Elements of a Strong Aqidah

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Event Name: Elements of a Strong Aqidah
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/9/2019
Transcript Version: 1

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he says you like to give people without

having to ask Allah loves for his slaves

to ask him and so he said if you ask ask

on lots of panels on it don't ask

creation because they don't have

anything to give you

in reality you see they don't have

anything to give you

and then what is a scientist suspend is

that if you seek help then seek help

with Allah and with that if you seek

help seek help with a lunch panel time

that you see Anna is with Allah is with

a lots of hanumakonda it's not with the

United Nations it's not with the

Americans the Europeans right when they

all went to Kuwait if everybody's

searching for help but from whom the one

that can give them help you see now I'm

going to get into inshaallah quickly a

very important concept in this one it's

not a concept but a very important law

and then the focus the light that I'm

says what enough and no this is fair and

imma in the urban areas command you have

to know you have to know the command a

lot of commanders and cuando Adam I knew

Latin that is low in the law you have to

know that there's no god but allah azza

knowledge that you have to know the

command and so we command random under

the meta louis MO and Dada in America if

the only gathers all together to benefit


lemmie America in lavish Aegon's

accessible of Unix

if they will only be able to benefit you

with the things that Allah subhana WA

Ta'ala has decreased for you

the benefit is from Allah subhana WA

Ta'ala is not from them they're only a

means by which Allah has enabled that

benefits to arrive to you and then he

says so a lot is to them what an eternal

wisdom as Anna and your booboo could be

Shaitan and if the OMA gets together to

harm you and there's a rewire is in

solution also applied not just to the

Ummah our own but to all of humanity and


if they all gather together to to harm

you with something that Allah does not

agree to decree that you did with


it can never arrived to you but I mean

that is pure Activa of the Muslims that

is so heat that is right perception now

delusion is incorrect perception and I

mentioned earlier that most people are

in a state of delusion most Muslims on

the state of delusion you see but we

move Islam is an evolution when we first

become Muslim when I first became Muslim

I know a lot of things I didn't

understand as time passes then these

veils of this delusion begin to get

lifted one by one if you're moving on a

path and this is the path and inshallah

I'm not going to talk about this now

because I have another talk about this

tomorrow Iman is listen I'm human and XM

but it is a path towards xn and xn is

when you are no longer deluded because I

was kind of the prophet Elijah and said

the definition of xn is to worship Allah

and set with Allah and the Kitab also in

them fickle in survival so in New York

that you worship a lot as if you see him

in other words you're no longer to do

you're in the state of true perception

of reality and that is the highest state

that human being can achieve

now if you look many of the Muslims in

this age are bewildered and the prophet

Elijah them in a beautiful house he said

Babel in and I meant go quickly to

action to action you see because if the

Arpita is not impacting your nature to

move towards action then it's of no

benefit to you it is of no benefit to

you it's not going to benefit you

because it is through actions that we

affirm what we believe if you have just

an idea and you're walking around with

this idea and it you don't act according

to it a principle then in reality it's a

split there's a split in the nature your

you have a type of schizophrenia and

this is the Muslims now all over the

place like this just split right down

the middle when you see so many examples

of it amongst the Muslims so if you have

this understanding then it has to go to

action and

once a licen and said go to action and

he said that that time is coming you

should go and Yeti as a man you step

aluminum you stick a motto Romina

William C CAP data that a man will wake

up a movement and go to bed a cancer in

other words he will become so bewildered

by things you see I mean imagine if we

are in Sarajevo really think about it if

we are in Sarajevo and every day to go

get water you have to dodge snipers

bullets see people that you grew up with

died or if you're in these villages that

were pillaged by these people and your

wife is raped and your child abused or

murdered I mean think about what that

would do how that would impact on you I

mean that is called if she left right

how would that impact on you where would

your iman be at that point I mean we

asked a lot not to give us that

tribulation like one of them said not

your evaluation let rather empty hands

we're slaves of the goodness not of

tribulation other words the tribulation

comes and we get into trouble but if

somebody is firmly grounded in the

Athenian right in certainty then even in

these situations nothing can change him

and we know that from the hadith the

greatest share in the hadith of the

Dajjal that does unbelievable things to

him and he each thing he does to him in

torturing him he says it only increased

him in certainty that he's the Messiah

had the job and he killed him and that

man is raised up as the greatest Shetty

so that if you look at the Muslims now

Allah says laniel will render katafanga

when ladina capital Sevilla

don't be deluded by how the Crafar move

about in the earth

don't be deluded by that in other words

don't have a misperception about the

reality of the events if we know now the

Muslims have declined right they're gone

into an unbelievable state of disarray

and yet we affirm that Islam is true and

Islam yada whether you're an ally that

Islam will always be

about will always be in a superior

position and everything else is

underneath it but the public did not say

and Muslim une ya doin

well a alone are they right he didn't

say the Muslims always in a superior

situation and they will never be

conquered he did not say that he set a

nice nap so what it means is if we're in

a state where we lose that superiority

we lost it because Islam is no longer


it's no longer being live it's no longer

embodied in the people and we are in a

state a type of Cooper I mean it's a

type of Quran it's not what they call

Cooper why but it's Cooper mignon and

the greatest Nana handle an enormous

addition and welcome Fatiha and the

proper to license them Thanks praise be

to Allah for the blessing of Islam and

it's enough as a blessing in other words

if you've lost everything but you have

Islam that is enough for a blessing and

so you look at the Muslim well you have

to look at what our last panelist on is

telling us in the Quran Allah subhana WA

Ta'ala tells us that there are Bella for

the movement but for the co father's was

called ISA dodge a logic behind what

Allah says in the Quran Sonesta religion

whom men hide R'lyeh animal what we

level imitating machines that I will

establish the religion home that we will

and if the garage means to take somebody

by degrees and what it means in the

Quranic terminology is it means

according to the more flesh your own

that are lots of panelists gotta give

them blessing and and they become

diluted you see they become diluted by

it they think that God you know if since

he's giving us it means he loves us like

they say America

God is watching us and God's over us and

God bless america

Why What if you look around it certainly

looks like they're blessed right a lot

of Turkey on the table these days right

it's not Familia Somali is a Muslim

country you see look at those Muslims

they can't even feed themselves right

both near the Muslim countries they

can't even defend themselves the Iraq is

a Muslim country look what happened to

Iraq Syria the Muslim country

all these countries right there Muslim

country and look at the state of affair

there are Muslim country but they're not

Islamic country

so we understand by that that the reason

they're in that state is because there

is not in slumber this is what we

understand if we read the plan we

understand that that Allah gives victory

to those who give victory to him and he

gives victory to those who do righteous

actions I mean you will find I know for

a fact in almost every single Muslim

country if a policeman stops you you can

give him money now let you go and I've

seen it practice many times believing me

in this country in Detroit you probably

could get away with Tigers in Chicago

you could but in California where I come

from you're going to go to jail if you

try that so why is he taking it as not

only an insult to him right but a breach

of the law and he's gonna arrest you and

this other one is go well one thing this

policeman here has a goal he's a master

chart you can go by TV or whatever you

want that policeman over there makes 10

rupees a month or something and he wants

the TV right so that's one of the

problem but this is the reality of our

culture's now and our societies is they

really depart from Islam so you have

espionage in these countries and you

have if Sheila in the Muslim countries

and you see letting the Muslim countries

like in Kuwait Saudi Arabia but of a

wellness and an audience and Janet I

mean a mock my illness

yeah jihadis for hahahaha anemic at but

cover that's the enemy left allah says

in quran we have given you an analogy of

a city right it was in a tranquil state

and it was the provision coming from all

over I mean look at Kuwait they had

kiwifruits coming from New Zealand

they had oranges coming from California

they have rice coming from China they

had unbelievable and things we don't

even want to mention or even know about

alright coming from all over the place

but look what happened trust us the

enemy left they made Cooper of the

blessings of Allah because never you


give sugar for NEMA we're in Chicago

that is identical right if if you are

thankful to Allah Allah increases if

this is our Peter in other words we

understand we don't think a lot foot

increase that's what they call C Java

could I be right just try back I worship

Allah because I want to go to Jenna

Allah it is appropriate that we worship

Him so forward to Neverland never

absolutely the what a great slave is to

hey Lowell and ma lemma up a lot even if

there wasn't a fire the head wouldn't

disobey Allah you see that's bad is a

high perception I mean that is a great

then who's worshiping Allah because he

knows that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is

alone worthy of worship and that human

being by their nature will worship this

is our nature this isn't our al Qaeda

times I have to be not what don't have

what the funny farm the provost a life

that I'm said what a wretched place is

the one that worship the genome the deal

hem the clothes the car there out there

like the idol they used to polish the

idol right cheap moonshining now they're

out there Saturday morning polishing

that Idol to drive around these are Idol

there I don't we we think I don't have

to be wooden or have some form like no

idols can even be soft structure miles

can be your ha ha the Quran says you can

take your hawa as a god let's talk about

how out you know he took his dispassion

his desires as his God so if psalm has a

very sophisticated understanding of

idols they're not necessarily things

that that are made and carved like a

human form and worship like that no

they're people worship clothes people

worship movie star some people commit

suicide if their favorite movie star

gets married or died I mean this you can

read it in the newspaper so everybody's

going to worship what the Muslim

realizes then is that Lamar Buddha is my

mother's nothing in reality worthy of

worship but I love the kind of data and

so he worships him so these people going

to if your blood allah can give

it's decided we have to be fearful of

that and aware that Allah can give us

now and not there's no sugar with that

Namur there's no thankfulness with that

blessing then we are in his garage you

see and that's a very dangerous position

to be in to think that uh-huh that all

eat up that I would have go so I cannot

move on that a Mahal either that I'm in

general when I move a I put it up here

common when a large if Sheila

tribulation to his slaves and he gives

him things right

economical he then done demented

acrimony rugby with a master other idea

dystopia Hoda Kotb Johanna but if a lot

constricts his provision makes things

difficult for him then he said My Lord

he humiliated me and this is the way the

Cathy of thinks he thinks in these two

extremes if if I'm rich this is a sign

that God's been bounteous to me this is

the like in America it's very ingrained

in people they think that that in the

Protestant work ethic if you work hard

you will get rewarded from God in

worldly things when they believe that so

they think that's why they look down on

football for people with a disdain like

something's matter they're not good

people there's something inherently

wrong with them and that is not the

Islamic perspective at all

we look at things that allow their

custom that Allah has made custom like

he has made dividends for people

everybody has a portion right and

they're they're given that point what

doesn't mean you don't you just stop and

not go out and strive no you go out and

work but you realize it's only going to

come to you what a lot has a portion for

you and that is basically I mean some of

the essentials of what we believe

I would I would really recommend that

people study the Quran from this

perspective look at the the lot of

incredible laws of existence if you do

this this will happen if you believe the

heavens open up and give you rain

drought is not a good sign you see and

these are these are laws that are and

meanings are more perfect right or

equally so as the the laws of McCann

but I mean people know they learn these

laws they don't realize there are more a

lot their biological love if you are

promiscuous the purpose of life that I'm

said in the Quran there talkable zina in

the whole package that what's Kotzebue

that don't get near don't even approach

it don't get in this sphere of

fornication this is why Wilson have a

separation with edge of a separation of

men and women of the brothers and

sisters it's not because we're saying

these people are bad or these two no

it's a car boot don't get near it

see I mean fifty percent of all the

adulterous Affairs that happens in the

United States happens from the work

place of a man working with a woman you

see in also you know the woman finds

father sounds a lot more interesting

than my husband that or the man thinks I

wish my wife talks like she does yeah

and that's what happens and so I would

have you know you know they get this

sickness in their heart and so they're

not content with what a lot of given

them they want to go out fight so they

exceed the boundaries the other thing

showing naked women everywhere right all

these pictures of naked women all over

the place and so and now naked men

didn't used to be now naked man right

and this the new thing comes equipped

for men just like we exploit women that

right I mean that's what's happening now

there's all these naked men and

underwear commercials and things with

all these muscles and I mean this man

who has a pea brain and literally spends

about eight hours a day to look like

that right and he's put there and then

that becomes like a norm people think

that's how you should look it's not how

you should look amazingly that is not

how you should look that's not how a man

should look I thought as a completely

artificial creation based on hyper

nutrition and and working out with

weights that this is unhealthy

it really is to do that to that extreme

I'm not saying like lifting things is

healthy to exercise and do those things

but to those extremes that is an extreme

now put and then on the other hand you

have women who are models professional


well actually their faces right you

don't see walking around because most of

it is makeup they're actually made to

look like that but you don't see women

that look

but then it's put out there that here's

a beautiful one you go home and your

wife doesn't look like that I'm sure you

get this it's a sickness in the heart

right she's not as attractive as whoever

the top model is right now I mean they

disappear pretty quick because that is a

real illusion and it doesn't last very

long and then you have these poor women

I mean they really are poor pathetic

women like 60 Elizabeth Taylor of them

we know like 60 years old 55 they've had

like 10 facelift right and then they do

this blow brush pictures and they look

like little girls right it's really sad

she can't a teach gracefully all right I

mean she can I mean what some women as

they grow old they get more life and

militias recognizable if you go to the

Muslim country all women who have grown

old in Islam their their form of life

they they raise their families they

serve their husbands and they're full of

life and their spirituality really a

woman spirituality flourishes in her

later years it's much stronger a man's

spirituality should but a woman her

spirituality really comes about after

she's done with the work of this world

she's raised her children and then you

see this incredible light and they have

beautiful faces and then you look at

this the opposite of that which is a

woman in this society I think they're

done they're full of darkness just like

the men are they get old you look at the

faces I mean to me that is a proof of

this mom is just looking at the old

people look at the result of living as a

Muslim and look at the result of living

on the campus and see the difference

just compare it do you want that face or

do you want that face right I mean which

one you want and the face one of the

words in Arabic your face is puffy but

which means your books when you're

carrying around the book of your actions

in your face right and it's a life that

Allah gives people I mean what we know

and have a like to have a reckoner see

novelty will Julian it's not up here

like this thing that some people work on

I think giving and then I think so

because I know that the hadith of live

in metros he saw a man with

mark on his forehead and he said when

did you become Muslim that's done and

the man says from from 10 years he said

I've been looking 20 years and I don't

have one of those but any stretch team I

hope you will join him it doesn't say CG

Valley him on their forehead it says in

their faces so it's not a physical

thinning it's something else I'm going

to stop here because I don't know if I

went on yeah I'm gonna stop here just to

open up because I know that the

questions were and comments people are

welcome to make comments and this is an

endless topic I must have our Lords of

Lebanon chase I'm Zhen Shan that would

continue to cinema yesterday will

entertain questions both oral and

written and comments if you have one

please whether you have any questions

you want to ask the weather is this mic

and sisters could use that like you have

written questions please pass them was

top of the sister here the first thing I

managed asked when he dies is of his use

what is the woman asked agenda base it

understood mostly men automatically when

the prophet Elijah entails in any

hobbies what he did he mention women are

almost automatically implied unless the

hadith deals with certain things that

are incumbent upon men that aren't

income account women like jihad jihad is

not incumbent upon women so that verses

in the Quran that deal which he had

except you had enough but but actually a

Piton fighting combat those are only

obligatory on man and left the city

exactly attacked and then it becomes yes

I mean olive Jeanette becomes like a

fault line or a

it becomes a carbine or blicket Orion on

everybody even the children the bathroom

unusual exception

so the hadith means male and female and

there's different than Hadees that that

tells the actually the very first thing

unless there's a lot of heavies are not

contradictions that they sophisticated

explanation for them the first thing

that you are asked about in terms of the

ADA that is the prayer for Muslims I

mean obviously the copilot don't even

get to that point on the test right it's

like these lines in these anyway what

the first thing is the prayer if the

Muslim fails that then it doesn't go

beyond that and that's why you should do

nasty though because Allah says after

the are left behind with anna tells the

angels to look into the product and they

come with deficiency in the fog Allah

says look into that Matthew line and see

if those things that they can rectify

the public so if you're not doing nasty

laugh you're really putting yourself in

danger on their mccammon and then after

that the DA does and then while I'm a

lap and the first thing because Islam

like shift is divided into a by death

which are those things that concerns the

relationship between our life and

between the slave right and what I'm a

dad are those things that concern of the

slaves and other aspects of the creation

right so the first thing from the a

buyback is the prayer and the first

thing from the mama that is the dumb if

you killed somebody right but but the

heavy says that you'll be asked about a

Shabbat Dina of make will not one man in

my base like what you did with your

youth what you did with your wealth what

you did with your body your good health

and so we're just be part about a woman

when she gets over anyway you can make

it that no I was just saying up

generally you will notice and this is

not true in all cases right you can't

make blanket generalization generally

you will notice that a oh look some

women still

we tend to make a quantum leap once you

take place as those later years

come on I've seen that many times and I

mean I'm not saying that from any

there's no bullying and I don't have any

happy I'm just saying that from my own

personal experience okay I'm a bit

confused on two points you made and I'm

just going to ask you to clarify on one

hand you said that the reason you were

having so many problems in Somalia in

Bosnia and other places in the Muslim

world because the people have left us

them so are you saying that God is

punishing them for leaving a thing no

it's actually purification it's not a

punishment the purpose of life that

instead idea to almighty said dunya like

the lungs of the whole time no Santa Fe

a javelin I've ever had a dome a pigeon

yaha my Allah has made the punishment of

my Ummah or the purification my Ummah in

this world in other words because of all

these wrong actions of the Muslim have

accumulated instead of Allah sending

them to the fire in the next world and

if you leave what's happening in our

other local kind even is buggy and such

because you need the Quranic description

of what happens in hell it is nothing

compared to what's happening to the

Muslims anywhere on earth I guarantee

you that it is nothing you can't even

compare the two there's no comparison it

is nothing in terms of the punishment

that Allah has promised the merger

demean and body means fatty opinion

captured in when I became all these

people that are delineated in the Quran

the penitent saw a lot cura fights the

Ummah of Muhammad SAW Allah do send them

in this world and what I'm saying is it

if you if we look at the Quran Allah

will give you see lat - great Muslims

like a behavior if see that but he will

give them victory he will give them some

keen in other words establish him in the

earth he will give them mr. Clapp he

will give them Khilafah he will give

them all of these things if they follow

it we saw the what I want to find what

the other has told us to follow if we do

not then other things happen right and

then there bad things and if you look in

the Quran a lots of Honora that occurs

in many verses right

romance from the Maliki Laura Aloha


Roni moon but we didn't destroy any

cities except that it's people were


right format camera of a book the you

had a capital for ah the woman well I

heard wilhelmus Leone Allah would never

destroy a people oppressively when they

were looking at home right rectifying

things when they were in honor of the

models and many I'm in one car which is

commanding to the good and forbidding

evil on the Prophet Elisha them says

models in my open her and in Mongkok

command to good and forgive for this

evil because you should go on your own

look auntie I love in that but to the

owner that I used to have Lacombe

because it's coming soon that if you

leave this Allah will give a general

punishment to the Ummah and they'll make

dua and they won't be answered because

even though I'll has conditions you see

people say I'm making dua and the public

said don't say I need you are not Laden

answer me individuals we don't ever say


but but do i itself making supplication

to allah has conditions and if the

conditions are not fulfilled that do I

will not the answer and from the

conditions the metal has to be Allah

you're eating your your drinking which

means your position is hell out your

money there's no rebar there's no

Mohammed in your money and your clothes

what you wear have to be allowed and

those things and the Prophet said if his

master my master will meant that happen

unless together how these do are going

to be answer divide those things are

Haram so on saying is we have mercy in

our heart and grief in our hearts while

Muslim brothers and sisters wherever

they are in the tribulation sister that

are taking place right we we have to do

that because there are OMA and many of

them are better than us

you see I mean just because we're not

being punished does not mean we just we

don't deserve the same thing

Allah has a thick smoke or wine maybe

this is if Shabbat Allah Adam I don't

know that we hope not you know I have a

good opinion of my

that's an evangelist the maximals on the

left and I'm asking about the movie so

so the first thing when you look at

these events don't victimize the Muslims

Muslims are not victims and this is a

complete list if you want to get into a


there's no victimization in Islam

there's a completely little adage of

deluded way of thinking oh you know

where everybody's against us reach or on

find out well why is the situation is

the way it is and you'll see very clear

it's very clear in the Quran because we

have left Islam we have left Islam and

we make claim to something a lot of

Hanoi China has ruled I mean this the

creation is governed by very strong

rules and and one of the rules

Lazaro Corrigan understand that there's

a principle in existence and you can

find it in habeas and he said manager I

respect and later know who I'm sucking

IV so I didn't the hands that the one

who claimed to have a face or a rank or

a position that he doesn't have a mouth

will give him tribulation and expose him

so if you claim to be Muslims and you're

not Muslim Allah is going to give you

big tribulation and expose that false

claim and like that manager I was but

then he level you get an Enhanced and if

you claim a station that really is yours

Allah will take it away because he's

become proud and arrogant and he said

woman at the hospital he had university

he's broken out of us with an atom in

her and the one that makes face that

claims a rank lower than his own race

Allah will raise him up to a higher rank

and look at stigma and even other

father's brother lon he's madinat al

he's the city of knowledge and when the

Prophet Allah I should have gave him the

lira he gave him the the flag but when

his son asked him who was the best

Muslim he said I'll go back up this is

Fatiha be he said I were walking and he

said then who and he said oh ma and and

then he said no enter what about you

yeah yeah I mean I'm not meaning he said

manikin Baba gentleman and listening I'm

just a simple man from the Muslim mass


I hope I clarified that to you because

it's an important question

some of the living question would you

please give me your suggestion for an

interesting or interpreting the meaning

of the ayah in the line idea but the

reason for that ayah was that the

prophet Elijah them have been asking his

his uncle who had protected him of a

father have protected him and he really

wanted him to become Muslim because our

Father has done many generous things to

the Prophet and protected him and when

he didn't allow reminded the Covenant

this again is affirmation of a paper

that nothing is in your hands

guidance is not in your hand that you

don't guide you you want but Allah

guides who he will even that man was the

closest man to the process in many ways

he wanted his guidance Allah didn't

guide him for whatever reasons just a

hikmaíh wisdom that I love to behind one

no than we don't question his wisdom and

won a penalty man came to the prophet

Elijah them from Bennington Milkha's or

arabian tribes who was living he was a

messenger from her activities or her

become and and he came to the Prophet

Elisha him in the form of a sin first

cutting edges I'm not gonna feel Mandi

Nia because you have some force love if

your father Ibraheem Dean and he said

Anna Anna Dean you finally had to out

I'm the Dean of my people he was

Christian until I go back to them and

the purpose that he coded that ayah it's

not in my hand

and that man became Muslim years later

during wiliest Hadassah

but he's not for haba cuz he didn't

believe in the problem he came to this

this one says at what a big data and

this one how do you present how the

answer to this question presented by

animal anyone distinguish oh the thing

one yeah to a non-muslim the promise of

my students there's a hadith that he

said hidden munathara fabric of fooling

him speak to people according to the


said ali karram allahu once heard a man

trying to explain cut up like a love

measurement or his decree to another man

and he said Cooper Anka you know stop

doing that a Toledo I'm left coronary

Martina ala muhammadin whenever a new

don't see clear about if you want people

to disbelieve and what was revealed to

the public elijah speak to people

according to their understanding so you

have to speak to people with wisdom and

according to the understanding with baka

dawa has to deal with mafia and there

are certain things that some people are

not at it at their own personal

evolutionary because there is personal

evolution at their own personal

evolutionary states that they're not

ready to hear that they may never be

ready to hear that I don't know that

that's in the hands of Allah but you

have to be aware of who you're talking

to and what they're willing to hear and

those certain things you know because

this is what they call a simile it's a

difficult the between is very

complicated and the bottom line you have

to look at our lives that we have around

has given us the volition He has give