he actually taught himself French just
from the listening to the radio and then
one day he came in they were speaking
French and and they said I was here and
he said no no it's not it's not a
problem go ahead and and so anyway what
he's been doing one of the things that
we tend they don't write books using
when they're young it's quite rare
because they really believe that it
takes a long time for no budge to become
mature they tend to write later in their
lives his incredible output has been in
the last 15 years
he's almost 80 and what he's done really
is he has done touch deed of all sort of
thick broth of this banana said that the
scholars of Islam are like regimented
soldiers and he said the generals are
the Oh luli scholars these are the ones
that that really understand now probably
one of his most important books is
called a
Delilah's or Delilah's or dual Allah its
authority it can you can use all three
more Italians use it with delay that
Eastern Arabs tend to say Delilah
so omalley are what you recite from
memory you know you may leave so this is
called Amalia delay that it's what the
the the connotations of the words are
telling us what they're telling us and
so it's a study really a also terrific
but one of the things that he's
attempting to do is one restore the
centrality of Arabic back to the Sharia
and the importance of it because many
many people that go to Shetty at
colleges now do not learn Arabic in any
deep way they learn enough to be able to
read and they still even educated Arabs
make a lot of mistakes when they read
especially if you read the older books
because of soft more than now sort of
his very takes a long time to master but
he wrote this book and then he also
wrote several other books one of them at
high water and bird which is a dialogue
from a distance he wrote another book
which is called
Elliott which is probably somewhat
unfortunate because there's another
minority tip that is associated with
other scholars that has nothing to do
with his minority v and so people lump
them together share abdullah is not a
modernist and he said that before he
said analyst to hadith Ian I'm not a
hadith II I'm not a modernist he is
totally committed to the tradition but
believes that the tradition needs to be
reactivated that it's lay it has lain
dormant for a very long time and
scholars are reluctant to activate these
osuni tools that were so important in
the past and he feels that it's
absolutely necessary because of the
challenges that we're facing as a
community that we've never had
challenges like this we have economic
challenges he said that the traditional
books of commercial law do not deal with
many many of the commercial transactions
he actually gave a talk to a group of
economists in France and the head of the
IMF was in the audience and she was
completely flabbergasted and said that
she had never seen such accurate usage
of economic terms by somebody who was
not inside their community but he he
knows Islamic commercial law and he
wrote an entire book on the the the
authority aspects of commercial law and
he dealt with derivatives the problem of
derivatives he gives an analyses of why
the Western system is so flawed and how
it could be improved on by principles
that have been known for centuries in
Islamic commercial law and he goes on on
he gives all the reasons why usury was
was prohibited and it's a very detailed
study of economics and this is an area
that the Illuma have grossly neglected
I mean Malaysia has done some you know
they've attempted to do it but the part
of the problem is is you don't have
scholars that have knowledge of the
tradition and then knowledge of the
modern complexities and this is where
the crisis lies
you either have traditionalists who
don't know anything about the modern
world or you have modernists who
understand the modern world to whatever
degree but they don't know the tradition
and there's an assumption there there's
a lot of Mythology I'll give you one
great myth that is constantly thrown out
there the idea that the Muslims shut the
door of ish D had that is a complete
myth that comes out of Orientalism and
has nothing to do with our tradition
every single book of o Sole there's a
chapter on HT had all of the unum are in
agreement that is jihad is necessary
until the end of time none of the ummah
have ever said that HT had stops because
there's always new problems
so you have to make you sad where they
where they felt that the HD had one door
was closed which is what is which is
called an HD has an mukluks absolute HD
had in other words they felt that one of
the last people to claim it was in mom
seal T it was rejected which is to say
that they don't have to follow the rule
of one of the Imams that they're outside
of that even Tamia who was a humble
scholar but despite that he broke rank
with the the scholars of his time
arguing that that following the met have
stuck lead of the med hebbs was a
problem and that you needed to work not
just within the methods but allow the
possibility of going outside of the
methods and share Abdullah in certain
areas he will do that although he's
deeply committed to the o soul of Imam
addict Laurel Delano and he knows the O
soul of the other three Imams this book
is a comparative study I mean that's not
the the central point of the book but he
goes into the comparative study of the
of the I mean let me give you just one
example the the anima determined that
language has different types so you have
what are called ha ha yep no hawea these
are how kya
their the the the realities of logo of
arabic or any language but they say
there's a haqiqa Whataya so this is the
the reality of the what we would call in
in Western logic the Dennett ation of a
word what the word denotes in other
words what the original meaning of the
word and the purpose of the word so for
instance marriage is the joining of a
male and a female in Arabic now you you
can change that meaning like they're
doing today but the original meaning is
clearly in fact
Yamato's which is the Greek word for
marriage is where we get gametes
from so age in Arabic is is the the
marrying of opposites so in the Arabic
language you so we Jew means xoj is an
opposite right Allah created everything
in opposites right so the whole concept
of marriage and linguistically the wubba
of the of the word is the joining of a
male and a female now then you have
what's called a happy thought ophea
which is a customary usage is to
conventional it could be slang or it
could be the change in the word overtime
there are many people that argue all
English is influx very little of English
has changed in the last 500 years and
that's that's a fact you can read
Shakespeare with a little bit of
I mean Shakespeare who was writing at
the at the end of the sixteenth
beginning of the 17th century
Shakespeare you can read Hamlet if you
have a basic education from you know any
Western school here you know there's
going to be words that you don't know
things that he uses but it's still
English it's the English that we speak
and and so it hasn't changed that much
but there's this argument no there's all
these radical shifts in language it's
not true language has a stability
because language is tradition so you can
change the meaning of marriage to mean
the the marriage of two males
conventionally and you can call that
marriage and you can have a ceremony and
say that that's all but that's not the
wubba of the Doga it's not what the the
word was placed for went went when
people first used the word it's not what
they meant so for the last you know
millennia since human beings have been
getting married nobody ever had the
concept of two women getting married or
two men getting married you just didn't
exist so now there's people that want to
argue no weak marriages whatever we want
it to mean because they don't believe in
essences they don't believe that there's
natural meanings to these terms
and then you have what's called a haqiqa
Sharia which is the what the Chettiar
says the word is used for so for
instance Kadeem to the jahaly arabs
really meant extravagant was a
spendthrift who was extravagant it came
to mean something different in economic
mind a lot it's calm so a lot changed
that meaning for the Arabs and related
it to piety so that's an example and
then you have happy permit jazia which
is figurative meaning what it's used a
figure to like SE dabangg zeta is a
notion we don't mean he's a body of
water right we mean he has an
extraordinary amount of knowledge as if
it was like the ocean so it's metaphors
are similes without the the use of as or
like in in a fool the anima differed
about if a word had a literal meaning
but then it had a conventional meaning
what which one do you use first
so the chavies said that you should use
the a pica Whataya what was the literal
meaning of the word well sort of kinda
Matt how PIPA that's a kinda the the
basis of speech is literal you should
always take something literal if I say
I've got a headache you know you should
take that literally that I feel pain in
my head before you think that I'm just
saying you know all this trouble at the
office is giving me a headache so I
don't really mean I have a pain in my
head I'm just saying it's like a
headache right so you take things
literally before you take them
figuratively in Sharia that's according
to manic and Abu Hanifa said no they
should be taken by customary usage
before you take the literal usage so
what people use and then some made tough
steel Imam al-ghazali from the chef that
he said you should go by the throat
before you go by and Imam and Jelena
said that also you should go by
customary usage before you go by literal
usage so these are differences in
assault and it's going to have a
difference in so if I swore for instance
well la he let out a couple baton right
and then I rode a so I swore an oath and
I'm not gonna ride a camel but then I
rode a donkey now donkey in in the Quran
there's there's a hemudu barrier in the
Quran that is is is actually means
donkey so barrier in the Quran there's a
there's one area where some of them
officer don't interpret it to mean
donkey but that doesn't include when I
swore not to ride about year
I wasn't thinking donkey I was thinking
a male camel so there's an example of
where that difference of opinion would
have some import in how the Ummah assess
it so what this is this is in essence
what what Sheikh Abdullah is trying to
do is really revive also landfill as a
means for dealing with our problems I'll
give you an example of what he did there
was a woman who became Muslim in in in
the United States and she was married
and the man was not Muslim and so all
these Muslims told her the marriage is
no longer valid you have to divorce your
husband now I saw this happen in there
was a young woman who became Muslim with
me in in Santa Clara and then she just
disappeared and I asked what happened
and they said oh they told her she had
to divorce her husband so she left Islam
now this woman they were telling her oh
you the marriage is invalid now because
he's not a Muslim and a Muslim woman
can't be married to a non-muslim man
well shann abdullah gave a fatwa based
on a sound transmission from a situation
that happened in Iraq where Christian
woman became Muslim and the husband was
not a Muslim but he did not have a
problem with her being a Muslim and so
say Nadia actually judged that she could
stay with him
so chef Abdullah said in this time when
people's iman is not strong to where
they would actually leave their family
for their religion that very often
they'll end up choosing their family
over their religion that's an example
where you should take something that
even though the four med hubs don't have
that especially in the lands of
non-muslims because there is an opinion
that if she's in the lands of the
non-muslims she can stay with her
non-muslim husband if he doesn't oppose
her Islam and so that was his opinion so
she called me and I gave her that
opinion which I learned from Chicago I
wouldn't have known that if I did I
would have told her the same thing that
most Muslims know and she might have
left his son but she didn't she said oh
I'm really glad to hear that because
they were telling me I had to leave my
husband her husband became was some six
months later so there's an example where
we could have lost two people to Islam
without having the wisdom or the hikmah
and the vastness of our Sharia because
the Sharia is vast and it's a Rama
before anything else and so this is
these are the the you know these are the
types of situations that he's grappling
with azimu stead and and and really
trying to revive the importance of using
these tools that were given to us but
the tools need to be mastered they take
a long time to master and they need
serious students and that's part of the
problem because the the scholars of his
caliber are disappearing from our
community anyway that's that's a little
introduction a minute does anybody have
any questions they want to ask or go
ahead that was quick usually it's like
few minutes they say you're supposed to
wait for modern day well he's like I
said he's pragmatic in that the economy
is what it is so the the the attempts
you know this idea that Muslims Muslims
can simply get out of the economy
there's a global system that's very
powerful it's a very destructive system
it's caught it's wreaking a lot of havoc
his approach is to is is really first of
all we have to understand what it is and
then we have to understand what the
Sharia enables us to do given the
situation and so you know he addresses
different problems like the problem
obviously fractional reserve banking is
a problem even in corporations the idea
of a corporation being a fictional
person is anathema to traditional fit
you can't have limited liability in
traditional fit you have to have
responsibility yeah the corporation
cannot you can't have an entity that's
disembodied that's responsible you have
to have human beings that are
responsible and so granting in in the
United States I don't know what the
situation I mean I know they have the
same type system here but in in the
United States corporations were granted
protection under the Fourteenth
which which when you have a corporation
that has five hundred lawyers it's it's
unequal protection under the law because
they can do a lot more if you try to go
if you try to sue a corporation good
luck mm-hmm what's that on what I said
then more on that it's it's a dot on men
had stood in Jeddah it's in Arabic all
his books unfortunate in Arabic was with
the exception of and and I've tried to
get people to translate them I've even
paid people on but his Arabic is just
really difficult so people have a really
hard time even like educated people that
have good background because there's a
lot of technical terms
his Arabic he uses a pre-modern Arabic
in his writing so he's not he doesn't
write in modern Arabic which is heavily
influenced by English and he actually
really hates it I once gave him adopted
Hajj an article from shelf cut I was up
and he read it and he asked me what
language is this I'm telling you the
yeah I said it's Arabic he's that it's
not the Arabic I know and he has a
commentary on the LT of automatic you
know he's a great grammarian and scholar
of Arabic but he just couldn't
understand it thank you could you just
repeat the reference that you mentioned
in the beginning the book that explains
how Arab thought Muslim veterans are
interested in the linguistics and
masters of the language which one the
triumph of knowledge John something Oh
John Walbridge that's a really important
book the Caliphate of reason Caliphate
of reason God logic and Islam the
Caliphate of reason that's an extreme
that I consider that a very important
book and for Pakistanis one of the
interesting things or Indians because at
this time it was it was one country but
for Pakistanis one of the things that he
has a chapter on a study that was done
in the 1880s by a brilliant he was
Hungarian Jew who had been naturalized
in British and he did a study for the
Foreign Office in in what is now
Pakistan on the madrasa system and made
a very strong argument that the madrasah
system in Pakistan was actually far
superior to the schools in England at
the time and he said they produced a
much more learn in person they tended to
be learned in three or four languages
with a great knowledge of literature of
logic of rhetoric mathematics and so
it's an interesting study to see and how
the British undermined among many other
things they've done how they under my
sorry dr. winter how they undermine the
you know the the Muslim educational
system and the French - I mean
they're to blame as well two peas in a
thank you sorry humidor reference to
chef de bellas experience with what
slavery mmm at that time I'm light of
what's going on with Isis and whatnot
the issue
slavery laudanum in Islam have come up a
lot and people are criticizing the early
Muslims at concubines and things like
that well how would you how do we
respond to this yeah I mean yeah I first
of all there's no legitimacy there's no
that's not a can of fate so the idea
that it's a caliphate is absolutely
the Provencal I said him said whoever
fights under a blind flag and dies dies
of Djali death
we don't know who's where this flag came
from I mean we know literally where the
flag came from but we don't know
figuratively where the flag came from we
don't know who these people are who ever
heard of Abu Bakr al-baghdadi seriously
who who is he
everybody knew who I'm are gonna fob was
everybody knew who a buckaroo Siddiq was
everybody knew who they were Mallya was
known his son Yazid was known people
knew who they were
I don't know who this guy is there's all
these different opinions some say he was
like a taxi driver so I'm saying he was
a had a doctorate in Islamic law there's
all these different things we don't know
where they came who made the flags I
want to know what factories producing
those flags so there's so many of them
you know where did those orange suits
come from like who provided those I mean
that's really interesting you know so I
mean what's going on I don't know but if
you if you think that is a clear
situation right then you're using clear
in the Scientology's usage you know I
mean that is a completely ambiguous
situation we don't know what's going on
there but you can't say say no mob said
if somebody claims to be Calif don't
take be out with him right you can't you
can't just you know I'm gonna I'm short
our Baena home somebody declares he's
what is that you know that's Zig Heil
that's another religion so I mean that
that whole idea and and so slavery was
abolished you know the prophet ice had
freed slaves the Quran encourages the
freedom to free slaves concubinage
existed in the pre-modern world it
existed in the Bible and it was practice
Islam humanized what were inhumane
institutions right and and and it's as
simple as that but the modern world
there's more slavery today in the modern
world than there ever has been in human
history so this idea that we've
abolished slavery is a load of crap and
there's all these women in horrific
inhumane concubinage in the United
States right and people go and they and
they sleep with these women and they
don't care about them you know so all
these righteous cheese-and-cracker
people out there you know the
cheese-and-cracker crowd you know I mean
these people sit around and discuss
things over red wine how horrific and
barbaric that Muslims are when their own
civilization is filled with the most
horrific crimes against humanity so I
don't yeah I'm sorry I just don't buy it
humans are humans you know Islam deals
with the human beast as he or she is not
as we would like this idealized creature
angelic creature to be know there are
beasts out there and and they do beastly
things right so but the idea somehow
that this is acceptable in Islam I would
have been there I was a villian
mentorship on a regime
it's a demonic situation simple as that
it's poor Yazidi girls i mean they've
been living in that civilization for
centuries what Muslims never knew that
you know and they're not devil
worshippers you know they've they've got
some angel that's called chiffon or
something like that that's the same in
this culture Lucifer's the fallen angel
and you know
but Muslims left them alone you know
they really they left them alone
Muslims were very tolerant civilizations
just left people alone you know if you
don't step on people's toes they tend to
just reciprocate with civility you step
on their toes they get people get angry
so but yeah it's a bad situation Muslims
I mean this is a tough situation for
Islam I don't know if it's you know
there's probably periods that have been
close to but the real crises today is
the lack of scholars I mean that's
that's where the real crisis is and
there's so many Google's out there
there's so many Muftis of the internet
and its really creating immense
confusion in our community on top of
that you have an anti phobic industry
and you know
Islamophobic industry out there that is
heavily funded they have their own
scholars and if I wanted to write a book
painting as long as the darkest religion
in human history I could do it anybody
that has access to you know our library
the pre-modern library can pull out
things but they were never normative
Islam you have crazy opinions in every
religion they weren't normative I'm you
have you know opinions in the Jewish
tradition that a child can can be
married at the age of three and
penetrated but that's not normative
rabbinical Judaism but that opinion
exists so if you put that out say oh
look you know the Jews they permit
pedophile pedophilia and that's crazy
they don't they don't permit that but
you can find those opinions and
Christians that are anti-jewish they
pull out this stuff from the Talmud and
they say look how evil Judaism is right
you could do the same thing with Islam
and the truth be told you could do it
with Christianity as well because
there's a lot of crazy opinions in
Christianity as well but what is
normative Islam and then
when is normative Islam over ridden
because we have for instance it's an in
according to the monarchies and the
hanafis we have is Stetson we have
Masada and more so that we have a suti
tools that I'm going to talk about in
the the next lecture we have also D
tools that enable us to override things
that would be unjust if they were
implemented for instance brinda right
now you can't implement apostasy laws in
the Muslim world even though who mom the
great Shafi scholar said that when
ignorance is widespread you suspend the
HUD punishments altogether there's no
had punishments because people are
ignorant you have to educate people you
can't you can't cut off hands when you
have the type of poverty and injustice
on this planet that we have you can't
cut people's hands off for stealing so
you know Sharia is is is rational it's
merciful it's generous it's it's a land
of you through somehow and the Prophet I
said he was he was he was he was
forgiving and if you look at all this I
have I'm in I knew one example say no
Omar caught a thief and the thief said
he said it's the first time he said
you're a liar because Allah will always
veil you the first time and then he said
I saw dr. fuller
he said did you steal say no and this is
amirul mumineen omar bin al-khattab he
said did you steal say no and he said no
and he said get out of here in the
kavadi you're an intelligent that's VAR
AA Fatah alpha P you know the he
got him out of this you know he said did
you steal and then he said say no so
what does he do he didn't say yes I
stole and no he said no so he got the
point and so Omar what the what I will
look at who she said all Maher
understood that his intelligence would
prevent him from doing it a second time
this is leniency this is leniency in our
tradition and and that was the tradition
but you know women the Prophet said
Damon logic Ramona allah karim Wailea he
Nona in LaLanne
no one honors women except honorable men
and no one degrades them except
contemptible man and so what's being
done to these women is contemptible and
these are contemptible people they're
degrading these women you know these
women have their human dignity when did
you make them slaves when their mothers
gave them birth as free people yeah
anyway any other yes how are you oh yeah
okay so what was the second part I
understood the first two please
yeah I understood that what was that did
somebody hear the second part okay the
suit that first of all Sufi Sufi as a
term that needs to be defined because a
lot of people claim to be Sufis that
have nothing to do with Sufis one of the
Mauretania scholars said I should be her
own belated aja postulates Mumbai
giametta alidium charity said it was a
Tico heard you Omaha's one had it that
the the and he's talking about the Sufis
he said there was a people that lived
the best life the life of the Sufi but
afterwards they turned it into a
livelihood and you call the one they
used to call the one who goes down that
path a salak Sadek means you're on the
Sufi path he said but today that group
is his Mon Halleck
it's it's a it's a it's a sect that's
going to be destroyed or perish his
point is that Sufism like all the other
traditions in Islam became corrupted
even Husson adversity early on said
about the Sufis he said it was a name
with it was a reality without a name but
now it's a name without a reality so the
Sahaba were all Sufis without that name
Sufi and and that's if you define Sufi
to mean see demons are opium collide
that's all he said there are 2000
definite more than 2000 definitions of
the soul but all of them revolve around
the fundamental definition cyclical Joe
it'll law sincere inner directedness to
God so if you define to solve as sincere
inner directedness to God then it's a
good thing if you define it as something
else I don't know so when people talk
about the Sufis if you go to the Muslim
world there's people that call
themselves Sufis and later they
distinguish between silvia and with a so
we fo the mutasa we felt were people
that pretended to be Sufis the Sophia
and earlier on the Muslims had positive
things to say about Sufis they were a
group people the early ones were very
much into zuid which is detachment from
the world
they were called the Bukka or the
weepers because they cried all the time
Ravi and I we introduced love into the
scenario and it became more of a less of
a fear of God that and more of a love of
God so but even Asha who died in 1040 in
in the in the Islamic period in the 17th
century in in the in the Christian era
if an Asha who wrote the textbook of
north african west african islam
everybody in morocco that went to even a
Khattab just a basic
school learned Evan Asher by heart and
that was the basis of religion in and he
begins the book by C octet ashati with
diplomatic with a thought if it's a June
8th ascetic in in the Med hub of Imam
attic the al-qaeda Imam and a shoddy and
the path of Junaid is salic I mean that
was Islam to to North Africans West
Africans for since the beginning and
you'll find that is nad goes back all
three and so traditionally I mean
there's a lot of corruption in to solve
but overall this Olaf has been a central
and extremely important force in in
keeping Islam centered in Rama and love
and when you remove those principles
from Islam it becomes a harsh thing and
this is why the people that hate to so
of are noted for their harshness it's as
simple as that and I would rather be on
a boat with Sufi mocked India than with
these other group like if the ship sank
and there was a boat and I saw you know
this kind of selfie Wahhabi group and
then I saw a bunch of Sufi singing kasi
does I'd much rather get on the boat
with the Sufis because the Wahhabis will
end up throwing you over a board saying
you're op he does not sound or something
like that and there's only food for
enough of for a few of us you know the
Sufis they'll just like what happened
come on yeah it's all good so that's the
truth I'm sorry you know and I'm not
somebody that attacks groups I don't
like attacking groups and things like
that and people if you looked I mean
I've had a public career for many many
years you'll be hard-pressed to find me
speaking ill of any group and I'll
defend like I've defended well hobbies
about the terrorism because they have
been consistently against terrorism this
is a fact they thought was against it
chef Ben Baz was opposed to suicide
bombing you know with a main and they
had scholars you know and they're
they're they're part of a humbly
tradition under
you know but the hum buddies were noted
for harshness early on Samak Shetty's
famous poem about the hum buddies you
know if you say you're humbly they say
you're harsh hard-hearted you know
literalist so this is an old thing but
they're part of Islam and and and the
circle of Islam encompasses everybody
you can't even I mean you can't make
takfeer of of groups takfeer is is
something that is about individuals and
it's something a body or a Mufti does
it's not done by common people you can
say something is Cooper but you call
somebody a Kaffir is a very dangerous
thing to do very dangerous thing to do
so anyway uh over last question I guess
yeah I think I'm a Saddam my question is
more in a practical level what do you
think that Muslim war towards protection
of religious freedom what one of the
things that I think it will depends laws
a very broad field as you know are you
lawyer are you okay what type law do you
practice okay so as you know there's a
lot of different ways and then law
school in our civilization is very
superficial it's three years which is
nowhere near enough time to learn law in
a deep way jurisprudence is not taught
anymore it's very limited the amount of
legal theory that you get in law school
and a lot most lawyers now go into
corporate law and serving the you know
the dark side of you know our
civilization so it's very tragic but
there's a lot of things that Muslims can
do one of them is to really learn law on
their own after law school to continue
to learn and study law and and really
that law is a rational project that the
muslim law is a rational project that
our law in many ways is more rational
than Western law we have universals I
mean I just was in a talk with that
Robert George who's a McCormack
professor of law at Princeton who's a
brilliant legal theorist and in in his
book conscience and its enemies I think
it's the first chapter the second I
think it's the first he defines five
things that every civilization should
have in order for it to be strong and
robust and it's basically the five
universals without religion and I told
him where did you get that from he said
just from my own reasoning
I said that's pretty amazing because
imam al Joannie who's considered one of
the greatest legal minds in our
civilization in islamic civilization I
mean I'm a son of two civilizations but
of the Islamic civilization he came up
with those and it was considered a great
contribution to Islam the the six
universals he I mean he came up with
five but he added dignity George and he
dr. George and he forgot religion and
when I mentioned religion he said of
course that should be in there as well
so I actually wanted to write an article
about that just that you know a Western
legal theorist a thousand years after
our greatest legal mind came up with the
same foundation for law and he actually
makes an argument in there for are you
American or Canadian yeah so it's
inquisitorial here isn't it the legal
system yeah which is closer to the
Islamic although the Islamic has both
it's kind of it's a hybrid between
adversarial and inquisitorial yeah so
but it's closer to the inquisitorial
because we don't the the judge in in
America is a referee and not really a
judge in that way the jury is is the
judge of the facts which is a monarchy
position to the
tradition the imam arrazi said in the
absence of a learner judge you take 12
notables from the society and they make
the judgment on the people so and we
don't know where the jury system came
from so it's very interested because the
Mallika's were in sicily and and there's
a lot of influence on from King Raja
Raja who they called him the Arabs so
that's one of the things is just really
learning law
traditionally law was an apprenticed
profession people didn't go to law
school they in the United States one of
the greatest legal minds is John Adams
and he learned it by apprentice and by
reading Blackwell's history of law so
that's that's one thing we need
constitutional lawyers I know that
Canadian constitutions it's different
here but we need lawyers that human
rights lawyers are really important we
need nonprofit lawyers law is very
important and the thing is much of
Western law dovetails very well with
Islamic law it diverges in certain areas
but generally law is law if it's
rational its tends to be Islamic right
really and and that's why the the mind
and this is not a moat is a light
position this is a Sunni position it's
not Morticia died I'm not a moth is e
light that is a Sunni position and if
you read John Wall Bridges book he makes
that very clear how committed the
Muslims were to rationalism so that I
think that's important but we also need
advocates we need Muslim advocates out
there that are defending the rights of
the community I mean you don't have
community rights in Western law right
but you do have in the discrimination
laws you have protection of communities
so it's important for us to know the
anti-discrimination laws also hate
speech there there are important laws
about inciting to violence that are very
important and and really we should think
about class-action suits because we've
had Muslims that have literally been
killed and Sikhs and Hindus that have
been killed
because they thought they were Muslims
which proves that there is a racial
element here I mean this idea that is
not about race is it's not really fair
because cuz Sikhs and Hindus I mean what
what's the proof they're Muslim how
they're brown and they have beards
anyway so I hope that helps a little bit
yeah all right super Hanukkah Hanukkah
shadow and Allah hail and stop the war
to avoid a of the valerian ship an orgy
in this menorah in what oddly in there
in Santa Fe Xhosa in Adele Adina and
what a little story Heidi what also but
happy what was over so well so come on
I'll be
Video 2
alhamdulillah so it's it's very
we're really blessed this year Abdullah
Cindy and together we had them at the
commencement and stay tuned and just
interesting all the things that they've
done and what they've seen in the Muslim
you know because doctor and also just to
give me an example back in the 70s they
organized a conference in Mecca and he
was a central part of it on on reforming
education in the Muslim world and I read
those books that they produce because
they were papers that were given and his
paper and staid enough people out boss
they were amazing but they didn't take
their advice so didn't what's that
what okay yeah yeah it's very sad
because a lot of the crises that we're
having now is all based on a lot of
their Diagnostics back and you had a
chemo terpene that in my life
bismillah ar-rahman rahim was sorta to a
cinema a deceive you know muhammad wa
ala and he was sadly was sediment esteem
and kathira when i hold our up or what
they in their had Andy in our mean that
handled middleman with that animal is
gonna stain on the stuff it'll who
would've been a man shorty I'm losing I
would say yes yeah I'm a Tina hundred
endeavour but a furthermore been there
for me for that idea
it's a little more I don't see the my
dad he was like you said him what I hold
on what L to what they never had a hobby
but I did that the the main purpose of
this book which is called a Maria della
or medallion Estella that so it's to
explain the nature of what's what are
known as the delay lat and there are
there are over thirty that those early
scholars identified and and like I said
earlier they really they brought about a
set of Sciences that they felt were
necessary to master in order to properly
understand the the Sharia the Shetty
aloma differ they distinguished between
Shetty and Phil Sharia is from God thick
is the human understanding of the Sharia
so v is not Sharia in that way I mean we
call it Sharia orphan as our author if
it's a happy car or Thea
but the reality of it is is Sharia or
Sharia is from Allah the cool in Jannah
Sheraton women Hodja you know every
group was given a shower and a minute
in other words a Sharia and then a
methodology a way of implementing the
Sharia this is like the book and the
wisdom the hikmah right the Prophet SAW
I am throwing him at you exactly him who
you are anymore home and key Taba will
hikmah a Sharia and then how to
implement the Sharia so because the
nature of language is ambiguous the only
language that we have in the world that
is unambiguous is what now Arabic very
ambiguous no what's that mathematics
it's completely unambiguous which is why
you can't say anything important in
mathematics really you cannot say
anything about the meaning of life in
mathematics why we're here where we're
going you can use it to build bridges
you can use it to understand how the
Stars work you can do a lot with
mathematics it is the language of
quantity of matter it's the language of
this stuff that we're in we're in the
world of quantity but we're not
quantitative beings by nature we're
qualitative beings by Nature the
language of quality is what we speak so
human beings have this capacity to
understand the world they're living in
through the language of mathematics
which is unambiguous so we can measure
things things this the height of this
can be measured now obviously you have
what they call I think I know in Arabic
is called Nakhla migite it's like a dead
point in in engineering that you can't
ever get to the exact exact because it's
just going to get that infant assimil
point of exactitude but we can we can
measure things we can determine you know
these glasses apparently are identical
the more we examine them the closer we
get with microscopes we're going to find
differences in them obviously but that's
what physics
and mathematics enable us to understand
change and quantity how what's happening
in the world and and how it happens but
qualitative sciences are very different
they are not precise in the same way
because they're not precise problems
arise differences arise and when
differences arise there's two ways of
dealing with it one I mean there's
obviously more than but to simplify
things one is to get very frustrated and
and that can often lead to conflict and
people actually duking it out but
another one is to understand the the
nature of language and to understand
that language is not precise all the
time sometimes it can be very precise
but very often it isn't and in
understanding that it enables you to
accept that other people might
understand something differently from
you and come up with a different
conclusion about what something means
this is one of the the greatest
achievements of the Islamic civilization
was the inculturation of a civilization
of difference that Muslims literally
recognized that it is divine nature that
difference exists in the world Allah has
created a world of differences and Allah
loves differences he loves if t death
and this is why he gave us if T death
Alsina to come in our tongues there's
differences it's a sign of God the if t
Dafa value on the differences in our
skin tones these are things not to make
us frustrated or angry or sources of of
a sense of superiority or inferiority
there are things to marvel at to wonder
at this is what allah subhana wa
anna loves he loves this aspect but
there's another type of difference that
allah doesn't love and and and
historically the unum differentiated
although again in the order they're used
simultaneously as synonyms but he laughs
was a negative thing he laughs was a
negative thing generally so there's a
dues between ft laughs and the fee
laughs although they can be used as
synonyms as well so he laughs is where
you get dissension and you get conflict
arising out of differences so the
Muslims developed these sciences that
needed to be studied in order for them
to address the possibilities of
differences and what were the different
ways that we could interpret things in
our Islamic law and so Abdullah really
wrote this book to explain and there's a
great book that was written by shop will
he'll knock and lue
aliens off right which is about the
reasons for difference amongst the meth
labs this is a deeper book he goes first
of all it's a serious book of allah and
so he's explaining the science a little
sort of took but he's really letting you
understand in this book the differences
in the alfaab which are the the
articulations that that come through the
sharia and then the differences in how
we look at those evolved and he
identifies them and then also he goes
into the moccasin so i'm gonna look at
some of the passages here he says that
that this Sharia is Mubarak it's a
blessed Sharia it's a blessed Sharia
fabbi tattoos were Mutapa we return the
route as soon and inlets are an earthen
cone it on the one hand it is
it's fixed but on the other hand it's
changing it's fixed in the nature of the
Sunnah of Allah in his creation in other
words Allah has a Sunnah and you can't
you won't find to deal you won't find
alteration in the sunnah of god in his
creation but it's also changing in its
in the relationship between the human
being and the world around him so the
human being has a nature that nature is
fixed we have a human nature now you
have a movement transhumanist movement
was a very serious problem right now on
the planet because there are certain
i mean--if how many people came in to
the airport in toronto through there did
you notice those hsbc those bank at a
bank built how many people were troubled
by those huh they were all over a new
world is coming they had a picture of a
fly with cameras four eyes like who
wears democracy who's voting on whether
to give flies camera eyes or not i mean
the this is like Frankenstein
you know dr. Frankenstein is let loose
on the modern world so there and this is
funded by NASA is funded by Google it's
funded by billionaires who want to
download information and and it's it's
this move towards a hybrid human being
that where technology merges with
biology and they're working very
seriously on this I mean this is a
serious project artificial intelligence
is a serious project they want to get to
this singularity point so we're dealing
with situations that previous
generations did not deal with and
because there are things that change in
the world and our relationship to the
world changes also like the
desacralization of nature that's a
change prior to that the
ancients to the ancients many of the
ancient civilizations nature was infused
with spirit and you still have this in
animistic traditions the the
monotheistic Abrahamic faiths considered
nature to be a sign of God so it had a
sacred quality but it did not give it
that personification that a lot of the
previous peoples did but now in in the
modern world and dr. Nelson was just
talking about that one of the most
influential and and important
philosophers of the modern world is Sir
Francis Bacon who said we have to put
nature to the rat to the rack
in other words torture it until it
reveals its secrets to us Machiavelli
talked about cajoling nature but if she
did not go along with our demands then
we had to ravish her and actually use
the word rape and is interesting that
nature has always been offend eminent
quality in in in language so the earth
has a feminine form in Arabic and and
and so honoring women and dishonor like
the current culture that we have now in
the West which is degrades women
unbelievably and if you don't believe me
just go and look at the fraternities and
the sororities and see how degrading it
is to women and the type clothes that
they put women on I mean you don't see
men walking around in spandex right
unless they're riding bicycles with all
those ridiculous symbols on the shirts
right like Lance Armstrong there's all
these people that think they're at Lance
arms or whoever the guy that doesn't
cease not roided-out but I see them go
by me all the time and they've got all
these like they ride some of them are
overweight and but you still got all
those there the elements to our culture
that are so ridiculous it's been amazing
but so that you know that that is a
problem the change this attitude towards
nature changed and so the shittier has
to adapt to those changes
so he says machete after the tsunami and
let the tide you to throw a bit to her
so the the those aspects of the Sharia
that are fixed and firm and unchangeable
they never changed lakyn walk and in sin
and ADEA Tarawa who may not Dora
well Hodja what's our story for a fajita
who and what are you know but that
reality of the human being that goes
between necessities and needs and also
to what's out where they're there in
conditions that are expanded when
they're in luxury those things change
and so the Shetty has to have solutions
and new rulings categories for those
changes and sometimes that comes in
specific new shoes that we have that
enough is if the Quran the hadith those
things are there where we can take it
immediately but other times it comes out
of understanding the acid you have to
understand what are the masses of the
Sharia in other words what are the aims
and imports what are the ends of the
Sharia so the ends of the Sharia are is
human welfare is human good and so when
when situations that the Sharia in
normal conditions would say this is