The Concept of Jihad in Islam

Transcript Details

Event Name: The Concept of Jihad in Islam
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/22/2019 7:34:54 PM
Transcript Version: 2

Transcript Text

in a sign I think I might just add water

into the pocket they have in the

facility booty on the Lucille I'm not

saying I have a Lisa here when I told

her that I wished I had 39 and address

he said have in mind well me up go I'm

gonna marry she know if there are going

to be done then therefore it doesn't

surprise me at all all the problems that

emerge because of this and also the

obsession that these people have in

putting out this distorted disconnected

aspects of a holistic tradition to

people and giving them a distorted

picture of something and then you get

the results of that distortion because

at the root of all of this again is an

imbalance and because there's so much

imbalance environment engenders more in

balance and so we just increase in this

state of disequilibrium when he had that

lemon Rifa miracle no fool fun to share

some of that he then after them they're

lucky Hoonah it was definitely the

bigger he had karaman get a spectacle

commercially manner how are we for vini

were aluminum wanna poop Udine from

about America in the Messiah as a

champion of the common with the people

interact what we got minute canuckdive

just put a bigger so it also doesn't

surprise me when I heard some things

about what my emotion brother hundra

said on a major media that caused some

misunderstanding in me and

when I actually met him and what

happened when he said we spoke for three

hours in a taped interview and they took

three minutes from that three hours it

made perfect sense that they would be

able to take things out of context and

manipulate things and put them in a

frame that they desire

Gahan Lavina Saguna sure about hammer

the MIDI Bella who in the head I guess

you were turkeys occur I do that yeah

I'm really but you have that mr. diamond

other than they should have won that

Hummer then I was a little lean when I

do you know do different put on lighting

you stay home and I'll be more than

alcohol and this reminds me of a story

about the man who liked to drink wine

and somebody said to him that the reason

that wine it was prohibited is because

it has a deleterious effect on the

Internet in whorls

your thinking processes and you end up

doing things that you wouldn't have done


and the man said to him that doesn't I

don't find that in the Quran the Quran

in fact warns about praying it says wait

a minute any Waverley multi-beam loyal

to those who pray and the shape said

that's true but that's only half the

verbs the next half of it said and

lovino about himself and those who are

heedless about their prayers well either

cuneta columnar and kentucky infertility

huh and the value of Somalia was a new

one that is that they had happened to

man and liturgy I believe in fairness I

am he the rewarming large of it let's go

he got the columnar energy habit and you

read one network a limo a woman I'm

going around from anarchy to have the

law here in the ratio

I didn't as one so when we talk now

about a very misunderstood concept which

is jihad we need to talk about it in

relation to these two neurologists the

relation of the knowledge between the

human being and his Lord and that is the

knowledge that we serve and the relation

between the human being and the world he

lives in and that is the knowledge that

serve us that when we speak about jihad

I want to speak about it in relation to

these two directions well in the

mathematical unanimity regime permit and

economics 811 in academia the summary

demanded by this Tamara Mina manager

while in our video nor the Aunt Clara

Nevada the Madeleine was a llamar a

mammal of mine was hijacked and then a

hawk was one approver he's a man in a


Jamia mussolini now what I wanted mean

in energy hack and that is why after

this conclude translation about the

things that the previous speaker had

been talking about what kept coming to

my mind is in what dire need we are in

such dire need we are now of this

principle that my religion calls jihad

that what the world needs today is jihad

we had that lady food oh c'mon connect

to my medaka and an Islamic moved an the

animal a flammable human world when a

man looks old

and let the Howard when I thought I had

had you can I be honest here and now who

that remember if you had in or Judy

finish line point here again is not to


the acute my point really is not to

defend the religion of Islam because we

believe that it is a divine religion is

divinely ordained is the religion of God

and that is why I don't want to defend

it but what I want to do

is examine look at this principle that

we call jihad and how it relates to a

hater will shuttle more than anything

other buddy never wanted a forum window

the military where can a developer

contain in the manage it all and they're

headed higher Manhattan hockey human

female editor Shelley

laughing the body a lot of Harbison the

good and evil these concepts their

reality has been in the world since the

beginning and the conflict is an ancient

conflict that exists between these two

forces that exist in the world and one

of the abilities that the ancients had

was an ability to treat evil in a way

that removed its contacts without

removing the source of the harmful

effects it was a way of treating it that

we did not destroy the human being that

was perpetrating evil but rather we

contained the evil that was in that

person let's see the wedding when I've

got how that lion can you see honey with

our eyelashes in lavender by Al Farabi

the anatomist Ellison who shot the

unarmed about in the algebra of million

even for Melissa to have that I was the

armor oh man yes casually like a burner

to heat the anabaena now and especially

in he had a new Judy melon Mohammed

adamak having said yes the caveat that

goes with this is that unfortunately

there are times when a person has

capitulated to the evil within his soul

to such a degree whereas it no longer is

a conflictual element within himself but

rather evil has become the principle of


yes and these type of people it is

necessary not simply to remove their

harm but to remove the source of the

horror and this is a knowledge that

takes immense wisdom because it can be

misused and this is also absolutely

essential that it be understood in the

deepest way because in the religion that

I adhere to the most dangerous thing

that a human being can do for his own

soul is to kill another human being not

a laminate oh butter masala Hama story

he could even be Moroccan in last

movement alla to get clearance for the

develop of the Father help to develop a

little darted invested already had a lot

away and for this reason in our religion

every single wrong action than human

being can commit he has seen open to

repentance and to to a permanent except

for the taking of a human life this is

something in which even the earliest

companion different on is somebody who

kills another human being without just

one knowingly if that person able to

atone that their Lord and right and so

the fact that there was a difference of

opinion indicates how how dangerous the

matter is where the eminent a woodland

auntie or in a foster home a methodical

intelligent in a had been good yesterday

the coyote at the enemy the - nasty

Google her he with a hot shower oil and

a struggle it is the final tournament

since he had finished a man in a nasty

littoral world aha Allah P after will

not be ready for her here and I wonder

that the reason why this is extremely

important also is because the nature of

life on the earth is competition that

human beings have always had

conflictual elements amongst themselves

and that we find that these Confucian

alarmers emerging all aspects of life

even in the domestic the economic the

intellectual all of these different

fields of human endeavor we find this

push and shove that exists between human

being and because of that the it's most

dangerous manifestation America when

people actually begin to fight when it

breaks down to the point where they're

using physical violence against each

other and so this is part of the human

condition and that's why it's so


well sure herbal people talk to him you

can eat or not eat the fire will be here


the beginning of the surah Gaddafi was

going to be marking him a bad day that

he only no one ever had Wahaha superb at

appear in miniature are the mattify

honey they might have a mother and the

math the only nurse

dilemma absolute the demoniacal yeah

bubble the chameleon and a variety I

will never be I will return at the

oldest agraja a latina shot the

Egyptology Department in Hiawatha

basically and one of the dangerous

aspects also of this matter is that when

human beings have looked at the world

that they live in and look at other

peoples and what's happening with other

people they don't look from the

understanding or the circumstances of

the conditions of the other people but

they ultimately look from their own

circumstances from their own conditions

and so their judgment on other people is

really in their own experience of life

which is very different from the

experience of those other people and so

this leads to further misunderstanding

you have national

and we're after dark or even through

between Allen here Latifah Boomer

Esiason television importantly the

Angeline Sala here in children are

willing and available to collect kata

guruma in them and for this reason the

most the most insidious types of human

conflict that occurred by human

conflicts that were a result of ethnic

diversity the result of ethnic

differences the reason that they're

particularly evil is because they're

about people that are looking at each

other and having no understanding of

each other it's one person looking at

another person and he's completely

divorced from the reality of that person

and has no knowledge of that person

and what type of conditions or

situations that they were in and so the

concept that arises out of these time

have a particular horrific quality

really has been Bashar an approval of

Illuminati my bad list and hostilities

for not welcome enema bag obvious

conclude that the Adonis Paleolithic era

had been available easy and the next

most terrific in these type of things

are wars that have no connection with

any celestial principle but there are

rather simply wars of expansion wars of

exploitation wars of subjugation and

these are the type of war that occurred

in leaders like Stalin who was mentioned

in previous lecture that this type of

law is also another horrific aspect

because it's based on greed on human

desire manic our ability Katya

still nagging Allah no any minute the

horatio career

Leamas also didn't about in Somalia

and the next types of wars that are so

terrible are those that have some

foundation in sound principles but those

sound principles are being used not

enough themselves but rather as a means

to selfish ends so this is the next in

triage of insidious Wars the third one

would be those wars that are fought as

using celestial principles as their as

their foundation and as their

justification but in fact the real

objective is divorced from those very

principles that are being manipulated

yeah Nina I was holding ten authorities

who are the schematic I would marry

follow him and I will hold him and shake

him could we have to get him to Iraq

here Natalya how are you done but really

if we look at the wars that are

currently going on today

they're not even in any of these realms

they're basically Wars based on purely

human desire human passion human Caprice

so there are there Wars that are desired

that the desire and the average of the

human being because he wants something

for himself that this is really the goal

in what happened now that people are

simply fighting for their own personal

desire that wins and they have no real

justification when I ever thought he had

and I might have the only internal he

says he epinasty he was feeling verbally

he'd mythology huh hey diarrhea velu

Judi and the fan and a million lire

caramel and on 9/11 is a NASA

and I need oil and this is where we

arrive at the principle of jihad because

what we are talking about really is a

human being that recognizes these forces

in himself and in need of constraint for

these forces so that he does not become

a vehicle of pure selfish desire and

intent and and forces himself upon the

world with those selfish desires and

intent being the driving force behind

him but rather that he begins to

recognize that he has to conform to

these principles that he had to change

within himself and why did you have in


he had to take the middle if he hadn't

she had in the corner any time of dunya

soo-ji so bigger he an emoji minister

who he that also little autumn I didn't

like that

eleven a and so for this reason in our

tradition this jihad which is changing

the soul the condition of the soul and

the desires of the soul we call this the

greater for the greatest jihad because

it is upon is jihad that all other


are based that the human being must

overcome these selfish desires within

himself so that he does not become a

victim of his own self and begin to

perpetrate crimes against others because

of his selfish desires when the

unmasking feei electricity and in Fanny

I feel to our guy but that so in are

subhan allah wa alhamdulillah he had the

urban favela canada metal honking and I

myself an engine a banana and nanokarrin

FC has component and jacket yet are

several he disabled in can Yeti latina

she did the problem he had

Lukas who like the piracy profile in

jail when America Lima preferred the and

man haha either horizontally potentially

happen for diga diga we develop it

internally the Amana album of jihad tell

him at the hockey and the photon in jail

for this reason when the prophet

sallallaahu from was asked what is the

greatest jihad he said the greatest

jihad the most momentous jihad the the

one of greatest reward with God is to

speak the truth in the presence of

unjust rule is to speak the truth in the

presence of tyranny and the reason that

he said that is because these reactions

that human beings had when everybody is

in this reaction where in Berlin and the

selfish reactions of the human being are

leading to all of these problems what is

the most needed is to bring people back

to the truth and so when a human beings

stand before an injustice that he sees

that has power and authority and he

speaks the truth if actually emanates

from his heart the map shoe penetrates

the heart of the one who he's speaking

to where your food you have read enacted

law and the homophobia mentally methane

and June when James and Jude but little

father when jenk

into our immensity back for this reason

according to our linguist the work you

have is taken from a root word that has

two different sources one of them is

good and the other is dead

giveth is to expand ones it's total

exertion it's the exertion or going to

the furthest of one's to pass

to understand something and then this

the second one jenna is to completely

exhaust oneself in that effort so the

the one is recognizing that one has to

exert everything that one has in order

to arrive at something and the other is

not to stop short from that in other

words don't you set the standard but it

only can occur once one is exhausted all


Baga the m-19 fana say blue blue with

him and next day after you will see the

wi newsela who in elevated boomer boomer

had a certain jab in october and now say

i come to the diary command in German

cameraman Aniston Jennifer Aniston from

a very healing Yehia

well Jenna thought the onion garlic and

seppuku Nabu and I'm a beauty that is

able to look say u gamma minus t human

gia when an availability would be

hugging each other apart and so because

of this these two aspects of it one is

exerting one effort in order to achieve

the goal and the other is the complete

expenditure of all of one's energy in

that endeavor that this the reason that

this is is necessary is because there

are two aspects of that you have won the

jihad is happening internally and that

is in changing one's own resistance to

the truth inside oneself and the other

is confronting that those forces in the

world which are also resistant

truth so these are the two and so that

on the one hand there's this exertion

and on the other hand the Condit the

resistance to it there's there's an

expenditure of immense energy in that


I wish I had a lemon and then in Sinai a

parabolic learning at the scene

well actually learned to kind of hold I

am about to learn and you and generate a

beautiful earth and then I everybody

infernal Judah

well I'm mobility gooniac IATA

Mahakala like an ambulance on a further

learning before hacking that when I can

actually learn to pan over to either way

God and baby human hula the hardy huh

giggle karbala because you have and

because at the root of this is not

selfish desire but the root of true

jihad is it wanted experiment energy for

the sake of God that it's being done not

for the sake of the soul for selfish

reasons but rather as a way of bringing

about good for the sake of God of

recognizing that you're viewing this for

you're doing this for God and you're

also doing this as a way of bringing

that goodness to those around you and so

that this exhaustion is not an

exhaustion of the self it's an empty of

myself the exhaustion that occurs occurs

because the self has being empty

in order for something else to happen

which is that it is done solely for the

sake of God but that's when Olivia

interfere over him in Sangamon Derek

this on

lieth allah will be happy he'll hyah

when I met Elizabeth hi Anton offer

valid Erica saw John Allen fan and

hamana hamana hamana animal indigenous

America who would get a hierarchy he had

a petunia weatherman tomorrow to Quran

Allah and regard annuity yo extraneous


oh but we gonna go in that Ahana in

media and I feel totally Haditha and so

for this reason because the person

that's exerting his energy is not

expecting the fruits of that exertion

while he's in the world so for that

reason they're not selfish because the

self I'm related to this world what he's

doing or she's doing is exposing this

energy for the contentment of the Lord

so that when they move to the next stage

of our existence in his next world they

can say indeed the time that I carried

in the earth was a time of service to

the people of the earth and and to the

earth for your sake when he had that

she's a Latina ethical emunah the

healthy environment knows about the

hotel where Luna and hunger them from

the law where I live you earn yourself a

little bit and where Islam the Messiah

and Jamie laughs it's a gentleman or

build Authority and I'm a mogul at the

bottom in the cameras all in line for

the laura-leigh you are an offender he

has been Jasmina Alastair Barney we're

honest about what we wanted a moment the

enemy another one a congenital disorder

one area who whenever the bleedin

the automatic camera lady just ruin an

infant machine is every day another who

are mean Nativity my approval in

phenomenal myth are they are gamma nada

I was in shady body so he said for that

reason he feels he's very troubled and

disturbed by the some of the media that

has talked about these pleasures that

the mujahidin suppose can receive at the

awaiting him in the next world

because he said that what what we

understand about this is so much faster

than that it's a belittling of what the

real meaning of this exertion of one

for the sake of God is about and that is

why it's it's a much more profound truth

and and when when anything is spoken of

about the lights in the next world

they're spoken about in the context of

people who have given up so much in this

world to serve the world

for the goodness of the world and things

that they do not see the benefits of

while they're in the world am I sure

that the general of the article can hear

the shuffle of ecological mana the

general general is far he had a

September and the monopolization the net

worth in Jalan however cool and you can

remember eager and good matter how Allah

T it sparked in me Ryan I could learn

how aligned and focused upon Eden

Robin she has become an ocean MacArthur

API we live in him father the crockery

and leather cool look how many and I

will show you an amendment now I will

show you on Simon get down to implicitly

the toll of it is one in that a little

while we have it the kind of how

permanent you have in there so he said

for this reason he was very moved by the

response that people in this country had

to the to the firefighters

a family was a little bit emotionally

affected by what is being said because

it's a very serious and emotional

subject for all of us so his request

that I finished and I was trying my best

but I'm also obviously affected by this

as well but I will try to be a happy

therapy Bernadette Mandy had the jowl

shark Enrica the Jaya Jaya

the father and let in Arabic I acted in

the north the bounnam available in the

masseuse that kalyanaraman will be under

having in the human family forever Ohio

homeland motive immortality in gadamer

Newton oh my uncle in god oh god I think

al Qaeda that the Catholics have had the

ashram September he said that on the

event of what has happened that is well

known when these firefighters were going

and trying with a very virtuous and high

lofty goal that they had of saving

people's lives and putting out the fire

and so forth that they the things that

they that were that they were expecting

to receive or nothing was expected to be

received from that of this material

world they weren't expecting to receive

any material thing from this world while

they were doing that

gelareh with Sabine was out of an abyss

the gentleman who you know why you have

this deep feeling and emotional feeling

for these people in the Internet is a

great thing that they have done it you

know why you have that feeling in your

heart and I'm good about my Emily :

- we do anymore God didn't see how to

get higher you know what it is it is the

very fact that they

gave up or they sacrifice the most

valuable thing in this life in the

person's own life they sacrificed that

for no material gain or no personal gain

in this life they sacrifice themselves

for the higher morale or what was what

they were doing in that effort and from

Delta Alpha home Academy dr. Wooten

at namaha well at it as a boar mimic an

Adama can kiss back well up

al-qaeda who cometh again so no one

feels any type of emotion toward a

person for instance who is working in

doing drug dealing and so forth if for

instance he's shipping a shipment of

drugs and so forth and he ended up dying

in that in that cause he ended up losing

his life in that cause no one feels

emotionally affected in that state he

said belvane for two reasons

yep your popular innocent I'm a mother

via pin arm of the entire man worked on

because the first reason of the two

reasons is that this person was not

thinking in his mind of some high and

lofty principles something that was of

noble or honorable he had not thought

about this when he was in this activity

next to him and I didn't hire in the

moment as a teacher he was not he was

not thinking about the advancement of

good or the rectification of what was

around him he was only thinking in

principles of evil or or to spread evil

except abuse an animal can I impose a

villain mohammed al Maleh let me say AG

demented even Mohinder ah and the second

cause is also that he was looking for

material gain and material benefit he

was looking for some type of wealth or

some type of money that he was going

gain out of this interaction that he was

involving himself with Malaysia had a

health back of it as fat the hawala mila

kunis yes Alicia and Moomin allahu

khairan AVOD he in God a Bible who are

my opinion so they removed our banana

dunya Wien and the who not ok own so for

this reason you have the exact opposite

situation with those who are doing the

work of the firefighting power the work

that they were doing is that number one

they were thinking of high goals and

high principles of saving people and

helping the situation and making it

better and the second was is that the

second one and that they were not giving

anything or they would not be given

anything in the return because they knew

or almost with the certainty that they

could lose their lives

so they were not looking for some type

of material gain or benefit well ha ha

hoo I'm a pool without the image you

have you to dinner and now this is the

true and correct understanding of jihad

with the Muslims as you have internet

more down to the volatility jihad in our

for us is DTR defending I on without to

the balcony did have restraining or

pushing back falsehood in giving victory

to what is right for our existing or

aiding what is right

Ruben's Buffy with a correct methodology

or way when he looks little and

for a correct and proper reason ha muji

daddy cabina fairness Delta elugu daddy

this all available on Atlantic

island the proper and the proper

intention of goal is that this should

not be for the lower self or for the ego

or for self selfish purposes but rather

it should be only for the seeking of the

pleasure of God and for his sake and for

a pile of immoral

neither vehicle mudsill and the melissa

is my father that was of allah alayhi

wasallam na minha hidden you gelato p

severely La Jolla well of another demon

you mr. Venus a medical element well

women you geography Sevilla in Russia I

almond Bahamas

welcome o Allah don't need any worries

in domestic and so long after a near

Pune P high school my father welcomed in

college one along on the final lap life

somebody has an inner electron and we

forgot little otherwise dollar so

there's no way that one when looking at

this concept of jihad

there's no ways that you can combine

between seeking the pleasure of God and

doing it solely for the sake of God and

its high lofty moral and personal

benefit personal gain or selfishness

there's no way to combine between the

two types of understanding it can only

only he emphasized only be for the sake

of God and for his pleasure and for this

high lofty moral polyphony in dunya and

what was meant by personal gain or

anything are the things of this world

things at this level of the existence

well it has a little mommy than my god a

melody you drop the dunya

hey yeah he said he did that say I see

on Indiana a hundred jitter of Lihue for

music got up man duty happy to be in

that when I cuz I was cool on some D

Helen and her dad well mom will be man

in geography city and so for this reason

we find that the Prophet Muhammad peace

be upon him in a prophetic tradition

said and whoever is harmed in the way of

God was physically harmed or wounded in

the way of God and then he

pay careful attention to the statement

of the purpose of article in here when

he said and God knows best

God knows best who is wounded or who is

hurt in his way the pool of the gardener

in Malaga mahan talented women hi Athena

either astonishment is Roman decree

impurity I will come the I es una

campaña the amethyst Aladin la Ilona has

a desire and a happy result and buratino

Portugal ballerina and levena Carla

tomorrow know what Rebecca Chadwick when

hid in garden lady who had an

appointment and we're at the power and

unfailing young body

if I can today than that man Ishmael is

do I would lie at the Hamlin and yes you

dopey item from inhaler hillbilly Doug

Liman Carla demo even in garden giverny

the gamma cannon hail mechanically

severely Dalek and father don't wanna

hire them so for this reason even if

somebody doesn't hold it as a principle

in their own life when they see others

that extend themselves and actually lose

their life or are wounded or burn in an

attempt to save other people's lives or

to to help other people that sacrifice

despite the fact whether one one person

believes it or not he field within

himself some type of a very profound

respect and honor that he holds that

person in because he recognized that

there's something very profound about

what's occurring but from the larvae a

hue analyst in them but regularly

evacuated Madonna hidden man well when

do you got to do this knickers

eight-year of the cigar the sugar work

vertically Yugoslavia fell in Korea are

you happy sadena death together from

imam ali you an innocent man die

eternally takuna Kalimantan Bahia so the

prophet sawas room was was asked by a


there are those who struggle and fight

as a way of achieving ability or some

worldly gain there are those who do so

in order to be seen as brave or be seen

as a warrior and there are some who do


in desire some type of position or they

do it as a way of showing off and then

he's with there are those who do it at

because they have some type of false

patriotism just believing that they

should fight for their people for their


irrespective of whether they're right or

wrong and so he was an which of man is

really struggling for the sake of God

jihad and the provost on the lightest

said I'm replied the one who his efforts

are expended in order that the divine

principle is paramount

overall principles that is the one who

is struggling for the sake of God in

other words none of those three were

fighting for God none of those three

were doing what is called jihad in Islam

he then announced that even a jelenia

home what you have to follow good

Hawaiian and airman the American opted

entail hello

Italia shall eternally okona are you

saying in Telugu demon a new dancer

alison Sagarika ji hoddan and the

opponent's move in Sofia and so there

are two conditions here one of them is

that the person a human is struggling

his goal has to be that he wants to

cultivate the earth with goodness that

he wants goodness to spread in the earth

that this is absolutely essential for

that person to have that intention when

they're struggling and his second

condition and then the second condition

is it has to be within the constraints

that were given or the guidelines that

were given in order for a person to

exert any force in the world

and that this does not hit me concerned

conflictual physical force but all types

of endeavor or exertion of human effort

in the world in order for it to be

considered to fall under the category of

sacred struggle jihad it has to be for

with these two conditions felony Katya

necrophilia and me Cathy idea bio Jackie

doesn't an aftershock willow has that

theme answer me the jihad and the

Leviathan Waseda later mmm sorry

there's usually an affiliate empathy and

for this reason in our religion it is

completely prohibited any concept of the

means is justified by the end that is

being sought in other words that I can

arrive at a mobile end by using the

various means that this is a completely

alien philosophy to the tradition of the

song that would anybody exerts their

effort it has to be Noble means in order

to achieve noble goal he hasn't eaten

and I shouldn't be following to be happy

but I wasn't here to be sad couldn't

energy do Andalusia he Dean and young


one metallic lemony yellow chemical

Veronica said well yeah no in carne

asada dunya and then the voice of Fatiha

locking down layer with Abaddon cool a

day happy forget inno