Curing the Heart

Transcript Details

Event Name: Curing the Heart
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/30/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

Asalamu-Alaykum,  I think the topic that I was given was about the heart or the

illnesses of the heart and how to deal

with that and from what I heard it was

covered by sheriff Dollard Reese before

and I'm sure he could do a better job

about it than I can but and also I'd

like to say that any talk for me about

these matters is certainly tatiana or

reminder for myself as well because i'm

certainly by no means where i would like

to be in terms of the nature of the

heart and its state the the hadith that

Imam and Noah all day long on who

relates in his are Bahrain which is

really a hadith that is a summation of

the Islamic teaching and it was a hadith

that the prophet Elijah them is

questioned by gibreel and all of you are

familiar with the hadith but the last

section of the hadith deals with an

issue about which really is the realm of

the interior or the realm of the heart

and that is the idea of SN and

interestingly enough in the Islamic

tradition the the sciences of the heart

were really a science that was studied

alongside the other sciences so in other

words a student of the Islamic teaching

would not simply study filk which is

concerned with the rules of the Sharia

in how to perform the world or in how to

buy and sell and the activities of daily

life this is the arena of filk or the

science of jurisprudence the science of

the doctrine or the dogmatic aspects of

iman is some call it Kalam or sulla Dean

which is the the principles

and they're really intellectual

principles upon which the al-qaeda is

based and that is the realm of what's

generally known as as Eman but then

there's a third aspect of the Islamic

teaching which goes under the category

of Exxon and this has been called by

various scholars different things the

early scholars called it the Animus eluc

or the idea of being Salak and the book

that even a layman Josie about Leland

wrote called Madonna to sateen deals

mainly with this whole idea of what is

Sulu and unfortunately I think in many

ways because of what are known as the

whole Otto Sophia or the some extreme

groups of people that have been turned

Sophia or better term promoter saweeza

have in many ways maligned the sciences

of Exxon and people like the English

have a proverb say don't throw the baby

out with the bathwater as a kind of

reaction to maybe some of these

superstitious or folkloric

manifestations of Islam have tended to

ignore the extremely rich intellectual

tradition that exists in the psychology

of the nafs and in the psychology of the

human heart and how the diseases of the

heart are nurtured and and made well and

so I think really it's it's very

revelant in our relevant in our time

that the muslims once again begin to

examine this rich literature and

really start thinking about these things

because it's an element that in many

ways does does not exist in a lot of the

current movements Islamic movements

although the idea of test Kia and

therapy is certainly a concern the

emphasis is sometimes often not given

the degree of importance that I think is

absolutely necessary for it because what

my own study has revealed to me is it

basically every Islamic revivalist

movement and by the nature of Islam it

is a Dean that revives itself

the Prophet Elias Adam said that this

Dean would be renewed by renewal and

this happens continuously and it has in

the past and will continue to do so in

the future but what I have noted in the

little research that I've done

personally and heard from others who

have done more extensive research is

that really every Islamic movement of

any word that has had some

sustainability in the history of Islam

was based on on really - two

foundational principles the first one is

the revival of the knowledge of Islam

which has to do with the outward

Sciences ya Illuma dean which is

interesting that Mohammed Atta's Ali

probably who many in fact is almost

really by the admire at the Ummah he is

considered to be to be the mujaddid of

the 6th century of Islam and this is

without argumentation and extraordinary

figure who had a massive impact on the

Muslims during his own lifetime and

after that

and really myriad scholars have

benefitted extensity from his work and i

know that recently there has been

criticism allah wa hamid al-ghazali and

certainly from the area of hadith and

people saying that he's weak in hadith

and I think it's a grave disservice to

the Imam because while every book other

than the Book of Allah has mistakes in

it and this is something completely

accepted by all of the scholars of Islam

there is not a single book on the earth

that does not contain mistakes in it

except the Book of Allah subhanAllah

Donna and Allah would not allow any book

other than his book to be perfect

because Allah alone is perfect when

commodity that and so any scholar who

writes a book ultimately will have

mistakes in that book and it doesn't

matter how great that scholar is and so

to focus on the mistakes of the Imam and

to not benefit from the extraordinary

reveal vacation of the Islamic teaching

that he gave to this Ummah is really a

great disservice and I know like Sheikh

Mohammed er Kobe was telling me

yesterday who actually did his PhD on Oh

Muhammad Allah's Adi that the the Muslim

camp tends to be on two extremes one

people that say that Imam can do no

wrong and the other is people that

criticize him and really the position is

always the middle position in Islam that

we take from our scholars what is

beneficial and then from the scholars

that came later and rectified the

mistakes that those Imams made then

those mistakes are taken into

consideration and this is the nature of

the Islamic teaching so abu hamid

al-ghazali called the alanna wrote his

book or the medina and really it's based

on again these two aspects the revival

of the islamic intellectual legacy and

the revival of the idea of takea or

Tavia tuneups and this is why the fifth

book of the Imams work deals almost

specifically with the states of the self

and the rectification purification of

the self and of the heart and he was a

master of this area and it wasn't

something that he understood

intellectually but he was actually

somebody who was a practitioner of the

of this readö or this nastya and a

beautiful book which is

almost a concise summation of his whole

work is the book I you Hal dwelleth in

which he wrote to one of his students

who was a scholar of his own right and

really told him what was important about

the Dean and one of the things that he

emphasized in that book was that if you

learn knowledge and you just acquire all

of this information but you never act

upon it then ultimately you are like

Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in the


Masaru ladina melody Nia Madonna Tora

Medina tourism malaria her committee

Mary yeah me too as far a bit submitted

home that first you clean up so Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala says that the likeness

of those who are were given the Torah as

a it's heavy it's away dicen okay a lake

opponent tequila

we will thrust upon you a heavy word and

homily indicates that it's a barren you

have to bear the word and so Allah says

the likeness of those who were given the

Torah to bear in other words in action

but they don't really carry it in other

words they don't act according to it

then they're like donkeys that carry

books in other words the information is

just on the back because it's not being

lived it's not being experienced and

it's not the responsibility of it isn't

being taken upon the individual to act

according to it and so this knowledge is

really of no benefit if no Raja Abraham

buddy or at the Aloha and who says in

his in his commentary on the hadith man

Soraka peripheral Timmy Sufi here Elma

Saahil Allah who devoted a final agenda

that the one who sets out seeking

knowledge that that Allah will make easy

for him the path to Jenna he says in

that that there are four types of

scholars or people of knowledge and this

is a very important distinction that he

makes the first he says is an imam

billahi wa ana Mundi hoja Tila this is

the the one who knows Allah and knows

the proofs of Allah and he said that

that this man is safe in his own self

and he is

haja over a lost creation and then the

next one he says is a honeymoon villa he

would yeah he don't be her JD Leahy you

feel do enough sir who allow you field

over a ho a scholar who is a scholar a

knower of allah super Hannah with Donna

but does not know the Barra he nor the

frigate the proofs that Allah has sent

down he benefits himself and he doesn't

benefit other people and then he said

well what a demoon be a huge Idol a well

well yeah he don't be laughs one who

knows the proofs of Allah and this one

is somebody who has all the rules but

yet he doesn't know Allah subhana WA

Ta'ala and he said yo ruin observe oh

well you feed oh hey oho he harms his

own self and he benefits others and then

so so this this categorization and this

the possibilities here is that the the

Imam is telling us that there are

individuals who know a logic behind

ratan and what he said that means is you

bash you to to bash you room I referred

to who belaying al babu that his

awareness of allah is something that

impacting his heart and it might not be

somebody who knows very much outward

knowledge and this is very important

because many of the Sahaba were of this

ilk in other words many of the Sahaba

were not scholars they were actually

very simple people who but because their

Eman was so strong in their knowledge of

Allah was so powerful that they were

ulema of this deep knowledge of allah

subhana wa to anna and yet they were not

people of fatwa they were not people of

even memorizing the whole Quran or

knowing many Hadees many of the Sahaba

the actual people that gave fatwa from

the Sahaba are less than 10 I mean this

is a historical fact they were only a

handful of the Sahaba that were really

giving fatwa and most of them really

didn't want to because they had such

taqwa of Allah subhanAllah Diana so I I

really think it's important that we

don't envision that you know if you're

not a scholar that that's it you're cut

off from on the contrary there are many

very simple Muslims that their Eman is


these people are in a much better state

than people that know many rewire and

all of these words and things like that

and in the end of the day really they it

doesn't benefit them now the best one

and the highest one according to you in

Rajab is the one who knows Allah and who

knows the Sharia of Allah super Hanna

with the honor because the Prophet SAW

Allah I am loved that things were

beneficial that you know in a logical

movement at OE what a moment ago we have

o it allahi min and movement of ieave

the the strong movement is more beloved

to Allah than the weak movement was

equal in hell but in all of them is good

so the the strong movement is the one

who in in terms intellectually has a lot

of knowledge and also benefits other

people but he is also being benefited by

his knowledge and so a weaker movement

would be somebody who maybe has less

knowledge and these type of things but

still in both of them is good now in

terms of the so this this whole aspect

of learning these outer knowledge is is

extremely important but at the same time

it should not be at the neglect of this

path Kia that should be taking place and

traditionally what would happen is

because people were studying with people

that really had had a lot of

purification themselves that this would

affect these people in a very profound

and deep way and through the process of

spending time with these people they

would literally themselves become people

of tehse Kia and unfortunately in our

Islamic Ummah are the teachers and the

scholars of Islam were really so

tortured and and and attacked and

opposed especially during the colonial

period that I mean you can read in I

read in in Turkey that in 1923 there

were 17 shoes that were hung in one

village you know the the what took place

in Morocco under governor Lutie this

fanatical French governor who literally

went and killed many many teachers of


and this was happening all over the

Muslim Ummah and then the next thing

that took place was the dismantling of

the Islamic madrasah and university

system which would they these systems

were producing human beings of great

caliber well those things were literally

dismantled so we find ourselves in a

very precarious situation because not

only do we have very few people that are

really well established and well

grounded in the Islamic scientists but

also we have very few people that have

gone through this serious training in

which they can lead they can take you

know positions of piada

Omar Omar banana pavel delong I said to

fuck ahupua'a pseudo that you should be

people of understanding before you get

into positions of authority and what

happens in many situations is many of us

are put into positions of authority

really before we're prepared for that

and I would certainly you know put

myself and many other people in in that

category because this is a tragedy in

the Islamic Ummah so in these two

aspects of the Islamic movement which is

one the riveted vacation or revival of

the Islamic Sciences and knowledge now

the Islamic science is really are very

well known they're categorized and

they're classified and they're

classified between what are called

feride Keith ayah for the line or

individual responsibilities collective

responsibility there's an obligation on

all of us to learn the I mean all of us

have this individual responsibility and

these things really are not learned on a

weekend seminar there are things that

take serious study by all of us and

unfortunately if we did not get it as

children then we must learn it as adults

I mean the best and ideal situation is

that a parent will give the child what

it needs in terms of the prerequisite

knowledge --is of Islam but if they're

not given these knowledge --is and they

reach into adulthood and they find that

they're in a state of ignorance it

becomes incumbent upon them as a

mockolate as somebody who's responsible

to seek that knowledge and we know also

that knowledge according to Islam is

from the cradle to the grave

it literally is you know man

the lady from the cradle to the grave

and we have many traditions of

scholarship and use of the alarm

everyone is death met bed was learning

some massage capilla and it wasn't

because he needed them in this life he

literally wanted to increase his

knowledge because Allah your Farrell

Edina amanu when Latino ultra shot a lot

raises up those who believe and those

who have been given knowledge by degrees

so the more knowledge the more Eman one

has the higher their degrees with Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala and this is how these

people look they were learning knowledge

not for their own selves not for

self-aggrandizement not to display their

knowledge not to be impressive in front

of people not so that to shadow alayhi

but van an like they say like people

pointing and oh look at that one and

what knowledge he had this is all

illusion like Khalil even is happy when

he the hadith document about the Allah

who was who wrote the science of our old

which is prosody and really a brilliant

scholar and grammarian somebody saw him

after he died in a dream and he said

where were all those knowledge is that

because he Khalil asked a lot to give

him and now as nobody else had before

him and he was inspired to put down the

science of the metric versification in

poetry the what are called the Abha in

arabic of lines of poetry and he did

this and so this man asked him in his

dream what did allah subhana wa that i

do with all those knowledge is how did
