Advice to the Seekers. w SMY

Transcript Details

Event Name: Advice to the Seekers. w SMY
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/6/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

level of islamic activities now is based

on anger frustration complaints it

should stem from understanding of our

legacy and no umma no nation in the

world would succeed if it abandons its

history its legacy and turns against it

and it is one of the signs of the day of

judgment on the prophets of allahu

ta'ala alayhi wasallam says lenta palma

sir heta Alana are here who had the hill

Oh mattia one aha the hour will not come

until the last generations of this Ummah

would curse the earlier generations and

this is what we are witnessing now Islam

has been spreading in the West and

especially in America here in the past

50 years in the wrong direction with

small exceptions in some communities and

some individuals and we need to change

that to bring the spirit of unlistenable

jamar to bring the spirit of the ulema

to bring this great legacy that is

almost also disappearing in the Islamic

world with the in vain

of Western academic institutions

faculties of Sharia and other faculties

were everyone can join Christian Muslim

non-muslim sectarian from any group can

join and get a degree in Sharia but here

in the West we have an opportunity now

to spread the way of anniston AL

jumeirah built on civilization on wisdom

on spiritual growth of the individual

taking care of Islam a man at the ice on

the three together in harmony with

people like you insha Allah but this

takes a lot of efforts and takes a lot

of sacrifice if we sit at home and think

that Islam is going to spread know there

are people actually who are distorting

the image of Islam and working on the

opposite direction we don't want to

engage with them in any fighting any

conflicts I would like to confirm with

Jack Ramsay said here our job is to

build and share Hamza I reminded him of

the poem the builders he knows it he

said it was part of the curriculum

people used to memorize here in schools

longfellow anyway we need to build

architects of life it says in the poem

so we need to build we need to work not

to engage in in fighting my father gave

me this advice and it's a precious piece

of advice he said never engage in

refutation and one of the basic pieces

of wisdom we learned from the aroma is

the following lanta mckinsey a lil b-

donec never lend your ears to a deviator

never lend your ears to a person of

Oberon's because the moment you give him

your ears then he owns you he has

control over you that is to say a drop

won't leave any traces on a rock but

continuing dropping on the same spot we

leave some impact after a while so just

listening all they need from you is to

listen to me Fox News yeah I wanted to

call to cut the news this is actually

brainwashing brainwashing processing

the news in the media so all they need

from you is just to listen listening

once and again and again then we'll make

you convinced this is the truth and this

is by the way this is what is called now

situational ethics or what just turning

to imam zaid what Martin Luther King jr.

called relativistic ethics in one of his

famous speeches in the 50s when he

talked about it's wrong because no one

is doing it and it's right because

everyone is doing it this is the

situation of ethics so they make you

believe that because this is the common

discourse its rights and everyone is

speaking it because everyone is

practicing it this is right you go to

the mosques now you find all people

practicing a way of prayer or a way of a

beta often against a discernible jamar

you speak to people mostly people are

convinced of principles against at a

Sunnah wal Jamaah and they make you

believe because of the number of people

and the common practice and the common

discourse that this is correct we have

become actually two away in Islam almost

similar to the Western way here that is

situational ethics as it's called now or

relativistic ethics this is very

dangerous in mammalian have you told him

Quran allahu ta'ala which are one of the

iron laid down a rule that i believe it

could easily defeat the foundation of

modern democracy and it's very important

people don't pay attention to it it just

destroys the foundation of modern

democracy referendum polls and so on he

says laterally feel haha original or

like a narrative in hospital if Allah

you want to know the truth don't look

for the number of people who are

embracing the truth establish the truth

through its proofs and then see who is

practicing the truth who is embracing

the truth the truth lateral hop original

is not by the number of people all

democratic systems now our meals

on the number of people the majority of

people and they made us believe that if

the majority of Muslims are doing it

then it is right if no one else is doing

it it's wrong so I know brothers who

learned for example there Dean to play

the hand of you way they go to the most

they see they see everyone is playing a

different way they start imitating them

they believe they're wrong then didn't

study just were taught by their parents

so they think they are wrong so they go

to follow just the Salafi way in the

mosque because everyone is practicing

the other way no it's not the opinion of

the majority a lots of Hana Hana defeats

this premise in a foreign key when he

says wanna act our own a conf harasta be

momineen not the majority of mankind

even if you persist will be believers

that is to say it's not throughout the

history of Islam it's not the majority

who are going to be Muslims actually the

minority throughout the history of

humanity and this has been beside the

Quran also clarified in sound Hadees as

insane for example the prophets are

among town rd houston mcs man tom

fitness in like a charlotte it babe or 4

30 S word okish art is so def is

thoroughly and fel amongst humanity

amongst people and mankind you're like a

white hair on a dark bomb or a dark hair

on a white bulb this is the percentage

of Muslims and the professor lockdown

does have explained this in several

other hadees in one hadees he made the

proportion on the day of judgment out of

every thousand people there will be 999

in the fire and one person in an agenda

so we don't take it by a number we don't

take it by the majority we don't take it

because it is commonly practiced we

don't take it because everyone is saying

it now we have to establish the path of

truth and a lot of people will argue

with you so you have to be deaf the best

solution is just to be deaf neta

Mackenzie around can't be me know the

lake Allah has given you two ears to

absorb knowledge i feel myself if I hear

something i would pick it up

this is why you have to be always with

people who speak the best language who

have the best practices who tell you

things that are good and right otherwise

you should actually put you know block

your ears so when someone opens a

conversation to argue with you this is

vida or this is Sunnah then say brother

if they are close to you relatives or

closer friends to you don't open the

subject again I don't want to argue if

they insist you just leave them and the

problem is they are trained and the best

example I could bring to you from your

society here like Jehovah Witnesses they

are trained they know how to present

their case and they present their

fallacies in a beautiful way that looks

like in a real proof but it's just void

of any foundation but you don't know it

you don't know how to how to refute it

how to counter argue their promises so

you feel how do you think sometimes that

oh it makes sense and this is what they

want the first thing is to plant some

doubt in your minds so the bestie is not

to listen to them because they're

fallacies of course wants em in front of

the scholars they won't be able to

present their fallacies in front of

scholars this is why they come to people

like you and they are fanatic they don't

want to change the subject they don't

want to change their minds and they

don't want to change the subject

according to West insertion his

definition of a fanatic sometimes

there's some wisdom you pick up from

here and there when you read I told them

yesterday it takes a lot of efforts for

a man coming from the Middle East to

speak in America it takes a lot of

efforts because you need to read the

culture study the language listen to the

news and you know follow up just to to

keep up to date and when what's going on

go ahead please yeah I'm done with it I

just want to say that sher muhammad

should put you to shame in terms of

English and just forget about arabic and

I really mean that you know and the

thing that I really appreciate about him

dr. omar said the thing that he really

gets upset about as he said you have

khabar here in America who have been

given hot before 10 15 20 years on the

mimbar and they can't speak English

still you know they they they speak poor

broken sentences they don't study any of

the language or the culture and he said

it really upsets him because he feels

that he's being insulted as somebody who

converted from this culture or

civilization to Islam and then he

listens to people that haven't taken the

time just to learn his language in order

to speak in it and that's one of the

secrets of the prophets Elijah them they

said can I yet akala mo kenney atacando

movie coolio a be written beelaha jetty

ha while my Astacio min hat you know he

used to speak to every clan with their

particular dialect and then he would

speak in what they preferred of their

dialect in other words it was the

highest language in ya say 'cimmanon BMC

anthem suffer when he spoke to the

people of Himyar he spoke in their

language and when when oma habib came

back from hibachi she gave him a shirt

from ethiopia and he said mashallah Sena

Sena which is Amharic for very nice it's

the language of Ethiopia and some of the

ultimate took it as proof that he knew

all the languages if he wanted he could

have spoken in any language but he that

he spoke she was coming from habash and

he said Sena Sena it's Hassan Hassan

it's a nice garment and every time that

I see him hit the language is more

sophisticated than it was the previous

time so you know that's the thing if you

if you put some effort in Allah gives

you increase in openings and things like

that but we have very few scholars from

the traditional world that can come and

and speak not only in a high level of

English but with the the nuances of the

language and of the culture and for me

it's sad when your wit gets lost on

witless people

maybe one of the most important reasons

for keeping up my English actually quite

formal and hamdulillah on that literary

style is that I don't live in America

the Americans are good at many things

but definitely not at the English

language with the exceptions of what is

Stephanie one with the exceptions of

some forwards of course and good writers

in the post ami common Americans

actually is terrible actually I had a

journalist once in New York City in the

islamic center after the scene to my

speech she said your English is

marvelous would you or excellent where

do you study I said nothing not in

America she was she was embarrassed

anyway actually that's what I wanted to

say any ending up just the words advice

on not listening to people of deviation

at one point or another you have to

build up your own group of brothers

sisters those of you who have come here

and made friends here maintain reviewing

what you started exchanging your notes

and then study further because the

beauty of our way is that we're studying

texts and the text you can take at home

our public talks are reminders of a lot

of hannah ouattara or sometimes just we

entertain the soul the mind the heart

and you go at home so that you can

change but there's not text with a

public talk to refer to other than some

notes if you carry with you your pen and

paper which is recommended and you

should do always when you move that you

carry your pen and paper notebook

wherever you travel but apart from that

it's only the text that we are teaching

that we hope that you maintain them you

go home you review your notes you could

change them if there is any

misunderstanding of course we are

available teachers are not disappearing

although some are traveling i'll be

travelling myself but we're not

disappearing there is a follow up we

will follow up with you inshallah

clarifying anything that could probably

be misunderstood or any ambiguous


this is the type of knowledge that we

received from our teachers there is a

text if there's anything wrong we say

the text is an authority I will not

teaching modern text also that could be

arguable we're teaching texts that have

been proven through history century

after another this is why I say for

modern works if anyone writes a book

here now in our modern time it argues

about issues that already settled by the

faux pas let them survive for 200 years

and see how they will be looked at after

200 years we're teaching manuals of

people that have been studied elaborated

on reviewed over centuries and as Imam

as Chef Ramsay said the malachite school

is not the opinions of imam malik the

same also similarly the hannaford school

is not the opinion of abu hanifa so

those people who come with claims that

this figure is not suitable to our time

they are building it on a fallacy that

the hanafi school or the Maliki school

is the opinion of imam malik laid down

1200 years ago or more no school of

people is a production of the greatest

minds on the face of the earth for

centuries ongoing but persisted is

ongoing for centuries until our time in

the Medicaid medhelp until let's say

1345 probably the last of the greatest

Medicaid move decision made it was Ernie

and his collection 13 volumes of fatawa

has a lot of insight and insightful

opinions in it just 13 45 and sometimes

he does it not HD had but he doesn't RG

between or TR between a lap one

according to the development the

progress of people they think these like

abortion they were all dealt with these

issues even modèle will be done medela

belong it's just you know so most of

modern issues are tackled actually we

have the same also in the hannaford

school the process is going on and these

methods are not you know opinions that's

freezed 1200 years ago or more and then

we have to apply them a matlab is

developing and scholars of course of

authority scholars of author

hmm and then stop apart they are ranks

each method like in the hand of female

there are seven ranks of scholars from

unlaid a blind follower who see this is

how that applies it to you have a mushed

ahead in the Med hub a man who has

authority to give his opinion in the

matter seven ranks in the hanafi madhab

and these ranks are known in each method

in every meth lab and the gr eight TR

and so on and with fatwa people of fat

were people who would select people who

would give preference to opinions so

this is what we need to understand the

fallacy is that these people bring are

very obvious that they're all Emma but

difficult for you to refute so this is

what you should do you should always

turn away from people don't read read

such literature don't listen to such

people build on your own group your own

circles and start studying with each

other start deliberating on what you

have studied this is the most important

challenge that we are facing now amongst

young people in colleges in schools with

MSAs with other organizations people

come together and this is the worst

thing that we are receiving when people

come to us so you know you can do a lot

of good work and save us a lot of time

if you just protect your ears and keep

in good company as a prophet of Allah I

honorary he was ill of advices us I

don't want to remind you of what I see

it because I think all my talks were

just a piece of advice after a piece of

advice on how to prepare for the day of

judgement how to prepare for the

hereafter how to select our friends how

to purify our hearts how to prepare for

the sacred knowledge in web New Jersey

gave us a marvelous advice that we

benefited hopefully from and last but

not least I would like just to thank

shaykh hamza demamp zaid for just the

secret order they have given me to be

here with you and to sit with you and

talk to you alhamdulillah it's a great

honor for me to meet any true believer

any sincere Muslim and transmit

knowledge to them because otherwise you

know what lucky i have little actions i

have literally works and i don't know

that i would be surviving on the day of

passing over the bridge or not but I

hope that with the with the good

intentions that you have and with the

drug that you make for me and with this

opportunity ma has given me to transmit

knowledge to you that a lot of panicked

I forgive me my sins and let me pass

over the bridge of the day of judgment

with all of you in charlotte sakanathyah

hamdulillah epidemic you smell like a

rock manual him and hungry leo villareal

amino sallallaho seldom allegorical

Cedeno Elena member in hearty meal and

biue may mean more serene while he was

happy esmerine robbing a taco bell mean

in the current smirre auto berlin in the

world i'm a burner at in a militant

karishma tanna mean a marina Rasheeda a

la main de luca mujiv aromatic was FML

philotic well Ronnie Madame increible

was a llama term in Judaism wealth of

the Belgian that even a German now a la

mejor la Orana maar raha talal bin Abdur

Nina was a llama tu a Lafayette II feed

on Jana body Nina Akulina sahib anfisa

Farina wahala fatten Fiorina a lot of

miners a local who da tavola Farina

wanna say Lucas rin aoki fatima al amin

on our enemies of Elmer diva Bob

lenarduzzi halma homology female Deacon

al-khatib us son de be automatically or

hamara hai mahna mahna mahna mahna mahna

mahna mahna Bischoff en otra como uma

thurman now Alma home in an official

carbon were annealed mcrobbie what did

Dana Anwar Anil medinian a focus on

Matsui now a Sinhala while miss June in

warfare de la serena Wilmoth libyan one

soul mate sayidina muhammad sallallahu

alayhi wasallam ajma'in 03 la mulana

Wally Wally dinner when you Magina

okay Lena wait a minute I santa elena

william in a certain alayhi William and

I have been a few elements I mean it

mostly mean what the cabrillo marina bj

have you believe or misleading evidence

on the body he was a little bsuarez

water Tilford for more information on

traditional Islam in America please

contact zaytuna institute at 5 10 582

1979 and on the internet at WWE to norg