Communities of Faith and Covid-19

Transcript Details

Event Name: Communities of Faith and Covid-19
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 10/27/2021
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

the grief is not adequately wrestled

with then it leaves for the paralysis

and one of the ways in which music at

its deepest level helps us is that allow

us to objectified our creaks to get

enough distance from it so we can come

out strong even though the memory of

their loss is something that will haunt

us until we ourselves die I think also

if poets have a lot to offer us there's

there's there's a poem by Rumi where he

says this being human is a guesthouse

every morning a new arrival a joy a


meanness some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected guest welcome and

entertain them all even if they are a

crowd of sorrows who violently sweep

your house empty a bit of its furniture

still treat each guest honorably

maybe clearing you out for some new

delight the dark thought the shame the

malice meet them all at the door

laughing and invite them in be grateful

for whatever comes because each has been

sent as a guide from beyond and I think

there's an immense amount of truth to

that is to recognize the gifts that come

with the trials also I'm glad that the

all the other panelists are far greater

than I am because that first question

certainly is way above my pay grade I do

just want to acknowledge that question

though and say you know the questioner

made a reference I think in the unique

way in which people are dying I mean I

think there's so many overlooked aspects

of this in their heart or aspects that

are easy to overlook you know the idea

that people are not that just people are

dying you know who don't have to be

dying now or wouldn't be dying otherwise

but they're dying alone because they can

have by definition it can have visitors

in the hospital and what a what a sad

and tragic thing that is that people

suffering from this by definition have

to suffer alone because of the danger of

transmission and what a what a terrible

thing that is and so but some I'm glad

the questioner brought it up it's just

such a hard thing on the you know we are

we are thinking about Passover full-time

now in the Jewish community there's I

think I could say without without

controversy that the Passover Seder that

our our liturgy and celebration on here

in the United States on the first

evenings of Passover is the most

family-oriented aspect of our liturgical

year I mean there's no such thing as a

seder without without family without

guests and when there is including this

year especially this year it's it's

really a tragedy

the rabbi's the rabbi's serving the

communities that I'm a part of have said


that everyone has to stay home even if

that means being alone and I think I

think we have to don't want to end this

on such a such a sour note but I think

we actually have there's a lot of ways

to find meaning in that of course there

are many beautiful stories about grand

rabbis who have celebrated a Passover

Seder alone under difficult

circumstances and we can draw a lot of

inspiration from that but at the end of

the day it's a tragedy . not the tragedy

of death of course that we were speaking

about before but it's a tragedy . and we

have to just acknowledge that and just

recognize that this means and again I'd

rather have a Passover Seder alone then

lose my job I'd rather hoped Passover

Seder alone than lose my life and you

know fortunately I'll be able to be home

with my wife and my young children

that's that's an incredible blessing but

we won't necessarily be able to visit

you know our extended family as we would

have otherwise and that's really really

hard and I just hope and it's it's kind

of a lame comfort but I hope people can

find see a new angle that they never

would have seen in the holiday except

for these circumstances you know we

celebrate because we were slaves in

Egypt and we were redeemed and they in

the liturgy each year that we're

supposed to see ourselves as though we

left slavery and it's hard and are very

comfortable American lives certainly

among people here to imagine ourselves

suffering and this is not the sober

suffering like Egyptian slavery let me

be clear

and nevertheless it's a little bit

easier to put ourselves and in shoes of

dislocation and difficulty and so on and

so I think we need to take that take the

lessons but also just accept the fact

that this is a real loss having these

holidays come up without the normal

gatherings and there's just no way

around that

you know I was so struck by what Cornell

was saying about music and what homes I

was saying about poetry and it reminded

me of this this this very morning

because some of our great hymns are

really combinations of music and poetry

as you know Sharia although my Catholic

I grew up in West Virginia among

evangelicals and I learned to love the

old hymns that I grew up with and this

morning as I was just reflecting on our

condition or current crisis and all the

sadness associated with it and the

dangers what came flooding into my mind

was that wonderful old hymn I wonder if

you know it called we're drifting or I'm

drifting too far from the shore you're

drifting too far from the shore and

here's the poetry of it it's out on the

perilous out on the I guess perilous

deep where danger silently creep and

storms violently sweep you're drifting

too far from the shore you're drifting

too far from the shore drifting too far

from the shore come to Jesus today he

will show you the way you're drifting

too far from the shore that's a sort of

Christian reflection on what we do in

the face of the dangers that inevitably

come in life especially when we are

distracted and concerned with everything

else and not with what ultimately

matters but there is always the coming

back come to Jesus today he will show

you the way even though we're drifting

too far from the shore

Robby thank you there are so many

questions that have been asked there's

so much more that could be discussed but

this has been such a rich time and just

really appreciate each of our panelists

your generosity with your time and with

your wisdom as we wrap up just one more

note to all of our listeners we will be

sending out a survey immediately after

this broadcast and really would just

covet and welcome your thoughts on how

we can continue to do this better and

enhance this as an offering of both for

Trinity form and for Baylor and we just

thank you for joining us today as we

wrap up given that I think each of our

panelists have mentioned this it seems

only fitting to close in prayer so

Cornell would you close us out with

prayer indeed indeed dear God we come

humble hearts sincere souls even in this

grimness we acknowledged the gift of

life like each day is a gift and each

breath is a breakthrough and we hope

that this time we spent together for the

robbing sister sister she read brother

Hamza brother Daniel to be a moment that

would provide some inspiration some

empowerment to help somebody as they are

wrestling with this crisis that we know

will crack vessels we know we are

inadequate we know we are finite

we represent very very rich and profile

traditions of people down to the years

trying to make sense of overwhelming

suffering in massive misery and we know

as we come together whatever our

differences that there's a source of

solidarity which is moral and spiritual

that allows us to be the forces for good

we can be in the midst of this

overwhelming catastrophe amen

thank you again to each of our panelists

on behalf of both Baylor and Baylor in

Washington program and all of us at the

Trinity forum thank you so much for

joining us good night