just a piece of advice after a piece of
advice on how to prepare for the day of
judgement how to prepare for the
hereafter how to select our friends how
to purify our hearts how to prepare for
the sacred knowledge in web New Jersey
gave us a marvelous advice that we
benefited hopefully from and last but
not least I would like just to thank
shaykh hamza demamp zaid for just the
secret order they have given me to be
here with you and to sit with you and
talk to you alhamdulillah it's a great
honor for me to meet any true believer
any sincere Muslim and transmit
knowledge to them because otherwise you
know what lucky i have little actions i
have literally works and i don't know
that i would be surviving on the day of
passing over the bridge or not but I
hope that with the with the good
intentions that you have and with the
drug that you make for me and with this
opportunity ma has given me to transmit
knowledge to you that a lot of panicked
I forgive me my sins and let me pass
over the bridge of the day of judgment
with all of you in charlotte sakanathyah
hamdulillah epidemic you smell like a
rock manual him and hungry leo villareal
amino sallallaho seldom allegorical
Cedeno Elena member in hearty meal and
biue may mean more serene while he was
happy esmerine robbing a taco bell mean
in the current smirre auto berlin in the
world i'm a burner at in a militant
karishma tanna mean a marina Rasheeda a
la main de luca mujiv aromatic was FML
philotic well Ronnie Madame increible
was a llama term in Judaism wealth of
the Belgian that even a German now a la
mejor la Orana maar raha talal bin Abdur
Nina was a llama tu a Lafayette II feed
on Jana body Nina Akulina sahib anfisa
Farina wahala fatten Fiorina a lot of
miners a local who da tavola Farina
wanna say Lucas rin aoki fatima al amin
on our enemies of Elmer diva Bob
lenarduzzi halma homology female Deacon
al-khatib us son de be automatically or
hamara hai mahna mahna mahna mahna mahna
mahna mahna Bischoff en otra como uma
thurman now Alma home in an official
carbon were annealed mcrobbie what did
Dana Anwar Anil medinian a focus on
Matsui now a Sinhala while miss June in
warfare de la serena Wilmoth libyan one
soul mate sayidina muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wasallam ajma'in 03 la mulana
Wally Wally dinner when you Magina
okay Lena wait a minute I santa elena
william in a certain alayhi William and
I have been a few elements I mean it
mostly mean what the cabrillo marina bj
have you believe or misleading evidence
on the body he was a little bsuarez
water Tilford for more information on
traditional Islam in America please
contact zaytuna institute at 5 10 582
1979 and on the internet at WWE to norg