Elements of a Strong Aqidah

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Event Name: Elements of a Strong Aqidah
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/9/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

ok it's not how

you should look amazingly that is not

how you should look that's not how a man

should look I thought as a completely

artificial creation based on hyper

nutrition and and working out with

weights that this is unhealthy

it really is to do that to that extreme

I'm not saying like lifting things is

healthy to exercise and do those things

but to those extremes that is an extreme

now put and then on the other hand you

have women who are models professional


well actually their faces right you

don't see walking around because most of

it is makeup they're actually made to

look like that but you don't see women

that look

but then it's put out there that here's

a beautiful one you go home and your

wife doesn't look like that I'm sure you

get this it's a sickness in the heart

right she's not as attractive as whoever

the top model is right now I mean they

disappear pretty quick because that is a

real illusion and it doesn't last very

long and then you have these poor women

I mean they really are poor pathetic

women like 60 Elizabeth Taylor of them

we know like 60 years old 55 they've had

like 10 facelift right and then they do

this blow brush pictures and they look

like little girls right it's really sad

she can't a teach gracefully all right I

mean she can I mean what some women as

they grow old they get more life and

militias recognizable if you go to the

Muslim country all women who have grown

old in Islam their their form of life

they they raise their families they

serve their husbands and they're full of

life and their spirituality really a

woman spirituality flourishes in her

later years it's much stronger a man's

spirituality should but a woman her

spirituality really comes about after

she's done with the work of this world

she's raised her children and then you

see this incredible light and they have

beautiful faces and then you look at

this the opposite of that which is a

woman in this society I think they're

done they're full of darkness just like

the men are they get old you look at the

faces I mean to me that is a proof of

this mom is just looking at the old

people look at the result of living as a

Muslim and look at the result of living

on the campus and see the difference

just compare it do you want that face or

do you want that face right I mean which

one you want and the face one of the

words in Arabic your face is puffy but

which means your books when you're

carrying around the book of your actions

in your face right and it's a life that

Allah gives people I mean what we know

and have a like to have a reckoner see

novelty will Julian it's not up here

like this thing that some people work on

I think giving and then I think so

because I know that the hadith of live

in metros he saw a man with

mark on his forehead and he said when

did you become Muslim that's done and

the man says from from 10 years he said

I've been looking 20 years and I don't

have one of those but any stretch team I

hope you will join him it doesn't say CG

Valley him on their forehead it says in

their faces so it's not a physical

thinning it's something else I'm going

to stop here because I don't know if I

went on yeah I'm gonna stop here just to

open up because I know that the

questions were and comments people are

welcome to make comments and this is an

endless topic I must have our Lords of

Lebanon chase I'm Zhen Shan that would

continue to cinema yesterday will

entertain questions both oral and

written and comments if you have one

please whether you have any questions

you want to ask the weather is this mic

and sisters could use that like you have

written questions please pass them was

top of the sister here the first thing I

managed asked when he dies is of his use

what is the woman asked agenda base it

understood mostly men automatically when

the prophet Elijah entails in any

hobbies what he did he mention women are

almost automatically implied unless the

hadith deals with certain things that

are incumbent upon men that aren't

income account women like jihad jihad is

not incumbent upon women so that verses

in the Quran that deal which he had

except you had enough but but actually a

Piton fighting combat those are only

obligatory on man and left the city

exactly attacked and then it becomes yes

I mean olive Jeanette becomes like a

fault line or a

it becomes a carbine or blicket Orion on

everybody even the children the bathroom

unusual exception

so the hadith means male and female and

there's different than Hadees that that

tells the actually the very first thing

unless there's a lot of heavies are not

contradictions that they sophisticated

explanation for them the first thing

that you are asked about in terms of the

ADA that is the prayer for Muslims I

mean obviously the copilot don't even

get to that point on the test right it's

like these lines in these anyway what

the first thing is the prayer if the

Muslim fails that then it doesn't go

beyond that and that's why you should do

nasty though because Allah says after

the are left behind with anna tells the

angels to look into the product and they

come with deficiency in the fog Allah

says look into that Matthew line and see

if those things that they can rectify

the public so if you're not doing nasty

laugh you're really putting yourself in

danger on their mccammon and then after

that the DA does and then while I'm a

lap and the first thing because Islam

like shift is divided into a by death

which are those things that concerns the

relationship between our life and

between the slave right and what I'm a

dad are those things that concern of the

slaves and other aspects of the creation

right so the first thing from the a

buyback is the prayer and the first

thing from the mama that is the dumb if

you killed somebody right but but the

heavy says that you'll be asked about a

Shabbat Dina of make will not one man in

my base like what you did with your

youth what you did with your wealth what

you did with your body your good health

and so we're just be part about a woman

when she gets over anyway you can make

it that no I was just saying up

generally you will notice and this is

not true in all cases right you can't

make blanket generalization generally

you will notice that a oh look some

women still

we tend to make a quantum leap once you

take place as those later years

come on I've seen that many times and I

mean I'm not saying that from any

there's no bullying and I don't have any

happy I'm just saying that from my own

personal experience okay I'm a bit

confused on two points you made and I'm

just going to ask you to clarify on one

hand you said that the reason you were

having so many problems in Somalia in

Bosnia and other places in the Muslim

world because the people have left us

them so are you saying that God is

punishing them for leaving a thing no

it's actually purification it's not a

punishment the purpose of life that

instead idea to almighty said dunya like

the lungs of the whole time no Santa Fe

a javelin I've ever had a dome a pigeon

yaha my Allah has made the punishment of

my Ummah or the purification my Ummah in

this world in other words because of all

these wrong actions of the Muslim have

accumulated instead of Allah sending

them to the fire in the next world and

if you leave what's happening in our

other local kind even is buggy and such

because you need the Quranic description

of what happens in hell it is nothing

compared to what's happening to the

Muslims anywhere on earth I guarantee

you that it is nothing you can't even

compare the two there's no comparison it

is nothing in terms of the punishment

that Allah has promised the merger

demean and body means fatty opinion

captured in when I became all these

people that are delineated in the Quran

the penitent saw a lot cura fights the

Ummah of Muhammad SAW Allah do send them

in this world and what I'm saying is it

if you if we look at the Quran Allah

will give you see lat - great Muslims

like a behavior if see that but he will

give them victory he will give them some

keen in other words establish him in the

earth he will give them mr. Clapp he

will give them Khilafah he will give

them all of these things if they follow

it we saw the what I want to find what

the other has told us to follow if we do

not then other things happen right and

then there bad things and if you look in

the Quran a lots of Honora that occurs

in many verses right

romance from the Maliki Laura Aloha


Roni moon but we didn't destroy any

cities except that it's people were


right format camera of a book the you

had a capital for ah the woman well I

heard wilhelmus Leone Allah would never

destroy a people oppressively when they

were looking at home right rectifying

things when they were in honor of the

models and many I'm in one car which is

commanding to the good and forbidding

evil on the Prophet Elisha them says

models in my open her and in Mongkok

command to good and forgive for this

evil because you should go on your own

look auntie I love in that but to the

owner that I used to have Lacombe

because it's coming soon that if you

leave this Allah will give a general

punishment to the Ummah and they'll make

dua and they won't be answered because

even though I'll has conditions you see

people say I'm making dua and the public

said don't say I need you are not Laden

answer me individuals we don't ever say


but but do i itself making supplication

to allah has conditions and if the

conditions are not fulfilled that do I

will not the answer and from the

conditions the metal has to be Allah

you're eating your your drinking which

means your position is hell out your

money there's no rebar there's no

Mohammed in your money and your clothes

what you wear have to be allowed and

those things and the Prophet said if his

master my master will meant that happen

unless together how these do are going

to be answer divide those things are

Haram so on saying is we have mercy in

our heart and grief in our hearts while

Muslim brothers and sisters wherever

they are in the tribulation sister that

are taking place right we we have to do

that because there are OMA and many of

them are better than us

you see I mean just because we're not

being punished does not mean we just we

don't deserve the same thing

Allah has a thick smoke or wine maybe

this is if Shabbat Allah Adam I don't

know that we hope not you know I have a

good opinion of my

that's an evangelist the maximals on the

left and I'm asking about the movie so

so the first thing when you look at

these events don't victimize the Muslims

Muslims are not victims and this is a

complete list if you want to get into a


there's no victimization in Islam

there's a completely little adage of

deluded way of thinking oh you know

where everybody's against us reach or on

find out well why is the situation is

the way it is and you'll see very clear

it's very clear in the Quran because we

have left Islam we have left Islam and

we make claim to something a lot of

Hanoi China has ruled I mean this the

creation is governed by very strong

rules and and one of the rules

Lazaro Corrigan understand that there's

a principle in existence and you can

find it in habeas and he said manager I

respect and later know who I'm sucking

IV so I didn't the hands that the one

who claimed to have a face or a rank or

a position that he doesn't have a mouth

will give him tribulation and expose him

so if you claim to be Muslims and you're

not Muslim Allah is going to give you

big tribulation and expose that false

claim and like that manager I was but

then he level you get an Enhanced and if

you claim a station that really is yours

Allah will take it away because he's

become proud and arrogant and he said

woman at the hospital he had university

he's broken out of us with an atom in

her and the one that makes face that

claims a rank lower than his own race

Allah will raise him up to a higher rank

and look at stigma and even other

father's brother lon he's madinat al

he's the city of knowledge and when the

Prophet Allah I should have gave him the

lira he gave him the the flag but when

his son asked him who was the best

Muslim he said I'll go back up this is

Fatiha be he said I were walking and he

said then who and he said oh ma and and

then he said no enter what about you

yeah yeah I mean I'm not meaning he said

manikin Baba gentleman and listening I'm

just a simple man from the Muslim mass


I hope I clarified that to you because

it's an important question

some of the living question would you

please give me your suggestion for an

interesting or interpreting the meaning

of the ayah in the line idea but the

reason for that ayah was that the

prophet Elijah them have been asking his

his uncle who had protected him of a

father have protected him and he really

wanted him to become Muslim because our

Father has done many generous things to

the Prophet and protected him and when

he didn't allow reminded the Covenant

this again is affirmation of a paper

that nothing is in your hands

guidance is not in your hand that you

don't guide you you want but Allah

guides who he will even that man was the

closest man to the process in many ways

he wanted his guidance Allah didn't

guide him for whatever reasons just a

hikmaíh wisdom that I love to behind one

no than we don't question his wisdom and

won a penalty man came to the prophet

Elijah them from Bennington Milkha's or

arabian tribes who was living he was a

messenger from her activities or her

become and and he came to the Prophet

Elisha him in the form of a sin first

cutting edges I'm not gonna feel Mandi

Nia because you have some force love if

your father Ibraheem Dean and he said

Anna Anna Dean you finally had to out

I'm the Dean of my people he was

Christian until I go back to them and

the purpose that he coded that ayah it's

not in my hand

and that man became Muslim years later

during wiliest Hadassah

but he's not for haba cuz he didn't

believe in the problem he came to this

this one says at what a big data and

this one how do you present how the

answer to this question presented by

animal anyone distinguish oh the thing

one yeah to a non-muslim the promise of

my students there's a hadith that he

said hidden munathara fabric of fooling

him speak to people according to the


said ali karram allahu once heard a man

trying to explain cut up like a love

measurement or his decree to another man

and he said Cooper Anka you know stop

doing that a Toledo I'm left coronary

Martina ala muhammadin whenever a new

don't see clear about if you want people

to disbelieve and what was revealed to

the public elijah speak to people

according to their understanding so you

have to speak to people with wisdom and

according to the understanding with baka

dawa has to deal with mafia and there

are certain things that some people are

not at it at their own personal

evolutionary because there is personal

evolution at their own personal

evolutionary states that they're not

ready to hear that they may never be

ready to hear that I don't know that

that's in the hands of Allah but you

have to be aware of who you're talking

to and what they're willing to hear and

those certain things you know because

this is what they call a simile it's a

difficult the between is very

complicated and the bottom line you have

to look at our lives that we have around

has given us the volition He has given

us free will and he has told us to

believe and he showed us the methane he

gave us the tooth has but he also tells

us everything is in I left behind

without of knowledge the beginning and

the end if out in Allah subhanAllah

damage knowledge there's no caste and

cousins with a lustful valadares only

reality and so everything is encompassed

in the knowledge of Allah right there's

no forward and backwards Allah knows

everything that he's not I can't date

every given instant because he there's

no time he's not in the realm of time

he's cleared of time this one hour of

the job the other hand sizes within one

day or one year or whatever doing

lifetime could you give us some advices

on how to help ourselves to increase our

mmm and strengthen it so that's very

true that that's the position of an

Akuma well Jamar some of the the other

groups that are outside of our new stuff

that it didn't but the position of

Allison all of them are the people of

the public way and of the large

community uh that is mad its agreement

there's no disagreement about this that

a man increases and decreases and in the

Koran as many eyes or Tara dad home in

mana it increased them in email life and

a lot of us had about another home all

of their actions went to not so

people can believe and then lose that

belief that about but I managed called

in the Quran so Iman definitely

increased decreased button how it

increases with obedience to allah

subhanaw taala and it did decreases with

disobedience to Allah because all I can

accept that if a man retains his glance

at a woman that you slept Amanda who you

know I images that his a man being taken

out of his eyes that guy as he's looking

with laughs this is so that's how and

the heart we have to protect the heart

is an image ogia I can know Allah said

that the body is like a doughnut it's

like a country and he said that the

boundaries are the seven the limbs right

the hands the town the eyes the ears the

stomach the private part and the feet

the bows are like your boundary your

border and chiffon is the enemy that

constantly trying to attack this these

burgers if you allow him to come in he

wants control of the capital which is

the heart of the city

and he wanted the king in the city is

the intellect and he wants to control

the cities he wants to abate the

intellect the King right because he's an

enemy and once the intellect is the base

then you get a profile right if you kill

the king then you get anarchy and chaos

and that's what's called jihad so people

become slaves of their lower appetite so

you have to guard these things

everything is all we're all responsible

for the hands are going to talk against

us on your mo Keanu Allah will give them

the ability to tell what we were doing

with them so all of these things we have

to guard that we have to guard the town

when County woman is beating daddy with

you man athletically upon hate and only


whoever believes in Allah and the last

day let him speak good or just shut up

senator montgomery nanine Medina hakke

he what is very of I'm into the agenda

whoever will guarantee for me what's

between his two jobs his tongue and once

between his two sides and that applies

male and female that I will guarantee

him for her gentleness allow the public

will guarantee for us Genma this is so

so that's the way through obedience and

we're all striving to become more

complete loss bones to enter into the

obedience in a more full way and it's a

struggle it's an agenda

I mean look at the word two hedges one

of the best ways really is cm and layers

to get up at night and do a play on the

mail and to have you the word itself

means to fight sleep get the hedges who

uses sleep get the hedge it means to

fight sleep so it's not people think I

have to do something you wake up feeling

oh I've got a lot of energy this morning

three o'clock still two hours to go

before judging or maybe I'll do a few

raka that's not I mean that's ahead you

that I'm doing that but it's only two

hedges it by a shot meaning not by

lowering the the majestic beings not

there but the Shetty I mean you get the

reward for that but that isn't it

indicates a struggle you're struggling

with yourself so we have to struggle

with ourselves and do mujahadin okay we

have another question inna and that

muslim committed a commented that jesus

reason is for them

never ever fought in a war but Mohammed

Salim Ali Salim has led worse I have

told this person that the positive

qualities of Mohammed Salim ala send

them and the reasons forge ahead but do

you have other physicians well if you

look at yeah I have a very good

suggestion I mean first of all that

that's not a delusion of the Christian I

mean the audience's read the Old

Testament you know and it's very odd

that I mean literally I you know they

have I mean their imagination of God

right because it is a Cayenne

it's an imagination their imagination of

God is this schizophrenic God but in the

Old Testament is this ruthless vengeful

you know that smites the firstborns of

the israelis and days it in the

according to them I don't believe but in

the song glorifies the Smashing of the

Babylonian babies up against the rocks

and we you could read that stuff that

Moses is commanded to kill all the

Islamic and we read the Old Testament

and now do they believe in the Old

Testament did God tell me how the change

of heart and then all of a sudden it's

all love and peace and harmony you see

these these are their own internal

conflicts that they don't like to deal

with so they call the Old Testament and

New Testament got the New Covenant which

is all love God love it will read

revelations and read what happens to

people when Jesus comes back according

to them thanks read it if you want to

know I mean it's a pretty terrifying

example when humanity judged before the

altar of God the throne of God and

condemned to eternal hell I mean they

you see it as lies they're not telling

you the whole story Jesus was never in

power he he never had marshal power

moses was was in battle we know that

David killed Goliath in a battle and we

know that John OU's he fought the

enemies of God at that time so they're

prophets had fought battle the Prophet

ISA they sent him did not he what he

comes back to fight the battle because

he didn't have enough good people at

that time right to do that so he was

unable to like the same if you look at

Hossein talking up a lot idea one of

their lungs I'm saying is if Cabella he

was Khalifa he didn't have people to

fight with him so he dies a martyr's

death literally now they claim Jesus

died a martyr's death why what was he

threatening well they say well he

changed back to lose to the mankind is

just relish but the in reality if you

look at he tells them to go buy a sword

I mean even in their own book he said


whoever's might have sword that himself

he's gone it and buy a sword

I've come to make war I haven't come to

make peace that's in their own it well

then it's a spiritual war it's a

metaphorical sword well come on I mean

what you know it's these are just real

heavy concert

diction they don't want to deal with it

my advice you in all sincerity don't

waste your time on very emotional

Christian because and I'm saying that

some just bad experience you're going to

waste it there's a lot more people in

those that are interest I mean these

people put an emotional block you see

they think that you are possessed by the

devil you have to understand that if he

is a born-again Christian he thinks he's

talking to the devil and anything like

if you come with like for instance I

just heard this one again Christian say

well you have to admit you see you say

Jesus wasn't God but man he said man is

derived from the sperm and he's only a

man by the insemination of the woman and

Mary was divinely inseminated by God

therefore he has to be God I miss the

reason right so it was closer to him the


well then let's get the Adam Dan right

with racist

Tiffany Mariana committee Adam like his

likeness of Jesus is the likeness of

Adam Allison Allah said be and he was

therefore why don't then you worship

Adam because Adam doesn't have a mother

or father make more sense with this type

of logic right and but he shank devil

devil candy would don't listen to this

you're talking to the devil devil's

clever that was inspired by Bach and

that's what they do

and he thinks Holy Spirit's moving

through me I have to get through this

Muslim you know come in holy spirits

come in right I mean that's what you're

dealing with you see so these people are

really unfortunately it's sad I mean

they're just very unhealthy people

they're born again for the first time of

the disaster

okay at one point in your talk you said

I'm when after was one who becomes

Muslim out of fear can you explain that

well if you if you look at the that

that's not that's only partially true if

you look at the time of the public alike

a time there were no monastic own in

Mecca but the father in Mecca will not

burn up your phone they did not have

Manasa why because if you became Muslim

often you're tortured and that is not a

strong incentive for becoming Muslim

right so the people that became Muslim

at that time had complete and absolute

belief in what they were doing and they

became with them with commitment when

the Prophet gets to Medina so a lot is

kind of all sudden the Muslims have

power and authority well people love

power and authority right that's

something human beings are that it's in

their nuff and so now if let's join the

bandwagon because they want booty they

want things it was good but then they go

out with the Muslims to get the goods

and things like that so in a situation

where Muslims have power and authority

then you get them without the pain now

now we have a different type of manasseh

because when access is a very

sophisticated creature he's not temple

the cassio is very temple this is why in

the quran allah gives in the if you look

at the beginning of bara there are the

first few ayahs describes the movement

the 4-iron to ayahs describes the the

capital and then the next 13 or 14 is

described in oaxaca so allah gives a you

know much greater portion of eyes to the

description of the Menaka because he's a

much more complicated creature you're

dealing with somebody that has serious

splits within his self within his

perception and his being and so now we

have new phone let me know the same it's

the same principle but we have a new top

we have Manasa that are working for

secret police so they

Oh piers like this guy that was in New

York and and got next to the shift that

was there and all that trouble that can

I don't know what happens very unclear

situation but this guy was working for

possibly this raving intelligence

possibly Egyptian intelligence but

definitely working at the FBI informant

and he looked real nice guy and he

looked like a Bela down at the much

different and he had his beard and you

know he looked great but he was in

Manasseh right and so you have that type

of Monica who now has a different he's

coming into Islam to subvert it from


I think popomon of meetings is from that

type of category I really do

and Allah forgive me but but that's just

for reading her but if she I went off

phase if she believes what she's written

in her book right maybe she's made hell

but I don't know but if she believes

that then how did enough I mean she's

subverting Islam from within Islam and

so that you have those type of mengapa

the public said Oklahoma Havana

almighty's MonaVie Appa for fear hell


a monarch who has an eloquent speech

right and in another rewind he says

about the an immortal body like a

learning Manasa you see people that

so-called the element now that keeps us

was for the rulers

they're usually sitting next to the

ruler like that Allen had his magician

now Mubarak has his up higher right next

to him and they have magic of speech in

the minute ban mister house in eloquence

is magic and they get up and and they've

got all the hadees and all the ayahs to

tell you why MOBOTIX a great guy right

so that's someone answer so we have

different types of monopolies in america

the most people that come to the

messages i really don't fit we now you

get into one on top of that woman apple

of see fat you have one ethic who is at

his core of his being he is a hypocrite

and this is the one to the huddle in a

shell any his motto right if they go

back to their shell pain they say that

we don't were just making fun

we're with you in the nomicon we're with

you we're just making fun of these

innocencio giving just making fun of

them right that is it

I mean that is a deep sickness but then

you have all of us have some portion of

me pop in us I think everyone in this

hall I mean we all have our areas where

where there's contradictions you see and

we live with those and we try to purify

ourselves from those things but they're

there those contradictions are there and

it comes from weak Eman why we don't do

things I mean the public said if you

knew what was inside you you would go

there even if you had to crawl right so

people that you know sleeping through

beggar or something like that and what

kind of state are they in you see what I

mean so there's different degrees

the the prophet or I think gave us the

definitive definition after the national

for on in the Hadees is in Menasha

Siddhartha and in one narration for

either habitat Kevin the he speaks he'll

I see there's a contradiction right he's

saying one thing but he's believing

another well he's a assuming upon and if

he's given a trust then he breaks the

trust again a contradiction because he

took a trust from you said yeah I'll

take care of it and then he breaks it

well you know what I've got a collapse

and if he makes a promise he he's he

focused that he breaks it also again a

contradiction he says one thing does

another thing what he's a hostile

massager if he gets in an argument or

fight you'll see his phallus comes out

right a marvel loveable own sanctity

sanity you should remember that

principle people lie hidden under their

tongue if you see somebody getting angry

and he starts swearing right and becomes

the two third event and growth that is a

big sign of me pop and walked out twenty

Coliseum what do you think about those

people who supposedly leader of the

community like a man and president and

other people like their to devolve


almost evolved most of their time to

extend conferences and meeting of what's

what's called an interface talking to

people from another religion and not

really put that effort until we come you

know certainly Muslim India community

who like a lot of knowledge and a lot of

guidance and they always they want to

get the acknowledgement up from those

people at for example like

acknowledgement of all the Muslim

occasions and you know the AIDA and

stuff like that in these American

calendar this is just an example of one

of the things that they really want the

Muslims to be acknowledged in my opinion

I think this is putting Islam in this in

the same level like as if it is a choice

and with the other religion which we

know all of us know that this is not the

case because Islam is for all the people

I'm so done in 89 the lightest one so

I'd appreciate you can do it together

yeah I think that you summed it up very

well this pathetic attempt at getting

acceptance which if they would just read

the Quran just read the con length of

banca you who do well Ana Paula has the

Presidium aletter whom we met who de

who's Allah I mean is so clear don't and

that is one of the proofs of policy

because the prophet Elijah had almost

nothing no dealings with Christians and

study historically you see that this

conflict was with the Jews it was not

with the Christian it only come later

during the time of our model on where

the Christians come into the scene in a

big way but Allah tells us in that verse

the Jews and the Christians will never

be content with you until you follow

their way and that's what they want in

and it's also important to see the

Christians have been subverted as well

I mean to give to be a little

sympathetic with them the part - I know

but they have been subverted as well and

it took place quite some time ago who

like free masonry of Masonic movements

in Europe the Enlightenment all these

people were Masons and they you know

they held certain ideals one of the

ideals was that religion is a tyranny

over the mind

men that is a Masonic Police it's not

the Freemasons these guys with says caps

and funny cause that ride around in

parades and make the children laugh or

start Shriners Hospitals that that's not

masonry I mean that's just fun and games

but they hat and Thomas Jefferson it is

on as you go to the without that big

Idol is exactly what it is the idol of

Thomas Jefferson Washington DC over a

head it says I have sworn before the

altar of God right

eternal animosity or he I can't really

was this easy but it's eternal that

he'll struggle fight against the detail

animosity against every tyranny over the

mind of man and what what he meant

what's not written there is it he meant

religion because he believed that and if

you read his writings you will find that

he believed that religion that it was

completely anti irrational in fact he

rewrote the gospel there's not forgotten

specifically the gospel corny Thomas

Jefferson you get it at the library he

rewrote it and took out every single

thing that had anything to do with a

miracle or any supernatural thing

because he was a materialist he didn't

believe in that

he's a rationalist and ideas right and

and so they destroyed Christianity from


I mean hallelujah you know good riddance

because that religion has done more

damage on the face of the earth then all

of human facade put together honestly I

mean the Jews have a big they've got a

big portion of that but and if you look

at what colonialism what what European


a hundred million Indians they killed on

the American continent 100 M we ever

they crying about six million Jewish

people but so alright already

stop crying I mean you know at what now

Steven Spielberg I still ders he didn't

change his name they don't have to

anymore because it's the status symbol

now didn't used to be even still that

now he's got his Holocaust another

Steven Spielberg takes on the Halle

two thumbs up haven't seen it yet but

who comes up right and now everybody has

to be put through the grinder again

let's all fly over the 60 note what

about the twenty million Russian you

know what about them look I mean Britain

sang Winston Churchill life this we're

here to preserve democracy and freedom

and the rights of man but what about all

the coolies in India that you were

controlling at that time mr. Churchill

and what about all the logs in Iraq that

he actually wrote write the war he

actually wrote the decree to bomb the

iraqis villages with nerve gas that will

in revolt against the British occupation

of Iraq that's the great Winston

Churchill right he's a war criminal

so this I'm not from hypocrisy of these

people I mean it's just a pathetic

constant and ongoing so you know now we

have to deal with oneself can you please

define who is the captain afar and the

other one is I have I have heard that

the Muslim would not face even after he

was told three times to pray is no

longer a motion detection well look

Catherine right come from Arabic world

capital which literally means to vary a

seed in the earth and cover it over

right and cattle in vascular between

former and it's used as formerly in the

Quran Allah says what I give a coupon

and a bathroom like the farmer the kebab

same words though the kuffar the farmers

were impressed by the the agricultural

growth no bathily so the castle is one

who covers over or tries to cover over

and bury to kill not to grow but to kill

the truth

that's what he does he tried to bury it

in the dirt and put it in a grave and

kill it that we have in the Muslims can

be guilty of cumin and nama like the

woman when the prophet Elijah was asked

out the woman and her punishment he said

that the one of the main reasons is

called confinement and why I thought

like that she is she has Cooper of her

more agile like the good things that her

husband does for her she'll reject them

if she gets angry right and things like

that so that's a danger that women have

a tendency towards not all women but

women have a tension the public's

warning them about that right and so

that's a type of cooker those coupon

aneema now captive in the islamic under

the appeal all i see the divide humanity

into three classification and then there

are subdivisions within those

classifications so the general right

what we call the rubrics and then you

have sub rubrics the general categories

categorization our wanna muslim monastic

and kappa now Muslim natural you have

moat men and mock them and you can have

look some fast up etc and monastic is

somebody who is outwardly pretending to

be Muslim intimately they don't believe

it and then you can have a Muslim who is

more not partially when I said but still

has a men and then you have the cafe and

then there's an acute abdomen the Musha

teaching the miletti ride the bed again

there's different categorizations within

that but the generic is captive so

Caviar's anyone that reject the the

process culminating in the last stop of

muhammad for like them or any of the

third books that allah has commanded us

to believe in reject that the angels

rejects the device that were raised up

and the 11 of the GEMA and the knowledge

the punishment and the pleasure of allah

and reject the other that the decree the

measurements that allah is measured our

existence that is kappa now there is a

hadith in the fire yet the imam ahmed

the lake and it's in other satya I think

it might be in anyways I know for sure

that it seems that looking at of Imam


meant Erica Baba and Anna Devane you

obey nakooma cut off from intellect oh

I chopped up right the

the contract between me and my Ummah is

the prayer

so whoever leads the Claire has become

Catholic couple now in school there is

something called mock talk and Mahajan

mock up is a thing that has an absolute

meaning is there's no conditional

clauses in its statement so a mahkum

ayah would be like the part of the ayah

of whipping the residue Homa like

whipping the authoritative that's mapa

anybody that fornicate that happened to

them like that you can't so how you

doing say it's only for slaves or it's

only for three people or whatever so and

this happy Imam Ahmed said that video is

more fun if you leave the prayer you are

kaffir you are no longer Muslim and you

are killed by the bridge deck which is

apostasy becoming captor after becoming

Muslim now that is not here in America

you don't kill people

don't play or even in local country so

there's a concept there's a you have

laws and we have and it's not anarchy

Muslims are not allowed to take the law

into their own hands there's new process

of the law in Islam and it's our concept

it's not their content so there is su


now our bodies are sharing and maddux do

not agree with that opinion maddox I

need to ensure every day that it's my

ideas and what is that it has to be it's

conditional the condition is if they

read the prayer and say they do not have

to do the prayer they all kappa if they

say no that's where i'm a muslim i

believe everything but prayer is not

obligatory on me that is kappa he's

jackets and and and he is killed after

Toba now if he says well i know i have

to do the prayer but i just-i can't--

I'm too busy I work at IBM they don't do

any time and you know that's just the

way it is right or oh I can't lose my

killer right I can't leave the cash

register so that person then is given a

chance for Toba

the method of the opinion is jihad of

matter and and shattering he is killed

he sprayed over and he's buried with the

Muslims about Anita says that he should

be put in prison and for a time and

giving him a chance to think it out on

bread and water right which I think

there's a good dusting now because you

took the other Imams opinion we have to

kill of Ultima we wouldn't have 1

billion of the interface that dialogue

that the Jews initiated with the Vatican

in the aftermath of the Second World War

and the interfaith dialogue that many

Muslims are rushing to engage themselves

in is part of a policy that was

initiated amongst others by the World

Council of Churches when their

headquarters in Switzerland as a way to

subordinate the Muslim and forget the

who are Muslims to begin listening to

Christian so we should be very wary of

this because we don't control the agenda

and the agenda and many instances will

lead to outcomes that are contradictory

to our Islamic principles just as the

Vatican recognizing Israel contradicts

the church teaching and it rejects the

pronouncement of Jesus against the Jews

in the New Testament

Shakalaka a very very important point

and I got sidetracked on that I didn't

answer the question but that's a very

important point and I would add to that

just that the identity you thought what

I was trying to get to about the

Freemasons in the subversion of

Christianity part of the way of

subverting it was to take them from

their teachings and one of them is that

the person the Christians did not

believe in the revival of the state of

Trail does not believe that they believe

actually that the Jews will curse that

they lost their covenant when they

rejected Jesus and they did not believe

now in the 19th century those this whole

movement within Christianity saying that

the Jews still were the chosen people

house says they're not chosen right but

they say no they're the chosen people

and we have to respect them for that and

now we've got this very insidious

collaboration between right-wing

fundamentalist Christians in this

country and Jewish interest in Israel

and really even it gets to very spookey

levels of working with their

intelligence and subvert in the Muslims

as well and the ecumenical of position

now is that all the religions have their

validities within themselves and no one

religion can really say to another

religion that anything is categorically

wrong they think that is a ethnocentric

in the politically correct language of

1994 that that's an ethnocentric or

religio centric position and it doesn't

fit in with what they call their Values


right which is relativism which is

realism which is completely against

Islam and so I agree wholeheartedly at

that point I think was it's very

important looking to keep that in mind

so I'm always a man with this question

sex going I can see you after the

session but no matter what university

class I sit through they always portray

the Sahaba as people went and invaded

and conquered I just would like to you

to comment on that and how would I

approach the professor about this and he

made a career out of this mythology well

they have you know they look at because

of the what they call the materialistic

anticipation of even though they're not

convicted or not communist they have

borrowed so heavily from the methodology

of Marx and what they call like

dialectical materialism in interpreting

everything right because the most

brilliant critique of the 20th century

have come out of the Marxist like the

French Marxist as you read them and many

of the South American launches the

critiques of of Western society and the

historical revisionism that's gone on

within Marxism and so it's infiltrated

had a big impact on historical

perspectives one of their perspective is

that there are material interpretation

for all these actions they do not and

and the Shia in fact fall into this trap

in many instances unfortunately but the

they look at for instance really the

reason why the Muslims invaded these

countries is because they wanted booty

right I mean they wanted to Panama

that's what they wanted and there were

materialistic interest there that were

actually the catalyst for these this

expansion well there's a few problems

with that why all the sudden in the 7th

century did they decide to do that I

mean why didn't they blast out on the

earth in the 5th century or the 4th

tension and what is it that they reached

a certain point in history and all

sudden they float out on to the world

while they would say well if you Tom had

a really nice way of bringing a knife

together on the one banner and that

poster and they have their

interpretation we don't accept any of

those publications you don't expect the

historical actors they don't even have

is mad right and seriously if you want

to talk about scientific method they

don't even have is much for any of the

we have is nuts right and we are are

news and we have puffy and running I

mean it's Muslim historical research is

so sophisticated right they don't have

any idea of that I mean at best they

have weak traditions or completely fab

get a lot of their stories that you

still see in their book they even

themselves have proven that they're

completely fabricated the fact that

Constantine supposedly saw this big

often the sky and converted to

Christianity that is a historical life

that their own researchers know is not

true and yet to this day you will still

find it written in textbooks that people

read in history classes and they know

it's a lie he did not convert to

Christianity and shut on his deathbed he

was not Christie with a pagan until his

deathbed he made a confession of faith

and that whole thing about the sword

it's all lies in this by this time he

will conquer that is rubbish and it also

if the Christians really believe that

where's all the stuff about it's not a

real sword at the metaphorical sword

right I mean it is all these internal

contradictions but these the Sahaba of

the Allah we know right that the the

faba were when they went they were being

attacked by the Romans when they went

into Syria we know that for a fact

because they lack see in a political

crises in Medina at the time and you can

read this and it was almost suggestion

but they not send the army to sham they

said we can't afford to do it we need to

keep them here in Medina because they

were having look rebellions within the

ranks of the Muslim and and this is

historical fact and Abu Bakr said now

Ally I have to send that because the

Prophet prepared that army why because

the Romans were beginning to infringe on

the Muslim territory and they were

threatening them and so they went and

they did conquer Syria and that when

they conquered them they freed them from

the Roman tyranny the Syrians and there

are letters to this day historical

errors that we have preserved in their

handwriting the Syrian Christians were

so happy when the Muslims got there

because they did not hack them the way

the Romans were taxing them by the Roman

of Byzantium right which was in

Constantinople with us they considered

them to be co-opted