Interpreting Language in Islamic Legal Theory

Transcript Details

Event Name: Interpreting Language in Islamic Legal Theory
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/6/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

differences of these Imams which will

result in differences in the Sharia and

how they understood the Sharia so and

then what he goes into now is the

importance of the what are the Alpha the

muscles of the city on the actual

statements and how they differed on on

the understanding of these statements

that come from the Sharia and so he says

the relationship between the Arabic

language and thick is he said he humble

assessment session ent it again a Bela

moccasin it's the most important

foundation from the foundations of the

Sharia next to the mock offices so he

sees the Arabic language and the mikasa

to be the two most important foundations

of Islamic law these are the two most

important foundations understanding the

Arabic language and understanding the

mikasa and he says that the UNA MA if

you look at the differences amongst the

ulama then you will see that their

differences are often linguistic or

related to their differences in their

understanding of these different these

different tools and he says now we have

a new generation that are trying to

bypass these traditional mekin

that were meant to preserve and protect

the Sharia to jump over them to bypass

them and to get to an understanding of

Sharia without these tools or mechanisms

and this is causing an incredible amount

of problems and he said that he mum

shopped abhi who's the great for su Lee

su Lee scholar who really even though

that the mikasa come out of the shower

he may have the great imam of jus a knee

who it's a it's I think probably his

greatest blessing is that he had Imam

al-ghazali as his teacher and I'll say

something about people who speak ill of

a Ghazali because there's a lot of

idiots out there that speak ill of Abbas

Ali I mean really stupid people and

Hamas ah is is a reality in the world

stupidity is a reality in the world and

and all of us have elements I mean we do

stupid things as humans all of us

nobody's nobody's with the exception of

the prophets nobody is exempt from doing

something stupid but to be a monk that

is a great calamity and there's a

tradition that says that a scientist and

I'm said I could I could raise the dead

God enabled me to raise the dead he

enabled me to cure the leper to give

sight to the blind to give hearing to

the deaf but he did not enable me to

treat stupidity and stupidity has played

a huge role in human calamities huge

role wars have been started over

stupidity if you read about the Arab

Wars of jaliyah they're the stupidest

reasons for starting wars like a horse

race that started a war that lasted

forty years over a horse race if you if

you read the history of how World War

one started you'll just marvel at the

stupidity of these people absolute

stupidity one idiotic Serbian man kills

the heir to the Habs

burg dynasty and within a very short

period of time

Europe is thrown into a major war that

will radically alter Europe forever and

that leads to the Second World War

because you there is no world war two

without World War one

there's no Nazis without the Versailles

Treaty so one idiot shot a man in

Sarajevo and that led to tens of

millions of people being killed if

that's not stupidity and you look at

what's happened in the Muslim world of

late you look at what's happened how

stupid we have so many stupid Muslims I

mean I'm just gonna flat out say it we

have multiple lafoon we have idiots out

there that are doing things in the name

of Islam that nobody in the history of

Islam has done it's beyond belief so

it's a major problem and this is why you

have to educate people you have to

educate people so that the stupid people

are marginalized and and there's enough

intelligent people to recognize that

guy's an idiot but now we've got you

know people that are uneducated

listening to idiots and thinking that

they actually have something to say in

that they're making sense that is a

calamity that is a major calamity in our

own month and my proof all you have to

do because grammar is is so important

and grammar will make you smarter just

by learning grammar because I have noted

that all of the stupid comments on the

internet are written in poor grammar and

and and the intelligent comments always

have good syntax I've noticed that so I

have to conclude just from that

observation that people that don't know

grammar shouldn't be reading in the

first place they should learn grammar

that's why they used to call it grammar

school right that was like first grade

to sixth grade was grammar school so you

go to grammar school to learn how to

because you have to know grammar to

learn how to read

anybody can speak if you if you're a

human being and you grow up around

people speaking you'll learn how to

speak it might be it might not be

standard of whatever the language is but

you will learn how to speak but reading

is a skill that takes many years to

acquire and language is very complicated

it's very sophisticated if you can't

determine a subordinate clause from from

if you can't determine a dependent

clause from an independent clause right

or them what they call same same

terminology a major clause from a

supporting Clause if you can't determine

distinguish between those two don't

comment on what the person is saying

don't make any comments and people can't

do this anymore

and this is why chef Abdullah considers

the Arabic language to be so important

in in learning our religion that if you

have not learned this and it takes a

long time and like ship that doctorate

and also that was saying about elitism

people say oh that's elitism

no it's intelligence that's all it is if

you are uneducated you should not be

telling people what Islam means we

recently had somebody being accused of

blasphemy for giving a talk about Islam

and then and his what he said was I was

ignorant well when I mentioned that to

to Sheikh Mohammed that you know about

helping this person because it was a

crazy situation and he certainly

shouldn't have been condemned to death

or something like that I mean we

unfortunately this is another problem is

that we've got all these so-called

movies I mean everybody is a multi in

some places in the world and you get

this nineteen year old kid who went to

you know this school daughter Sydney's

ami and he comes out Mufti he's 19 years

old it's not that simple

a Mufti is a very high position in the

Sharia to be giving a legal opinion I

mean you have most mufti of just telling

you what what a med hub says about this

at or the other but to actually give a

legal opinion to a problem

that takes a lot of training and skill

and you certainly mo Matic was doing it

by the age of 17 as a shed your father

what are your paw so any but it's a

problem because we have highly mediocre

students now studying Sharia and the

best students go to these other colleges

and and Sharia is the most difficult of

all the sciences it's much more

difficult than medicine it's more

difficult than physics those those

things are not hard to learn they're

really not that hard to learn medicine

is not hard to learn and I know there's

some good doctors here but they have I

used to work in a hospital and there are

some really dumb doctors out there too

that will kill you if given a chance so

right what do they called the the the

graduate of medical school school school

who got d-minus is all throughout school

when he finishes they call a doctor

right and it's almost impossible to get

kicked out of medical school they make

it really hard to get into it but it's

almost impossible to get kicked out of

it so and that's not to say there's a

lot of good doctors but there's a lot of

bad doctors a lot of bad dentist there's

a lot of bad I mean the thing scares me

the most is the guys that are fixing the


yes you know I have one of the most

intelligent person I know will not fly

airplanes in America anyway he's the

most intelligent American I know he

won't fly airplanes he's a professor at

Temple University he will not fly an

airplane I asked him why you know

I said think about it so the

relationship between the Arabic language

oh thank you

good good call Imam al-ghazali is

probably after Imam Shafi is probably

the most brilliant

Oh Saudi scholar in the history of Islam

he is more known amongst the Illuma for

his Oh school than is for his Tazawa and

his book and Mustafa is is probably the

most important book on us all the humbly

met hab and unfortunately some modern

ham bodies criticized Imam al-ghazali

their foundational text in there Oh

school arroba is an abridgment of imam

al-ghazali's book so even if Adama

abridged imam al-ghazali's book which is

the foundation of handily or soon so

imam al-ghazali is he is Raja to Islam

he's a proof of Islam he was a brilliant

theologian he was a brilliant

he wrote five books on logic he was a

brilliant logician he was a

metaphysician he was an ethicist he

wrote brilliant works on moral ethics on

philosophical ethics he was a

philosopher and doctor Akriti the great

Malaysian scholar of the Imam al-ghazali

wrote his dissertation proving that

unlike the mythology that exists in

Orientalism that somehow he was the one

that killed philosophy that's mythology

that's not true what he did was he based

took a sieve and he he removed what what

was dangerous from theology and retained

some really important things that he

learned from even seen and even seen as

another one that even Cena is is really

something that Muslims should be proud

of there's an even Cena was one of the

greatest intellects in human history I

mean he's in the top ten even by Western

standards and he is a product of Islamic

civilization so that doesn't mean that

there aren't things that were noticed by

scholars and some of them found Maharaj

for him and taught wheel at and

interpreted them she had a horsey who's

a great theologian alive today has a

beautiful explanation of some of the

problems that they found with eben Cena

but in vain' Cena had a huge impact on

Islamic civilization he had a huge

impact on Western civilization in in in

both logic metaphysics medicine so so

that that's important to remember about

Imam al-ghazali that he was he was an

sulie scholar of the first rate and

share abdullah bin bei who's one of the

few people I know that has mastered the

science of soon and literally read all

of the Omaha in oasl and the greatest

books of all sold and spent his life

doing that and then did incredible job

at a bridging the texts I asked him once

if it's a very Western question but if

you were on a desert island you can only

take one book of all soul with you which

one would you take and he said in

Mostafa without even thinking that

Mustapha of Imam al-ghazali so so for

instance in terms of the the Arabic

language you have

has a tree of the significations the

connotations that come out of the

language and so you have a normal soles

you have what's general you have what's

specific and then you have among the Oh

luli in you have the road yeah so you

have what's customer usage in language

you have majestic it abuses you have

what's clear what's ambiguous you have

what needs to be explained

you have the nuts which is the text and

then you have Baba hair which is the

understandings that that are apparent

from the text and then you have what's

Cuffy what's hidden you have the Mishkan

what's problematic mutashabiha you have

those things that are hazy in their

meaning the mush mal things again that

have a type of ambiguity

all of these are aspects that the

language brings in and so you have them

on bulk and them of whom you have what's

articulated and that's what what's

understood from that articulation you

have the MU Park and the mocha yet you

have what's absolute and what is is

constrained or limited in its meaning

and its implementation you have them oh

well what is interpreted right you have

the the what's mammalian what clarifies

the muj mal what's ambiguous and then

you have the Bob that ishara

will be lived ahead to the bay unit as

yeah so you have things like muhammad

mahadeva which is the opposite what's

understood implied the opposite meaning

which is implied if Allah says let

support yeah don't don't say to your

your parents don't say

oof then boom and Oh dah what is a

priori understood from that is certainly

don't hit them right and what's

understood the opposite is speak good to

them speak well to them so that's

understood from that so he says that

when the ulama when they when they begin

a subject they like to do what are

called that

my body and my body are asha and these

are the foundations the ten foundations

of the my body man Rama Inman fellow

padam a water inland bahut de amor

antara there's different variations that

this the one we teach at Zaytuna is from

imam a Seban who's a 18th century very

brilliant scholar that in nevada khalifa

nana Cheryl had one more Dorothy

Metamora so this is he uses a different

one from Imam and mockery but the point

is that there are ten things that that

you should know at the outset so what is

the definition a definition in our

tradition is taking the genus taking

what the genus and not genus in biology

genus in logic taking the genus of

something and then looking at what makes

that thing different and then what what

you get from those two is you get the

species so what it is you define it and

defining is very important and that's

why traditionally logic was so important

logic was taught for two thousand five

hundred years and it's only in the last

hundred years that they stopped teaching

logic and look at the last hundred years

and people say what about the previous

two thousand years

well we've killed more people in the

last hundred years than multiple times

over in the last two thousand years

yeah so I mean humans don't like to

think about how barbaric our

civilization has been in the last

hundred years but a logic is very

important so the had so if you look at

like the definition of a triangle

what's the genus of a triangle in other

words what are the common features that

it shares with other things it's a shape

good yeah what else

what's that yeah it's got angles so it's

it's it's what they call a polygon right

yeah so it's it's multi angled right so

what makes it different from say another

type of polygon the number of sides so

that's the difference all right so

that's how you define it so it's a

three-sided polygon so that's a

definition and then there are these are

called the predicate balls in logic and

then you have what's called the property

right and then the accident right so you

have you have two more to make five

those are called the five pedicle a

property of a triangle is is something

that doesn't define its essence but it

is unique to that thing so what would be

the property of a triangle good yeah it

all if you add all the angles it'll give

you 180 degrees so and that's the

scalene isosceles the equilateral all

the different triangles have that

quality and but that doesn't make it a

triangle it's not what gives it the

essence of a triangle it's a property

that is unique to it so and then you

have accidents so the triangle could be

big it could be large it could be

scathing it could be as isosceles those

are those are accidents in accidents in

a logical sense in other words things

that like the ball is red the ball in

order to be a ball has to have the

property of roundness right but the

redness is an accident all right so when

we define something we look at it the

genus and then what makes it different

so that's why historically the the

definition of our species and although

this is debatable because our our

essence is really a spiritual essence so

we're called the rational animal right

or the arrow

I thought did a better job at it than

than English because they called it an

Iowan and not that the speaking animal

that that's what made us different from

all the other animals is that we speak

now speaking is equality

it's a qualitative phenomenon it's not

quantitative it's quality it has

quantity but its nature is qualitative

and and and it comes out of what in

modern parlance would be termed

consciousness but what the ancients

would have called apon and the otha is

immaterial so language is a phenomenon

it appears from something that is


which is which is often which is in

modern parlance we call this

consciousness but the ancients would

have called it outcome which is

intellect in Greek it was called news he

was doctor and also was talking about

noetic Sciences and Greek it was called

news because it's it's what the

intellect grasps by a light it's a light

that it was given this is the light of

the intellect and so when you want it

when you want to had that's what you

want to find and then you want to know

what the topic is what it's about and

you want to know who founded it and then

what its relation to other Sciences is

what it derives its sources from what

it's virtue is what its legal ruling is

and what you call it because sometimes

it has different names and then the

topics you have subject matter and topic

right the topics are the toe post those

are the the Messiah so you have the mold

or and you only have the Messiah so for

instance the mold or of grammar ISM is

isn't is loja right it's the subject is

language but the topics are things like

the model for at the months will bad the

Madrid or in English

things like the moves tenses so you have

indicative subjective optative different

type moves things like that those are

the topics but it's not the subject


and those are ten and and so those those

those were how they begin so when you

look at all who live think he says it's

basically comes from two words one of

them is a fool and the other is fit

whole soul is what other things are

built upon so it's a root or or it's a

foundation the abyssal also labate right

assess so the foundation of the house

the the root of the house is the is the

foundation and then you have fit and fit

in Arabic means understanding its

feminine and Fofana so v is

understanding of tahoe Olaf cow I

understand her I don't understand in

Arabic the Fuffy in in in jolly arabic

was the the man that could see the

pregnant camel amongst the other camels

that was the ease in other words

they could see what others couldn't see

so thick is seeing what others can't

really see it's the ability to derive

things from things and so that those are

the two words and the Prophet Elisha

have said men unity they'll be here

Huayra you fulfilled in those who Allah

wants good for he will give them

knowledge of the religion now that means

understanding and that does not mean

knowledge of what we call v today that

is what's called a most fella it's a

technical term now if it has become

identified with jurisprudence which is a

solid fit really and and but law that's

what it's a claw sacred law whatever you

want to call it but his but v in the

poor on does not that's not what it


that's not what it means it's actually

closer to what dr. Nelson is talking

about it's it's really metaphysical

knowledge it's true knowledge of the of

the reality but

it's become a technical term for flipped

because that's what the owner used it

for which is fine

in the same way jihad now means martial

struggle but jihad did not mean that

historically in the Muslim world and

even Tamiya said any good act the

benefits is a is jihad that's even

Tamiya any good act that benefits is

jihad but it's it's it has a meaning of

defending or protecting the Islamic land

so in that way it becomes synonymous but

if you look in the marquee books and I

don't know about the other methods but

in the madaky books of fill in the

babble of jihad that's where they deal

with Ferrari over to Keith aya which are

the collective duties like engineering

and medicine those are all considered in

the in the book of jihad so learning

medicine if you're Nia is to serve your

society and not just to have a you know

a boat and you know a nice house and all

those other things that people do I mean

you can't do that medicine is not like

it used to be all right so as the young

doctors are finding out right now

they're all becoming dentists so those

are all aspects of jihad which are those

things that society needs and then you

have the jihad of the nufs which is the

the constant jihad and in that way it

was considered the greater jihad based

on a weak hadith so sooner tip then is

basically it is the means by which we

arrive at the Istanbul that I came from

the book and the Sunnah it's the way we

derive categories or legal rulings from

the book and the Sunnah or it could be

seen as adrenaline a dinner to is Maliha

the comprehensive proves right lethargy

vain and a tilde and then the means by

which we prefer some over others when

when there's problems with the

adela or ambiguities or it's the HD had

and its conditions how we do is jihad in

other words how we derive legal rulings

and CDF mazaru mentions that our OMA

went through three stages in its

development the first stage was what he

called authority of Chef OE which was

the the stage of listening or the oral

stage and this is the sahaba listening

and memorizing and then transmitting and

delivering and this lasted for one

generation and this generation is the

generation that compiled the Quran and

they split up the Sahaba

in different lands and each one of them

had knowledge with him like Malik said

but all the Elana when when the Calif

wanted him to make them WAPA the only

book of the Muslims he said no because

Sahaba dispersed throughout the land and

there might be things that I was unaware

of so he was recognizing the possibility

that there were differences and then and

also there are things that are NASA can

Mansu which is very important in our

religion because the the Christians

believe that Christianity abrogated the

Old Testament so the New Testament

that's why Jewish people don't the

Jewish religious Jews don't call the Old

Testament the Old Testament called the

Torah and and then their prophetic and

historical books but they don't see the

New Testament because they don't

recognize Jesus as a prophet they have

debates about what he was ranging from a

misguided rabbi to a magician to learn

magic in in Egypt so nanosecond man Seuk

are very important and then mop up and

mahalia there's things that could the

prophet saw him said them or he did

something the Prophet said

the Prophet did certain things that were

my crew in order to show the own mud

that they weren't hot on and when he did

them they weren't my crew they were

actually acts of devotion for him but he

would do things that were makrooh so if

you see a hadith where the prophet saw

him did something then there's other

Hadees where he might have prohibited

that thing then they know that the


it's either NASA command sue or its Cara

he attends ehia not to Hedy Mia

something like that so these are the

problems that come that arise in in

navigating the hadith so that was the

first generation and then the second one

was the second one is what's called the

photo Gemma or forward or Chi Taba

so the first generation is the oral

generation the second one is writing it

down and Imam Matic is part of that

because he writes the the mawatha is

really the first book of hadith even

though there's less than two thousand

and only 800 of them are actually hadith

so he was collecting a lot of the

opinions he has some wisdoms in there he

has what are called beloved so and that

that was important and then the third

generation is called Fatih football and

this is where they began to develop

kawaii or sort of fit and this is why

Imam Shafi wrote his famous book

iris ala which is one of the most

important books in the history of Islam

because he's really showing what he's

doing is similar to what Aristotle did

with logic now the Arab and Persian

logicians in the Muslim tradition argue

and I don't know how valid this is but

they argued that Aristotle actually

didn't invent logic what he did was he

spilled the beans that he'd learned in a

secret esoteric knowledge that was only

taught to members of Plato's Academy and

that's why one of the remarkable things

about Aristotelian logic is how an

entire system of knowledge came about

without any development like if you

study chemistry chemistry takes

centuries to really arrive at a complete

understanding of the science of


Aristotle pretty much dumped logic all

at once and it didn't change until an

air saw was not unaware of inductive

reasoning but his focus was on deductive

reasoning because he was an essentialist

and not a nominalist but when you get

into the later logicians William of

Ockham who introduces nominalism which

has a huge effect and then you get Sir

Francis Bacon who wrote the new organ on

which is the new logic where he focuses

on inductive as opposed to deductive

logic inductive is probable it's based

on working with particular Zand not

universals and that's the that's the

logic of science and that's become

modern logic so it's a it's inductive

and and they pretty much eliminate a

deductive logic they don't even really

believe in it anymore which is a major

problem because Muslims are essentialist

we believe in essences we don't believe

we believe that human nature has an

essence that we're not just a bundle of

desires and appetites

that we have an essential nature and

this is why you get into trends humanism

transgenderism all of these aspects of

the modern society where things are

becoming blurred and lines are becoming

blurred this is all a result of a

transition philosophically and that's

why some of you might not appreciate I

don't know I hope not but some of you

might not appreciate or what's the

relevance of philosophy and why are we

talking about these things the relevance

of philosophy is the whole world that

you're living in was created by

philosophy all of these ideas came from

philosophers the modern world was

created by philosophers the rejection of

religion the rise of atheism came out of

philosophy relativism came out of

philosophy all of these things that

you're learning at the universities

where you don't have answers to they

came out of philosophy so philosophy

matters and it's relevant and you can

become an Amish or an Orthodox Jew like

in Brooklyn or go to chamba in Istanbul

and retreat into the unclaimed of

parochialism and a type of provincialism

mental provincialism and fundamentalism

where you just say oh they're Kafar and

who cares they can all go to hell as far

as I'm concerned we're just holding on

to what we have you can do that that's

one approach to the modern world that

some religious communities have chosen

to do but for those of us who live in

these societies and aren't fleeing to

the hills and fleeing to the hills is an

option it really is the Prophet SAW I am

said the time is coming yushik one and

yo Kuna hi little man and Moltmann

right honeymoon yet Baja yet battle be

he the paramita looking for water with

his goats fish offal Javad in in the

mountain crevices in the prophecies him

said that and he said that towards the

end of time people will flee to the

mountains right so that is I'm not

saying that's not an option but for

those of us who are not opting out to do

that that are living that we have to

understand the time we're living in we

have to understand it and you guys are

going to universities and you're hearing

people are taking introductory to

philosophy courses and getting confused

and so these things are important and we

have to recognize their importance and

we need amongst us those who have to

learn first I would not suggest by any

stretch of the imagination learning

philosophy before you learn the Islamic

tradition I would not recommend that I

think it's quite dangerous but there are

people amongst us that have to delve

into these things and because about the

shubo hats as part of Islam refuting

obfuscation is refuting those hazy

things so this third generation was the

generation of understanding where they

really delved into a lunatic and and

from that you were created madad Asst


of thick one of them was the Hanafi and

it's a madrasa of fokaha and it's it's

cool are based on photo and fill on the

branches of Phil and the Hanna via wrote

their own food at the end of the third

century and in the fourth century and

but they're all come out of our derive

from their food one so you have a Thule

which are would be akin to what we would

call in the West constitutional law for

lawyers in here

constitutional law jurisprudence

theoretical law the philosophy of how

laws are derived that's all sold and

then you have for what which is akin to

common law statute law it's it's what

comes out of either statutes that are

made like codes you have codes like

vehicle codes you have codes we there's

certain things you can't do because of

these statute laws that are on the books

and then you also have legal judges that

make legal judges so and then you have

the madrasah of the motorcade limine and

and this is Imam Shafi'i Maliki and

humbly are closer to the madrasah of the

of the motorcade I mean the theologians

and all of these methods have books that

they rely upon like the mop edema even a

sore in the Maliki met hem and the most

important books are the the books of

imam musa rainy and his student abu

hamid al-ghazali and his books are the

mustafa the man who'll and she fellow

Khalil he wrote three major books in a

solid fill him America's ally so those

those are really the most important

books and then you have a Rossi who

wrote and Massoud and then an a MIDI who

wrote it can feel so like an and then

you have a palpable Road at them he'd

and then you get the great always half a

shot me and they're all great but

he added a dimension that had not been

there before in his famous book and more

faqad and he says fatica wrought

colossal ephedra Hanabi aha was Tasha

Raja Dora hammock noona well Liliha and

mas una hi to also learn Mikasa papaya -

I read well apple juice Burcu Lee moon

ki Larry never attempted tesam of the

Somali World War he praises him highly

for what he did bringing out the pearls

that were hidden well al well and mas

una de yeah it's a type of pearl

yeah because Dora Dora is also so it's

it's a pearl but it's a type of pearl

huh look look look Dora

yeah it's the plural and then the

esteemed a double fulfill is a la cámara

de Menil kid have a sooner so it's it's

those that come that come in the book in

the Sunnah and then the second source is

the Arabic language itself the third

source source is logic and this is

something Imam al-ghazali and the

Mustapha the first forty pages are an

introduction to the science of logic

because he felt it was absolutely

necessary for the Oh luli scholar to

study logic and logic is a maligned

subject in modern Islam and if you read

John Wall bridges book you will

understand how central logic was to the

Islamic civilization it's absolutely

central and it was studied in all of the

universities of Islam and it's a great

tragedy that it's no longer studied it

is a truly great tragedy so month up is

very important knowing what's called

Tazawa because month up has three main

branches understanding judgment and then

reasoning and

and understanding is is is how we drive

concepts and from concepts come terms

which are based on definitions and and

then from those terms

we either negate or affirm something

about two terms which is what's called a

judgment so all men are created equal

that's a proposition it's a judgement so

we're affirming that all men right

unrestricted all men are created equal

so there there's your subject and your

predicate in in that the mold one and

the mammal and then and then you reason

from that so you make reasoning and

these are premises so these these were

studied and it's a very important

science and then the fourth one is

fickle sahaba

and there Fudd was because the sahaba

were mujtahid hoon and they had fit and

then as for its how come the legal

ruling it's a failure so any


huh yeah the Mostafa and the manhole and

then the shifa shifa a lavaliere and

mustafa and manhole and she fell Khalil

so now I'm sure you mentioned if they

laugh and you gave us some of the merits

for it

uh-huh I was just wondering for a fact

history tells us that most major

civilizations have existed successfully

due to some sort of unification um how

would you reconcile the idea of if they

laugh with unification

for that matter as I it's my personal

opinion that I do feel that that's what

we need to make things better in general

well see you unification is not

uniformity and the only way that you can

unify human beings is by accepting

differences and that's real unity so

uniformity is fascism and fascism

doesn't work it's getting everybody to

wear the exact same clothes it's getting

everybody to pray exactly the same way

the you know all those things they don't

work so if T laugh is in his diversity

you know - know what right Allah loves

diversity and he's won and yet his

attributes are diverse he's right man

but he's also studies AB quick - reckon

he's moon toughen he's the Avenger of

wrongs right those seem like apparent

contradictions but they're not because

his nature he will - those who showed

mercy he will show mercy to those who

showed no mercy he will avenge the

wrongs that they committed so Allah

Himself has declared that that he has

diversity in his his own names so I'm I

don't think we're in disagreement here

oh go ahead

yeah uh-huh go ahead I think he's gonna

go and then you're up - yeah go ahead

ceremony Alec was see the I have two

questions if possible the first one is

about when you talked about any the

photo of Abdullah baby when he said

about marrying someone no he didn't say

marry not marry they were already

married yeah yeah now it is something

kind of similar the hookman

regimen I found that there is one of the

imams is a Buddha Hara I think 40 years

ago he made a fatwa that or not a fatwa

he said regimen even though it is it

seems like would tougher for something

cooperate so good but he said it is not

covering um I think now I don't know

like it's kind of well I mean that's

modernism because that's not even though

he was I don't know I haven't seen that

in him I've read his book on all

scholarship but that it's muta Watteau I

mean there it's much Maile that that yes

but but but there was no example of

rajim that wasn't from it all and and

that's very important and one of the

things about you know they say about the

Ottomans I don't know if this is true

but they say about the Ottomans that

they they never stoned anybody in in

their 800 years now that might be

hyperbole but there have been more

people stoned in the Muslim world in the

last 20 years than probably in the

entire history of Islam and that's the

truth so it's just people aren't well

right now

and all of these oh dude you know they

need to be suspended it's as simple as

that because people there's widespread


we're having a pasta see you know people

are leaving Islam because they lie

dr. Nasir said the big questions aren't

being answered anymore you know people

are confused and you can't it's also

time of Hara I mean our Prophet SAW is

have told us that towards the end of

time people will become really confused

people will wake up believers and go to

sleep disbelievers and may Allah protect

our Amen well lie we have to preserve

our Iman because these are trying times

not just for Muslims for all people

they're trying times and it's very

important that we protect our Iman but

if you read the books of fit I mean the

Muslims created so many legal fictions

to avoid rajim it's just amazing I mean

the Maliki books they say you know ask

asked the woman if did she go into a

bathhouse after men she use a towel that

Amanda used was she in a pool that a man

had been in before they even allowed

pregnancy up to four years anything new

this is not not gonna happen but they

like so if a husband of a woman got

divorced and three years later she got

pregnant like she could say then it was

it's from my husband who divorced me

three years ago okay you're allowed up

to four years and then the other thing

is in the Muslim world solve a lie we

shouldn't be making light of Zeena's is

a grave sin but in the Muslim world it

was very similar to this world we're not

when I was a kid

it's a woman got frightened and I know

Colleen's here dr. Collins feared so

because she remembers this too but when

we were kids if a girl got pregnant she


nobody said she got pregnant and then

you know nine months later she came back

and and and the parents you know had

adopted a new child or had a new baby

they didn't really they used to bail

people and the Sharia is you don't want

it to go to the state if somebody steals

something you can forgive them I mean

there's a famous story Aziz that was

Tommy who was

one of the great zoo had and and the

heavy praises him and said he was a

hippo and he's noted to be amongst the

Sufis but he was actually considered a

very upright righteous man of

scholarship as well but there's a story

I mean whether it's true or not is

irrelevant its meaning is true and it

certainly reflects the spirit of those

people he was in a in a hammam and

somebody stole his clothes and he with

his towel he ran out after this man and

the man was running as fast as he could

and he said no no stop stop

well my he at the Abu lek McAfee and I

just wanted to tell you can have the

clothes you know I want to put you in

the hollow to get you out of the harm

the Prophet slicin Imam and be happy

relates up widowed and very happy and

and bizarre I mean you're really

supposed to go this is something modern

you know one of the signs that you know

somebody if they studied with real

scholars one of the things that they

will do if you mention a hadith you

always mention malik first if it's in

our Bukhari Muslim and you'll see this

in the older books they always do that

unless it's more sin so sometimes you'll

see like for instance show Connie will

quote Malik but he'll have al bukhari

before Malik because in BO Hadees it's

it's Mosul but in WAPA it's more cell

but generally Matic is always quoted by

the Mahadi tune out of Edom before any

other of the mahadji Thune and then a

Behati and then Muslim and if Schaffer

is there he's quoted before also because

a man is quoted before Albahari even

though he's weaker than a Bihari

Armen has many weak Adisa in his

collection but he collected almost over

thirty thousand Hadees Imam Abu Hadi has

just over seven thousand so always they

were the more hadith hoon if they relate

a hadith that's in a medina Buhari

they'll always put Ackman's name first

in modern books you no longer see this

because they don't have adept with the

enema anymore but this is something all

the early books have so

what was I gonna say it's late what was

I gonna say about the mapa something

about Maddock about the lon

oh that hadith in in a hadith of Abu

Daoud because he's over imam and be

happy and a bazaar imam abu dawud

relates a hadith that the Prophet SAW

licen him said yeah ah geez ooh I had to

come and yo Kuna Abby Oh Bom Bom is one

of you incapable of being like a bull

dumb bomb and and the Sahaba said Yaris

little ma manobo Bom Bom o Messenger of

Allah who doubled humble and he said he

was a man who every morning when he went

out he would say o Allah at Assad vocal

vlv one Fc I give as siddhappa my

dignity and my nafs to people who and he

said faithfulness dementia tomorrow what

a melvin and varma ho what a mob the rim

and our Abajo he did not curse those who

cursed him he did not oppress those who

oppressed him and he didn't strike back

if somebody hit him

that's amazing hadith you know people I

was there the other day we had a event

and and I was talking about Abood canal

boys dad I would Kannamma said how many

people know him in here Hubble collab

not very many people which is really sad

I will canal I think he's one of the

most extraordinary figures of the 20th

century and Gandhi said about him he was

literally Gandhi's closest friend it's

closer than Nehru and and the other

people in the Congress and and he should

be really as known as Gandhi people

don't Ghani is a hero of the 20th

century people don't realize it was the

Muslims that brought Gandhi to South


it was the Muslims that funded him in

South Africa and supported him to act

against the apartheid right

unfortunately they were working on

Indian issues and not on the Zulu and

the other oppressed groups there but

when Gandhi went to India it was Muslims

that supported Gandhi really I mean it's

quite amazing but Albert Kahn was very

close to him Abul Kalam was born in

his mother was from Modena she was in

Arab so he's half Arab people think he's

an Indian he was half Arab his father

was a Bengali scholar and a sheikh who

taught in the harem he memorized the

Quran at a very early age he spoke over

10 languages fluently he was one of the

great orators of Ordo in the 20th

century and he was he was at the head of

the nonviolent movement and did not see

it inconsistent with his Islam and like

Martin Luther King said even if I wasn't

for non-violence on principle I would

still be it for it in our condition

pragmatically which is a very

intelligent statement so even though he

was principally committed to

non-violence he recognized also that

there's times when non-violence is just

a more pragmatic approach if your enemy

has nuclear power and you don't

nonviolent resistance makes more sense

if they're going to use nuclear weapons

against you but most somebody said oh

you're being romantic about non-violence

or something and I just you know I

people are romantic about violence and

it's only people that have never been

around real violence that you know the

chickenhawks all these people that have

never seen war you know go to Syria and

tell them about you know how successful

violence has been you know really go to

Iraq ask them how the wars going how the

great jihad is going you know there's so

much human suffering people used to vote

on battlefields they would fight like

you know dignified human beings I mean

Fighting's bad enough but at least they

did it in ways the prophesize and they

went out in battlefields a hood bud

though they left the city they went out

they fought they didn't kill women and

children now it's so many women and

children have been killed in this battle

all these traumatized children we've got

generations of trauma here this isn't

going to go away in one generation

generations of trauma five million

refugees just from the Syrian event so

this whole idea about I mean with the


according to Mahmoud about who is in his

Tufts ear and he mentions Sahaba proving

this and the students have given our

best the original Sharia the very first

Shetty had given to human beings was

nonviolent and that's why when when it

was granted permission it was said

Athena Athena Athena right Linda Dena it

was granted you patted ona those who are

being fought it's good they're given

permission the unknowable anymore

because they have been oppressed right

they were given permission right Athena

and that that's isn't so people forget

that you know and there was many Hadees

of about towards the end of time

breaking weapons and you know if islands

will you know if there's if there's an

end in sight and we believe in just war

I'm not against I'm not a pacifist by

any means but I am a pragmatist about

that so there are times when I really

feel that non-violence is a much more

intelligent approach to dealing with the

problems of oppression anyway it's my

own opinion yeah it's the nice thing

about at least we can be civil about

differing but there's so many Muslims

that if you differ with them and

disagree with them they'll just smash

you over the head and that's their

approach even tamiya enjoyable sake says

you know Christians asked us and he's

talking about Syria because Syria

you know Syria never like they didn't

get to 50% Muslim until the 5th century

of this long Egypt it took 300 years and

the ricean never achieved 50% people

think everybody just became Muslim those

people were devout Christians is not

easy to leave a religion now it's easier

but in the pre-modern period no it was

very difficult to leave a religion but

even Tamiya said in that book which he

talks about the Bible it's a it's an

important book

six-volume book on the Bible and he was

a great scholar of comparative religion

but he he says that we have people

Christians come and ask us questions and

the Muslim say then I think a rudderless


the only response you're gonna get from

us is the sword and he said like kind of

answer is that

he said that is affirming the very thing

they believe about our religion that

it's spread by violence you know so what

what's up with all this violence you

know cuz it's really strange

all these youngsters that want to revive

you know killing and they think it's

some kind of fashionable thing or

something it's gonna be mad yeah young

Ben you know you got your little

Kalashnikov and they're dropping bombs

on you you know so the solution is okay

let's get bombs too then we can drop

bombs on them great great solution

escalate the whole thing cuz that ends

in nuclear that's the whole modern

madness you know and don't think I mean

Americans use nuclear weapons twice on

human beings twice Hiroshima and

Nagasaki the two largest Christian

communities in Japan so they weren't

averse to killing yellow Christians so

don't think they'll have a hard time

killing Brown Muslims right you know and

and that idiot

and I mean I you know I I really you

know I shouldn't say that get in trouble

a lot about Hanukkah long ago said one

day better than to stuff it affordably

Video 3


him along started in a hikmah to ensure

I did not a particular Jedi leave

electron Allah whom Allah in Malayalam

tonight I came along that aluminum man

you know when fat anything that I limped

on was in there Alima Horeb is in here

in my body

when I hold her and I'll be hungry so I

think we're really fortunate to have

those three classes with dr. Nassif he

people don't

when you see somebody at that age and

know the life that they've led he

actually taught Matic Shabazz for two

weeks in Beirut giving him lessons on

Islam when he first was transitioning

from the nation to send me Aslam spent

two weeks with him so it's just so much

history there and if you read man in

nature I mean he really is the first

person to identify the environmental

crises as a crises of metaphysics before

anybody was talking about the

environment they didn't really start

talking about environment until the late

60s although there's some earlier some

Germans that were aware of the problems

and I think Lewis Mumford is very

important also in the Pentagon of power

and other books but people don't realize

how central and important philosophy is

and certainly metaphysics you know

historically being the supreme science

and the loss of that in our Ummah and

what that means for the OMA because his

point about the inability to

intellectually address the

the most pressing issues confronting us

and also the loss of intellectuals

because when you don't have a strong

metaphysical foundation for your faith

you lose the intellectuals because

they're not finding answers to their

problems and religion and there's no

doubt that the majority of people in

Paradise are simple people and that's a

hadith and it's a blessing that simple

people's Iman is often much stronger

than people that are gifted with

intellect where they become confused if

they don't have those answers but you

need within the OMA you need a group

what old enough are I mean khuda

forgotten ba if it's a Papa who 15 there

has to be always a group that

understands the religion so that they

can refute the obfuscation z' that

people make and you can see in the west

christianity has really suffered and so

what remains now in amongst all though

there are still some Christian

intellectuals but by and large the

majority of the people that now

represent that faith do not have the

intellectual training or abilities to

defend the faith and atheism begins to

thrive and religion that diminishes and

this has happened so it's it's and and

the idea I mean if you just look like

why is the vine motif so common in

Islamic architecture what he was talking

about how art reflects the metaphysical

understanding of the religion the vine

if you go to all of our great massage

around the world you'll see this motif

even in Medina if you look in the

Ottoman which is quite late and it's

already influenced it's a little bit

Baroque and it's influenced by European

architecture which is interesting also

because there was a fire in the 1830s

and I'm done Majeed the first

funded the rebuilding of the prophet's

mosque and so they were already being

influenced by European architects so

you'll see some European motifs in in

the mosque of the Prophet but it's a lot

e of center but one of the things that

you'll see is the vine motif it's very

common and the reason for that is

because of the three kingdoms the

metaphysical tradition had the kingdoms

the vegetable mineral and then the

animal the the vine represented will

because the vine has a type of yada that

other plants don't have it moves and it

can and it can its it has an inner

directedness and one of the Arabic words

for vine is the a shuck which is the

issue of the vine I ship a couple is to

intertwine and so this intense love that

we call H in Arabic is related to the

vine when it wraps around and so you'll

see the vine is on prayer rugs you'll

see this vine and it's in the massage it

because it represents metaphysically in

the vegetable world it represents the

highest vegetative state which is this

inner directedness and and gold is the

highest of the mineral kingdom because

it's incorruptible and man is the

highest of the animal kingdom because

he's the Calif so you'll see these

things all throughout our tradition and

they're being lost I mean Muslims

unfortunately today are blowing up these

these great the the mosque of of Yunus

Haile Saddam has been around for a

thousand years in Mosul they just blew

it up it's just madness

complete insanity so back to took

we'll still in fact come down to the

earth now the so we went yesterday we

were looking at his introduction on

assorted filth and in the in the next

section he talks about the importance of

the Arabic language well before that

let's see if yeah then a feel bottle so

in the field ah he is like then the

field that is it's a it's a group that

goes out it's called the vanguard it's

like Bali ah so he's got this chapter

which he calls Anna feel ba which is

like the vanguard and the question that

he asks is how our rulings derived in

our tradition and the most ahead is is

is called a mutasarrif

yet a sorrowful fill a tilde so tasarov

is is this ability to - he says you

shall live another is to look deeply

into matters and and so to sorrow fees

Taha lobe a lot of behin Wattana talks

about two three aria

the movement of the winds is one of the

things you saw her for RIA Allah subhana

WA Ta'ala moves the winds and so this

movement this inner intellectual

movement with the light of the intellect

to arrive at some understanding and to

bring out and draw out the the meanings

of the new souls of these texts of the

book and the sooner the the Quran talks

about allodynia stumble upon a whole min

home those who make is Tim Bob and nabob

is the first water that comes out of the

of the spring and so your stumble toe is

to draw out those meanings from

from the Quran and that's what the

he or the mujtahid does is Istanbul -

hadn't money and so he says that that

you have the the nuke right which is the

the the actual statement itself the

notebook it's the logos it's the it's

it's what's expressed it's what's

articulate but then you have them of

whom and these this is what the puppy is

dealing with he's dealing with the Nook

which is the the utterance itself and

then what is understood from that and

that's where all the problems arrive it

arrives in them of whom not in the

montauk so we have the montauk which is

what's spoken so what lost Mohammed Atta

speaks in language and speaks to us

through the prophets in language but

language has problems because it's not

precise it's ambiguous and so there

they're different so in terms of the

what's called delayed at a level FEMA

Helen not you have five different

connotations or different delay that

these significations what they mean so

you have what's what's called the nuts

which is just the outward and then it's

it's it's it's the actual text itself

and then the VAR what's the most

apparent meaning and then you have de

latitude equity law so when you deal

with with Tesla rods which is how you

conceptualize things a conceptualization

of something implies also other things

so for instance if you understand what

fire is the the if you BA

yep oddly a knob the what's understood

from fire from smoke is fire even though

the this fire is not in the smoke but

you you you derive from that so this is

a type of signification is seeing that

and then you have the latter two Azshara

which which

is a more subtle understanding it's it's

something that that comes out are you

filming this because I don't want it

filmed oh okay

Oh masha'Allah you have it isn't is it

online so behind Allah I didn't know it

was online okay because you were holding

it up I was like yeah I believe you I

believe you I just don't like people I

believe you yeah I should have thought a

personal button you know I should have

thought of course you're reading the

book from the iPad but I didn't you know

some of them they say you know well

huzzah that I need a session you Jade

Oklahoma meaner karate llamado house no

one and Balaji from Erbil a bad

homo agenda been a little a net there's

two qualities that are above every other

quality good opinion of God and a good

opinion of the servants of God right and

so he said so follow those and don't be


you know don't say I'm not there but one

of the later scholars he said personal

Bonnie Phil a yam among a certain

verdona Sharon will come in Halawa

jelly-like having good opinion these

days is not advisable think the worst

and then beware that's like you know he

who hesitates is lost

right but but you know look before you

leap because these these these proverbs

that have opposite meanings they're

there because they're contextualized and

this is what the ah do they do to

people mengapa

which is to understand when you apply

the proper so there's times when he who

hesitates is lost is the appropriate as

you're seeing the tsunami coming

you don't say hmm you know what should I


no you run like the animals all the

animals got out of there right peep the

the aboriginals they saw the animals all

heading for the hills so they went for

the hills right because if the animals

are going and something is up that and


you know everybody else all these stupid

tourists right I mean you don't really

need the adjective all you need is

tourists and that should tell you but

the stupid tourists they saw the the

waves receding and they all went out oh

let's go look at the coral and the

animals are saying it's time to add for

the hills because the animals are in


but the people are not in cetera the

Aboriginal people knew it because they

had traditions their ancestors told them

if you see that water receding head for

the hills and some of the elephants put

children on their backs they didn't put

adults because they know it's the adults

that caused the tsunami right and the

children didn't do it they're innocent

right people don't they don't want it

they don't want to relate natural

disasters to to human behavior this is

the modern world they want to pretend

that natural disasters are just not

that's all they are

it's just natural disaster it has

nothing to do with what we're doing but

we affect the world our physical aspects

affect the way we know that as we

pollute the oceans get polluted the

acidity of the oceans is is is rising

every year well the acidity in our blood

is rising with that the acidosis is one

of the the major epidemics on the planet

now because diabetes is one of the

fastest growing illnesses so there's a

relationship between our blood which is

very similar in its constituents to

ocean water right there's a relationship

to our blood and to the oceans and

there's also when he said that nothing's

gonna remain except the mice and the

lice that's that's some metaphysical

reality because if you look at the

animals that are disappearing in the

world they are not the mice and the lice

they're not the cockroaches they're

flourishing it's the high exalted

animals that people used to name their

children after like soccer the Falcons

are disappearing the Tigers are


the gazelles are disappearing the whales

are disappearing the ocean is actually

the jellyfish are flourishing spineless

mindless consumers they're flourishing

but the whales there they're not there

so there's a relationship between what's

happening to us in the microcosmic world

and what's happening out there and if we

want to change the real environmental

crises is here it's not out there that

is only a reflection of what's happening

in here it's the pollution of our souls

that is manifesting in the physical

world the apparent the phenomenon what

is appearing so that's all that's

happening and and these are metaphysical

realities which people have lost but the

ancients knew them the heart facade ofit

buttery wood body Vemma cassava to Aiden

s corruption pollution deterioration

degradation all these meanings of facade

have manifested in on the land and in

the seas because of what people's hands

have been doing what they've been

earning that's why it's happening so

back to and then delayed earth will

email these are the five significations

of the nook or the Montauk but then when

you go into them of whom it has to move

home and Moapa and muffle manmohan otha

right so and the hanafis have certain

different variations so Muhammad

Mahadeva and Mohan and mohaka relate to

the a priori understanding something

that precedes the actual it's something

you understand before the thing itself

so like I said if Allah says don't curse

your parents then what we would

understand and I'm using a priority

incorrect and loosely but here but it's

something that you would understand

before you understood it in other words

if Allah says do not speak ill to them

then them of whom and Allah is would be

don't don't hit them or don't do

anything and so so then he goes into the

need of the the FUP e for arabic and i

just want to read this because it's very

beautiful section how many people know

arabic in here oh good a lot so this

you'll appreciate this he says hada an

wanna Nocturna who'd eat ambient amoeba

steam bar Academy mini Tiki Tavi

vicinity well motto sovereign a little

Kaabah evil fatwa well asserted a tell

Jamie adds in a Hannity its cannon

overturn our beauty its Fanny must ilaha

hadeeth rasul allah mohamet hellooo who

were a Obon a habit hoon will para

battered Virasat Islamia t Julieta

Shariati al-ladhina padilla you know

below home analog eternal arrabiata he a

tional arab could be at a lower

tolerability oka little add up one who

he will be Allah Iike Leopoldo Hotel

arabiya terminal annuity

matters to help over here shorten

assertion Oh mr. Humberto rien lisicki a

guava Shariati is Badou Nomura Fatiha

sell Teddy's for at a huge a hotel to EB

him a Subin

were your zoo Navi Riley Marceline we

have the only airing masculine the under

quran al-karim nazarov edition and are

bein Mubeen Loretta other in Houla tan 0

rabbil alameen necessarily roohul ameen

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Loretta in Naju or an inaudible and

welcome to Oakland with Lady data

community agility to Shiro

Arabic Quran whether a Corolla row but

Ruby Tahu from Quran or a banal media

and Amitabh milk orator ro ma arsalnaka

illa capital de nasi Beshear on when

Adira when I said that were tuned well

is adequate and the aqua

an aqua way ladies a man and Anza man

par anubius a la la re wa salaam we can

interview you bathra Oh mija so what is

to eat acutally tomorrow is wet so he's

he's saying in a very beautiful Arabic

that it's necessary to revive really so

he's he's really saying that we have to

prepare these students in the Islamic

studies and in the Sharia colleges to be

grounded in the Arabic language and he's

saying that don't think that Arabic is a

matter that concerns the Arabic language

colleges or Arabic literature he said

that he's encouraging these people to

really give the Arabic language the type

of focus and the type of concern that's

net that it deserves because it is a

foundational condition and it is the

necessary key to open the doors of the

Sharia the doors are closed

if you don't know Arabic it's as simple

as that Arabic is a key and and and that

will let you into the house and then

there are other skills that you need to

know to be able to navigate the house to

know where the kitchen is to know where

the dining room is and then to know the

ED above the house because the house has

edit if you're a guest in the house this

is the the house that God has given us

and then he mentions if they do that

they're going to like a surgeon they

will cut in the wrong place or they'll

flee to the wrong place they want to

have a place of protection they'll go to

the wrong place that the the roads will

become confused they'll become crooked

they'll know that they'll lose the

straight path and so he says that on the

allah said this

pour on down in a clear Arabic tongue

and then he quotes the ayahs of the

Quran this is a revelation from the Lord

of the Worlds that has come from the the

trustworthy spirit the holy spirit on

your heart in order that you might be a

Warner in a clear Arabic tongue and also

we have revealed this in Arabic and we

made this a piranha an Arabic Quran in

order that you might use your alkyl use

this intellect of yours that you might

understand it in in in in the proper way

and then the Prophet Allah I am he says

this indicates out of ether Quran and

then he says and I'm not saying a little

better who so the Quran is Arabic but

it's not Arab right so that he's

distinguishing between Arabiya and/or

OVA arroba is related to a specific

ethnic group of people that are called

out up and but the outer via is a tongue

that anybody can learn and in that way

they they they become Arabic because the

Prophet SAW ycm removed arroba from the

Arabic nature of the tongue and he said

men to kill a man out of beautiful

Jarabe whoever speaks Arabic is Arabic

right so ethnically you're not an Arab

but linguistically you are an Arab and

and in that way the Arabic becomes our

lingua franca write this is a term

French used to be the language of

diplomats it for a few centuries because

the French were very powerful and so

diplomats all learned French

now the diplomatic language is English

because they're the most powerful the

Americans the English and then the

Americans became the most powerful and

so but in in in the in the Muslim

civilization Arabic was the lingua

franca and to a certain degree Persian

undeniably in the Eastern Arabic

tradition Persian became extremely

important Indians learned Persian every

educated in

Muslim learned Persian or Dew which is a

hybrid language of Arabic a little bit

of Turkish a large percentage of Persian

and Sanskrit all of these educated

people in what is now Pakistan what used

to be part of India or Hindi they knew

Persian so it was part of the

civilization many great books were

written in Persian the Sunni scholars

many of them Ghazali wrote in Persian he

was a great stylist in Persian and

Arabic so they mastered and they were

multilingual so Muslims traditionally

were poly lingual in many places they

knew more than one night which is very

important to learn more than one

language the prophets a licen could

could speak with people he's but he knew

what he knew just in the Arabic language

is not possible humanly possible it's

not and in fact the Arab the the great

grammarians have a pada in Arabic they

say layer you're fearful but out of

beauty Eleni Buena no one can know all

of Arabic except a prophet because it's

too vast as a language and I would for

any Arab just go online and look at the

Senate out of by even month or and just

look at at the the word out about the

routine or ball just just look at the

pages of meaning that come out of that

one root and then marvel at how one

human being could know that much about

the Arabic language even Man Thor but he

was a specialist and and so that's quite

rare so mastery of the Arabic language

was very important in the Islamic

civilization and this is why in the

early portion of the Islamic

civilization Muslims learned Arabic in

the same way that educated Europeans

knew Latin during the medieval period

and and in in in the later period they

learned French French was the language

that all educated Europeans knew and and

today it's English so you have Germans

they all speak English Danish

all speak English because it's the

language now that has become the

language historically all educated

Muslims knew Arabic this was part of

education and even the ones that had

very minimal education knew how to read

Arabic and most of our our vernaculars

the the provincial tongues that muslim

spoke with were written in Arabic so if

you look at how the land for instance

the the the the Nigerians there now

Nigerians but if you look at the Fulani

the Hausa demand inc the pla the the

these great clans of west africa they

all their their language it was arabic

and this is why we have arabic

manuscripts from slaves that came to

america they didn't write in they

weren't writing in in in any of their

local dialects they were writing in

arabic and we have proof and evidence of

that and these were not people whose

first language was arabic they were

educated west africans who were captured

unjustly and brought to the Americas as

slaves and in the Bahia revolt in Brazil

in the 1830s they had they were their

court their language of Correspondence

was Arabic and and this made it very

difficult for the Portuguese because

they didn't know Arabic so these slaves

that were revolting against their unjust

captivity they were their code language

was Arabic so and then if you look at

the berber peoples of North Africa the

burghers became bilingual and this is

why even today the Berbers who speaks

aloha they also speak Arabic the Tuareg

when I went to the Tuareg lands I met

many many Tuareg they all spoke Arabic

even though Thomas Scheck is their

language but they all spoke Arabic

because wherever Islam went Arabic went

with it this was our lingua franca and

we have to revive Arabic as a language

that binds us were bound now by English

this is the dominant language because

the dominant culture speaks English it's

a hegemonic culture its media has had

massive influence you now meet I've met


from Gulf states who speak much better

English than they speak Arabic and this

is a crises and I would argue that

Arabic is going to be a dead language if

things continue as they're going it will

become like Latin because it's a very

difficult language to master and one of

the interesting things about modern

Arabs and I really believe that a lot of

the problems in the Arab world is

because of the data because the data is

like Ebonics

Ebonics is is a very rich cultural

language of African Americans but

Ebonics will limit people's abilities

it's as simple as that and that's why a

culture that wants to keep a people

oppressed will leave them in their

provincial languages they won't educate

them out of those languages they will

keep them oppressed and so it's very

important and that's why you find

educated African Americans that came out

of inner cities are bilingual they speak

the language of the the inner city where

they grow up and then they speak what

they call the job interview language

right which is how to speak in in in

good English but if you look at at

Malcolm Malcolm spoke beautiful English

and he learned the first thing even was

diction which is proper word choice

which diction is almost a lost art now

because people don't know the meanings

and the subtle differences what's called

fit Aloha in the Arabic language the

subtle differences between words and why

we would choose one word over another

word to mean something very specific

because precision if we want to

communicate it demands that we be as

precise as possible and in order for the

ambiguities to be removed in logic when

when we use terms the first and most

important thing about terms is that

they're they're clear and unambiguous in

other words that we define our terms so

that when we speak of I say democracy I

know the genus is government right and I

know that the difference is

of for and by the people right so

there's a definition that's a working

definition of democracy there are other

definitions if I say monarchy then it's

a form of government and what

distinguishes it is that the head of the

government is a hereditary line a family


that's a monarchy and then a dictator

the genus is government the form is an

individual who has absolute power so the

these are when we went when I'm talking

about democracy we cannot call for

instance a lot of the governments today

that are called democracies are not up

for and by the people they're up for and

by the corporations so this this becomes

important in terms of understanding when

we speak the words that we're using and

what they're communicating it's very

important so diction was traditionally

taught and that's why the first major

discipline of the human being is the

acquisition of words they're correct

meanings knowing one two three and four

because words have different meanings in

context I'll give you an example I read

a commentary I read a translation of an

Arabic book in which the person

translated in every sentence that the

word kiosk was used he translated as

syllogism and it was a completely

inaccurate translation because kiosk

means syllogism but it also means it

means reasoning it means it can mean

analogical reasoning there's different

types of PS distant as istikhara Timothy

these are different types of PS and

you'll only notice by the context of the

sentences and this is where domain

knowledge becomes incredibly important

and very difficult for people because

domain knowledge takes a long time to

acquire one of the things that my sister

was criticized for was having books of

Greek and Roman mythology in her

curriculum for children if you want to

understand Western literature you have

to know Greek and Roman mythology at


point or another you will have to know

Greek and Roman mythology because it's

very very important a lot of metaphors a

lot of words are taken out of these I

mean people don't know cereal comes from

Sarris which was the god of grain in the

Romans so the word cereal is is honoring

the god of grain saris right so this is

this is part if you don't know Mars Mars

is the God of War you want to understand

all these references that you'll find if

you want to read Shakespeare there are

there are a lot of things you have to

understand about Elizabethan worldview

or you what you'll totally miss

Shakespeare because he was living in a

transitional phase between the

pre-modern world and the modern world

and the the greatest statement of that

is his play Hamlet now you can say all

this is irrelevant for me as a Muslim

that's fine and you can you can relegate

your tradition and say I'm not

interested in the Western tradition

that's fine but you're living in Western

civilization you're living here in this

world and if you want to understand this

world better then you have to understand

what informs the people that have the

most power and influence in this world

and what informs them are these

foundational texts that they have this

is what informs their culture the Iliad

is is still an informative text about

this civilization it's the Iliad and if

you read somebody like Kagan or

Victor Davis Hanson is a good example

who had he was at one of the

intellectual lightning rods of the

neoconservative movement during the

whole war on Iraq and Afghanistan he's a

classicist Robert Kagan these people are

drawing from classical literature

they're drawing from Herodotus they're

drawing from through Citadis the the

history of the Peloponnesian War it's a

very important text in in Western

civilization this is where they get

their ideas from we have our own

civilization but those amongst us who

are called to to

to be engaging we have to be bilingual

in two civilizations and it's not easy

to do that it takes a great deal of work

to get the domain knowledge the domain

knowledge to understand the average

Islamic text written in the pre-modern

world is immense if you want to read a

late 19th century book on Edmund Kadam

like imam ed by Judy imam advisory

assumes in his book on his shot of Johar

at the Tajin he assumed that you studied

Montek that you've studied narrow and

saw that you studied Bulava that you've

studied out all he makes an assumption

that you studied out old because he'll

explain to you in certain couplets in in

the poem he'll explain to you why he's

not repeating himself or this that or

the other so it's a multidisciplinary

tradition interdisciplinary the

interdisciplinary and tradition that's

emerged recently in the West is

ridiculous this idea that somehow it's a

new thing all of the pre-modern writers

whether they were European or African or

Middle Eastern or Turkish

or Indian all of them were

multi-disciplinarian they were polymath

and and this was our tradition so it

takes it's it's hard work but Arabic is

fundamental to our tradition you know I

actually just I'm working on a course

that I want to teach in one of the

prisons in in California so I'm working

within the Imams he's an imam in the

prison on teaching grammar to largely

african-american Muslims in in the

prison because one of the things that

prevents people from succeeding in in in

in just this incredibly mad world that

that we've inherited and are now

participating in it's perpetual or

perpetuity is is grammar

that that because grammar empowers

people it's an empowering subject and

this is why now and software so

important in the Islamic tradition and

this is why almost immediately if you

know Arabic you can determine a person's

level of education after a few sentences

in the Arabic world and you will see

that the people that have the most

influence in in putting forward their

opinions are the people that are the

most articulate this is a simple fact

now you do have a phenomenon where an

amount would move in and out of post

high and Daddy Jie

Imam shout Rani Xiao Tao he is a good

example of that the mph SEO from Egypt

but he he knew that there were I'm not

in in the audience where force how was

not as accessible to them and so he

would dip into the daddy Jie and that

that is a tradition but what we should

be working on is getting people out of

debt Isha into proper Arabic and it

takes a long time and this is one of

Chef Abdullah's you know he considers it

very important and so when you look at

them Mel fool he said that the Sharia is

taken from three sources is taken from a

loan so all of our thick that is derived

is taken from three sources obviously we

have the book and the Sunna but how are

we working with it it's taken from his

own what the Prophet said and that's

always over what he did or what he

agreed on that's over the highest source

is the Quran and the hadith and then the

hadith Oh obviously has many categories

the highest being motivator and then

sake that that is in the six books sake

and Bukhari and Muslim definitely and

then so on and so forth and then you

have the film which is the prophets

actions what he did and then you have to

determine why he did them are hit are

they just natural acts that he did that

the Arabs did so they're part of his

culture so he did them for instance he

ate with with with his hand

which was part of the tradition of his

people but he didn't eat with the whole

hand he ate only with the three the two

fingers and the thumb and so if you're

going to eat with your hands then you

should eat that way not with the whole

hand that's the Sunnah but that does not

mean that you can't eat with a spoon

wooden spoons are better than metal

spoons and traditionally wouldn't wooden

spoon to what we're used in fact if you

want the Shifa of honey you should

always give it in a wooden spoon and not

in a metal spoon and we know metal we

don't know how much metal is affecting

us the anions that would come off of

metal but we know that people benefit

for instance from cooking with with with

copper right and do they get iron so we

know that metal is coming into our

bodies and we there's a lot of metal now

out there that's very harmful for people

we you know we know mercury lead paint

all these things there's also the ninki

nanka poop theory of the decline and

fall of Roman civilization that argues

that it was the lead pipes that they

started using for their plumbing which

gave them plum plumbum right plumbum

right is led in in in on the chemical

table or the table of elements

so plumbing used to be it was lead pipes

so they were drinking water from lead

the lead was getting in the water and

lad will make you stupid and so that's

the nincompoop theory of how they

literally ended up declining and falling

so the most important one is the word

and then the fan what the prophet saw I

sent him did and then he did things

because they were why him he did things

because they were men do sometimes he

did things because they were simply moba

he always his neo was always would

elevate it to man doob or Wojcik and

then he did things that were makrooh in

order to show roba Marilyn McCoo

rahimova you know

tanzie he sometimes he will do something

that's my crew to show that it's for 10z

that it's simply it's not haram like

urinating standing up for men he did

that on rare occasion to show the men

that it was permissible because there

might be times where it's difficult not

to do that so that's like just making it

easier for people because my crew is not

sinful but you wrote you're rewarded if

you don't do it but he never did

anything how long ever it's a lot

incident so those are the five

categories and now this is very


the Shetty are all of it goes back to

canal and all of this Kalam this speech

is in the Arabic tongue whether it is

expressed by the prophets Eliza damned

or it's a story that was told of

something he did or something he agreed

to or saw it done and consented to it so

what he consents to as part of the the

comes out the Sunnah can come out of

that or he says be at the bar and aha in

another way of expressing this that led

you tomorrow man knows who's a Sharia t

least a garage Allah cam with the Creole


say in Omaha Allah assassin let Herot

allahumma this is really important in

other words we engage the new Souls the

the text of this Sharia in order to

derive rulings from it and to to come to

some determinations about new issues

there are two foundations one of them is

the no souls and the other is the

opposite so this is the whole foundation

of Sharia what the letter of the law and

the spirit of the law the letter of the

law is in the new Souls the spirit of

the law is in the musasat and these are

the two things that the FUP e is working

with the letter of the law which

sometimes does kill it right

to put it in the words of the New

Testament write the letter killeth and

the spirit giveth life in other words if

you don't understand them Abbasid the

and this gets back to metaphysics if you

don't understand the metaphysics which

is really what the pauses are about this

that then you kill the literalism will

kill you it will kill the religion it

will kill it and this is what's

happening why so many Muslims hearts are

dying because they've lost them opposite

they've lost a real deep understanding

of what this Sharia is for what it is

about it's not about punishing people

and humiliating people it's about Toba

it's about bringing people back to what

lawsuit behind without it's about making

people love allah subhanho wa to ana not

hate god the fear of God is in awe of

God in the same way that the child fears

the parent it doesn't fear the parent

out of out of an idea that the parent

hates it or wants to punish it no it

fears the parent and it doesn't want to

disappoint the parent out of love so the

fear of the parent is actually really

love of the parent and and so the fear

of Allah is it should be from from love

of God not because God is some horrible

tyrant you know I wouldn't be laughs

some petulant you know tribal deity that

needs sacrifices to be appeased it's not

our Lord our Lord is Allah dude he's a


he's dhul Jalali wal Ikram he is

majestic Azza WA Jalla he is but he's

his Halim he's Karim

he's sabor his moment these are the

calls and that's why he has beautiful

names that that they're all his asthma

are husana all of them are beautiful

even though some of them have majestic -

juliette' manifestations but all of his

names are beautiful because allah is

Jameel you Benjamin so this is really

important now the MA acid do not need

language to be understood the no fools

they're only understood through language

the Mikasa is our intellectual


lies Asians they're articulated through

language but they're understood

intellectually in other words they're

its wisdom its hikmah and this is the

highest of the intellectual virtues you

have the aqil you have the inn and then

you have hikmah the apple is the the

foundation of the intellect it's it's

the intuitive intellect the news it's

what understands things it has immediate

comprehension therein is what is learned

or and acquired and then hikmah is is is

the it's when the Aqualand there in are

working together then hikmah arises it's

it's it's the art and the science right

it's the art and the science its

prudence is the practical aspect of of

hikmah in Western tradition the Arabs

did not differentiate between

intellectual wisdom intellectual in the

pre-modern sense of that word not the

modern sense and and prudence they

didn't distinguish between those two but

in the West they did they made a

distinction between prudence and and

wisdom although it's the only in in in

the Western classification and in the

Muslim classification it's the only

virtue that is both moral and

intellectual it's the only one that

shares in the moral virtues and those

are the virtues of will of behavior and

in the intellectual virtues the virtues

of understanding so prudence is in in

both hikmah and so the this is what's

needed and this is jellybean Masada

without a facet so mal Korea tennis

right the hikmah of the Tichina is

what's called mockery and knows why

what's the intelligibility of the the


what do we understand from it you have

my cool enough right and and then

there's certain things that Allah has

hidden the wisdom from us but we know

that it's my pool it's just allah has

hidden that from us and this is done to

abuddin this is done out of devotion

there are certain things like we do not

know why there are three rockets for

Margaret but there's a reason we don't

know why there's two for fudger but

there's a reason we don't know why

there's four for Thor and for four

awesome we don't know why those times

specifically but there's reasons part of

it might be that it's it's really

important to get up at dawn when when

you know there's certain hormones in the

brain that are peaking you know your

cortisol levels peak at about that time

we don't know that might be part of it

because there are health benefits to the

practices that we do there are health

benefits to prayer physically there are

health benefits to to to or to

doing meditation but that's not the the

highest wisdom in these things the

highest wisdom is all that inner

directedness towards a lot to get us

closer to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and so

this is really important now so all of

it goes back to jellybean masada without

anima fasten this is the essence of the

mikasa to to accrue benefit for human

beings and to ward off harm and warding

off harm is is always put before

accruing benefit warding off harm is

always you HUD them not a facet and a

gentleman Missoni

so whenever something's harmful you

override other things and in our Shetty

is beautiful I'll give you an example in

the Shetty app if you're in the mosque

praying and somebody is stealing your

shoes I mean if you have a personal one

you might think that they just

mistakenly but if it looks like a thief

right you're in the prayer it is

permitted to leave the prayer and go and

stop that thief now why why would I'll

not permit that because normally Deen in

the six universals Deen is over

preservation of property preservation of

religion is over preservation of

property because port there's poor

people that though

shoes are everything to them there's

people that he might have just saved up

months to get a brand-new pair of good

shoes and they're important to him and

so Allah lets him preserve his property

by leaving the Huq of Allah for the heck

of that this is Rama somebody who's

wealthy Allah like Kabara they might not

even who cares and you can have the

shoes maybe he needs them more than I do

it's a sub topple like a BA Bom Bom you

just give me a tapa I'll be as either

bastami so and then he said these are

this these are the the foundations of is

t hat and there are many proofs for this

so you go into PS s tents at the variety

and Masada and let's eat in many island

maja said all of these are based on the

Mikasa and and their three the borough

yacht the Haji at and the taxi nyet so

this is the triage of the O sudhi

scholar they look at the necessities

they look at the needs of humans and

they look at the embellishments of life

those things that make life enjoyable

because Allah wants us also to enjoy our

lives he created us Manzana karana

liquidity spa we didn't reveal this Iran

so you'd be miserable muffle Manmohan

otha lit Assad we revealed it for you to

be happy so the the Farhana will be that

occur fairly a Franco who had an image

Marilyn let them rejoice in this it's

better than all that those trappings out

there right and and and Allah says don't

prohibit those those embellishments of

the world that Allah brought forth for

his servants right Cluedo watcher Abu

eat and drink

muy Baha eat and drink I mean they're

obviously you have to do it to preserve

your life that's an obligation but you

can also eat and drink to enjoy you know

ice cream has no benefit

really I mean very little the more harm

than benefit but it's not how Tom to eat

a lot where you're harming your health

that's but every once in a while

buckle OA right yeah this I mean Allah

put these things in the world but the

problem is when they become the

overriding purpose Socrates once

somebody asked him how did how did you

become so wise and everybody else so

foolish he said I don't know about that

but I know one difference between you

and me is that I eat to live and you

live to eat and there's a lot of people

out there digging their graves with

their teeth really there are a lot of

people out there digging their goods and

obesity is a major problem on the planet

there's so much overeating you only need

1,600 to 2,000 I mean rarely you get

these you know people that might need

more than that but that's basically what

you need we know how much food you need

anything that's excess of that is going

to become harmful and cumbersome it's

going to weigh you down and make you

sick so the dodo rot are the necessities

and the necessities are actually very

few you need for instance food and drink

this is Maslow's hierarchy of needs

which are profits lights him perfectly

articulated long before Maslow in in in

the hadith his first hope but in Medina

right where he said up I'm open you know

feed food right up Shuster Nam wallop

I'm open

well so Lupin se will a well so doable

ad when a Sunni answered Khalil

generative asana he said create security

spread peace that's security that's the

base in Maslow's needs security up I'm

open feed people next one

yep Ted so you have security food and

then Self Realization

right pray yeah your purpose in life

which is to worship Allah that's the

fundamental purpose of life so find

purpose and

so and and this is again in fede I'll go

to Robin and let the upon movement you

are in were armament help the worship

your Lord the Lord of this house who fed

you and give you security once you have

the baseline of food and security

devotion you have to have devotion so

that those are the bottle rods right

though that's the basic security we have

security needs and then we have our

basic food clothing shelter those times

and they're very minimal I lived with

Bedouins so I know how little and and

and you know Zaytuna are our campuses

next to one of the largest homeless

communities in America which is People's

Park in Berkeley and when I was

interviewed by CNN they said why did you

choose this I said well we've got the

largest homeless community next to us so

nobody can say when the Muslims moved in

there goes the neighborhood so you know

homeless people do find without all

these right the accrued amounts of of

life the embellishments but Hajji at our

the next the Hajj yet are those things

that they're not necessary but they're

important some of the Oh sooty scholars

use the house as the house is necessary

but windows are hijacked you know you

have to have a you have to have windows

like I mean the door is necessary to get

in and out of the house but windows are

you need them to keep the house bring

light into the house

Oh bring fresh air into the house all

those things so that's a Hodja and then

the tech mediate are the embellishments

that's the furniture in the house you

don't need furniture it's not a need and

it's not a necessity you can sleep on

the floor you don't need a bed you can

sleep on the floor right the earth is a

Faraj you know the earth Allah made the

earth our bed so people sleep on the


but those are and that's why if you look

for instance in Sharia preservation of

life is about all

Video 4

furniture in the house you don't need

furniture it's not a need and it's not a

necessity you can sleep on the floor you

don't need a bed you can sleep on the

floor right the earth is a Faraj you

know the earth Allah made the earth our

bed so the people sleep on the earth but

those are and that's why if you look for

instance in Shetty on preservation of

life is about aura so if you go to the

doctor and and and and so you've got

your you've got pain to remove that pain

as a Hodja right I mean it might not be

a doddle right it might be the doctor

needs to determine that because it could

be something you could live with right

but it could be something that will harm

you so a woman the the hijab is from the

taxi niet it's not from the Dora or the

Hajj yet and this is very interesting

because people don't realize this in

assault the the hijab the covering our

nakedness is considered from the testing

yet and Aboriginal peoples walk around

almost naked so it's neither a necessity

or a need but it's it's an embellishment

it's wedge it I'm not going to say it's

not logic but the old foodie scholars

put it in the text in yet and this is

why for a need you can remove that the

job to the doctor because in the triage

of things the need overrides the

embellishment so if you have a need if

you've got something and the doctor

needs to see your nakedness or check the

woman's breasts to see if there's lumps

or something like that that's


why because of this triaging so this is

how the Oh Saudi scholars look look at

these things now I want to two points

that he that he brings out that I think

are very important I mean all these

points are important but these are very


even though yeah ich mentions in his

shot of the mufasal' that the all

madhavan at hop up when he was the

kailath he got a letter from

abu musa al-ashari and abu musa was a

pave in Kufa al Kufa is a place in Iraq

city in Iraq it's great city of

knowledge and the the the letter he got

from him was written by a scribe and the

scribe wrote min Abu Musa ela amir al

mu'minin from abu musa to the amirul

mumineen but he didn't write min Evie


he wrote min Abu Musa now men in Arabic

scald half jar it's a preposition so

anything that follows it is an object of

the preposition and therefore it's

considered my drawer and then Abu is

from the Asthma al hamsa or citta if you

add a pin malik adds a 6 so you have

like Ibuka right a hookah yeah these

these Fuuka du mal and these when you

when you put a half jar there then they

have to have a casa to indicate that

they're much raw so it should have said

min ABI Musa not min Abu Musa but he

wrote min Abu Musa Allah Amir


and he made the Albemarle for because

the Wow is the primary allama or sign of

the nominative case in in if you used

English grammar terms

well candidly IB Musa ketchup they are

sin Aloha he wasn't good at Arabic let

me Albania and Hamilton Alexander Moda

and Wow so he didn't put the the yeah as

a sign that it was in the genitive case

and so what did all Maher do he got


Lavetta in tibet aha who had a Lanham so

this bad grammar caught his attention

and he got upset and he says well I know

Allah little our ability such a hip

would be had in Halawa

what made him upset or angry was the

effects that bad

we'll have it wasn't the actual it's a

minor mistake it's not a big deal but

he's looking down the road this is

called nother little mallet what are the

consequences if this becomes widespread

and so he wrote back and he said IRA

ABI Moussa and he commanded him to flog

his secretary once and to remove him

from his position people say wow it's

pretty hard for a grammatical mistake

now and that makes like the Hat this the

unhappy face on the when your teacher

gives you a little bad grammar and puts

a lot on a happy face on the side right

feel better about your teachers that was

a no model in the Pettibone Shadid one

yet Huck will be more lovin the unique

admit to who this is a harsh

disciplinary action that that he gave to

this employee and ended his employment

right well you must be the he basalt and

then he gave him the harshness of the

width I mean mm and Mela ad-dunya

Adalind this is from an imam who filled

the world with justice well better than

who cama Fabri he surpassed all these

who came in virtue heading tech in tech

at hermitage area to he cat hermitage

sharia Hatami Omar was the Sharia the

sanctity of the shady are so affected

that Omar gets angry in this way hell

had a third vid at 1:15 is this a bidet

that occurred in the religion hat alpha

assault that he would raise the assault

in a typical moneylender Konoha Everton

and Danny Amma in reality these are the

meanings that were not far from the mind

of Amma for a Nakata Shariati Bellotti

Ikeda tune because the relationship of

the Sharia attend language is absolute

what if tada cardamon I tell em to stop

him at Elsinore - what a plan and the

dad comes out all of the mistakes in the

history of Islam all of the mistakes

that these deviant sex made in the Quran

and the Sunnah most of them go back to

their lack of knowledge in Bulava

literally some of them to their lack of

knowledge in Arabic all of them

and so what amar saw was if this becomes

widespread will lose the foundation of

our religion which is language and this

is something the modern world it's very

troubling because we're losing the

ability to communicate private languages

are emerging we have a whole generation

of youth that speak in private languages

we can't understand them they speak in

acronyms they they use words that we

don't know what they mean they invert

words so bad becomes good right hot

becomes cool they law now another

example of that is from Omar from Abu

Bakr a Sudhir he was once my Ravi Raja

Muda ho Abu Ali Baba see hadith Obon he

had he was carrying a garment and Abu

Bakr was a garment merchant fatahna no

Sudhir part of the lowdown on who a

t-butyl hadith oh are you gonna sell

this robe and the man said Lera he

mccullaugh know may God have mercy on


what did Abu Bakr say but oh we met else

inna to come low to stock a moon had you

been morally upright your tongues would

have been grammatically correct it's a

very deep metaphysical statement this is

a very deep metaphysical statement had

you been morally upright your tongues

would have been grammatically correct in

other words the corruption

of the language only occurs with the

corruption with a metaphysical

corruption that precedes it

and that's why language is at the root

of the problem on the planet literally

it is at the root of the problem now why

did he say that well the reason for that

is in Arabic you have two types of

sentences you have what are called

hibari a' which is indicative and then

you have an inch at which there in

English we we divide them into several

categories but it's basically a

subjective sentence like an optic of an

interrogative sentence if you ask

somebody like where are you going or how

are you doing those are those are all

forms subjective senses whereas if you

have a hub Edea it's it's in it's

indicative it's a it's a categorical

statement it's raining that's Cabiria

Jim not huh buddy yeah right you can go

outside and see whether it's true or

false so when he said Tibby or Hannah

are you selling this that was a question

that's a in chat yeah but it demands a

hub area right so it's an interrogative

sentence that demands an indicative

response either yes or no or maybe when

he said no he followed it with a dua


is not a hub idiots in chat yeah but

it's when when we make dua in Arabic we

usually use the past tense which is hub

area that a haematoma

God has had mercy on you but the reason

we use the the the form of the Hibernia

is because it's out of hope that God has

already forgiven you so we use the past

tense because it's writing look a lot as

if it's already happened but what you're

really saying is may God forgive you so

when he said that

Hibernia indicative and then he said an

optic of sent statement but I McCallum

may God have mercy on you it's a wish so

he said may God have mercy on you

he didn't divide it with a fossil he

didn't put any staff there he didn't put

a Wow which would indicate that they're

separate he put them together and that

could make you think that he's saying

may God not have mercy on you so Abu

Bakr was correcting his grammar

now what to che bella say about this he

says this indicates that the Calif

should be concerned about the grammar of

his population the most the whoever the

ruler is he should be concerned about

the grammar of his population and this

is something that Muslims were obsessed

with really there are so many books on

grammar and language and no community in

the human history ever served language

like the Muslims did the dictionaries we

have are by far the best dictionaries in

human history

Muslims were writing dictionaries long

before any other civilization wrote

scientific dictionaries the Europeans

didn't start in English we don't have a

dictionary from Shakespeare's period

there's no dictionary from Elizabethan

English there's no diction I mean

Johnson's dictionary is the first

dictionary 18th century in English it's

the first dictionary and it's it's an

interesting dictionary but it's not

anywhere near as sophisticated as the

early most objection our first

dictionary was incredibly sophisticated

and I mean it's amazing Italian it's

amazing dictionary and then if you look

at the Senate out of beyond belief

Sajid ah who's amazing there's something

that al baqarah drazi dozen is more

thought of see how because there's a

famous dictionary called C ha and then

most thought of see how which is the one

I used when I was a student all the time

I would look up a word and he'd say my

room like everybody knows that that was

his definition in other words listen

dummy if you're having to look up this

word you're not ready for this dish


yeah so and using words is important

right my father told me a story about

Van Doren who was his teacher

Mark Van Dorn at the University of

Columbia and my father read with him Don

Quixote it was a literature course and

you know he was 19 or 20 and he met him

in the hall and he said dr. Van Doren I

I think I understand what Don Quixote is

doing in that book and he said really

well what do you think he's doing and he

said I think he's it's a satire of the

knee of the New Testament and Van Doren

looked at me he said do you mean parody

and my dad just said that shut me up for

the next year

like he just you know in other words

it's a great gift to be shown your

ignorance and to recognize it if you're

gonna use a word at least know what it

means because there was a difference

between satire and parody and my father

did not know that distinction at the

time so if you want to judge a book you

better have the tools to judge it you

know Chesterton who they called the

English Socrates GK Chesterton

Chesterton was probably one of the most

brilliant Europeans of the 20th century

but he was a devout Catholic or maybe

high Anglican anyway he was a devout

Orthodox Christian CS Lewis who had a

huge impact on Christianity CS Lewis

what when he first met him it was

Chesterton that restored Lewis's faith

and the reason for that is because he

said if a man this intelligent can

believe in God because he was an atheist

at the time Lewis not Chesterton he said

if a man this intelligent could believe

in God I must be missing something I

need to look more deeply into this like

the man who said you know his neighbor

they were gardening and

they got to know each other and he has

some what he did he said he was a

theologian and his neighbor said this is

a true story that an English Muslim told

me he said that oh you're an atheist

have you read have you read I use

Christian so here's how you read st. st.

Gregory he said no he said have you read

a Gustin he said no he said have you

read Aquinas on unbelief he said no he

said sir you're not an atheist you are

an ignoramus so and that gets back to

you know Chesterton really when

brilliant people believe in God

it should strengthen your Eman because a

lot of these so-called atheist today

want to say that only stupid people

believe in God right but the most

brilliant people in human history of

believed in God Newton wrote a

commentary on the Bible that he

considered more important than than all

the works he did in science so it's it's


Chesterton when he first met Lewis Lewis

said they were meeting in Surrey and he

said I didn't expect the the flora here

to be so wild and and Chesterton looked

at me he said what do you mean by wild

sir yeah and then he said and why

wouldn't you expect it to be that and

Lewis was taken aback by it and and then

he said the Assumption here is that

you've read something about the

geography of Surrey that would lead you

to conclude that it shouldn't be so wild

you know he said I don't know anything

about Surrey and he said then why would

you expect it to be anything

yeah you know we should all just shut up

really really we should all just shut up

that's the truth yeah that's what vit

consigned it at the end of his life and

you know I was once in moody Tanny the

true story and there were these two

little girls and one of them just talked

all the time the other one never said

anything and I remarked to one of my

teachers at the time he was actually

younger than me but he became a great

scholar and and I said to him I said

Pamela I had the oculata you know she's

so intelligent

he said not happy de and and I said I

mean her her language skills are amazing

at that age he said italia and with the

kidney were talking about the one

talking I did I said yeah he said I

thought you meant the silent one yeah

and then he said he said he's gonna sue

cooter I know it said that guy he said

that silence is a sign of intelligence

in our culture yeah it was really

interesting to see that so let me finish

up here and then I think now what's

interesting is imam ali founded grammar

not fascinating imam ali because of us

where the doily came to him he was with

his daughter and they were looking at

the the stars and she said madison a

Samana Madison a Somali yeah baba and

she made it my drawer right and it

should have been Madison a semi because

she what she wanted was to amazement

right so and and he said a new zoom like

cuz he she asked it like what's the most

beautiful thing in heaven she didn't she

meant to say oh how beautiful the

heavens are but she said it like what's

the most beautiful thing in heaven my

accent was so Matty

yeah Baba and he realized that she made

a grammatical most

he got distressed by it so he went to

his teacher said 'no ali all delano and

told him and said 'no ali said you

should know one a la rubia and he said

in and out of its in and out of ietter I

said ass now Arabic has three things

it's moon or VeriFone fan who had a now

he said it's it's it's nouns or what we

would call because in traditional

grammar even in English that they they

they they adjectives were were put with

attributive and substantives were put

together so adjectives used to be one

part of speech adjectives and nouns

because they're descriptive of a

substance and so they were put together

so the ISM in Arabic is massif as an

adjective so it's it's put together with

the nouns even though we distinguish it

in the eight parts of speech in English

but he said language is three things

substantives right and then the the

verbs fit alone so that so you have the

substantive which is either an accident

a property or it's the thing itself or

it's an action or it's a word that

facilitates meaning of those other two

what we would call like prepositions

adverbs all those type things so that

began and he said so follow this path

and who had a now and that's where we

get the word natural from from this

story so that was how important he

considered it to be

so let me just do the I would have liked

to I you know this is such an

interesting book and I would have liked

to have gone into some other things but

time waits for no man


and he goes into moon out of here

Tusheti are the differences between Imam

mattock and Chevy and humbly and Imam

Abu Hanifa because they differed on that

about is the Sharia Arabic or is it not

and mahadji's inclined towards that it

wasn't that the Arabic was that the

Arabic was the vehicle it could be

transmitted through other vehicles and

the other three mom said no it's

actually the vehicle that it's

transmitted through is Arabic and it

really can't be transmitted through

other vehicles and they both have merit

and then he goes into is language from

God or is it conventional and and this

is a very important debate that and then

does can Arabic be established by by

means of of analogical reasoning or not

that's another debate and then he goes

into dela that alpha which are all of

these different ways of interpreting of

interpreting the the meanings the Motaba

codicil dominant exam which what things

correspond to what's included in their

meaning and then what they indicate and

then he goes into Montauk and whom he

goes into the Hakata I talked about

those the the the or Thea the Sharia and

the world idea and the Magi as we talked
