Islamic Theology 5/10

Transcript Details

Event Name: Islamic Theology 5/10
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/23/2022
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

nd you know I Muhammad has some what good do who I really like and
you know he's he's got his views about
things he's a genius and he's a great scholar and I you know I don't I can't even put myself you know there's no
comparison at all but but he appreciates me in my and my views about things and he gave a talk once and you know
somebody asked him where are the Jews and the Christians and then I said and he said well the padang clear about that
and he's clear you know Jew and Christian they go to hell and so when we laugh we were in the car
and I said some you know chef Muhammad the house and I wish you wouldn't have said that and he said what I said about
the Jews and the Christians and he said why and I said I have you read five sort of tougher to pile by imam al khazzani
he said no I said you should read that and I just said you know those hadees
and those ayahs about that I mean they really need to be interpreted you know with Co followed that people know the
truth and then they reject it and then and I said that's what Imam al-ghazali points out and he said he said that
sounds that's that sounds like a good easy and generalize yeah I know Myron T was good I like it so don't Jimmy I said
you know paradise is vast I'm out from if Allah wants to bring them in he can bring whoever he wants in its gonna be a
big place plenty of room there's not going to be any you know hustling and bustling at the
door once you're in everything's comfortable really nobody's going to get
in your face nobody's gonna ask you what your IP that is they'll assume it was good enough to
get in and they'd does that coming off in super Hanukkah longer home to get it
on day you don't know it's all futile war to blue egg