Islamic Theology 5/10

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Event Name: Islamic Theology 5/10
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/23/2022
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

somehow it's my religious duty to stomp out any other way of viewing it it's a
problem religion becomes poisonous as far as I'm concerned it actually becomes a source of human suffering as opposed
to a source of human enlightenment of actually elevating people states of
getting them closer to God it actually it it distances them from God they become harsh hard-hearted and that's why
immediately after this verse first of all it warns us about people whenever you find people that are interested in
you know these verses in the Quran that are hazy and they wanted you to make
sure you know that they mean exactly what they say they mean in other words that their mock come at the first thing
know that they're from the people of fitna that allow warns against and that they have deviation in their hearts they
have zaiah in their hearts but the second thing know that they don't have intellect because Allah praises the
people of intellect at the end of those verses saying that the people that really understand this or people of
intellect because they know that when Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says is still
around allows you know that he's upon a throne that they know by their intellect
that it is absolutely inconceivable for the infinite creator of the heavens and
the earth to be limited by time or space to be my to be carried on anything they know that
but they're not going to deny that first because that verse is there so they say
we believe in it but but and we know it doesn't mean what it appears to mean because with God there is no how and
this is what Emma Matic when he was asked ki Fateh stiva how did how did God
Estela which in in Arabic can mean to sit so he asked how did God do this st
WA and Imam Malik said at least e WA madam the ISTE WA is known in other
words that it's in the Quran well caifa oh hey doma pool and how is completely
irrational it's inconceivable and in a rewind module it's you know it's just
it's not something you could ever know what that means and then he said what was so adorable
and to ask about it is a bida it's an innovation because none of the self
asked about it that that was imam an exposition so these the only reason I'm
focusing on this is because this is a problem in our time that's the only
reason I would pass over these a lot quicker but you need to understand it there are people out there that are
presenting a position and they're saying this is the position of the first community and it's not it's a deviant
position and they can call us deviants I that's fine you know Allah says I'm
gonna I'm gonna settle this on the day of judgment so you're a deviant I'm a
deviant fine we'll wait let's just act civilly towards each other
I'm gonna pray next to you in the Masjid I'll break my Ramadan fast with you I'll
say Salam alaykoum and we'll be friends you're a deviant I'm a deviant but on
the ohmic P AMA we'll see who the deviant is and I'm willing to wait I'm
willing to wait but if defending God's vastness is deviancy
I'm willing to be a deviant so this when
Allah is talking about this our Prophet SAW I sent him said it's real he went out in sahib o haughty he went out in a
sound hadith he went out and they were looking at the moon and he said set our
own Arabic home yo Malik reality come at our own Ahad a little better you will
see your Lord on the day of judgement like you see this moon little bomb Mona
and you won't be like crowded over one
another because when you try to see something if everybody's interested in seeing something in dunya it's always
becomes a crowd what he was saying was it's not gonna be like that but the
owner must say when he pointed to the moon what he means is with the same certainty that you see this moon because
even we could interpret it if you want a job not going to push the metaphor because he was definitely using the moon
as metaphorically but I'm not gonna push the metaphor because the moon the only way we see the moon is through a
reflected light the moon is seen by the light of the Sun so it's not even the moon you're seeing it's actually the
light of the Sun on the moon that you're seeing so the metaphor is is not in any
way that God is going to be in a place like the moon is in a place or something like that it's impossible and that's why
Imam al baiy happy says malik lathe sad
lathe been sad imam al awzai all of them said about these hadees that have any
touch be a likeness to the world emiru herkimer jet passed by them just
as they have come past a mirror ooh ha comedians what artifice aru ha and don't
try to explain what they mean now some of the later allama I mentioned did explain these things metaphorically
and that's it's a method we don't consider them of petia and we don't consider them bad people but the Mohawk
people the ARA ARA anima the people of Tapia the highest level said that it's
better just to leave them the way they are just say Oatman will be hi Adam or
Adela whatever God meant by them I believe in them and and not because to
interpret them to speak about the essence of God you really have to have an absolute proof and that's why it's
best to be people of tough wield and but at the same time we don't in any way denigrate those great Alima that came to
those conclusions because they were interpreting the verse in the quran that they were the rossi horn Fillion and and
and that is one of the meanings of that verse it's a possible meaning all those other automated and said that it did not
include that so then the proofs for this the Quran says voodoo who Yomi even now
there are it out of be Hana there are some faces will be a glow that day gazing at their Lord and then there's
another verse in him yummy then jus boon on that day the sinners will be veiled
from God Imam Shafi said if the sinners are veiled that means the righteous see
God now the Prophet SAW lies and the Quran tells us that Moses asked to see
God right he said ireenie arabiya Rini
you know show me show me yourself and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala said to him you
know lent irani you won't see me you can't see me and then it said what I can
unload a little jeopardy you know look at the mountain right in istikhara
Meccano who writes for soviet irani if the mountain is stabilizes then you will
see me that that's the verse okay now that is a proof that you can see God for
two reasons one Moses will not ask the impossible of God because
you know we don't ask God oh Allah give me two wings so I can fly to New York this weekend
we don't ask it's bad Edda to ask God and it's Haram to ask God for the
prophets they can't ask that I mean an ignorant person nothing but the prophets will not ask God the impossible so the
fact that he asked to see God indicates that it's possible but then the fact that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the Animus
say Allah you know in other words he made a conditional sentence and he said
in eNOS taka you know if the mountain
holds its place when God revealed himself to the mountain the mountain collapsed but if the mountain holds his
place you will see me so he put it in in an Arabic structure that permits seeing
if the mountain held its place but the mountain didn't hold its place but it didn't say lo like lo how I am Tina and
iam Tina in as a conditional that indicates possibility so and then
there's other there's other things the prophets allies to them now I assuredly Ilan who said whoever says that the
prophet saw his Lord has albumin theoria has really told a big untruth that was
her opinion but even a bath said in a
hadith which is sound by Papa Ronnie he said i'm mohammed abu omar retain the
the prophet saw him saw his lord twice mariaogtone the abbas ali he wore martin
beef before a.d he one time he saw him with in with vision which is on the
israel and another time he had a vision in the heart and that and that's a sound
tradition on even our best now the anima like mohammed bin rashid said
aisha is not more knowledgeable than even our best they're both of equal stature in terms
of knowledge and in all soul in our jurors prove in Turpan we and most bit
more uh demand an a fee that somebody who affirms something is actually taken
over somebody who negates something so for instance if somebody comes and says I saw I saw the moon on Ramadan and
another person says I didn't see the moon we take the one who says and most bit moped them out and Nephi so when I
just said the Prophet didn't see his Lord and if an i-best said the prophet saw his lord you're gonna I passed his
opinion is over Aisha is on that and so there are two methods but Aisha was interpreting the
Quran wasn't because she heard that from the prophets life she was interpreting a Quran that adequate up saw you know that
the vision cannot contain him which is true in the Quran that is in the Quran vision cannot contain him so the the
other thing about the Rodya that's important to note is that it is it is
possible for people in the world in dreams and we know that ahmed muhammed
saw in in a true narration from him he saw his lord ninety nine times and he
said if if i said that if i see him a hundredth time in a dream that i would
ask him and so he saw him on a hundredth time and he said to allah subhanallah
Donna how do people draw nearest to you what is the closest way and he said by my
speech by my speech and then Ahmed all day Lana said be famine over Haiti
famine through understanding it or just through reciting it without understanding and Allah answered to him
in this dream the famine will be lady famine Ahmed through understanding and not understand didn't matter as long as
they were reciting it i met and imam
bukhari Rajab Hanabi mentions one of the righteous people who saw him in a dream and somebody asked him how
how did you see him and he said this is it's a very beautiful expression but he said he said that my basa and a casaba
sorry Vasya rotten my sight became inner sight for silk to bursary fficer to
coolly bursary I became all vision like my entire being became vision ye to
Monday's a committee vishay and I saw what no thing is like him so when we
talked about the vision of a lawsuit behind Wattana we're not talking about this eye which is called a anal fannia
the the temporal eye we're talking about the eternal eye the AV ternal I that God gives us in the next world and then
we're talking about a vision without encirclement because allah subhana wa
tada cannot be contained led to the record up saw vision cannot contain god
there's no Iraq with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and then he says well cool
America that Achaemenid hadith Asahi Anna Russell for Comicon Adama Arad Lana
totally daddy Camuto we're in the era you know what i'ma do what he mean be a Hawaii in a all that came to us from the
messenger in the authentic hadith is just as he said it was and the meaning is as he intended we do not interpret
any of it to accord with our opinions nor did we presume any of it to accord
with our whims so this is very important this is exactly what I was saying he is
saying we believe in these things but we're not going to interpret them neither to say that they're literal
obviously because if he didn't believe that they you know they weren't literal he would say we accept them literally
but he's not saying that now and this is part of his you know he's he's it's it's
a very interesting thing that he does here he says and I had you know I
debated about whether to interpret this literally but it just didn't work very well in English but in Arabic he says
for in the whole mass Eddie Murphy elements animal allah azza wajal valley
rasoi he wore at the in my master Bihari era enemy he that that no one is secure
in his religion unless he resigns himself to God the sublime he thought and His Messenger and consigns whatever
obscures is understanding to the one who knows its meaning in other words I don't know what it means so he's saying these mashita bhai alayhi
just say God knows what it means this is the Sunni al-qaida don't say it means
what it means literally but we're not gonna say how because it's not literal
and then he says what I thought Bhutto Buttonwood Islam in Nava head at this theme then he uses a metaphor to really
drive home this point so he says the foot of Islam is not firm on the back
except on the on the on the ground on the back of resignation and surrender so
he's using a metaphor to show you don't think that this you know language is
language so when I talk about is something having a foot I don't mean that Islam has a foot with five toes and
it walks around and and when I talk about the back of resignation I don't
mean that resignation has a back with a vertebrae it's its language its metaphor
and and that's why he says that immediately after that famine Rama in mama hadera anwar el mejor well I'm not
gonna be tested e me Fatima ho hi jabo Homearama ho and ha de soto he'd while
Sathyan my reefa well so he an e man theater devs ever Baynard kaveri what
amanwe toss neatly with degree B would occur re would in car Morris we sent Aaron Schock Anza even La Mina Musa Dagh
Viraj ahead and Makeba whoever covets knowledge that was barred from him discontented with the limits of his
understanding shall be veiled from pure unity unadulterated comprehension and sound faith on account of his
covetousness he will then vacillate between belief and disbelief assertion and negation and
resolution and denial obsessive Amos skeptical and deviant he is neither an assertive believer
nor a resolute denier now immediately after these verses the Quran rabinal air - Zico lube and a
bad it had a tenor don't cause our hearts to swerve or deviate after you've
guided us to this understanding this is pure tawheed after you've got don't
deviate us waha Blenheim in the nunca Rama and give us mercy from your
presence in the canter Wahab you are the web right give us mercy so those who
want from the Wahab right those who want from the Wahab mercy are people that are
worried about their hearts swerving and they ask God keep my heart straight keep my heart firm on this path because there
are many words that allow users in the Quran to indicate Baba right that Allah
seals their hearts Hatami he puts a availing over the Baba right pass
wa their hearts become focus at KU Leuven their hearts become hard but callable Arana and up alluvium their
hearts becoming crusted right Fatima's Avvo as our local ummah home when they
deviated god caused their hearts to deviate there are many many words Echidna their hearts are locked a fan
puffle i'm an approving a fatwa those are all to show you that you cannot get
arrogant about this that it is a mercy from allah subhana wa tada if you're on
a straight path and you should be concerned about staying on that straight path and not become arrogant because if
you think you're right the guide and everybody else is astray God can make you astray and make everybody else
rightly guided and the Prophet SAW I sent him said whoever faults another person for something in them God may
free that person of that thing and give you the tribulation so you have to be
very careful with with people that that I mean most people you know most people are they're just
trying their best I mean there's a lot of people out there that are just trying so if you've been blessed with guidance
or something like that you have to feel gratitude and then let me know I had to come how do you hate belly I hear my
your hip you lean up see you don't truly believe until you want for others what you want for yourself the prophets all I
said I'm said let me know hotter ahamill you won't believe until you have mercy
and one of them said ya Rasulullah Cullinan or ham we're all merciful and he said lay satara hammer to a had to
come this ah heavy I'm not talking about the mercy of somebody to his friend what
I can brahma turn a CRI matter I'm but I'm talking about having mercy for all
of humanity general mercy universal mercy that's what I'm talking about the prophets
talking about Universal myrrh not anybody can be merciful to their friend I mean that's just that's just natural
it's like the man who said he was cleaning his mother because she lost countenance became incontinent to stool
and he was cleaning or and he went to the prophets eyes and he said the Arizona law I'm clean I'm cleaning my
mother the way she used to clean me when I was a baby is that bill and he you know as am I being filial showing filial
piety he said no that's just payback this just recompense
so then he says well I asan Amano Bharati da de da de Saddam diminutive
our aha min home what the women believe in the beatific vision of the denizens of Paradise is incorrect for anyone who
surmises that it is an Imagi imaginary or interpret it to be a type
of comprehension Oh tell what a happy famine do you see so we believe it is a
vision it's a Raja and it's a right yeah with the buzzer it is a vision but we
don't say how you cannot we don't wrote utility we could Lee Martin in Yahoo
adorable via the target that we D what a zoom it is Tasneem Aditi non-muslim a notion are in the
beginning and then he says and it's very important for correct interpretation of the beatific vision or any quality and
extra lordship lies in leaving interpretation don't say what it means the tough wheel means that you don't see
what what the sect that that focuses on these verses that what they say is we
know it's mana but we don't know its cave we know what it means but we don't
know the how nice of it so when Allah says he has a hand it means he literally
has a hand but we're not going to say how that hand is do you understand the
people of Tov we say we know that it does not mean what it appears to mean
but we're not going to say what it mean we just believe whatever God meant by it that's what we believe about it but we
know that it doesn't mean and if you want more proof for this frauds the
lightest that I've said yamino law like the right hand of God and then he said
what kill tell you yet the holy I mean and both of his hands are right hands I mean that if that doesn't just get it
out of your mind you know in other words God doesn't have a left hand but he's
not saying you know that there's two right hands over here he's trying to get that out of your mind you know that that
these are words that are conveying metaphysical truths and and the dominant
opinion is we don't know what they mean that is the opinion of our ulema we
don't know what they mean but we believe them whatever they mean we're not going to deny them they're in the Quran and we
believe them and we believe them according to what God intended by them and that is the method of the set of
that is the set of via method
and then he says woman Lamia tehuacán fu watashi ha Zella whoever does not guard against
denying God's attributes and against anthropomorphism thinking that God is
like his creation has erred and failed to acquire understanding of divine
transcendence well mu Louboutins eeeh so you I mean he's made it really clear I hope it's
really clear to everybody because you know this is our IP then I really want
you to leave this program with a you know firmly rooted in what this means
because this is a big fitna of our time unfortunately it shouldn't be but it is
this this question was resolved over a thousand years ago but people have revived it and and and want people to
fall into their errors and and and I'm gonna do my best to defend this
tradition because this is not my opinion this is what I inherited by telepathy from my teachers it's what they taught
me it's what they were taught from their teachers and you can see the Senate in this book those all those people in I
mean the the people that that this was transmitted to through these ages I mean
all you have to do is look at these names of these people that are in here alright these are the people because
this is
this is related share Zachary and I'm sorry or Javed even hydras Palani Abu is happy
Ibrahim Mohamed Atta Nuri el Bali Muhammad Abdul Rahman bin abdullah bin
ibrahim ali al Danny's married Vendela Rafi Abu Musa Medini right I mean these
these are the great ornament of our tradition among the hello am real
Magette daddy Mohammed Abad is Cindy all these people and this is the this goes
back to imam what the Howey so these are
the meanings that have been transmitted through through this I mean these these are this is how we know that it's these
are what he intended phenomena general Adam also visited any Manero to be in a
hotel for Danny yeah laser beam on ahoo ahoo dominant vidya for undoubtedly our
lord the sublime and exalted is described with the attributes of unity and uniqueness no one in creation is any
way like him what's an Allah now I mean this is where he really this
he drives it home now and this is where it ends this section alright so we're done but he's gonna drive at home he's
gonna he's gonna shove this right down your throats because if you don't get
this you don't understand anything what Allah and illudude well Hyatt God is
transcendent beyond limits ends when our can what Allah supports components or
instruments what let will jihad to sit to kisara noted that the six directions
do not contain him as they do created things what are the six directions right
front of you behind you to the right of you to the left of you over you and under you God is not in any of those
directions tonight allah i'm my elsie phone it's true you Haruna you know they
have all of their Lord and Allah says who are on volca a body you
folk in the piranha he is above his his servants and that's true he is over us
but we don't point and if they say well that the prophet saw him asked the Giardia where's your Lord a shot at it a
somach he pointed to the heaven and he said Who am I and in a rewire she
actually says a shot and then she says you're a sue but in the sound is her rewire she was she could not speak
she was Buckman and and so a shot at it
a Semih you know that's where Allah in other words tan Zia and then when he asked Who
am I a shot at it a Samantha my it out or sweetie that in other words you're the messenger of all he said Amina
release her because she's a believer so that and then also Imam Razi said one of
the reasons God uses anthropomorphic language is to make common people if you
if you if you explained it in pure transcendence they would think God didn't exist like you said he's in no
place he has no form he that you know people say so the the this is a way of
just helping people to approximations of meaning but khulna mahaprabhu vadik for
the Hokkaido food addict everything that occurs to your mind got his other than that I'm gonna keep driving that point
home I'm sorry but this you know this is our religion this is our understanding
of allah subhanhu at the anna-san a lot on my ELC phone so I'm Dina that's it he
has no limits now in in one commentary in English that I saw it said he has no
limits known to us that way that's what
it said in the commentary he has no limits known to us that's not what he
says in the text that who do thou and it's Nephilim jinns let who do that he
didn't say that who do dune in the had on my new moon aho he could have said
he's allahu dhu de there's no limits so to say there's no limits now and that
was because these poor people think if you say he has no limits it means he's everywhere
it means he's permeating the world what in your understanding because your
little pea-brain can't grasp that god is you know we are we're all pea brains I'm
not making fun of them I'm a pea brain - we're all pea brains in relation to God
you know we that's it but don't limit God to your own limitations because you
can't understand God don't try to make him understandable to your limitations
because he's it's it's incomprehensible a loss of behin Owatonna and that's why
Allah comes from what aha to be bewildered because God is that which
bewilders and imam al Junaid said this affair ends in utter bewilderment this
affair ends in utter bewilderment hara
subhanAllah and that's why we say subhanAllah cuz it's subhanAllah subhanAllah that's
all the angel they're all saying it we should all just start saying it's over hon Allah subhanAllah tonight Allah I'm
miles you won't exalted transcendent is is God above anything that we can
comprehend hum do that so that section is done you won't hear me on that again but I I needed to do that I'll quickly
go through them we'll pray if al buck was better than Omer why did the prophets say if there was a prophet to come after me it would be Alma in praise
of Omar's genius that that Alma had an
ability to to get to the truth so quickly so that was really praising all
Marky's Farook and and that's his mt as abu bakr as-siddiq abu bakr relates more
to Eman say tomorrow lates more - to Islam in
that way DC because Faruk is the one that distinguishes I mean what Almonte
has great Eman I'm not but Abu Bakr his it's all about Iman so he's talking more
about the genius of all Mars understanding for people coming into
Islam are those strengthening their Iman how do they reconciled I enter into the being completely orifice enemy kapha
with enter into the Deen gently you know I mean that just that means kapha that's
about Eman because really that the sin there that it's talking about to enter
into is to enter into the faith completely with faith you know to come into this religion utterly with your
faith but when it says a little bit if Ben is talking about practices taking on
practices if you try to take on too much so that there's no contradiction between
the verse and and the and the hadith
Allah is nothing like we know once Imam humble had seen him did Imam humble have
a framework for the beatific vision you know he didn't go into detail but but he
I mean they all have tansy with this about the division how do we know when
the line between acquiring knowledge and understanding of Islam and pushing questions too far on those hazy issues
you know the thing about the mutashabiha hat is that it's important to know that
we're living in a time when there is certain people focusing on those things and that historically that was seen as
very negative thing and then it's this is part of the oppe then that's why he
mentions them in there and that's why I talked about them but that's all you need to know what we just covered you
don't need to do it ever again if anybody wants to bring them up and debate them or something like that just say you know Saddam Oh Nadia come
learn at total Jelena I mean you don't have to say that literally but you know you should just know right away that
something's wrong with it if he's I mean I went you know I was I mean I won't say
where but I you know I was years ago tested for something for a program and
the guy asked me you know well what is a brahmana Island artist OA you know which
is the throne verse what does that mean and I gave the answer of Imam Malik you know and he said to me when he ma Malik
said madam he met Madame luetin that we know what it means literally and I said
that's not my understanding of that thing he said no that's what it means so I was just like okay why are you
testing me on this I'm just gonna get me closer to God why are you testing me on
this why do you want to know what I think about that I mean it's like you know grand inquisitors or something like
that seriously it's like Muhammad of teach like the inquisitorial courts auto
they say you know let's let's test you and then next thing I'll be in one of
those orange suits with things over my ears or something like that you know I
mean what is that you know why why are why are people so worried about what
other people believe do you know really
it's an American
Thomas Jefferson said whether my neighbor believes in one God or twenty gods does not rob my pocket nor break my
leg these people alone I mean if they're
watching train guides you can tell them there's only one God and you know I'm doing you a favor but if he wants to
keep forcing the twenty God's let him keep worshiping I'm seriously you know
Muslims lived with Hindus they lived with all these different people they live with Buddhists you know solitary oriani in his book of
magic he felt he's a modern scholar a friend of mine you know he says secularists atheists they're all they
can all you know live under Islam there's no you know that could I have a
Dean don't don't coerce people into religion the Quran says do you want to force people into being believers you
can't do it all the coercion does is create hypocrites that's all it does creates hypocrites does we ruin your money then
now there are two nits out of behin Avira do them faster and leave the Tufts your blank no I mean they talk that this
is the vision they're looking at their Lord but it's villa cave well then he saw right I mean that that's Vedic -
well then hey sorry when our urban atutor a cubed up sorry that I keep in
well and hey sorry no Joe hirato he says our Lord will be seen with vision but
not in any modality and not by a hapa it's it's not there's no containment
because he can't be contained and then the you know the more tizzy light debate
I mean the market is alight reject the ROI yeah and they say it's irrational and that God can't be seen and they use
the verse that vision cannot contain him but he contains vision and and they say
that he says that but to say that the
word Navia doesn't mean looking it means Mondavi are not waiting because in arabic it could be interpreted to mean
waiting he said waiting is i Deb when you're waiting for your beloved that he said it's it's Motorama it's the Red
Death the Arab sale in tavar molten Hamada waiting for something is the Red
Death you know it's the worst type of death so waiting for God as a reward
because the verse is a reward so their reward is that they're glowing and
waiting for God it's saying that's not a reward it's a punishment but that's a
more tizzy like trying to get out of and that just shows you how when you try to prove something that's the silly you end
up saying silly things can can you indirectly generalize the people of fitting are people that lack
intellect I mean sometimes they have you know Aristotle said that intellect is is
a mean between craftiness and stupidity so sometimes you have people that are
very crafty and they can be brilliant in that way but they don't have real
intellect in in that intellectus to really distinguish between truth and
falsehood because that's what intellectus alkyl is yeah palooka it prevents you from doing going into error
so they don't have intellect in that way but they definitely have a craftiness and some of them are quite brilliant and
some of them oh you know I mean Christopher Hitchens is very clever you
know I'm like I actually enjoy listening to him sometimes because you know I like the way he strings words together and
you know and there's something about British you know Cambridge trained
Sophos that's you know it's it's something interesting for me like
language and he's a good writer - I've actually read four of his books you know
so he's a good writer although once I
was reading him and I was like kind of admiring the language and this is true story I put him down I picked up Gibbons
you know given I star reading Edward Gibbon and as night and day
this writing was paled in comparison so modern writers I you know Ivan I'm not a
big fan of modern writing including my own but
in terms of a PDF one is not a shoddy or Matuidi are they on an incorrect path I mentioned earlier you know that I am
personally and this is a lot of my shoe would not agree with this but channel dollop in baya does and and and and it's
not because of share of dollop in beta but this is my own conclusion from reading and things like that I do believe that there is an a 30 al Qaeda
that is is sound that is not a shoddy or Matuidi and and and I do believe it's a
valid Arpita and it you can find it within the humbly tradition not the
Magesty mime in them not the anthropomorphise and imam APPA how I
close to the Etherea mean this is this is an ethereal peda more than a shoddy
and more than Matuidi although the mathura these definitely base a lot of their because this is based on chocolate
ball abu hanifa text or at least it's attributed to him but there i think it's
valid to say that the i30 is a you know it's that dialectical theology which is
what the later asha ideas are from a bucket or buckle on eon it's a
dialectical theology and the Matuidi is are also of that ilk personally I think
it's a great contribution to the Islamic tradition I don't see it as a negative I see it as a positive I know that there's
a lot of modern Muslims just think that they went off but I don't think they did and and I you know so all three of those
are perfectly valid they're all valid and the Shetty's i mean i'm i don't i'm
muffled I don't do tat we love the ayat in the Quran of you know the ad means
Quadra the I dine means in a baccarat
wanna who is to Allah but to who I mean all those I don't do those that's I
prefer the tough tough wheel that they mean what they mean and Allah knows what
they mean and I believe in whatever Allah intended by but I'd rather not say what they mean because it's just I think it's it is a
safer method but I'm certainly not going to call those great Imams Mata di
or you know they've been there do you
think the reason why the Muslims that can find the religion - one way of practice is due to the hadith which states that this religion will divide
into 73 sects and only one will enter paradise and I left two things for you to follow the Quran Sunnah so stick to
these and you will not go astray first
of all I don't think I mean the question seems to be asking do I think the reason
why Muslims that can find the religion - one way or practice is due to the hadith which states that this religion will
divide into 72 sects I think it's a misunderstanding of the hadith but yeah I would agree that that's definitely one
of the Hadees that they use to say there's only one way which is Miley was
hobby and that is true but what they have done is like the Bedouins who
urinated in the Masjid and and and when the Prophet you had you know the Sahaba
wanted to you know attack him and the Prophet had unveiled and then when he finished he explained him very gently
you know that this is a clean place and and don't you know and the man raised
his arm I said alone about how many were on Muhammad them with a time this time see wanna have mercy on me and Mohammed
and nobody else and the Prophet SAW I said him said you know you you have constrained the vast you know to me
that's it's kind of that mentality it's very similar mentality and and also the
idea that they're all in hell there's 73 sects I'm Rahul Isfahan II relates it through Kula - Jenna LOI that all of
them go to paradise eventually except for one and Imam al-ghazali says when I'll when the Prophet said that they
were in hell it doesn't mean they're going to hell it just means that they deserve to before he intercedes for them
because the prophets Aizen said she fought to the ll kebaya demon almighty
the as for the people of big sins in my community my intercession is for the
people of big sins so I mean these people think that you know paradise is like a little hotel that's that that's
been you know completely you know that
they've got the reservations and nobody else is going really I mean they that's
what they think about it but the Quran says that heaven is audible has somehow at you but it's bigger than the heavens
and the earth now we know that there's billions of galaxies out there so if paradise is where all the people gonna
go what it's for all 50 of you it's a
big place and you know I Muhammad has some what good do who I really like and
you know he's he's got his views about
things he's a genius and he's a great scholar and I you know I don't I can't even put myself you know there's no
comparison at all but but he appreciates me in my and my views about things and he gave a talk once and you know
somebody asked him where are the Jews and the Christians and then I said and he said well the padang clear about that
and he's clear you know Jew and Christian they go to hell and so when we laugh we were in the car
and I said some you know chef Muhammad the house and I wish you wouldn't have said that and he said what I said about
the Jews and the Christians and he said why and I said I have you read five sort of tougher to pile by imam al khazzani
he said no I said you should read that and I just said you know those hadees
and those ayahs about that I mean they really need to be interpreted you know with Co followed that people know the
truth and then they reject it and then and I said that's what Imam al-ghazali points out and he said he said that
sounds that's that sounds like a good easy and generalize yeah I know Myron T was good I like it so don't Jimmy I said
you know paradise is vast I'm out from if Allah wants to bring them in he can bring whoever he wants in its gonna be a
big place plenty of room there's not going to be any you know hustling and bustling at the
door once you're in everything's comfortable really nobody's going to get
in your face nobody's gonna ask you what your IP that is they'll assume it was good enough to
get in and they'd does that coming off in super Hanukkah longer home to get it
on day you don't know it's all futile war to blue egg