Lives of Human Beings

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Event Name: Lives of Human Beings
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/1/2019 2:46:37 PM
Transcript Version: 2

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abuse that is Haram and Sharia

absolutely and there's no proof or

justification for it and we're going to

look at the verse that a lot of people

misunderstand including unfortunately

some Muslims about that but it's it's

well-known in the Islamic sharia that it

is prohibited to physically strike

anyone with violence hmm

no that's poor on ya it's a there are

several verses that deal with that

actually but the one I gave you was

twenty two five

now in twenty two five it continues and

it says afterward we bring you forth as

infants the word in Arabic this stage is

called the foot now Tuffle means in

arabic poof a li is a parasite the

puffle is somebody that cannot live on

its own it needs a host so the child

needs the parents and this is the

responsibility of the parents to nurture

the child now the Prophet Mohammed salat

is that I'm said that every child is

born on fitrah and this is an important

concept in Islam filtra is the inherent

nature of the human being

it's his aboriginal nature it is

believed in Islam that human beings are

good in their nature and it is it is

diseased societies that will affect the

the nature in a diseased way now this

obviously doesn't is not congruence with

the traditional Christian belief of the

corrupt nature but there is a similarity

between the Islamic and the Christian

belief in that there is a hadith that

says that every child is born with a

black seed in the heart and this is

similar but not the same as the

understanding of original sin

it's going kinda yeah this is going to

be the shield the actions of the parents

affect their children and there are like

in the Bible the idea of visiting on

seven generations which is you know it's

a lot you're dealing with sixty four

parents there is that concept in Islam

that your actions do affect your

offspring but there is no accountability

of the offspring in other words nobody

bears the burden of you do not like in

some of the Chinese traditions you have

the idea of inherited curses you know

that a family gets cursed for doing

wrong in one generation and their

offspring will suffer the fate of that

curse but there is a belief in Islam

that that righteousness will affect your

offspring and also wrongs will affect

your offspring you don't think as it is

available the concert hall

of inhibited agent but was a clang baby

in the census starts all over and

addiction an addiction right and the

mother is responsible for that not the

baby so the mother has has affected the

and that's we have that ability to

completely destroy the fitrah the

parents can do that to the child they

can ruin it and that's what happens

filter is not you know children will not

be if they're nurtured properly now

there is a bad seed there is a concept

of bad seed in Islam there's definitely

a concept in other words there is a

belief that there are Shelton and intz

which are demonic humans and this

results one that demons will actually

partake in the insemination that there's

Hadees that indicate that people that

are like in fornication in and it's

interesting because Islam accepts

marriage in every tradition you know

even though it doesn't accept the the

Buddhists as a people of the book that

you know they're accepted as a as a

tradition in that they can pay the jizya

tax according to imam malik but they're

there their books are not accepted as

revealed books they're not rejected but

they're not accepted it's not in the

articles of faith like the Bible and the

gospel but Buddhist marriage is accepted

if if two buddhists become muslim their

marriage is violent they don't have to

renew that marriage because marriage is

believed to be a divine institution that

it was through revelation that marriage

came about so marriage in any tradition

is accepted and therefore children that

are born of legitimate marriage in any

tradition those children have the

protection of the

sanctity of the men of the union

children born out of wedlock do not have

that protection and there can be effects

on the children because of that and one

of the things that the Prophet salat is

that I'm said is beware the wrath of

bastard children beware the wrath of

bastard children that if you do that to

children they will be angry and their

wrath will come back to you and he said

if he legitimacy spreads amongst the

people then they are spreading the wrath

of God amongst themselves and the wrath

is in the children because that was a

right that you have deprived them up

they have a right to legitimacy and if

you do not give them that you have

oppressed them and oppression engenders

anger and they are often they don't know

why they're angry right they don't know

why they're angry but they're angry and

and for our country when you're looking

at 70 percent the legitimacy rates

amongst certain communities right and

the dominant community it's it's it's in

the 40 percentile range right that which

a lot of you grew up in an age where you

know girls disappeared in high school

right I mean it's really amazing how

much has changed in our generation right

I mean in 1968 a woman was kicked out of

Vassar for living with a man in an

apartment 68 and it's really interesting

how how that's happened in this culture

so this fifth row nature is this

inherent nature and it is that the

potential for good and evil exist but

the inclination is too good if it's

nurtured but the seed of evil can be

nurtured also and if that's done then

you get people that that will they're

inclined to doing bad stuff not good

stuff absolutely and there is no

responsibility until puberty of the

child it all falls on the parents after

puberty according to the hadith the

parents are taken to account in the next

life but not in this life once the chap

you know like if you've got children

that were raised brutalized right by

their father you know or a crack-cocaine

mother who doesn't do anything for a

child these type things the

responsibility this is why you can't

judge people in this world in any

absolute sense the prophets that I was

commanded to judge outwardly but not

inwardly we we do not have the authority

to make inward judgments against people

we can only judge outwardly and those

outward judgments in Sharia are related

to transgressions but you cannot condemn

people to hell you can't none of that

that's all inward judgment and we have

no authority in that realm the variables

that are involved in any human action

are so vast that no individual can grasp

them we can but responsibility is lies

on the adult once you reach adulthood

you are responsible and in Sharia it's


hold up in court to have a psychologist

in there explaining what happened when

they were children and why they're doing

that that does not hold up in in Sharia

Court although Sharia laws are often

contextualized in that upon decide to

implement a HUD punishment one of the

the penal punishments because of

contextual circumstances that that does

exist so there is that realm it's it's

very organic the Islamic legal system is

it's not black and white at all between

7 and 15 Buddhism huge difference to

some communities or traditions through

the 1 to 7 and the other one to 15 I'm

looking at all you know a lot of the

crimes being committed by 315 yeah

that's that in in Sharia if they're

adult they're responsible although this

culture by Islam you cannot apply

Islamic law in the United States you

can't it would be completely

unacceptable because Islamic law is

organic it's it's a it's a holistic

system you cannot have so like let's

chop off the hands of thieves and you

have a consumer culture where the whole

society is is is is is locked in to the

the system of creating consumption as an

addiction right I mean you have to

change it's it's you know the Islamic

legal system the first chapter of

Islamic law books is called the chapter

of purity I mean it's a spiritual

tradition before it's a legal tradition

and so you can't cannot impose

the legal laws on a materialistic

society you have to introduce and this

is why the Meccan stage precedes the

medinan stage the Meccan state had no

legal rulings it was a stage of changing

the perceptions of the people and once

that ship took place this radical

paradigm shift once that took place then

the rules begin to make sense but to

apply the rules without that would be

injustice which is what you know this is

the kind of conservative approach let's

just make harsher laws right see the

problem is the laws aren't harsh enough

well you know why are people doing what

they're doing and why is it that our our

prisons you know are over 60% in fact in

most places it's more like seventy five

eighty percent minority why is that well

that's more evidence you know that these

are inferior type people I mean there's

a lot of that's an unspoken belief

amongst a lot of people in this country

you know I mean there's a lot of people

that are politically correct in their

public discourse not in their private

discourse there's a lot of people that

say well you know these people you know

they're different from us they have

different values whatever or no values

so whereas the Islamic situation is

saying look what's going on right that

these situations are being produced

what's in generating this because this

is alien you see if if you go to a black

African if you go to a Gambian village

where there's no crime right I mean it's

true or not true and isn't it a large

percentage of the african-americans in

this country are from Senegambia right


their genetic inheritance so why is it

that a Gambian African in his village is

not stealing raping and pillaging right

and their 12 year olds aren't going

around doing gangbang and yet the same

genetic bank in in the inner cities of

New York or right or Chicago are doing

that you see what's going on well from

the Islamic perspective you have a

diseased Society and therefore you have

symptomatic pathology and the pathology

is manifesting in children that are

being raised in a diseased engendering

culture so during these seven years it's

not encouraged to teach children either

because they're learning they have their

own learning schedule and in traditional

cultures you did not begin to train

children until they reach seven which is

consistent also with the the Waldorf

right Rudolf Steiner fell back in the

20s that if we begin to educate children

at the age of five we are going to see

precocious sexual development occurring

and the reason he said that is is

because you're dealing with a divine

programming that's designed at that if

you if you bring programming that's not

meant to be introduced earlier then

you're going to pull the whole process

down so instead of the sexual maturation

occurring like in this culture when

people who here might have grown up in

the 50s at the age of fourteen most boys

and girls we're not thinking about

sexual experimentation right really they

weren't and you can talk to your parents

if you're not that old right I mean this

is not I'm not making this up this is

even the menage has you know the period


we have early onset periods we've got

girls now at 7 & 8 that are beginning to

menstruate ins in certain areas right so

something's going on right now if you

introduce it's actually considered

damaging now this is not true of all

children there will be because there

you're going to have children that want

to read at the age of 3 or 4 but the

vast majority of children are not going

to be like that and so they're doing

their work between 1 & 7 they know

exactly what they're supposed to be

doing and you let them do that

they're developing their their minds and

and they're actually they are according

to Islam and according to a lot of our

neurological research it's confirming

these ancient beliefs because this is

not just Islam this this this is

congruence with many traditions 7 was an

age of initiation in many many

traditions and in the classical European

oral culture before Christianity litter

eyes that area 7 was actually you are an

adult at 7 you went from childhood to

adulthood at the age of 7 because in

oral cultures 7 year olds speak like

adults and you'll notice a radical

change in the the ability of a child to

articulate at about the age of 7 and 8

there's a real change in their ability

to express themselves and this is why

even in England you know in the 8th 9th

century at 7 year olds and 8 year olds

were being hung for a horse theft right

which I mean obviously that's horrific

but it's indicative of an oral culture

and how they view and this is why you

will find marriage occurred in oral

cultures at early ages also it was not

uncommon in Europe Asia the Middle East

Africa for an eight or a nine year-old

girl to be married not uncommon at all

because they were considered to have

already reached

the age of maturation in the oral

understanding so at the age of seven

they enter into what's called sinew

Tamizh which is the age of

discrimination they can't now they're

beginning to understand certain certain

things Imam al-ghazali said you can

introduce to them now the concept of

time in a real way so they can

understand things like that they're in

time creatures and also the

responsibilities of actions although

they're not fully responsible yet

because they don't have all of the

hardwiring yet

so this fitrah and it's in the chapter

called the chapter of the Byzantines or

the Europeans or Rome means Europe it

also means the Byzantines it says that

you set your face to the religion which

is the religion of nature the fifth are

given by God and then it says and do not

change that nature which is an

indication that we can alter the fifth

era of people and we have thousands of

years of anthropological evidence that

most cultures were benign cultures I

mean we have a great deal of evidence

you know we would like those people who

make weapons would like us to believe

that we are aggressive by Nature

in other words that by nature we like to

inflict violence and aggression there

are many people that there's there's a

vested interest in having that the truth

is that most of the evidence that we

have from Aboriginal cultures is

contrary to that the Shoshone Indians

you know this is a good example of a

culture that really rejected violence as

a as an option right and there are many

many other many African cultures where

this is very clearly the case that that

violence was seen as surgery you know

that you did not use that route unless

there was no other alternative whereas

in our culture it's its primary care

right its lines in the sand and anybody

who knows Arab psychology knows that you

don't draw lines in the sand if you want

to stay at the the table of dialogue

right if you want to reach some end and

you know it's it's really fun I want to

get into politics but that what happened

in 1991 was an act of madness complete

act of madness and we were as a culture

collectively drawn into something that

had nothing to do with our vested

interests right and and unfortunately

still going on but Arab posturing is

anybody who knows the Arabs is that

they're people that posture this is part

of their nature and Saddam Hussein you

know was was literally doing a classic

Arab posturing because the OPEC

countries reneged on a promise that they

made that they would help him with his

war debts that were incurred during the

Iranian Iraqi war and they reneged on

and he put his troops there at the

border as a to force their hand and they

were told by our foreign policy here you

know we're going to stand behind you

don't you can stand up to him right and

that was a very easily you know not an

intractable problem at all but

unfortunately there are people that have

vested interests in using the violent

option before the diplomatic options

right there's a lot of money to be made

in war Bechtel was already was already

before that war began had contracts with

the Kuwaiti government to rebuild their

infrastructure right so I mean Thoreau

said an educated soldier is usually

called a deserter right if you really

know what what the fight is about you

know sorry

count me out on this one right what a

wonderful world it would be they say if

somebody called a war and nobody showed

up and you know the ancient peoples when

they used to fight they had these war

bonnets if it rained they'd call off the

battle and and they used to do you know

the Prophet Mohammed is seen as this but

in the West is this violent person over

over 23 years less than 1,200 people

were killed in all of the engagements

that took place less than 1,000 - we had

it's recorded every battle how many

people died and they actually prefer to

have you know the heroes would go out

and they Duke it out and then they you

win and they'd all go home right and

that's I mean would that be a great way

right let let it's like you know

Lindbergh said the America first during

World War two he said it's not their

sons that are going to die in this war

right the war mongers they never send

their sons right and that's why the

Iroquois nation in the Iroquois nation

it was the women that were the war

council the women decided whether the

nation would go to war with another

tribe with the belief that it was the

women who sent their sons to die right

and there's the great Greek play yeah

thank you about the women all going on

strike okay


all right is minaton online

the the next

these are the two classical divisions

some will put it into five and other

seven seven is you know Shakespeare has

the Verona tapestry that has the seven

stages of man and so it's consistent

some of the Western tradition but here

one through 1515 was traditionally more

commonly the onset of puberty was around

that age where I was in West Africa

that's that's pretty much when when

puberty happens for most of the people

there but you're obviously going to get

some are delayed and some are earlier

but it's around that and this is also

consistent with neurological research

that indicates that the brain is pretty

much by 15 its fully formulated and at

puberty there's actually a hormone

that's released that that will remove if

networking was not done it removes all

the potential so which is really

important why children need so much

stimulation in those early periods and

we've shown now there's a Israeli study

that indicated that for the first at

least 10 months there was strong

corollary study that showed that

children that were breastfed that their

IQs increased about a point for every

month that they had mother's milk and

it's interesting also that it's actually

a right of a child to be nursed with

breast milk it's it's a right and if a

woman is not able to do it then it's a

responsibility of the man to find what

we used to call wet nurses which

obviously we don't have this anymore but

mother's milk is seen as really

important and in fact the Arabic word

for the the actual tit of a woman's

breast is is Halima which mean it's the

same root word for compassion and

forbearance and there is a belief you

know it's what we used to call in this

tradition the milk of human kindness

that there's actually that that is

transmitted to the children through the

breasts that there is a transmission of

him and it's interesting that

historically the wet-nurse of the

prophet's name was Halima that was the

name of his wet nurse was Halima Satya

and so it's also believed in the Islamic

tradition that this hill which is

forbearance proceeds in which is

knowledge and so the woman for the first

seven years is inculcating forbearance

in the child that that is what the child

needs to learn in those first seven

years is how to be a human being how to

actually have the ability to be empathic

compassionate forbearing kind generous

the these this is what the mother is

imparting to the child and and this is

why she's been given and there's a very

interesting correlation between the

breast and the womb that many women know

the womb in Arabic is ryeom which which

the root word is compassion and there is

a hadith in which the the prophet

sallallaahu sanam said that God says I

have derived the womb from my name the

merciful so ever severs the womb has

been severed from my mercy so the womb

is the source of human Rama and this is

why kinship ties are so important

because if a child does not learn to

have mercy at the at the at the the unit

of the family it will never be able to

extend mercy to the greater human family

so in the Islamic tradition is it's

essential that a child learns to be

compassionate within

family unit and this is why rama is is

believed to be the dominant Sakina and

this why the quran says that the male

and the female come together with two

qualities moet de and rama moet de is a

love that is not less full its

transcending the the erotic love and

moving into the the the the divine love

and this is why one of the names of god

is edwin it's from the same root the one

who loves divinely so milada and also

the prophet peace be upon him said the

best woman was the wudood this woman

that has this divine love because she

will transmit it to her children and

then the second quality of marriage is

Rama which is compassion and mercy the

two of these result in Sakina which is

tranquility and Shekinah in the Hebrew

tradition right Shekinah which descends

the the Trank the word in Arabic for

that marital house is called muskan

which in arabic means the place of

tranquility so this is what the the

marital house is a place where this

divine Sakina is allowed to descend

because of divine love and compassion

and children that grow up in that

environment our children that are fit

for our children that will have

compassion love and tranquility so that

when they move out into the dominant

culture and society they're not a threat

to people they're actually a

contribution and this is why the the

prophet sallallaahu said i'm said one of

the three things that a human being

leaves behind that will benefit him in

the next life is righteous children

righteous children so

this stage cannot be underestimated this

stage will actually affect the parents

afterlife if they do it properly and he

also said that people that don't do it

properly they will accrue the wrong

actions of their children throughout

their lives so it will have the opposite

effect so at the age of fifteen to

thirty five you enter into the new stage

which is you it's called Shabab which

comes from a root word Shepperton all

the fire became inflamed so youth is

when you have this energy and this is

considered the age of plowing the field

there's a tradition of imam ali but of

the Ilan who said he's the nephew of the

Prophet and one of the greatest scholars

of Islam he said play with your children

for seven years

educate them for seven years befriend

them for seven years and then release

their reins right let their reins go

play with them for seven educate them

for seven and then befriend them for

seven though that age of fourteen to

twenty-one it's the identity they need

that mentorship you know they're they're

moving into the world and then at

twenty-one your job is done and now if

you do that then there'll be a

contribution to yourself and to society

so from that period is seen as the

period of struggle this is where you're

really meant to do your serious work one

of the scholars said if you if a man has

nothing to boast of by the age of

twenty-one he'll never have anything to

boast right that this is the real time

of effort and struggle at the age of 35

a new phase is coming in and some take

it to 40 40 is productivity versus

stagnation right in Erickson's model 40

is the age now where the other world

is really moving in to picture now one

of the things that happens at 40 is gray

hairs begin to emerge and there's a

wisdom in that because gray hairs what

what the scholars say is that gray hair

is a sign that harvest time is soon

right the chafe is yellowing the Grim

Reaper's on his way and so 40 is seen as

a time of getting serious if you haven't

been yet it's no longer you don't have

the youth to waste anymore it's it's

time to really start thinking about and

this is what Erickson says what you're

leaving behind what your contribution is

right what what are you going to leave

behind and that will determine his later

stage of integrity versus despair did

you do something worthwhile that you can

say my life has had meaning or was it an

egocentric life and this is why in our

culture 40 can be so frightening for

people right men will often leave their

wives and go find a woman and now women

are starting to compete with men in that

realm as well right and with enhanced

cosmetic surgery and things like that

people are doing you know really bizarre

things because and this is our death

denial culture we're not dealing with

this this is a turning point right it's

it's literally the focus on this world

is really meant to

forty is is the transition where you're

turning your back on this world and

you're really starting to face your

mortality at in a deep existential way

and so this is called now the age of

maturity you Jula it's the age the

module which it can apply to the male

and the female it generally means man

but it's the idea of somebody now who

who has reached this age of dignity they

are no longer going to do anything that

is indicative of the folly of youth that

they have wisdom now there's no longer

an excuse for the stupidities of lack of

experience you should know better right

shame on you and this this period then

will be the most productive period from

40 to 50 in terms of contribution

because now you really have you still

have remnants of the strength of youth

but you also have the maturation of

intellect and spirituality according to

this tradition at 50 you move into

what's known as chez hoo-ha cher or Shia

this is now where you become an elder

your your your wisdom now has has

matured in a way that you are now

guiding peoples that went before you

you're you're giving them insights into

their own journey because you've gone

down the path you've been through these

stages and now you can actually guide

them and there's a hadith in which the

prophet sallallaahu sanam said he is not

from us the one who does not respect our

aged nor has compassion on our youth so

there is an interesting dyadic

relationship between the aged and the

youth the aging have to have compassion

because the youth don't have the

experience so they make these mistakes

but the youth have to have the respect

of the aged in that they can derive from


the wisdom of those who have already

traveled the path so this is a really

important period and this will go on for

about 20 years at about 70 you're moving

into the ages now obviously the baby

boomers are going to alter this because

of you know people now they're like 75

and they're they have the strength of

people traditionally that were you know

in their 50s we're seeing this now and

it's interesting but traditionally 70

was really where you're settling down

into you're slowing down physiologically

and in every other way and so you're

really now you walk slowly right there's

a type of dignity that goes with this

age and it's it's an age where the

Prophet Muhammad said that that God is

shy of punishing somebody who reaches

the age of 70 in a state of submission

in the next world

and then he wept and they asked him why

are you weeping and he said I'm weeping

for those of my community who are not

shy about disobeying Allah at that age

right so this is really a time where

people should be really directed

the other world this is a time when you

really leave behind this world you begin

to go into spiritual in in many you know

physiologically this is a time of

insomnia for a lot of people and

traditionally the that was because the

body is designed at this age to go into

deep meditative states in the night

which replaces sleep and and in the

traditional Muslim culture that's what

people did at this time it was going

inwardly in a very deep way and spending

the nights in meditation getting ready

for the afterlife and then we have death

now death is an amazing thing if you're

familiar with Heidegger's philosophy he

built an entire philosophy around the

phenomenon of death and death is

ultimately you know if you don't want to

think about where your you came from

everybody at some point has to think

about where they're going and I had a

professor once in fact in in Western

schools he was really the only really great teacher that I had, was a very brilliant Catholic scholar, Ken Kramer.  Who in a class I had with him which summons materials taken from "Death and Dying in religious traditions" and he said one day, in class, there is a point in your life where you will become absolutely certain of your mortality and he said it comes to people at different stages in their life.  Some people, it happens really early and other people it happens really late.  When he said that to me, it struck a chord with me because I know that point with absolute certainty. 

When it happened to me, I was 17 and I was in a really intense car accident.  I realized during the accident that I might be going into the next world.  I realized it, I mean completely, a total realization of mortality.  And that completely altered my experience of life after that.  I was disconnected for about a year after that accident.  Completely disconnected.  Conversations:  I couldn't hear people talking.  I mean it was very very profound experience for me and that was my experience

For him, he said it happened when he was 25.  He was in Theological Seminary sitting on a windowpane looking out and he realized he was going to die.  That realization of death and mortality I think for most people and there's also

I believe in my own experience there is, a because this happened several times.  Since then there's an experience that that you can you know there's a belief

that you cannot experience get death in

this life there is a belief amongst a

lot of the Freudians and and and other

psychologists in this culture that you

know human beings cannot really

understand death as long as they're


in all the traditional cultures death

spiritual death is real that you can die

to the sensory in this world before you

leave this world and in fact that is the

goal of most religious traditions that

the spiritual death and the spiritual

death is where one enters into meaning

you die to the sensory and this is an

inward experience and once that death

occurs you can never look at the sensory

world in the same light you're freed

from it the chains of it in a deep way

one of them said

furro furro Calissa and the decay

Niharika one Anna Magnani lay ahead Luke

Arakawa poet said he freed himself from

sensory sensoria that was his obstacle

and he embraced meaning and embrace that

he's not permitted to ever leave so the

ideas once you make this you embrace

this meeting which is your mortality and

that you will be brought back into the

divine present that will completely

alter your life you will never be able

to look at the world in the same way and

this is the spiritual goal of the

spiritual path now there's a lot of

reasons that why we fear why we fear

dying right and these these five are

going to be the majority of people are

going to fall into this people have a

fear of pain there is a hadith on which

the Prophet said whoever loves to meet

God God loves to meet them and his wife

said what about fearing death and he

said we all fear death

in other words it's very human to fear

the pain right that comes with death

what's called in the Quran Sakura to

melt at the Quran says a Jessica rattle

molt Bill Hawk the pangs of death have

come in truth and then it says this is

that which you were putting off right we

don't like to think about this the fear

of loss separation leaving this world

loved ones the fear of meaninglessness

right despair that comes with feeling

that your life really didn't turn out

the way you wanted that it wasn't really


didn't get what you wanted to get done

right I can't die now I've still got

things to do fear of the unknown right

of what's going to happen in the next

room many people will say well there's

nothing but it's Pascal's wager which is

in the Muslim tradition called Satan

Ali's wager because he preceded Pascal

by centuries with that somebody was

debating with him about you know believe

in the afterlife he said well if if I'm

right you're in big trouble but if

you're right I don't have a problem

right in other words in the next world

if the materials who says it all ends

with death if it indeed does then the

religious man has has or woman has led

an ethical life I think it was Whitehead

who said even if there isn't a day of

judgment we should all live our lives as

if there was which is the secular

humanist perspective right it's we've

still done the right thing

whereas the the the aesthetic or the

garment or the the person who wants to

live the sensual life

and not think about what's coming after

or say nothing's coming after if indeed

there is something after then he's he or

she is in in trouble and then fear of

non being right it's hard to imagine

ourselves in fact it's really at one

level impossible to imagine ourselves

just not here at all now

if you look at death there's different

types of death we have physical death

but we also have psychological death

what one is in Georgia with all cos a

homeopath said was in America we die at

25 but live to 75 right that that at a

certain point a lot of people literally

stop experiencing life and go into this

just numb to state where they've had a

psychological death a physical death is

determined by Harvard's right I used to

always be amazed in the hospital in it

because I saw a lot of people die nurses

can't say they're dead

you need the doctor to come in and

declare them dead I mean if that's not

religion I don't know what is the priest

has to come in right yeah he's dead okay

thank you

brainwaves that that determines death

right that is one type of death brain

death so if they're not seeing brain

activity they're determined to be dead

heart and blood if the heart stops and

blood start circulate stop circulating

death occurs very quickly all right

there can be resuscitation if somebody

is for instance defibrillated or

something brought back into you know a

beating heart but that happens pretty

quick the nervous system is one way of

determining so you poke you don't get

any reactions and then breath and lungs

you really have to have all four in

order for them to you know this is a

dead there there's no longer life now at

one point people started weighing

cadavers because there was a belief you

know that the soul leaves and obviously

it's going to be lighter which again is

such a stupid concept because

the soul is immaterial right so

obviously it's not going to have any

weight I mean that's the point of the

soul it's it's not material substance

it's not part of this this realm it's

from another realm the body is material

now the soul you know there's a lot of

people that don't believe in this all in

fact there's a lot of scientists with

that would really like to prove that we

are nothing other than anabolic and

catabolic processes just biochemistry

that's what we're dealing with now at

the psychological level you have types

of death so at the brain level you get

cognitive impotence where the brain is

not functioning anymore so

psychologically you know people

literally stop thinking and they become

automatics that that literally kind of

go through life without really ever

thinking about anything other than the

most functional things you know so

people go into these trance-like states

and and they go into this this

perfunctory life that is nothing other

than routines right and this is why like

Ezra Pound here all teachers Ezra Pound

said the day that a teacher is not

excited about teaching a class is the

day they should retire right so this

isn't really a type of of death of brain

death when you're no longer excited

about the material I was telling a Hakim

I rented a car and this man said to me I

said he was from another state and I

said how long you've been here he said

thirty years but I'm moving on I said oh

really what you don't like here anymore

he said well seen every mountain been on

every trail hunted every hunting area

fished every stream I'm bored right and

I was just I mean that always amazes me

because I've never looked out here and

seeing the

same place every single time looked here

I've been coming here all these years

I've never it's like where did that

mountain come from you know it's and

it's all lights you know it's always

changing here the lights are incredible

and so this idea of like boredom that's

something I you know I've that's another

thing I really always amazed me about

people who say I'm bored

right how people get into that state

what happens where something say I'm

bored and children are not like that

we teach them boredom right children are

not bored I mean they're just you know

they're you know in everything right

which is people that take hypertrophic

drugs or like that right they'd start

looking at leaves like you know amazed

at and that's why children are they're

in a whole other realm right and that

type of excitement about life is not

something that has to stop discovery in

in Arabic the word to find something or

discover something means to be ecstatic

and the word for existence is the same

root word existence is the arena of

ecstasy and but you have to be alive to

be in that to be in that state where it

is you are in an ecstatic state because

there's constant discovery this is a

theater of enlightenment there's all

these revelations happening in every

moment you know the divine attributes

are manifesting all over the place and

and then the next is emotive dissonance

people who die emotionally and this is

the ruin of myriad marriages emotional

death that occurs in marriages where

there's no nothing's happening people

are dead and numb inside to each other

which one of the things about death and

really keeping death in perspective is

unlike having the morbid experience it

actually invigorates your experience of

life because

it's like this might be the last time

I'm ever with you right this might I

might never see you again we leave we go

to work or and come home and think that

it's always going to be like this

but there's people all over this country

right now that are getting phone calls I

hate to tell you this but your husband

was in a car accident today

you know your wife or I hate to tell you

this but you know the tests came back


you've got terminal cancer I mean this

is going on all over right now

everywhere right and we forget that you

know we go into this thing that's always

going to be like she'll always be around

he'll always be around volitional

routinization of life right just sit

down at the terminal turn on plug in

check my email coffee you know phone

rings yes okay it's people all over the

world like that literally just right

driving cars same radio station right

it's amazing so that's a type of death

and then intuitive paralysis losing that

expansion contraction the breath you

know losing that that experience of

right that that breath can be cut off

and that when you're connected to your

breath you're connected to yourself in a

really powerful way which is why breath

is a primary meditation now you have

these are not universal and there's

actually knew death work that's that's

beginning to go beyond kubler-ross is I

mean she was important at one point

singh's book the art of dying which is

published by Harper has taken a whole

other and that's probably going to

become an important book it's going

really beyond that because there are

many people that do not go through these

ages there are many people that you know

but but this is a common death denial

people in a death denial culture this is

very common these stages and they do

work denial is the first stage right

he's relating them to these but I'm not

going to go into that but denial is the

first stage you know people hear it

there's a film called the doctor I don't

know if people saw that but that's very

much in that genre of somebody who's

told they're going to die and they

thought it's not going to happen to me

it happens to everybody else and this is

one of you know our joonas asked krishna

with what is the the greatest wonder of

the world and he replies that the

greatest wonder is that you see people

dying all around you and you don't think

it's going to happen to you right so we

you know we go into this denial of death

and and once people overcome that it's

it's anger will often emerge getting

angry why is this happening to me

especially you know you're 3540 and

you've got terminal cancer there's a

wonderful piece that was written by Lee

was it Lee Atwater who was the campaign

manager for Bush huh

Lee Atwater really bad guy this guy was

bet and he admits it in it was a piece

that was published in an Inc New Age

magazine several years back when he

first do you remember he had the brain

tumor he said that he based his life on

Machiavelli's The Prince you know he

said that that was my life Machiavelli

this guy on top of the world could do no

wrong the Republican golden boy but his

you know screw unto others before they

screw unto you that was the motto of

that man's life right really and he

admits that in there if he could you

know dam

bitch attack people's reputations do the

worst things that that was his realm and

that's why they loved him so much

right because he got people elected when

he suddenly came to terms with you know

this guy's early 40s wealthy politically

powerful one of the major players in

Washington at that time and suddenly

incurable brain tumor right that his

back piece you know that should be

memorized by every politician before

they're allowed to run for office

because he just talks about wanting to

make amends with all the people he ever

heard right and this is something

amazing is that even the the worst

people can have radical transformations

when confronted with their mortality why

does it have to take that right why does

it have to take that and the you know

one of the things about our age is work

we're confronting species death right

we're looking at you know our entire

world is being threatened with death

right our biosphere is is is showing

signs that it can no longer sustain us

because of what we're doing to it and

what if if that really enters in to the

collective consciousness of human

societies now what type of

transformation is that but as long as

we're in denial about this right or in

the anger stages like the echo warriors

right because they're furious right

earth first people they're not in denial

they see it happening but they're angry

you know the Unabomber let's blow these

people up that are ruining our world

right this is all anger what but if we


as species could really see that we are

threatened with our own extinction that

there is not going to be a sustainable

world for our children for our

grandchildren what type of

transformation is going to occur

bargaining give me another chance

god I know I mucked up give me another

chance right

and then acceptance this is submission

and I mentioned that you know the denial

is Kufa that's what Kufa means rejection

right anger is fighting it

fighting the truth bargaining is trying

to deal with the truth on your own terms

right trying to deal with it on your own

terms I know it's true okay but can't we

leave you know let's let's bargain here

a little bit you know give me a break

this is hard I can't deal with this and

submission is I submit I'm accepting

this thing completely and from that

experience is an incredible liberation

you transcend yourself you are a free

human being before that you're a slave

you're a slave to your fear you're a

slave to your desires once you accept

your own mortality

right what higher calls up being unto

death you can nurture you can enter into

your humanity as long as you're in

denial with that most fundamental fact

and Heidegger goes to the radical

proposition that that you that your

death Act will be the only real thing

that you will ever do that was not

determined by anybody else

that every act that you do in your life

is because you've been influenced by

your parents by

appears by your education by your

society it is death alone that will be

uniquely yours

no one will teach you how to do that no

one will show you that path you take it

on your own and so that is your one true

act that can be absolutely volitional

you can die and and that is really a in

harmony with the Islamic understanding

this is kind of interesting just in our

culture all these these are like

euphemisms because people don't like to

say he died I passed on croaked kicked

the bucket gone to heaven gone home

expired breathed his last to come left

us went to his return reward loss met

his maker wasted checked out eternal

rest laid to rest pushing up daisies

called home was a goner came to an end

bit the dust annihilated liquidated

terminated gave up the ghost left this

world rubbed out snuff six feet under

consumed found everlasting peace wishful

thinking went to a new life in the great

beyond no longer with us made the change

got Myrtle eyes on the other side God

took him asleep in Christ a part of

transcended bought the farm with the

Angels feeling no pain lost the race

time was up cashed in crossed over

Jordan Paris lost it was done in

translated into glory returned to dust

withered away in the arms gave it up it

was curtains a long sleep on the

heavenly Shores out of his or her misery

ended it all angels carried him away

resting in peace changed form dropped

the body rode into the sunset that was

all she wrote

so a lot of ways to say the same thing

one of the Arabs said

in them to mood to be be safe and mid to

be ready to know why this babble and

motor what I do if you don't die by the


you'll die by something else there's a

lot of ways to die but death is one

right now

what happens then from the Islamic

perspective of when we die obviously in

in pre-islamic cultures the Arabians

most fascinating aspect of arabian

culture the arabs did not believe in an

afterlife really interesting because

most cultures have a concept of the

afterlife the arabs did not believe in

an afterlife they said now move to an

idea will not you live the lacunae
