floyd those before him from other

generations they have more power than

him and they had more wealth but the he

will not be asked the the mujrimun of

this age won't be asked about the wrong

actions of the previous people so when

he came out to his people how do I know

call me it easy and as he came out all

embellished and those Island living the

UT doing that high at the dunya those

who want the life of this world what did

they say oh that we had what other one

had she disease the disease this is the

disease they want what others have the

Muslims want what America have they want

what Europe has they want it why can't

we have everybody have a car why can't

we all have refrigerators - why can't we

have all this dunya like they have now

look what Allah says after that

welcome in Medina was within those who

had knowledge what do they say

Leila come home whoa no habla his table

Neiman and a little sorry huh

the reward of Allah is better for the

one who believes and does righteousness

when are you at a Faja in love sabi room

now here's the key here Sabah because

there's two conflicts the conflict of

the human who's been given things which

is either to show ingratitude or to show

gratitude and the conflict of the human

being who has been deprived of things

and this is either to be patience or to

become envious this is the choice you

either become patient and recognize this

is Allah doing this don't think you see

when people look at them the Europeans

now and the Americans they say look

they're not following Islam and they

have all this it's all working for them

which it's not but this is the way a lot

of superficial people look at it it's

all why is it that they're in control of

look at us we're all backward this and

that etc etc these people have nothing

they are a whip that are lost behind

with that is using to beat the

disobedience servants there are

disciplined that's all they are they're

disciplined to the Muslims they're

disciplining us until we learn the

lesson and they'll keep disciplining us

until we turn away until we lose our

sadistic tendencies of envying what we

can't have and desiring the daughter

ocula giving up our love of dunya

returning to jihad returning to

mujaheddin of the self working on

getting rid of the diseases of the heart

not on increasing them so those people

were warned

now what happens tha soft nabi he will

be daddy had of allah caused the earth

to swallow him up and his abode and in

the tafseer they say that Moosa was

given permission to destroy him and he

made a dua and the earth took him a

third of his body and one to other

people that were with him that went with


instead of going with Moosa because they

wanted his dunya and the other ones

decided to go because he added that he

accused Musa and some things that were

false and the woman that was used to

accuse him admitted that she was paid by

a codling to do that and Harun called on

Musa s Tejada B Musa Musa helped me he

made dua and he was bust again a third

time he was destroyed and outlaw

revealed to Musa Musa had he called on

me I would have had mercy but he called

on you was the Kenaston even thank the

provost Elias and said Omar was like

Musa and Abu Bakr was like Ibrahim

anything so when they saw that after he

was unable to be helped Isfahan ladina

terminó Meccano hope in ants


lekha and Ally ups will respond even you

shot those people when they realize they

were desiring yesterday they wanted to

be like puddle on the next day they saw

what happened they say we're lucky we're

not like him you see now the Muslims

want what the Americans have they're

getting it and they're getting the

corruption of the television the

destruction of the families it's all


now not only do they have social

corruption corruption within the house

itself losing the women really you just

look look around us look what's

happening to the Muslim youth right I

mean this is quite hopeful there's a lot

of good youth here but how many for

every one person in here and I'm not

saying just because I'm doing that I

mean any going to the messages any

Islamic function anything but for one

person in here how many Muslims are out

in Toronto

wasting their lives away wishing they

had what Patil

then after that Allah says this is the

house of the authority' that we give for

those who do not desire to be exalted in

the earth the Muslims we do not desire

to be felted we should not desire to be

prancing around like the American we

want the vicentina of Allah is exalted

not the Muslims when the prophets Allah

SM came into Mecca he came in in a state

of humbleness his head was lowered he

came in with his head bowed down if you

look at the way tyrants come into their

cities when they conquer them they come

in with drums Montgomery you know this

guy Montgomery the British general he

used to come in with bands and Romans

when they defeat this is the way he came


Mike clapping is all of them they're all

arrogance arrogant people who stuck the

ruling the Provos Allah is in came in

with humility because he saw where the

victory was coming from it wasn't from

panels or little Fiat about la stupenda

with Diana

the method is from a lot of the panel at

the Anna alone so this is the disease of

it's a vicious one and it's interesting

that Allah one of the the

second-to-the-last short of Quran what

has she didn't either has said the

envier when he envies now just the

present state looking at the present I

think that sums it up there's a few

other things you can look at the fact

that even though we condemn the West for

all of its degradation and its depravity

and this and that look at our own land

look at the Muslim condition today look

at it reflect on it and then they had a

they had a study done here in the West

in which they said that the the most

corrupt country in the world was Nigeria

and the second most corrupt was Pakistan

and then somebody said in fact Pakistan

won but they bribe

yuria to take the first prize now

Nigeria Pakistan and all the rest the

Muslim countries these countries are

corrupt also but like I was taught from

physician friend of mine who taught me

how to analyze patients said never

examine a patient under artificial light

when you look at the West you're looking

under artificial light the Muslims it's

natural light so they look as bad as

they are appear it's artificial light so

they might look a little perkier than

they actually are but they're in bad

shape and they're corrupt their

corruption is deep but I will say that

my own experience in in the West has

been that generally in certain aspects

at the individual level you will find

and Allah says in the Quran the woman I

had a key cabinet and took men who out

of America thought annuity unit there's

from people from the book up from the

people of the book if you give them a

lot of wealth they'll don't give it back

to you so Allah says from them are gone

and from them are bad but generally the

level of corruption has not permeated to

the extent that it has in the Muslim

lands and that's a very serious

indictment of the Muslim because our

experience most of us we've traveled in

the Muslim world we experienced this and

it's quite devastated so I'll end this

by hope for the future because we're

hopeful and we all have to because we're

Muslims and the hadith

the diagnosis our disease which is also

once the disease is diagnosed is an

indication of what the cheer is and the

cure is also mentioned in another hadith

the hadith is related by a benign and

it's from what I had thought I belong

and there are many versions of it but

this one is interesting he said some a

lot is and is reported to have said

unfamiliar a dubinina the mihrab become

more honorable model for 10 hona and in

one car what she dare he doing a piece

of beauty yah-hoo my top ROP comer

sakura tange you today are on clear

proof from your lord in command to good

and you forbid evil and you struggle in

the way of Allah to get he doing a piece

of beauty that and then there will

manifest in you these two very serious

symptoms of impending doom Sakura

fallujah ignorance was sucked a lot of

the line and the disease of love was

such a one owner and a decaf a data

model Nadine molten what I can hone our

unknown Quran what else you yeah he

don't have his people I hate and

fighting no Yama isn't that she'd have

Eva soon as she the who a euro sham

sinners should be a how do you ask

for a La Nina or min home Hara lab mini


ha ha Ahmed with bizarro of an American

descent in Sofia

music oh I am la a la idea common and

Adam with Elohim acid and I after rona

rocks rona MacArthur a phone where to

donate a a coma

you will soon be taken over by the the

eigen and they will be like lions

you don't flee from you and they will

fight the way you fight and now eat from

your booty

this is also an indication of the force

who became Muslim and the other Muslims

because he was speaking primarily to the

Arab contingency but there's another

hadith which is that

yushik one and tada a little Oh mom I

mean Coolio happen come after that

a cadet akasaki happiness or Allah from

infinite and min Naomi even Okada

na hora kiraku Volta travolta a savior a

2000 Rubicon what you an iguana via

Politico wounds are audible you know

Fallujah I do become the particular

dunya for Tara here the common mode that

it's coming a time when the Jews and the

Christians as interpreting the other

Heidi will come from every walk from

every horizon and they will eat from you

from your plates like energy from a

plate and they said yeah I saw a lot is

it from that were few in numbers they

said no that your life's come the foam

on the top of the flow and there's a

weakness in your hearts and fears taken

out of the hearts of your enemies and

the reason for this video people mad

dunya or cut out here to come in mode

because we love dunya and you hate them

very simple diagnosis which means that

the Cure then are two things one is the

job has to be removed and every single

islamic renaissance if you study the

history of the song began with

intellectual renaissance and you show me

one that did not because the very first

Islam began with a calm

it began in Mecca in a house with one

man saw the lights and I'm teaching men

and women so he double la stupenda went

to Anna and moving from their hearts to

love of dunya and all model of them

under said to the Persians we will send

an army the love of death with them is

just is greater than your love of life

and this comes from knowledge because

the more knowledge one gains and we're

not talking about malumat information

there's Orientalists but there in all

the rules that's not real knowledge

there are Orientalists that know islam

they can lecture about islam they can


everything that can give you the idea of

the Muslims they can tell all these

things but in the end they do not

believe so it is not real knowledge real

knowledge is of two types one is a

knowledge in which one is limited in

their intellectual understandings but

the knowledge penetrates their heart

which even the Bahji become buddy

and the second is where they join the

two they have the outward and inward as

well and these are the people that are

the leaders of food yet Allah in his

land and the third type is somebody who

know the outward but it doesn't

penetrate the inward and that's called a

hypocrite and they're the ones that the

Prophet SAW lice and feared more than

anybody and finally the last thing that

I'll leave you with is I think very

powerful statement by an American who's

talking about the disease of the

autonomy of man Sultan eaten the Russian

said that the modern Western mindset can

be understood as humanistic autonomy

he's given that in that insanity who's

a man transgresses in that he

deems himself independent about law and

these people now deem themselves

independent of Allah Subhan Allah to

Anna and this according to this mental

mutant says is an autonomy of man from

any higher force above him commenting on

this if superior forces are not allowed

current epistemology has no way to

register them I have argued then human

life has no alternative but to appear

autonomous in other words if we deny the

material the spiritual influences in our

lives because they only look at the

outward and we look when we look at and

analyze things we keep in mind

waha and boppin who would over to

without fiddle well by him what about

them we keep in mind both aspects the

outward the manifest and the inwardly

hidden they are only looking

at the outward they do not see the

inward and so because of that there's no

alternative but to appear autonomous the

human being is autonomous

there's nothing behind all of this if we

were surprised to find salt and yeast

and blaming his presumed autonomy for

the fact that the Western world has lost

exhibit courage a fact which cannot be

disputed is the weakening of human

personality in the West look at

seriously look at the the people that

are being produced in these cultures he

tells us it is because the mechanist we

have largely and unconsciously become we

assume that if superior forces exist

they would cheerin eyes we take their

absence to be liberating so we deny that

there's anything superior to us and we

see that if there was it would only be a

tyranny over us it would be a tyranny

over this is very important it would be

a tyranny over us it seems not to occur

to us that such forces might empower us

and liberate us submission in Arabic

Islam was the very name of the religion

that surfaced through the Quran yet its

entry into history occasioned the

greatest political explosion the world

has known that's the outward he's

looking at where did the the power and

the impetus of that political explosion

where did it come from the unseen forces

if mention of this fact automatically

triggers our fears of fanaticism as the

Western reader Islam exploded onto the

world those were those crazy Saracens

the fanatics here's what he says this

simply shows us another defense are

agnostic reflexes has erected against

the possibility of there being something

that better than we are in every respect

could infuse us with goodness as well as

power were we open to the transfusion

what he's saying

is that if you look at Islam and what it

brought and the civilization that it

created and the dignity of man that it

established the education the traditions

the Institute's the the artifacts of

their the remnants of those cultures are

sold for massive amounts of money

because these people the rich people in

this culture want to have them

ornamenting their houses you see this is

this is this ROM is powerful its

transformative it is transformative and

it can transform every single one of us

if we're open to it at the individual

level all of us have to make an absolute

commitment to studying our Deen to

studying it in its in its most

comprehensive and broad-based orthopraxy

tradition in other words the parameters

are broad within limits we don't go

outside of those limits if the Muslims

traditionally have had different views

and I busted behind with China has

allowed that giving us different ways to

practice our faith and to understand it

within generous guidelines of our

messenger so inshallah we ask of us

together with that Allah to make us

people of this Deen and people of the

level of his thing and as forgiveness I

went on for some time with my friend