Qurrat al-Absar - Discerning the Eyes Delight

Transcript Details

Event Name: Qurrat al-Absar - Discerning the Eyes Delight
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/24/2022 8:13:08 AM
Transcript Version: 2

Transcript Text

e nia but the other nia is to acquire knowledge to sit with the people
uh to do that so and our you know what we're teaching is very clear imam
said uh
this religion is not a religion of argumentation you know what we have we took from our
teachers they took from their teachers they took from their teachers this is handed down it's not book uh
knowledge the books we studied the books the books are are the knowledge is
you know the ulama said canelo
you know the knowledge was in the books was in the breasts of people it was an oral tradition
initially that's it was purely oral and then it it moved from orality to
literacy but the the the oral nature is the key in other words
the you know you could just go home and read this text but i read this with a teacher who read
it with the teacher back to abdullah and abdul aziz studied his sierra from a
teacher who studied history from a teacher back to ibn ishaq and people have greater or lesser
degrees of that knowledge there's people that know this material much better than i do but there's a
blessing of being in the chain and that's what we try to maintain here is the blessing of that chain of being
in a chain of a a tradition um that you know this book is filled with with
corrections you know from my own hand from the teachers that i studied with
um that that's that's what we're trying to do is just is is give you something that is is in a
chain uh it's very different from book knowledge it's very different and that's what oral
transmission is is is means to read but it means to recite
and that's the secret of this deen is that it's an oral and a a a literate religion it's a
religion of orality and a religion of literacy both because the modern world has lost
orality to to a large degree but the muslim world you still take quran from a
teacher chefawiyan you take it from the lips of a teacher there there was one of the the greatest of the quran
reciters one of the students of was deaf he was deaf he took the quran from his
teachers by watching their mouth and he he's we have his riwaya is to
this day still in libya they read with the reward of he was a handicapped deaf person but
that that's how the quran is taken it's taken orally that's how this tradition is preserved it's preserved
orally and and that's that's what we're trying to do this is not you know we we follow a
uh an unbroken chain that this is our tradition and
anyway so enough said about that subject but uh
i i really don't want any uh you know if if people are here uh to
learn they're here to learn if you're not then just do me a favor and don't uh
you know don't insult my work you know my uh efforts because it's very tiring it's
very exhausting we have a lot of people i'm not i'm at the end of about six months of traveling right now very
grueling uh traveling so it's a blessing to be here it's a blessing to be with all of
you it really is it's a blessing now this this is this is for this for me this month is
like uh it's like the uh toe lead you know it's it's like the the uh
the generator and that's that's what this month is for me for the rest of the year
so it's a very important time for me you know and and uh and i really just ask
just basic adap that's all that's all i'm asking it's just basic ed
is the uncle of the prophet sallallahu alaihi salaam he was in mecca there's a khilaf about
his islam some of the ulamas say that his islam was before badar
he was captured in badar and taken prisoner by the prophet and he actually
ransomed he he was told to ransom and he
said to the prophet sallallahu alaihi salaam that he didn't feel he needed to ransom
and allah commanded the prophet to say to those people in surat al-anfal
he was told to say to them that if if there's good in their hearts
that if god knows in their hearts is good god will give them that good and he will recompense them for what was
taken from them so al-abbas was probably a muslim before
badar and he was actually spying for the prophet sallallahu alaihi that that's the opinion another opinion
is that he became muslim after badar but there's no doubt that he stayed in
mecca and hid his islam and during that time the prophet saw he did
not make hijrah until right before the fat when the prophet entered into mecca he actually made
hidden so he gets the reward of hijar i mean it's a beautiful thing that he made the hijra and he met the prophet
[Music] when the prophet was going to mecca to conquer mecca so al abbas was was honored
in that he got the reward of hijrah now we know also that when abbas went to mecca
the the place where we we actually went there there's a there's a awad just outside of mecca
and the prophet isaiah told al-abbas to take muawiyah to take abu sufyan uh up on the hill to
watch the prophet's army and he said he said take him
take him to the point where it's most constricted and the reason it's from psychologically the prophet isaiah
wanted the uh the army to appear much larger than it was so
abu sufyan was watching this place and very struck but he said kathora shano ibn abi you
know this this is you know they used to call him ibn abi kapsha and he said he said this is something really amazing
and and uh al abbas said isn't it time for you to believe
this is prophecy and and abu sufyan said i still find something in my you know
there's some he said allah he had no problem with because he said had those idols been of any use they
would have helped us against him so he was he was ready for la ilaha but
it was still difficult for him you have to remember abu sufyan is from the he was the most powerful man
at that time in the in in mecca and he was the said of his calm and that was very difficult for him
because the prophet saw is from humble conditions
for abu sufyan but he did become a muslim and he became a very good muslim and he ended up
losing his eye in battle and and uh fighting in in syria and
hind also became uh his wife became a great muslim uh the famous story of the when they
were taken prisoner and they took the tent poles and attacked
the men so yeah so that's al abbas
and then obviously his sons the allusions seerah say that no sons of anybody
have ever been so dispersed in the earth his son's
is buried in paif and then his uh obey the law is in medina is in
tunis and even abbas fought in tunis abdullah he fought jihad in turkey
he fought in tunis and in egypt so he was ibn abbas was was uh
going out with the armies and then his uh his other son was buried samarkand
it's amazing all his sons were buried in all of these different places one of them is in syria
also so those are the two hamza and abbas were
great supports for the prophet sallallahu alaihi salaam and uh the prophet loved uh both of them
immensely and also about it the quran says
you don't guide who you love but allah guides who he wants to there is for abu talib which proves
that he loved abu talib because the quran itself that was revealed about abu talib
was somebody who was a leader of great respect there's a weak
hadith and i mentioned this earlier there's a weak hadith and some of the um they they they use this
hadith because of abu talib's position but the prophet saw is him asked him on his deathbed and all the heads of
quraysh were there he said say a word
like a uh that i can argue with my lord all he wanted from
him was because that would give him because he
was a moahed that would give him the ability to argue his case and uh
he he he and then the quraysh was saying no no don't are you going to leave ataroku
are you going to leave the way of your ancestors on your deathbed and so he did not say
it and then the prophet became very upset and he moved away al abbas said
i heard him say it and the prophet sam said i did not hear it so that's where the khilaf some of the
ulama said that he did become a muslim but the dominant opinion is that he did not
and that that is the soundest opinion like i said when i asked him he said i'd rather not
just leave it as a masada you know something that's left as it is the hadith in sahih muslim
which says he's the least of those punished in the fire is ahad hadith and
it's not something that apida is established with so allah and there's no doubt that the
prophet loved him some of the ulama actually used that as a proof that
that he had naja that's what sheikh hamid karadair's position who was the great master of the sciences of islam
and a teacher of sha abdullah he said just the fact that allah testified to his love of of
abu talib was enough allah knows best about all these and
then he said
live to see it they failed to achieve the goal so abu lahab as you know was very
antagonistic is that a fire alarm no he was very
antagonistic to the prophet sallallahu islam and um jamil also
um jamie is related to muawiyah also he's his aunt so there's there's a connection
between akil and muawiyah had a notorious rivalry uh it was really a kind of there's whole
books written just on their quips to each other
and it er some of them revolved around the
fact that um jamil and that appeal was related to
abuja abu lahab and um jamir was related to muawiyah so they would exchange quips about that in fact appeal
should know abdullah al-khadi's grandfather so he uh he's he's
he joins the prophet saws in the at the level of uh abdullah so appeal is the son
of abu talib and so the he's the cousin was a cousin
of the prophet like jafar and others so the prophet so sheikh abdullah is an akhili he's
considered from that and appeal is buried here also with the uh
with the albeit in al-baqiyah
the prophet's paternal ants are sophia the righteous she became muslim uh and she
uh umema atika and bharara there's about uh the the
the ants um as well as um and arwa uh um
is according to all the historians the first mansion became muslim is a muslim and
and then the differences arising the others but attica and sophia are buried here also there's a place for
ammat and they're actually both buried here
a mola
are we supposed to do anything okay
amola is a client the arabs call the mola in arabic is from wala al wala
is allegiance when you have allegiance to someone a maola is is it's an interesting word
because it's from what's called the al-bad the dad are are words that that have
opposite meanings they mean one thing and they mean its opposite an example of that is mephaza mephasa
means a place of foes it also means a place of destruction now sometimes the arabs name
things like al-afiya is a name for death you know as well as
being a name for health so they they name the something as a way
of having a good omen about it so if you get lost in the mephaza which is out in the desert where people
most people perish the idea is maybe it will be a mephaza for you that's one of the meanings of the
al-baghdad and then also there's a whole metaphysical uh meaning to opposites having the same
names but the um the mola is one of those words
the mola is both it's it's uh allah is our mola
that's why maulana and also the mawlana is in the diobandi bravi tradition the
mawlana is the scholar maulana means my sayid
like a liege or a a master mister is actually from master in
english so the idea of somebody who it's a deference it's a
title of deference mister to call somebody misters like saying say the in old english
so the the maula were freed slaves
the hadith says that the your allegiance is to the one who freed you now what this meant is in in the
pre-islamic world uh arabs were tribal and because they were tribal
the body the arabs would speak about us as the clan so they would actually
they would they would articulate with the plural the clan
we the the people of quraysh so the saiyad would speak on behalf of the the clan the maula if
if you were freed by your clan you became a client of the clan so it was like being a part of the clan
now i don't know if some of you noticed allah had uh some
some servants there with him at the the driver and those are actually
clients because in their in their tribe they were once actually owned and then they were freed
but they end up they stay with the tribes so they and they actually have intima they have tribal affiliation so if you
ask them what tribe they're from they say masuma but they're actually clients
of masuma they're moali of masuma but they still do that so this system hasn't gone away
it's mauritania still has that so that's what amola is it's somebody who's been freed now what's interesting
about the early islam is before omar bin abdulaziz the clients
you had to become a client if you became a muslim he um ended this system but in the early
system of islam when you became a muslim you had to join an arab tribe
and the reason for that was for protection it was if they would support you the kasama if
if somebody died uh you know the blood money would be distributed amongst the tribe it was
like a social security literally i mean it was like a social security it was a way
of protecting uh people and then also people wouldn't mess with you if they
knew that you were a tribe one of the things in medina the the women the the the the imam
the the the slave women did not wear a head covering and they used to get accosted
and the quran told the women to cover your head so that you would not be accosted that people would know that you
weren't uh you know that you were free women and it wasn't that the other was permissible
but people will tend to aggress upon weak
people before they'll aggress upon strong people so that was the idea as a way of distinguishing yourselves uh
the the the aura of the the ima is not the same as the free women so
women did not have the slave women did not cover their heads they did not have to cover their breasts
and that's established historically which is why i personally believe that the hijab is not so much
uh you know the way that it's always presented is it's a sexual thing it's always
presented as a but the the reality of it is it's about human dignity and it's it's it's uh embellishing uh
a uh because the man has the hijab as well i mean the man wears clothes and is
encouraged to cover his head although the prophet did walk bareheaded so it's
to show people him you know he sometimes he will do a
makru thing to show that it's for tanziya
so the hijab was really a way of honoring the women
now the arab women before islam wore a head covering but they did not cover their cleavage
and that's why when it says that they're to cover their cleavage that's not what
means is from hamara to cover the head because hamar
covers your intellect so the khimar is a head covering in logar arabiya but they were told to take the head
covering and bring it over the cleavage the
that that's the point you don't have to do i mean if you do you can wear your head scarf that was what they did that's their but
as long as you're you're you're covered here you don't have to pull the the himar itself over as long as
it's covered but for them that was the way they covered it their dresses were designed like that
and so they pulled that over like that that was the uh the the himar in arabic so
that the the maula was a a system of protecting uh people who were in
servitude and then freed they became clients and so these are the clients of the prophet elijah
the mawali
in clarifying the number of slaves he freed and free servants he had we say with precision zedon usama tunis
he was taken uh unjustly actually and sold into slavery in mecca khadijah he
was in the house of khadija the khadijah gave him to the prophet isaiah as a servant
when his parents found out that he was in mecca they came and he came his father and his
uncle came and they asked the prophet and the problem when he found this out immediately he said
that zade could go back with them and he said you know you can stay with me or go back
with them zaid actually said i want to stay with you so
here's a chance for him to go back with his parents and join rejoin his tribe but he didn't
he chose to say with the messenger of allah at that point the prophet saw i said was so moved he said from this day forward zade is
zayd muhammad sallallahu sallam so he actually adopted him as his own son
and and treated him as such until that was abrogated in islam this was before and he married
um amen who was also the hadina of the prophet sallallahu alaihi israel and gave birth to
his son usama who was very beloved to the prophet
he was the beloved the son of the beloved of the messenger of allah he's the one at 17 the prophet salallahu
put him at the head of the army going out to syria uh and to the chagrin of some of the sahaba who
were you know remember daruma you had to be 40 years old
to get into that club in in in mecca you had to be 40 years old to
become a sayyid in in the system so the idea of having young
people in leadership positions was very revolutionary for the arabs
uh the prophet empowered young people if you look at at many of his uh closest and earliest companions were
very young they were they were younger than he was i mean many of these people so usama
was also considered amongst these and his son
that was the way the quraish pronounced it that's a tamimi pronunciation in the in the in the in the
which was the of medina is in the language of quraysh so when you hear
varsh in particular there's there's two
so so when you hear you're hearing the the language of quraish was asked which
did he prefer he said
i prefer nafiya and if not then awesome and awesome is
which is what most people learn house and awesome so the the the prophet they said moment
they didn't say men that's benitamim they said [Music]
uh they didn't have uh they had been abandoned [Music]
they didn't say with two hamzas like that they would drop the hamza um so
and then also they had imala there's only imala i think one time in house if i'm not correct
but in in varsh you have imada sora and kobra so you have like
that's all that's the language of the quraish and so
that was mabur so he's
imam he's also called
fulfula i think or yeah so kirk he was a nubian servant he used to look
after the prophet's uh property and guard like a like a uh
uh house guard not or somebody that guards the the house and then zedon
safina is an amazing person safina whose name means ship actually
in a hadith al-haqam relates and it's a sound hadith according to imam ahakam safina was in a shipwreck
and he ended up he he got to shore on a piece of a plank from the boat
and he was completely lost and he went into this rabbah like a forest and this lion came
and savina relates this himself a lion came and safina you know the lion he said
started growling at him like he was hungry and safina said ya assad
you know o lion anna safina to maula rasulillah i'm sathina the maola
of the prophet sallallahu alaihi salaam and he said at that point the lion started wagging his tail
and and then he said you know he he came up and he nudged him and he would move left and right and he
showed him the way to the to the road that safina reports that himself it's one of the miracles of
woman says believe in the aliyah the karamat
al oliyah and whoever negates them negate them so and then he also
safina said that when when the lion took him to
the road he said he saw going as if he was saying goodbye
to me and then he left now there's also a rewa fabita that muawiyah confirmed when
akba bin nathe went to kairowan in tunisia they needed
wood for the to build his uh
in arabic in the arabic language caravan is a as a cafe that's actually on its way back
but erawan is a caravan is a a popular it's a caravan that's carrying
weapons and that's what he named his capital but he needed wood so he went to a forest
this is the same man who is famous in morocco for going into the water in southern morocco he went into the
pacific and he said allah bear witness that if i knew there were people beyond this ocean
meaning native americans he didn't know that there were but they were there he said if i knew there
were people beyond this ocean i would build ships to carry across the ocean to take this message
but actually asked the animals to leave he esta then he said we need this forest
for houses for the muslims and so we're asking you to leave and they said for three days they saw
all the animals leaving the forest literally leaving to go live somewhere else
when he heard that he wanted eyewitnesses to hear that and so that is considered
one of the mutawatar karamat of the tabine it's an amazing narration
so muawiyah affirmed that he also affirmed the cow that spoke muawiyah was very you know these are
important things to to establish also
when he took the soldiers across the the lake with the horses in pursuit of
some people he just said bismuth saves me that and follow me and he went
off and they saw the horse go across the water without sinking these were confirmed karamat of these
people now some people say you know why don't these things happen
anymore well look at us
that's all you need to that's the only answer you need trust me the christians their message
spread by healing if you study the early christians they many and those are mutawata
they would come to places people would have leprosy they would just do laying on the hands and people would be healed many many
people that's how it spread so karamat are the way religions initially spread
because it convinces people once it's established the karamat are not as necessary but they're still
karamat amongst the awliya and and uh you know alhamdulillah the the the
people of allah there there's karamat i mean i've seen from some of my teachers amazing things
more there's kesh what's called kesh which is an unveiling i mean i saw unveilings from
hajj on more than one occasion clear undeniable for me
and other people there's a man in in in jeddah right now staying at sheikh
abdullah binbaya's house i mean i'll tell you one story this is a true story because i witnessed it
his name is muhammad his son is yahya
and and he's the first person that told me about and he told me about his father and his
father is known for this karamat very unusual man
but i was in giro which is a little city in the village nearby kifa and i'd never been
to kieva before and they asked me if i wanted to go to kefa and i said you know there's only one reason i want to go i'd like to see this
man and and they said no he lives in the desert outside and
we don't have time to go there and anyway they convinced me to go just for the trip just to see kefa so i went now this was
before cell phones and there was no electricity none there was no telephones nothing so we got to keefa and they had
to get some photographs and we were in the middle of the town and there was probably about five or six
of us and this man comes up breaks into our little circle we were talking takes my
hand and says you know like good things happen.
and then he said salaam alaikum and then he just left and they all started laughing and i said
what was that they said that's muhammad that's the man you wanted to see so i
mean i saw that myself you know and that's
just uh so these people there were a lot of
miraculous things happen around these people i mean on my bed when the prophet saws got to own my bed
she didn't have any food and and the prophet saw i said and said do you have anything she said well if i had something i would she was
bedouin lady she said if i had something i would give it to you she said we're in bad condition he said
bring the shot and she came and she said he touched the sha and she saw the flesh fill
and then he touched the udder and it filled with milk and then she said when the prophet did
the place he did will do there's a tree in that area and it's still there the tree is
there but it's dry it's it's huge tree it's
dry the she said a the tree that grew from the place he did will do
she said they called it that mubaraka the blessed tree she said nobody ate from the fruit except they
were quenched their thirst and their hunger and if they were sick they got well and she said it was beautiful and more
green and luscious than any tree that they had seen and she said one day they woke up and it
was dry and she said she knew the prophet elijah had died and that was the day that he died that's
on my bed so the miracles of the christian the early christian
they were real miracles i mean i read uh about the you know they have in catholicism and
orthodox tradition it's actually a condition for beatification that your body doesn't
corrupt which we believe that also the the bodies don't uh
the the earth does not eat the the bodies of the the real saints sanctified beings i mean
there's only that are good people saudi but the sanctified beings people in a state of sanctification
the earth doesn't eat their their uh and the habit of quran it doesn't but it's not half of
like somebody that just can recite the quran from beginning to end it's the one that lives the quran because the real meaning
of hafiz is not just to know the letters but to actually it's
lives by it so the but they they did a study of the bodies in
the vatican because in the catacombs they have all these bodies that are in a state of complete preservation
and this was discovery magazine did an article on this because they allowed the scientists to go in some of these bodies were had been
mummified through you know the the process that they do the arabs call it the uh and those were
often the popes would do that just to like a little insurance policy so hoping they'd get
sanctification just in case they were going to rot they had to mummify them but but they there were several that and
one of them was a pre-islamic she's a patron saint a prostitute she was a prostitute that made toba pre-islamic lady the one of the
scientists said it was i was in awe to look at this woman in perfect preservation
and he said you know they explain it by the moisture and it's they're in these catacombs and it preserves the bot
that's how but that's real here many times
the gravediggers here when they dig the thing they find bodies imperfect uh thing i know sheikh mahmoud sawaf one
of the scholars from iraq who came and and during the
the uh the flood where say naham's body was exposed
he saw and i heard this eyewitness and this a man i have no reason to doubt his veracity because he he's one of the
ulama he was in medina and brought in to re-bury the body of hamza and he saw
the body was undefiled and uncorrupted
so and also the musk scent that comes out of many of the graves
i've smelt it in in several different places that's it's real
so these are all signs um for people that are open to them if you're not open to them
allah avails you from them as simple as that you have to be open to the unseen to experience the unseen there's people
that i mean i every time we we've gone to maimuna people come to me is that scent does somebody put that there and it's like no
every time i've gone there it's there so what somebody's gonna go there and
dump thing and it doesn't come it comes only after maghrib this is not in the day times only in the
night time so uh the same with the cave of the prophetic and if you go into the cave
anybody that's ever been there the the the scent that you get when you
first go in is just and and it's it's been recorded in books for centuries i mean somebody's some perfumer is
making a lot of money i guess you know go up there every night
so we it's good to believe in the karamat and not to deny them so that's safina and jasha
is another he was the hady of the prophet the hadith is somebody the arabs say that if you sing to the
camel some say it's from isaj that that the camel is bothered by it he wants to get but the dominant
view is that it's actually it spurs him on out of desire
and um the reason the rajas usually they sing rajas because the rajas imitates
the movement of the camel mustafe mustaferun
that that that beat or rhythm of the rajas that's the meter of rajas that it
imitates the the movement of the camel and so the hadi is the one who sings
has a very nice title for one of his books
the hadi the the singer to the souls
spurring them on it's much better in arabic i apologize spurring them on to the land of joys
of infinite joys so like and that's why traditionally the in
shad was something that was encouraged and jasha was one of the moon shidoon he used to sing for the prophet once he
was singing and his voice was very beautiful kanye shenriful
and he had a beautiful voice and and and the prophet saw i saw him said in one uh
and then another he said yeah and jasha but away done ruden go easy
go easy on the women because their is like a glass bottle it breaks easily
you know how the singers can break glass right that you know some opera singers
can hit pitches so high that it shatters glass that that's what the prophet was indicating
that the hearts are like those glass bottles and and if the singing is too strong
you can really break them and so he he told him that that was what he said to anjasha
and also used to sing for the prophet he once sang and uh and this is in swahili muslim and
when he finished he said the prophet saws
would that you would have allowed us to enjoy him longer o messenger of allah that's in sahih muslim that hadith
the sahaba knew whenever the prophet said rahim to somebody he died shortly thereafter
and and ahmad died in the battle almar said lo matatan abihi al assal
would that you would have allowed us to enjoy him longer o master of now that if you take that outwardly
that's almost like shirk but the meaning the arabs have something called majaz mursal
which is a very important concept in belarus morsal is is is when you attribute
something to the suburb but you understand that it's in reality the musa
the one that is actually doing it so so when when you when you attribute something like you
say the medicine healed me you can say that but only if you understand that it's majaz mursal
like you say i really benefited from that medicine that's majaz morsal if you don't understand that it's shirk
that it's clearly shirk so omar understood that the prophet saw i said was only a
sabbab that it was allah in reality that was the musa bib because he was the prophet doesn't speak
from his own he speaks with the authority of of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allah has
given him that authority to say things that
his command the prophet is commanding he's called a shadow but that's majas mursal he's not really
the shari allah is the shari so the prophet is not the real legislator
but he's still called the shadi allah says but he also says
you guide to a straight path does he guide or doesn't he guide because allah says he doesn't guide
that allah guides him but in you guide he's al-haadi
majjaz it's it's it's not in reality it's not it's majazan so you have to understand
that distinction in the arabic language is very important
um and then uh mid amu mid amu was one of
the mawali of the prophet saw is mesquine on the way back from khaibar
in in wadarkora madam was struck by an arrow from one of the jews that had gotten away
from khaibar and he died and the sahaba said you know bahin bahan oh what good luck
martyrdom and jannah the prophet said you know would that it would be you know
that's a that's not by a long stretch not by a long stretch and then he said
he stole a blanket you know like a type of shawl he stole a shawl that is now
a blanket of fire for him because he took from the rana'm so the prophesy
one of the worst things that you can do is uh is is is uh is steel so he
mid and that was one but inshallah he was a muslim and and we believe that it was you know
a mistake and that's also a proof that even around the best of creation were weak people
i mean one of my favorite hadiths and it is one of my favorite hadiths in al bukhari
about abdullah yulk his name was abdullah some say it's no
iman the jokester abdullah nu iman he used to make the prophesize him laugh
but he used to drink and he had a problem he had a drinking problem in medina and they used to bring him and
he would be punished and the head punishment in medina i mean i read that some lady got a punishment of 500 lashes he's thinking
where's that come from you're not supposed to go over the you know the tazir
is not shouldn't be more than 40 although omar permitted more because so many people were doing bad things during
his time but you know but the lashes during the prophet's time and and in that early period they used to hit
them with palm uh frogs and also with sandals
with sandals so the you know once that some of the
sahaba found a this drunk man in medina and they were going to go get him to bring him to the
prop he ran into al abbas's house and they knocked on the door of al-abbas bass opened it and they and they said
that that we there was a drunk man came in here and abbas said i didn't see anything they wouldn't he
wouldn't let them in so he was actually veiling this man and when they told the prophets and he just
smiled so people don't you know these people had so much mercy in their hearts
they had so much rahma but uh the um allah
when they punished him he came again one of them one of the sahab said allah
may allah curse him he's always being brought to be punished for
drinking and the prophet salallahu said don't
don't curse him because the only thing i know about him is he loves allah and his messenger
and from that the ulama ibrahim said there is nothing more hopeful for the people of kaba'ir
than that hadith because they said that the the mousia does not negate love
the maasiya does not negate love because the ulama say you know they say uh you know
you know you you you uh you claim to love uh you you you disobey god and then you
claim to love god
this is something by analogically it's just unreasonable and then it says
if your love was truly sincere you would obey inn
because the one the lover for towards the one he loves is in a state of obedience
that's that's a complete love that's why the the the mausia does not
negate love of allah and his messenger but the love is not complete love it's not
strong enough to take them away so so mid
inshallah is like that abu lubabata abu hinden abu
isaiah and memona was somebody that was a geria
that he actually offered in marriage and she
she said that she was just too jealous of a by her nature and she would prefer to stay
in the situation she was in uh wakandaman anderson ibrahim
anas was from his three servants ana sivan madison saudi his mother came to the prop when
he was about eight years old and she asked that he take her the prophet he stayed with the prophet
the entire time that the prophet salallahu was in medina so he would have been an adult by the time the prophet saw isaiah died anas uh is
one of the great muhaddithun he relates a lot of hadith he benefited greatly from the prophet he becomes one of the
great scholars of the sahaba he one of the most beautiful things that he relates
is that he said i served the prophet for 10 years and he never said to me if i omitted to do something why didn't you
do it or if i committed something i shouldn't have done why did you do it he never did that
one of the beautiful stories when he was still a little boy the prophet came in and he said
could you go and do this and this in the market and anna said no
the prophet isaiah just says he smiled and then he left the room now
that is so consistent with modern uh you know social science the social
sciences on raising children is pretty phenomenal the things that have been done now and a lot of it's not being used by
people because it stays in places like harvard but
they call that pattern disruption because what children do when they say no is it's they want to see the reaction
they're like testing the waters and so when the prophet smiled it's like he just
didn't give this any reality and then he left the room when he came back he said later a little later he
came back and he said did you go yet anas he said i'm going right now and that's very consistent with modern
social science about children that the best way to get children to do things is not to force them to do things but to use these
you know what one of the techniques is if you want your child to do something give them a choice
because if you just give them one thing they'll say no but if you say look would you rather do this or this is really a hobson's choice
that's what they call it in english hobson's choice yeah there was a man who
used to rent horses and he can say you can have whatever horse you want as long as he's
in the first stall so that was called hobson's choice so in in english literature when you get a
hobson's choice it's no choice at all so that that's uh that was anna's uh
my best friend so it shows you the type of relationship
that the prophet saw and sam had with these people he did not treat them like subordinates
but treat them with great dignity
and also asthma and hind so those are all the servants of the prophet saw israel
any any questions people have
[Music] i don't i haven't heard that before yeah
never heard that that happens though uh saint chris they say saint andrew who
was one of the followers of christ uh came
to somebody in a dream in the second century showed him where his grave was and told him to take his grave
to scotland so he was martyred too on a
on a broken cross which is why that cross the flag of scotland has that so they
the scots believe he's a patron saint of scotland they believe that he was actually taken from palestine all the way to scotland by
somebody who was told to take him to that place
but i haven't heard that [Music]
about the prophet being asharia the the prophet being what shout out the
legislation yeah the legislature yeah there was there's two hadith that i'm aware of
where one the prophet says that if i did not fear difficulty i would make the
siwak muswak and there's another about uh uh
prophecy i'm saying that i thought that breastfeeding while pregnant might be difficult yeah
like he didn't he'd when i read these hadith i i was confused in that did the
prophet have a choice when there was a law and that he would restrict or what allah
yeah no it's a good point the ulama differ about his ishti had you know the
scholars differ about his ishtihad did he make ishiti had or did did he what was was everything
from uh from you know directly but he was mulham everything he did was
through uh you know divine inspiration and and why that when he
passed by the when he first came to medina he hadn't been in an agricultural community and they were
doing what's called t because nahil is male and female so you
have to cross pollinate so when he saw it he it seemed strange to him he just like
that doesn't seem right and he made a comment about it well they didn't do it because messenger of god and and and so they had
a very poor crop that year of dates and when they told the prophesies
and he said you know you know better about your worldly affairs than i do
like you know i was just he was making a comment of istirhab he wasn't making a tashiriya but in that
hadith we learned so much because he was clearly differentiating
between a bada and prophetic practice and then the worldly things
uh ibn khaldoon said that the prophet saw is him was not sent as a doctor of bodies to teach
people medicine and he said his medicine was the medicine of his people
so when the prophet saw isaiah says to do certain things medically these are things that were understood to
be helpful now there's a blessing in that based on
the like ibn josiah says that you will benefit from this medicine
to the degree with which you believe in the prophet sallallahu alaihi salam so the medicine can be efficacious if
somebody has very strong e-man about it but we know that generally about medicine i mean placebo is based on that
and there's amazing things that people get from having a strong belief in medicine we know that
so belief is a good thing but the prophet isaiah was not sent to
teach the world medicine and and that's why you know the idea of
just following the benevole as the only medicine that you practice
is is uh you know it's denying that aspect that the prophet said antum dunyakum you know better
the affairs of your of this world so
but about the the siwac there were certain things the prophet did not he was afraid
that they would be like the terawea he didn't do it he stopped after a few days because he
saw people because he was worried that allah would make them do it binding on them so
there were certain things that he did not want just out of his compassion and mercy for
his ummah but the siwak he was very adamant about using the siwak
some of the sahaba tried to count the number of times he used it in a day he cleaned his teeth several times
during the day um he took very good care of his teeth he had impeccable
you know we would call it oral hygiene he flossed his teeth uh
is the sunnah ibn abi zaid mentions it in the book of the sunan
that it's it's a sunnah to floss the teeth and he used to use a palm fiber
through the teeth and and said that the angels are disturbed by food between a prayer's teeth now we
know now we're just starting to understand the implications of oral hygiene
and systemic diseases even like heart disease and things like this are related
before you go into surgery you know they they want people to have clean mouths
because it's a way of introducing bacteria into the bloodstream and people are more susceptible to certain illnesses
so the prophet i think one of his miracles is his uh just his real concern about people's
oral hygiene washing the mouth after you eat is is an amazing thing especially in a in
an environment where water was not uh readily available but the fact that he
wanted people to wash their mouths after they ate is extraordinary cleaning the mouth
during wudu washing the and using a siwak for wudu if you did we'll do five times a day
which is mandu you would be cleaning your teeth five times a day now you don't have to use the seawack
a toothbrush is fine and that he used a sea waxy whack is actually it's
you know if you have it available like these it's very nice it it's a good uh cleans the teeth and it's
also i mean even now they say you have to you should change your toothbrush uh you know frequently because they
become actual carriers of germs and they can actually infect you as well so um
there's no doubt everything that the prophet saws came that has been established as a sunnah
of him a practice is prophetic and it's wahi we believe that his sunna
is wahi in equal to the quran it just does not have the status of the quran in its legislative power
because the dilala is normally vania and and the urud
is normally vania which means that both its signification and its the the uh
the establishment of it being from the prophet without any doubt is quite hard
to achieve with certainty so the mutawatar hadith is equal to the quran in legislative
power it can abrogate a verse of quran and and but the ahad hadith which are the
majority those have that's where you get the khiraf at the differences of opinion
can you please remind the students about not wasting food
we're in medina the food here you know alhamdulillah i i it was kind of bothering me but then
i just thought subhanallah you know uh you know
who can say the bounties of god that he brought forth for his servants
are haram who can say that you know but before that ayah allah says well
so right before that verse allah says eat and drink but don't do it to an excess because allah does
not like extravagant or wasteful people so the um you know the food's a blessing
alhamdulillah the hotel's a blessing it's all good um but but but just take what you need
and the rest is on them what they do with it that's not your sin but if you take food and and then you
just the plate gets thrown away you did that that's that's that's yours
and wasting is is a really it's not a good thing and people who know i know there's some
people in here whose mothers or their grandmothers they saw them i know this there's some syrian ladies in here are
you syrian do you remember your grandmother right seriously
the even the bread even the hubba of rice you know just even one rice
grain these people were taught that was the way the muslims were
they really were taught that this is you know the blessing and to exalt the
blessing and food is a great blessing we're in a time when there's a cornucopia there's an abundance
in certain parts of the world but not in other parts so you have to remember that there's people that don't have
a lot of food there's people that are actually hungry right now there's people starving right now so you have to keep that in mind that
it's a blessing be grateful for it but just take you know they
we say in english you know my eye was hungrier than my stomach you know sometimes you see all the food you put more on you but just take what
you need if you want more go back for seconds but take what's reasonable i mean when i'm
in medina it's you know you're here in medina so you really have to try
this is you have to observe the sunnah in this city as best you can because we're right next to the prophet
salallahu subhana give us
give us the ability to be good neighbors for the prophesies and while we're here
and insha'allah bless all of you
salaam you

qurrat 9
Benedictions and our lord's honor upon
him we say better
his bodyguard on the day of badr was sad ibn abi walk past
and then muad the son of mua's
and they included two at ahud muhammad ibn muslima and daquan both of them
the prophet saw sam had bodyguards and his his
initially he took bodyguards and then allah after the battle of ahud when he lost his he uh one of his
his his tooth was broken and he he also had ibn kamiya
hit him so hard that the chain mail actually got got into his cheek so one of the
links in the chain mail because they wore a uh the helmet and then the helmet had
the chain mail on the side to protect from blows you've probably seen these in museums so
he hit him so hard uh that and he said take that
you know from even the prophet said and he he ended up also coming
to a bad end so the uh the prophet saw i said after ahad allah
said allah will protect you from the people
at that point he gave up bodyguards he no longer used bodyguards he did not have people guard his house
there were a lot of people don't know there were actually 13 assassination attempts on his life
so you can imagine the type of conditions that they were in
there were attempts at poison there were attempts at
i mean one man came to him he was resting under a tree and he was a one of the arabs
desert arabs he came and he raised up his sword and he said who will protect you now
and he was about to kill him and the prophet said allah and at that point he dropped his sword and just started shaking he couldn't
even and then the prophet picked the sword up and said who will protect you
and the man said be quick and the prophet said you know just go so he let him go
so he he forgave the people that attempted to kill him he forgave all of those people
even the jewish woman that poisoned him he forgave her and in the rewire that
says she was killed she was not killed for the prophesizing but for
one of the sahaba who died from the poison in the riwaya one riwai says that she wasn't killed
that he just forgave her but in the riwaya that says she was it was it was not for him it was for the
other because any huck of his own he forgave people but when it was the huck of others he
did not so always when it was his own right he forgave people but when it was
for others he did not so and then he says
was his protector on the day of al hamduck
said that he took over 70 blows for the prophesied synonym that he was literally jumping to catch
arrows that were coming down so these were like i mean i you know i mentioned this before about the
you know the secret service they do the same thing but they have to be trained like
pavlovian dogs to to go against their nature because it's very
uh difficult for a person self-preservation is is the first law and parents will do it
for children out of excessive love so a parent will jump in front of a car to save the child
but it's it's a it's it's a very uh it just goes against our instincts so
these people were this was like love of a father for the child it's that
sen where the love is greater than the love of self and the arabs the word battle in
arabic is a very interesting word because bataan comes from a word battle you know to be false and so the hero
you know you can you wonder why the arabs when they the words that they use for things
always have root meanings and then the root meanings are usually there's always a
metaphysical principle behind why that word is chosen the word for hero in arabic comes from
falsehood but the reason the bottle is called batal is because
because he's willing to eliminate his ego
his self his own nufs for something greater so the bottle is the one that transcends
himself so he transcends the falsehood of his own self
for something greater and that that's where the idea of battle comes from so these men were true
and you know abdullah binbaya i thought it was very interesting because when one of the boys came in
hani hodges son and his name is hamza and he said oh masha'allah
al-batal you know and then he said star in english he said star
and star and and and then he looked at me and he said you
know star is the prophet isaiah used that term as habika my companions are
like stars and also imam shafi said about imam malik he said
if the scholars are mentioned malik is the star so he was just saying how that modern
word is actually a word that the arabs used to describe the stars but shattanam
big difference between our stars and their stars
were all at the famous battle of khaibar so these men were with the prophet saws but
the prophet at this point was completely unconcerned because allah promised him to allah
is his protection but there were still the sahaba where um
it's it's like abu bakr when he was riding on the camel and swaraka was just behind
him he kept looking back and then he would look at the prophet the prophet was completely relaxed he was
reciting the quran he wasn't bothered by but abu bakr was so nervous and the same
when they were in the cave the prophet sam had complete sakina
because he was in a complete state of trust with allah subhanahu wa he had no doubts
about what he was doing and but the azbab in the world of asbab the azbab for most
of us are overpowering the azbab but when you're in a state of istirach
when you're in a state of complete presence with allah the azbab are almost
comical there's a comical element to them which is why there's something really
quite humorous about the root of existence that that uh
you just can't take things as seriously um as as as people that are still
completely veiled by the azbab so the the prophet saw i sent him had he
was in a complete state of trust uh during all this time
and then he said is the place that on their way to
khaibar on the way back and there were some some of the jews that were had gone out shot at them
and also bilal the the ibrahim
so he the best of creation later abandoned bodyguards after being informed that he was under god's direct
and also the uh the camiliers were al bara
and anja uh as as the chronicles tell us the
he doesn't mention a couple of the other um he had some other
the um
used to sing for him and also his uncle sadama ibn at aqua
the family had good voices they were also part of the um of
the the of the prophet sallallahu alaihi and these were the people that sang during the caravan trips and
is also the brother of malik ibn anas so he's the older brother of malik and
then he also had omar was the younger brother um whose bird the little bird died the nu
and the prophet isaiah visited him and that he said that over 300 different
issues were derived from that hadith of visiting omar for the for for when his bird died
one of them is taziya for pets you know is to actually show condolences
when people's pets die because people have strong connection when we get to the section on the pets
of the prophet sam uh it's it's quite extraordinary that
the the stories about them so the um these were the camiliers of
the prophet who sang for him
to clarify who were the ambassadors of the chosen one to the rulers of the known world prayers and peace of god be
upon him as long as heavenly orbs revolve in their orbits we say
uh the prophet sallallahu alaihi sent amer to the uh the negus of ethiopia
and he that he honored the letter he actually he was on when when the messenger came
he was on a horse he got off down out of respect and the what you see about the negas of ethiopia
is he was a very humble man and um he was a christian so humility is
a christian virtue not always practice but he practiced it and
he read the letter um he placed it on his head he he showed deference to it and
in the this the sound his opinion is that he became muslim and and concealed his faith
and the prophet isaiah actually on their way back from tabuk he got the news that
the najashi had died and he prayed on him and and he prayed on najashi
with according to the three imams but according to imam malik it was not
which is why imam because the proof for that she prayed on najashi that's the
the proof the dele for somebody even though they're not there you do a
funeral prayer but with the monarchy opinion is that it actually was
that the uh najashi was hadha because the angels actually brought his
body before the prophet salla is him so he did not praise sarah so the marriage does not have
for that reason so this is the kidaf amongst the medaheb
and then so he says well mata music
so that is is the the um that the prophet saws and prayed
according to the three imams and according to imamatika radhilanu uh it was
it was there now the the next uh person here which is
was sent to her who's also called hercules in in the english formulation of this
means that he coveted his kingdom uh the the the
knew that the prophet saw islam was a problem when he met with abu sufyan and some of the leaders of
quraysh he asked them about the prophet and he knew there were certain signs
in one riwayah he actually it says that he brought his major
his mela the the notables including the bishops and he asked them what they thought if
if they would accept islam and there was such an outrage they said that they would remove
him from power and at that point he said no no i was just testing you to see how strong your faith was and
so that's the opinion about that he did not become muslim but decha is very
interesting because he he was a very beautiful man and he was the man that the arabs sent
to the kings before in jahalia he was their messenger which is why
according to imam al-jasooz the great moroccan scholar who did his commentary on the shema imam jasooz says
that the reason jibreel came in the form of was because the arabs sent
the most beautiful face to the to the the rulers and the prophet sam was so
much greater than these other rulers but they just were unaware of it so that when he the prophet was asked
about the form that jibril came in he said it was like decha that his
form was like dehyah and that is why according to him jesus that is why um
but he sent uh
and when he went into uh the it's it's quite an extraordinary
story he kisara had a massive uh
carpet that was made of jewels the whole thing and it was when you went into the throne
room so he went in and gave the letter and kisera
who was very arrogant and persian the persian
kings were despotic and also it was they had the divine right
sense they were not like the greeks the greeks were much more they had the idea that the king just is
not all that different to us he's just uh first amongst peers so to
speak that was the the the greek view the hellenistic view but the persian view was the king
was everything and he was very arrogant so when uh the the messenger came in and gave
him the the letter he completely uh showed utter contempt
took the letter ripped it up when the prophesies and heard that he said
may his his dominion be rent asunder because it's it's arrogance and contempt
and the the one thing if you note in in the in the prophet saw is the one thing that was intensely
loathsome to the prophet was contempt and ridicule humiliation
humiliating people that is why the most difficult thing that happened to him
more than ahud more than any other thing was his experience in ba if and he told aisha that was by far the
worst experience what your people did to me your people the arabs what they did to me in life was the most
difficult thing that he had experienced because of the utter contempt he went and the one thing he asked them was just
if you if you don't want to help me please don't let them know that i came here and they
just mocked him they had their servants and the and the the kids throw rocks at him
so it was an incredibly difficult time for him but he he had such an intense sense of human
dignity and not the dignity of the hierarchical dignity
of the world he treated the lowest people with human dignity he treated servants with human
dignity he treated when uh
you know adivanov when he uh when he went his sister told him to go because she
when she was taken prisoner and she the proverb used to pass and she tried to get his attention on the third
day she got his attention and he's he's said who are you and she said i'm the daughter of hata mata
and he said free her because her father loved makaram and akhala her father was an ethical man who loved
virtue and so the prophet freed her just because her father loved virtue
so when she went and met her brother adi who was a tribal chieftain he was a christian also and uh
used to take tax from his people mex she met him because some of the arabs
fled to to syria and the assassina would honor them the
she said to him you should go and meet this man because he's either a king or a prophet
if he's a king you're the son of hatm he's going to honor you if he's a prophet you don't want to be
amongst the people that miss him so when hatham went to see the prophet saw isaiah
he met him and when he told him who he was he took him and they were walking to go to the uh to his house and he
looked at the prophet sam and an old woman came up
and stopped and took the prophet and the prophets listened to her and told her he would
help her and hatham said well i knew he wasn't a king because it just wasn't the behavior of
kings to that anybody could stop him on the road like that and then they went to the house and he said that he gave offered
him a pillow in a very sparse house and then had him the prophet looked at me said
you know maybe you're not responding to my religion maybe there's
some reasons why you're not responding by religion and he said if
if you were a christian why did you take the mix why did you take that tax on your people
because that wasn't and hatim was quite shocked one that he knew that he did that but two that he knew
about the religion that it wasn't right so uh and and then he just told him that uh
you know perhaps you you think because we're poor and impoverished and he said there's gonna be a time when
people it'll be hard to find people that will take charity because there's so much wealth and he
said maybe you think our conditions are difficult he said there's going to be a time when the uh a woman can go out from
syria and go to yemen and not fear anything but the the wolf on the road so the prophet saw
is told him that these things would happen
and adi said that he saw what the prophet
saw is in promised him he also said one of the things that he said was very interesting
is he said that from the day that he became muslim the
the he he never heard the adhan except that he was longing to pray
that was one of the things that he said so the uh kisara got his
his empire was was rent asunder his son ended up
killing him and then his his but what's interesting is his father
when he realized his son was out to get him devised a scheme and had this letter that was poisoned
and and it was like the secrets of the state so when his son saw it he
opened the letter to took the letter and he ended up being poisoned by his own father so
it's an amazing where the father kills the son and the son kills posthumously the father the the father
kills the son and then the sisters take over uh so this this is uh this is all from
that complete disregard for the letter of the prophet isaiah
um that they had and then uh
and he says who through intelligence rose to meet the challenge of meeting
the ruler of egypt you know i mean it's the english is expanded but that's the meaning of it
when hatha got to egypt he he uh mokalkas was in alexandria
and halter went there and they said oh you'll never get a you'll never get a meeting with him it's
too difficult because he was a ruler of the the coptic uh egypt so haathab said
where where where is his residence and they took him and it was all guarded and you couldn't get in but it was on the
ocean so hatha rented a little boat and he went out to where you could see
and he was waving the letter [Laughter] and mulcaukes saw this man out on this
boat waving this letter pointing to the letter and he told them to tell that man bring
him in because he its curiosity killed the cat you see what's that what's he doing
people want to know so that's so the intelligence of the man and this is
one of the yeti he gave you nasser through his victory
but also with these incredible people that he provided you with i mean the prophesizer was given such
incredible people and then he was also had the sagacity and fathana
is one of the four wajibata of the messengers this real brilliance he had the ability to
give the task to the right person and so many things in life fail because people do not know who the right
people are for the situation but he sent health up there and he was able to get
the meeting with mukalkas and then mokokas ended up he was so impressed with
the messenger as well as the message but with the messenger and the messenger this allah sent the
prophet salallahu so the messenger represents the the the one being
the one who's sending and that's why diplomats are so important who you choose to
represent you the um the reason that the saudi
uh alliance with america according to their own history the reason that they're allied with the
us and not with great britain is over the church hall and
and roosevelt because churchill met with him and sean mcsheck met with medical abduraziz and and when
he met with him he had his brandy and his cigar and he actually said to him
churchill said to king abdulaziz and i was very offended by that because
churchill just didn't care but when when roosevelt met with him off jeddah
in in a in a ship roosevelt used to go into the elevator to smoke so as not to bother the king and the
king was told that and he had immense deference for king abdulaziz and that
really impressed king abdulaziz so it we tend to forget the importance
of of these basic courtesies and and who's representing who which is part
of the reason why islam is suffering so greatly is because so many of the people that are speaking
for islam have so little to do with the character of the prophet sallallahu alaihi which
ends up people associate the messenger with the one who's giving the message
it's a disaster so it's very important the duats who your duat are because the duat are
the ambassadors of the prophet salallahu and we'll see in the letter that he sent
in fact i'll just show you here the letter that he sent here
to in the name of god the personal compassion from muhammad the servant of god and his messenger
to hirapal adhimar the great leader of the byzantines
i call you to the invitation of islam aslam
enter into submission and you you become secure and whole yo
god will give you your reward twice because the christians get double the reward they get
because the christians believed in the last prophet sent to humanity before the
prophet sallallahu isaam who's jesus and for some whatever reason
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives these people twice the reward so the people that
enter into islam from christianity have in essence allah has given them some kind of
special status
and if you turn away you have the sin of the irishiyin the irishiyin are the leaders of the
people who are responsible for helping the people
they're the people that like the intellectuals the the the the religious and political
leaders the people that are responsible for the guy guiding of the people so he's being told here if you turn away
you will have the sin which is a much greater sin because the people in leadership when they don't
help the people that what they're taking to account for is not just for their own sins but the sins of all the people they
have betrayed so the prophet saw i said was letting him know and then
oh people of the book come to this common word that we share allah
and we don't associate anything with allah attack and that we don't take
some as lords over others mindunidab from other than god vento
alofa and if they turn away just say we testify that we're in a state of
submission if you're not um and then
that's what it means it's the hakamiya of of the uh the people that we don't that there's no
hakamiya in other than allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that allah has the ultimate authority
in the world and that nobody has that authority other than allah subhanahu wa without it because this is sent to christians and the
christians obviously had tawheed i mean they believe in one
god even though they have a problem with the personas but this
was when ha ha when adebono hadam came to the prophet he asked him specifically
about this verse because he said ya rasulallah we we didn't take them as arab
and the prophet saw i said said did you used to consider permissible what they said was permissible and haram what they
said was haram and he said yes and he says that's how you took them as arbab
so the the that's a very important distinction that the prophet saws
was articulating about christianity because i think a lot of muslims have some real mistaken ideas about
islam's view of christianity the christianity is a
uh they believe in one god they don't believe in three gods they believe in one god
and that's very important because muslims can marry christians and and we can't marry mushrik
so and even though even um said that there's nothing more uh you know
that doesn't have more than to say god's uh one of three so but it's important when
you get into serious christian theology you'll you'll see very clearly that they
do not believe in in corporal that god has a body they don't believe that he has
and that's why the incarnation is is just it's something they don't even know what
it means literally but if you get into their theology it's very clear that they do not believe god is in time
or place or space god is beyond all of those things that's and and anybody's
if you really want to look into that you're it's all available aquinas is very clear on that um
but the trinity is a problem and we definitely do not accept the trinity
and uh and we believe it's a taharif you know that that that's something that
the christians deviated on on their their uh and it's an early debate you know what it
what even what it meant like i was mentioning earlier the like or similar same these are all
problems in their theology so the prophet saw isam
was given gifts by mokaukas he sent him two women who were coptic women sirin
and maria one of them maria tasarabiha the prophet sallallahu alaihi salem took
her as a she becomes um which is a status that um
it's basically the mother of your children because she gave birth to ibrahim so
and uh and then the hatab also he gave him quite he gave him some really nice
clothes and he gave him some gold um but he gave the prophet
gave the prophet sam a gift of considerable amount of wealth he also gave him two uh animals
one was duldul the prophet named duldu which means
porcupine and it was a bakala it was a white very beautiful mule
which is a cross between a mare and a donkey so
and then also he gave me a four which is the the donkey that the prophet sam used to to write and he'll talk about
that when when we get to the section on his animals um so uh
and he gave him a servant who was mentioned earlier
uh and then he sent also to the two rulers
of of oman and oman is
at that time it was also part of yemen so uh like if you look now oman
stretches it's part of the where the emirates meets on that horn and then comes down and
then there's a a very arbitrary line right there in the which is all from british
post-colonial uh period but that region was pretty much one region but it
did have different rulers so the one that had had their own rulers the people of oman
now the people of uman are mainly ibaldiyah which is a a remnant they're not
technically anymore but they are a remnant of the whole adage uh because the the khaladis went to
places that were difficult to get oman is protected by mountain ranges so the khawarij went there and
established their own state there and then also in algeria oddly enough
and and in pockets in iraq and different places but the ibadiya is uh it's now i mean
they're they have a quite uh serious tradition um one of the ibaldi sheikhs
from oman is on the majma al-fakhi and sheikh abdullah told me he is a very
formidable scholar that always when he speaks everybody listens so they do have a
strong tradition there but they're they they they definitely came out of that uh
um tradition so he went to oman and they ended up becoming uh muslim so
he became muslim quite late but he was they called him in
you know that the arabs have something called dahia which is somebody who is almost
too clever for their own good it's somebody who and the arabs use it as a kind of
it's a positive negative term it's one of those you know it's like letting you know
watch out but it's it's it's not necessarily negative because daha is is uh it's it's really from
uh intelligence so ahmedabad was an incredibly intelligent
person and a very appropriate uh messenger to send and uh the the the the rulers of oman
both became uh muslim so and then uh
uh and uh who that who was the ruler there asked the prophet saw isaac to share the
the dominion with him and he said if you'll do that i'll become muslim and he the prophet wrote him a letter
saying dominion is god's it's not mine to share i don't even possess it so the prophet
was not a king sallallahu alaihi and just letting him know this is not about
dominion it's not about so this was the type of idea that this man had and so the prophet saw isaac sent him
that and he ended up refusing uh to become muslim and then also to jordan's ruler
uh uh he this was a man which was in jordan
he sent xuja but who was
the ruler of bahrain he sent and he's also he's a very interesting
sahabi and miracles were recorded about him i mentioned one of them the other day
about the horses going across the lake in pursuit of some persians
so and he was also another very brilliant sahabi and then um
the the prophet allah i said i'm sent to uh to yemen
[Music] and also and
who was one of the the uh the he was a hazaraji uh leader
he he sent him and the beautiful hadith when he sent him uh he told him first call the people to
la ilaha and if they answer then tell them that allah has followed the allah
and then he said if they answer that then tell them that they have zakat of their wealth so the prophet was
teaching prioritization in tawa you know one of the things people do now is like dump it all on people all at
once and they get overwhelmed if you just try to call people to la ilaha illallah
that's the the single most important thing muhammad rasool allah if that was
the focus of the tawa you would get a lot of people becoming muslim but when they think they have to do all these
things just to get in the door then it becomes very difficult so you
want them in the door first and there's plenty of room for bad muslims we've got a house filled with
bad muslims i mean there's so many muslims that don't practice islam but they have mohammed rasool allah and
we believe that as a weighty thing to have particularly in the west
you know muslims because most of you are living in the west muslims really need to lighten up about
islam because one of the things that happens to converts is when they first convert there's a lot of zeal quite often i mean
there's lukewarm converts who convert for other reasons like marriage and things like that i've seen
plenty of lukewarm uh converts but they're converts nonetheless and that's fine lukewarm is better than cold
so the but when you get the the hot they're almost at the boiling point they
can be tipped over quite easily and and what will happen and i've seen
this happen many times because islam is a marathon it's not a sprint
do you know it's a marathon and marathons you have to pace yourself
you know no one will take on this religion in any extreme except he'll become
overwhelmed by it if you try to practice all the sunan right away if you try you can't do it like john mccain said
you can't do it my friend yes we can
so uh but really we can't do it you know the the the i mean i used to
just the the the amount of vicar he did in one day was just so overwhelming for
the whole area to come nobody could do what he could do now he could do it so it means somebody
can do it so you can try but don't get disappointed because
allah gives people different things we visited somebody and was with us and some others you know
somebody who lives in the city and his entire life has just you know been calling to allah
his whole life and he's one of the most beautiful human beings you'll ever meet but all of his children are
salihin all of his grandchildren are saliheen and people wonder about the house like
what's the secret of the house i mean i mean how because every house has dysfunctional
you know and they've got their problems but they're problems like sickness and things like that but when you're with these people they're just
amazing the adeb everything about them he
does not allow any food into the house that he doesn't know about the money that purchased it about
where they purchased it they only get local animals they go they'll only buy from people that they
know pray five times a day in the masjid i mean that's their what the
scrupulousness and people that if you eat their food their food is it's the most amazing food
i've ever eaten really guarantee you the the uh they eat they only cook with wudu
literally they will not cook without wudu they cook with niya of shifa they
read ayato shifa over their food the wife who just died recently may
allah have mercy on her but she used to cook only with zem zom water and and make the intention of shifa
people many times people and i went there many times i had many meals there
people would go who'd just eaten a meal and they they end up going nobody got sick from his food
and and he would make people eat a lot of the food you know to eat so there are reasons why some
people you know scrupulousness is definitely one of the most important things in our
religion the more scrupulous you you have the the more tofiki you're going to have
but the nafs by its very nature is such that your scrupulous could end up becoming an
obsessive compulsive behavior and this is where you see a very big difference between
slaughterhound and between people that just aren't well religion can become a source of real
personal pathology i've seen many people use religious knowledge to go and bang
people over their heads and just make them feel horrible about themselves people use
religious knowledge to uh to just win arguments that's that's all they're interested in
is literally winning the argument they're not they're not interested in getting to the truth they're interested in proving that they
that their position's strong and you're that they know more than you do and they're going to show you and they've got all their dalils and digital
and you know the fastest hadith in in town there's not room enough for the both of
us in this town do you know so there there's a lot of
pathology in religion and in our community and that's why the that's what's so
distinctive about them is that you don't feel that pathology you don't see the ego's
presence in their religious practice or experience but i've seen a lot of really
unwell people and i've been there too i'm i can talk about my own personal
extremism when i first became muslim and partly it was just because like i said the the self by its nature i mean
this is not me it's um who said and siddhi ahmed zarrow
quotes this in the collide that anesthesia
the soul inclines to extremism in both guidance and in deviation that that's the nature
of the nufs is its extremists and i gave a presentation on capitol hill
and that you know there's some some pentagon people there and some of these american politicians and it was about
extremism how do we deal with extremism in islam and my position was look extremism isn't
the problem everybody's extreme we live in one of the most extreme societies in the world
americans are extremists our eating is extreme our music is extreme our houses are
extreme our consumption is extreme our clothes are extreme
there's extremism everywhere if you told people in egypt that we have hot dog
eating contests where americans will eat over a hundred hot dogs they would just find that the most
bizarre thing in the world like how could somebody go to such an extreme
in in my own state there was a water drinking contest that was put on by a radio station
as this promotional thing and a mother of three died because if you drink too much
water you can dilute all of your electrolytes and and you die but
that's extremism so extremism is not the problem and i just said violence is the problem
violence is one manifestation of human extremism but if you're going to deal with violence
you have to address violence on all sides maybe our violence is a little extreme
maybe operation shock and awe is a little extreme i mean destroying
afghanistan going after these little guys living in caves in toro it's a little bit like smashing a mink
voz with a sledgehammer in order to kill a fly that landed on it but this is the type of extremism that
we have on the planet and when you have extreme actions you will have
extreme responses is the nature of the world so extremism is a problem
beware of extremism in the religion the prophet warned us and so and i've seen people go into
psychotic states from doing doing too much dicker i've seen this i guarantee you i have seen this with my
own eyes people that go into psychotic states from doing too much zika if there's counter dikkar and there's
prescription thicker i'm not i'm really mean that there's over-the-counter you could take tylenol
vico you know get rid of headaches all that stuff that's fine but if you want to take hydrocortisone
dicker you know you're going to end up blowing out your kidneys so
it's really important to to know this there's people that start doing uh you know certain asma a lot has not
obsessively over and over again and and you know you can really harm yourself
the the the ik is something that it's a good thing but generally
subhanallah there's certain thickers that are cooling there are certain thickers that are heating these are all sciences
that the muslims have known for long long time i mean there's a science of the letters
the roof themselves you know the letters that are involved in the names the divine names
have powers so it's it's just very important for people to know that the best thing
you can do is
a good thing to do is a good thing to do
prayer on the prophet will never hurt you it will never hurt you pray on the prophet will always be of
benefit there's can't go wrong with that but people
you know start doing and do uh large numbers of things like
that you know you can you you can so you just you have to be careful with all
religion to me is it's a double-edged sword it's very dangerous there's a lot of religious illness
people just aren't well religiously you know and i think you got a glimpse of it at uh today you know
people i mean these are these are places where there should be sukina tranquility so when you see agitation
the ego is present you know when people become agitated in these places then it's you
know it's it's all just the presence of ego
did anybody memorize the prophets eliza adams
fathers nobody
okay let's let's do that we'll do we'll do the
so just repeat after me
all right so what's the meme saying
so that's the that's the first so work on that today
in s
it's very easy
that's the first what's that yeah we'll do the
next group tomorrow you don't want to take on too much
just take on what you can what what you can do any questions
yeah i'm i'm i think that's true but i it's
right he was very beautiful man
um anything uh-huh
yeah i just i mean that argument is kind of a a you know apologetics i think can go too
far the prophet's law i said um it was an immense honor for these women
i mean they were obviously special women and many of the women wanted to marry the prophet many women came and offered
themselves to the prophet saw it is saddam so the prophet isaiah had ample opportunity
to have his choice of women but he didn't he the women that were
that he married or like in maria's case the only uh one that we know that to sarah biha
that these are women that had some special place with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala they're
going to be remembered as long as people worship allah on the earth and people are going to say are saddam
if they mention khadija they're the um they have a special maqaam
the prophet isaiah had a special place for maria because ibrahim are was from her she and the prophet's wives
were beautiful women they were not ugly women they were beautiful women and
they were not all old um they the the women were young women also so i
don't you know the prophesies him he loved women but he loved women you know in the hadith where he
said right i was made to love from your world
and then the the coolness of my eye the thing that gave me the most joy was prayer
if you look at sent sent is is a is a something in the world that reminds
you of the other world that that's why scent is so important in
in our tradition bakur is important incense the prophet liked incense every religious tradition has incense
because beautiful sense remind you of the achara that's why the soul responds
to him that's why we love perfume all these things it's and it's a spiritual thing it's it's literally in
a spiritual medium scent because it's aerialized it's something that moves
into the air the molecules move into the air and then we take it in and it always
it's such a pleasurable experience so scent is the prophet loves scent um there's
there's obviously a sensual aspect to scent but the reality of scent is that it's actually a more spiritual
experience than it is a sensual experience because it's calling the higher self to something and
the same is true for foul sense which is why foul people like
lower sense and there's people that like bad sense i mean it's just a fact so
um and when you get into even decadent cultures a lot of the foods smell bad when you get into very decadent
cuisine the foods have a very uh like children would like
because they're still in that fitrah phase you know children you know they like
macaroni and cheese like really simple fitra food that's why children children don't want caviar they
don't want they don't want all that stuff they just want really simple fitra food when the prophet saws the women you know
it to use the the anderusian you know uh
says that the greatest reflection of the essence of god in the world is
you know for a tajelli in terms of just to jealousy he said was in the woman
because the woman is the creative force in the world the the womb is
so the womb is the it's the source of mercy in the world and the thing that we love most about
god is rahma and so the prophet sam loved the the the shafka of women he loved the
the the fact that they cried easily he loved their natural modesty he loved
those virtuous qualities of women now that does not negate also that he he loved the intimacy of
women the prophet isaiah was somebody he was a man he was a bashar and
and he but they we don't what what we believe is that his experience of things was not
never a low experience it would always be the highest of experiences it would be expressions of gratitude to
allah of experiencing he was in a state of zika so even at those times it would be
the joys that god put into the world that that was his experience
said that after he became muslim he never went to his wife except with the niyyah of a
a great muslim coming from that experience so these people were you know they they
were men they loved women the women were women they loved men they were human beings there's no doubt about
that but we believe about them that they were a group of people kuntum
[Music] and i i prefer there's two readings of
that some kuntum in arabic can be used for de muma you can use can allah
meaning he always will be so the the the past tense of the verb to be is used
for continuity perpetuity but there's also opinion that that specifically refers to that first
community and to me i think that i'm just saying my own that to me that's the soundest
reading to me they're both valid but that they were a chosen group of people
and they were extraordinary and uh the prophet saw i saw him
was their leader and our leaders a lot of them so i think the the women he he definitely there were he
married widows he married um i don't think he married anybody's for like a political reason he was not
machiavellian in that way and i just i think it's a mistake to look at the prophet like that sophia was a
a beautiful woman um and it there's no doubt that having a
a jewish woman be one of the umahat she comes into islam but being there is
binding it's a binding thing it's something that you know will
give muslims pause about and i think that's probably helped contribute to the fact that they
did treat their minority communities with such deference and protected them the jews were protected
people in in muslim history and so there's no doubt that that
sofia added to that to that binding so i think there is those binding
uh things but in the end i really believe is these women were chosen
uh for whatever reasons uh allah subhanahu chose them for and that
they were also a source of soulless uh
and joy for the prophet salallahu salaam i mean they gave him headaches on
occasion too like spouses that that happens in in households and things like that so it's
not like it was always you know but he was very i mean he always handled those things very
uh beautifully and they got they had they had the food fight when
the you know threw food at each other it was very unusual but i mean it happened
you know when they asked about aisha was there anything i mean you know the prophet saws asked
one of the servants in the house was there anything that you could fault her with she said um she used to fall asleep waiting for
the bread to rise and and the goats would come in and eat the bread that was about
all that she could find fault in aisha for like so i'm doing that
from uh i understand that he died six
so yeah no that's right
he died when he was six
okay there was also another on the the sons there was another
uh clarification needed on that
which line was that one
uh no the sons of abu tadib that they were the difference of opinion
about them i think it's at the earlier
it says to saturn
where was that which one
there's one that says eleven the other says nine or ten so i went with the one it's 11. so
that's why for people that know the arabic that's why it says that
there's another reading so one is eleven the other is nine or
so it's either his paternal uncles were numbered as 12 and it is said only 11 were mentioned
and then in this reading and it is said that it was not 9 or 10.
so that's just a different reading of that
uh if you know a convert closely who has recently started to fall into extremist views what can one do about it
well um i'm showing you somebody here who went through that period i mean i
think a lot of us the converts do that especially if you're younger
i mean they said about marmaduke pickthal gandhi gandhi met him and gandhi really
liked him but gandhi said about him he was he was that he was that rare individual that could
could convert to another religion without becoming a complete fanatic
and and i just thought that was such a now the only person i know like that is dr winter because because he was
because i've known him since we both converted like i think i met him the first year i converted and
it was the first cause we converted the same year and he was always just so level-headed and
like whereas you know i was completely insane so i think it's it's just a
it's a process and the best thing that you can try to help
people with on the one hand you don't want to dampen zeal because that zeal is a beautiful thing
and on the other hand you don't want the zeal to turn into zealotry
because that can be very dangerous and people like padilla i mean ibrahim padillo people like that you know it's very
unfortunate you know these these people come into islam and and it's an opportunity to really grow
spiritually and intellectually and and then they get into the wrong group and they can really
uh you know somebody i know met him in jordan and he you know he was just had
some really extreme views about things so i think it's important
to give people good literature um balanced literature
also the the most dangerous thing in islam is a kind of
it's when you really start thinking that you know and everybody else is wrong
that that's just a really dangerous position i mean i'll give you an example yesterday we were in the haram
and there's this man he's from the saddahin in the haram and normally when i come in he's got
like a radar and all he's like the first person i'll always meet
when i come to medina this has been going on for years and it's it's all it's very strange for
me because he literally just zooms right in so anyway yesterday i was i haven't seen him since
i got here it's been like several days and and i said to sheikh abdullah al qaeda i
said supply you know mustafa his radar must be getting weak and and he said why and i said well i've
been here several days and i haven't seen him he said watch out wallahi
two and there were who was there with me frozen was there two i i
it wasn't like uh two minutes he came up and i just said asl for allah it's my
radar is getting weak it's not his radar ana empty nfc
i just i just said asta for allah you know it's just such arrogance you know really it was just total
arrogance from my part you know and then he left he just he's gave us just all he ever does make dua
you know and then he left and said
people of god they scare you you know [Laughter] yeah so it wasn't him it was me
and that's a danger you know because that's enough that's exactly what nufs does you're the special one no you're not the
special one you know they're the special one they're just honoring you
so it's you know that you have to fight that in yourself until you die it's just it's an ongoing
battle with the ego you know because the ego is you know in enough
ego is just it's always compelling you to to uh to evil the ambassador of the pro
would call people to islam by going to leaders and people other countries and said why is this tao not encouraged
anymore in the muslim west well i mean to be fair to imam khamenei
did that right when he got into power he sent letters to all the rulers so if you have
power you can do that for me to send a letter
you know it's probably a little pretentious but you know aslam teslam and
but hamdidah i mean i gave the the people that i've met i've always
given them i actually went through the quran and
like stikum did for all the important verses and i gave that translation to uh to bush
with like all the little stickums you know just because i said i know you're busy but you should definitely read these parts so
a system that the arabs had in jahalia each letter has a numerical equivalent
you know alif [Music] iii so it's it's it's equivalent they
use it for doing like historical uh you know letters
he just didn't consider it a sunnah to do salat and his proof was the prophesism never
did it because the dilil for the is the najashi
and animatic said it wasn't because he was there
in body yeah
she's very late but i mean this is seventh year
so seventh year after hijara
did you have a question
you know we don't imprecate against them you know we don't make any implications
even if they're oppressive imam tahawi says i mean basically the
the nasiah to the kings is the responsibility of the unema and they're supposed to do it in private
for the the common people are supposed to uh basically not speak ill of their
rulers to make dua for them um to ask for their tawfiq and to give
what their what to give them what is due to them
and to if they don't give you what's due to you then that's on them but that if
they don't give you uh your right that does not give you the right to forfeit their right now that's quite
different from you know the modern you know the post-enlightenment period i
mean is a revolutionary period so you have revolutionary political ideas have
pretty much permeated the world now and revolutionary ideas
differ like american revolution is far more conservative than the french revolution or the russian revolution but
revolutionary idea is that you don't wait for freedom cromwell said disobedience to tyrants
is obedience to god that's a very protestant idea so but that's not really i think
which is partly why the muslim world is the way it is as opposed to the west because the west
were able to throw off their rulers but if you look historically far more blood has been shed in the west
in doing that do you see the muslims did not shed the type of blood
i mean we forget how bloody these wars were to to gain these type of political
rights now there's no doubt the basis is liberty is hariyah that people should be free they
should be free but even you know islam has limitations of freedom
and and that's where we differ with with western definitions are not like we
believe in censorship to a certain degree that certain things need to be censored now karl popper
who wrote a book the open society and its enemies and karl popper is considered the doyan
of of those who have defended democratic
liberal democracies if you read karl popper's last interviews
he was calling for censorship because he said he never thought it would get to this
degree of decadence so even somebody like carl popper who
was completely committed to the liberal democratic ideal recognized there's some real problems
here and he felt television was going to be the just the downfall of man
i mean he really believed that and i think there's a strong case for that i mean the the pornography is they had
an interesting in the today's newspaper an interesting little
arabic cartoon which showed this guy in bed with his computer and he's
looking over at his wife and his eyes are bulging out with like you know red veins and
you know my wife said what's that mean you know she's like you know i said well i think it means what it means you know
he's looking at something he shouldn't be looking at but that's a real problem now that somebody brought to me the
statistics from from the google the highest downloads of pornography now are in muslim countries
based on the computer uh you know for people that are using computers
in turkey pakistan egypt you know very high here you know they they they have it's all
restricted i mean if people are very clever i think supposedly you can get around these things but here there's a you just come
to a dead end or something like that that's that's what i've been told so that's a major problem
when we we did a program i mean i read a book by pamela paul called pornified
and i had no idea the extent of this problem i had no idea
and so we invited her up to to the ris and we gave a talk about
pornography and about this problem and
it really was depressing for me because so many women with hijab came up to me afterwards thanking me for doing that
and nobody wants to talk about this and then they start telling me how their husband's addicted to pornography and what do they do and
you know so this is it's a really i mean this this is a very tough time
for humans because the you know and one of the interesting
things i mean just for the men here because you know i mean there's just statistics as a
one of the really interesting things that that i saw in that book is that people that got addicted to
pornography it got worse and worse and they ended up in the even like in pedophilia and things like
normal people that started out there was no but 10 years on average of of
pornography they said leads to just impotence you know that the men just lose they
they can't you know so it's it's a really it's a very sick vile
thing and and it not to mention all the degradation towards the women because most of the women involved in all that
are are abused women and it's very horrible sorted and mafia there's a lot of criminality
and just terrible things so so it's all contra contributing to the kind of lowest aspects of
of the human condition but um you know these are we have real problems that
people just don't want to deal with uh in the community the human community but
in the muslim community we're we're part of the human community statistics shows that we have a lot of
the same statistical levels of social problems that it's not like we're any better we're doing better we're
faring better than the non-muslims i mean even the divorce rates now are starting to become
uh similar to the western divorce rates in certain regions not everywhere but
certain places and divorce rates here are incredibly high i mean there's a lot of women just don't
want to get married anymore and then they have all these different types of marriage they have missionar and now they have uh zawaj al-wanasa
which is like you just it's a kind of friendship marriage and then they have
zawaj and meh judge you know where you can i mean there's just like all these different marriages
that's like if if you don't have a maharam to go on hajj so you just get married with somebody
and then they take you on hajj yeah don't get any ideas
[Music] foreign




Qurrat 13


try i'm gonna really try to get through this material
at least so you have
so he uh he's on the miracles of the prophet isaiah we talked last night about the
miracles um
the israel during his is the israel is is
its mutual in the quran subhanallah
17 sort of quran is by consensus so there's no khiraf the raj
is ahad hadith somebody that rejects the raj is not considered a disbeliever
but it's there's a lot of hadith about it they don't reach muttawattar
but it's been taught which is why if you'll note in the books of apida they
don't really put that in there like imam pahawi and things like that because
the israel is everybody has to believe in the israel but the maharaja is does not reach that
level of certainty about it but there's certainly enough sound hadis
which is why we should all believe in it
the um and then he says
at a place called the sun for the chosen one reversed its course and did so again on the day of the
caravan of quraysh according to the chronicles the prophet saw isam one of the miracles
is that they saw the sun actually come back so it's almost like a reversal
of time that's that's what they experienced and
that happened at least twice and said ali in order to pray the in the
prophet said he was in your service in your allah and so he was able to pray the
asar time also either
another miracle was one of the pagans of of mecca planned and people know that
they met in daru nedwa and they debated and there was a nezhdi sheikh there shaitaan took the form of and
at each point he would reject the suggestions until abu jahl said why don't we take
one member of each tribe because the main problem and it was very difficult to kill people in arabia at that time because if
you killed somebody you had the blood the tribe then would demand satisfaction
and because of that it could lead to trital feuds so it was it wasn't an easy thing
especially somebody uh like the prophesized them even within their own
uh reckoning because the prophet isaiah was from a branch of quraysh and from the
children of so it was not easy but there were 13 assassination attempts on the prophet
saddam he there were several times but this specific time right before the hijrah when he
ali took his place in the bed he came out and he threw dirt and everyone that hit
the dirt actually died at badar so and he said meaning
and and they fell asleep and when they woke up they went in and they found sedna's
also at honain the same thing happened he threw the dust and said and
hunan really the prophesies him almost we could say one honein single-handedly
because everybody was fleeing and the prophesied remained steadfast
he rallied the troops again abu sufyan was holding on to his bhagava
and it was an extraordinary day but again he threw the dust
and in the story of the dove over the cave and the spiders who spun their web while she laid her egg is the most
marvelous of wonders when they went into the uh they had trackers
and the spiders spun a web which if you've ever watched a spider spun a web it takes uh some time for it to
spin the web but the spider spun this huge web over the k i mean this is a big uh if
you've ever been there he spun it over the entire door and then just over the uh
entrance and then just over the cave a hammam a dove made a nest which is again
takes time and then laid the egg so when they came they saw it they just said there's no
there's no people in there and one of them wanted to go in they just said it's a waste of time
that that one he said that that's webb's been there from before the prophesies and was born
you know so the and abu bakr was looking they could see their feet abu bakr was looking he was very nervous
the prophet saw i sent him told him you know don't don't worry allah is with
us so that that in it in and of itself was a great miracle
he was a great tracker offered a hundred camels to find the prophet he went out
some say it was before um says it was after um and
he prefers that opinion both opinions are there but if in parikh he probably talked about that
so surah when he came close to the prophet each time his horse would go into the sand and and he knew the desert
train very well so he knew that that it wasn't normal what was happening he asked the prophet isaiah for uh to give him a man
and he did and then he sent him back and then he becomes muslim at which is where we were after
and so becomes muslim there the prophet told promised him that he would one day wear
the bracelets of kisrah and this occurs in satan omar's uh kid of faith so again the
what what's important for people to remember about these is the majority of these miracles
are not all of them are factual in terms of historical certainty
because they're not mutawattar but there are mutawatar miracles but these are of such sound
bases that the unum have put them in and the reason for that there are far more fantastic stories
that the udama just completely rejected and you'll find these in a lot of the books some of the moalid have
a lot of things that have no historical basis but this is real history these are things
that people witnessed and they saw many of these things that you're hearing like soraka they
tell their own story of what happened and we have several narrations of
different people that heard this from these people so these are very uh strongly documented and the the unimah
of hadith rejected so many hadiths even though they're beautiful hadiths i mean there are many
really stunningly beautiful hadiths but because they could not ascertain their veracity they
simply rejected them like i said about the nasa of the prophet there are many who take the prophet back to abraham
which is a nice thing to do especially when you're you're competing
with the jews for that abrahamic legacy but the prophet saw i'm is
that there they lie who go beyond adnan and so the ulum stop at adnan which is
quite extraordinary and there are many examples of that if if in in our hadith literature
the mu tezilite no scholar could produce a hadith that said
the quran was created because there were just too many mahadithun that could find holes
in these arguments and many many scholars mentions a hadith that was fabricated by
one of the mataki for about the saddle saying that the prophet saws and prayed with his hands at his
side he said i i prayed behind abu bakr umar uthman and ali and they all put their
hands at their side and said his intention might be good but this is not the way truth is established
so the the people of waba were rejected even many of them had good
intentions there's all these uh hadiths that were fabricated about the blessings of
reading quran because people were weren't reading quran as much so some of the
the wild started making up hadees to get people to read
the quran but rejected them they're nice hadith but they're not true
so they just rejected them and so you really have to trust when you study this tradition you you
really start feeling uh a type of intellectual satisfaction with the rigor
that these men and women applied to this tradition there and there were quite a few women in the hadith tradition and as
has been oft mentioned imam shilt and others have said that it's from the
the pride of women that no woman was ever known to fabricate a hadith about the prophet sam
it was it was a man's realm that the women did not fabricate hadees
now he's moving into and this is if you read this poem uh
just as a you know almost devotional thing you get to this point and now he's
beginning so he's actually starting to talk to the prophet sallallahu alaihis and them
and this is aha you know the poet is moving into aha because he was talking in the third
person now he's moved to the first second person
and how the milk flowed when your blessed hand wiped over the udders of the sunriship
when the prophet was outside of mecca and uh at the early period of islam and abdullah bin maser was watching some
of the sheep and the prophet just touched the udder and it filled and he saw this and ibn masood became muslim because of
that that's what why he became muslim so even masaru relates that that he
he saw that and then also in mcdad was with two of his friends
and they were dying of hunger literally they said they were about to pass out they went to the prophet
he took them in and they milked the sheep and they drank till they were full and
then the prophet had some for himself that he put aside for later and and uh
and said that he said he thought he would just call the ansar over
and give them the milk so he decided to drink it himself and he said as soon as he drank it
he regretted it because it was the prophet's milk and he couldn't sleep he started getting
really worried he thought the prophet was going to make du against me and i'll be destroyed and and so he said
the prophecies and came he looked and the bolt was all gone so he raised his hands and my dad said this is it i'm finished he was
really worried and and the prophet said
oh allah feed the one who fed us and give drink to the one who gave drank to us drink to us and and said that the
prophet saw is when he told him what had happened the prophet smiled and he said this is rama
you know his way is rahma it's not the way of so people make mistakes the prophet
forgives people's mistakes and uh and then we'll come in
and how many substances were manifestly transformed by the touch of your blessed hand in the presence of so many
there are many many narrations about this the prophet saw i said uh the uh he mentions
we were there uh and we we saw this ourselves uh the the place where this happened ibn
man when he gave him the the arjuna to go back to his house he told him when you get to
your house there'll be somebody in there and just hit him with this and and it's shape on and he'll leave
and he got there and sure enough there was some somebody in his house and he hit him and and he fled
so that was one of the miracles of the prophet saws
and again the tree stump that was for ibm when you handed it to him and suddenly
it was a sword that happened he he mentions that that the prophet gave him
when his sword broke the prophesize him gave him a stick and right when he put it in his hand it
became a sword uh what um
and it remained with him until the day he was martyred after aiding him in the striking the necks of the enemy
were either the fatter with the father
and also even at ahad who was martyred at ahadi's buried with saydna
hamza he gave him a strip palm branch and it also became a sword when ma'am and
he gave a group of people that were going out on expedition some water and when they opened it to take it they
found that it was milk and cream
[Music] or the time that you after being cooked informed you that it was poison
when after the woman the jewish woman brought the the meat and the prophet bit bit it
but then it it said it was poisoned and he and he spit it out and but one of the sahaba
died the prophet saw i said i'm called the jewish woman said why did you do this she said you were either a liar or a prophet and
i knew that god would protect you if you were a prophet and but if you lied i'd just help
the people get rid of a false prophet so the prophet actually forgave her
for for uh his right and in the rewi that she was killed it was for the other person that she killed
or the time the infant in the cradle testified to your truth some of the yemenis from aliyama came
and one of them had a newborn and and they weren't convinced that the
prophesizer was a prophet and he asked the child manana
and the child said unto muhammad rasulullah you are muhammad the messenger of allah
and that child they called him mubarakal yamama he actually couldn't speak after that
until he he was entering into puberty so he that was the
only thing he said until uh he went into puberty before that but he was called mubarak
so the uh and then what comes uh
and how many inanimate objects or even dumb bees spoke clearly testifying to your truth with clear miracles
the prophets and once picked up some rocks and showed them abu bakr and omar and some
other people there abubakar and omar heard the rocks saying subhanallah tasbih
and the others couldn't hear it another time they heard things saying salaam alaikum to prophesize them
inanimate things the the bub which is weak and this is the beauty of see when
they're weak of the ulama tell you this is a weak hadith they tell you even though it's a
beautiful hadith but it's a weak hadith so they really do
maintain a rigor in in in this discourse so not all the miracles are confirmed
some many of them are weak hadees some of them are mutawatar like the the
the uh the uh hanina nakhla the jeddah in the in the uh in the uh in the masjid went when the uh
the the pillar actually moaned everybody heard it in the whole masjid
that hadith is muttawater it's as factual as any historical event there are so many people narrate that
chain that the unanimous say they couldn't have all been lying about this it just doesn't
make sense when events happen and enough people are there
imam malik says that you know the reason imamatik takes the amal of
the people of medina over single hadis is he says when you have a whole bunch of people
doing something based on ibaddha they there must be a basis for it you can't you can't meaning this not the
the other people so imam matic in medina found all the ulama fasting on friday
as a practice so he'd reject it he didn't reject but he said i'm taking the ahmad because it's
mutawatar over the singular hadis in sahih muslim that say fasting that
neha rasulullah answer that the prophet said don't fast on juma
and imam matic said ibn hormo said if the imam fell out of the minaret on on friday everybody would be talking
about it that things that happen when everybody talks about it means
that there's a basis for it that that something happened so now obviously in the in the time of
mass communication it's very different like today motawato is dangerous because the radio or the
television can put out a lie and uh everybody believes it so that's
that's another thing but that was not the pre-modern world in fact the prophet
i think predicted the internet phenomenon and television in that he said
that the end of time will not come until somebody will say a lie and then he used fa and fa
is is is it means like immediately if you want a
muhle in arabic if you want space between an event then you use thumma but if something
happens immediately like you say you feel
came in and then immediately following zeid
so you don't know which one came in zaid and amer came through the door you know which one came first but if i said
immediately following if i said then there was a space between the one
coming so when the prophet sam said a man will tell a lie at the end of time and it will
immediately reach the horizons of the earth i mean that that is a clear
miracle of the prophet's lies i'm predicting these lies that get click you know you
just push that little button send and suddenly you know a lie has gone from california
to jeddah or something
so and then he says
so he says or the handful of dates that inertia entire armor and after feeding them remained as it was so he
fed a whole army with dates and the dates didn't diminish in number or grow to be even more in fact how much
was distributed for those dates by ibn sakhar even had had the remains and they stayed with
him that he had a pack and it just wouldn't diminish he would give dates from and it kept going it was
until uthman it was taken when they when they took the house of uthman it was one of the things that was
taken and then it the miracle ended
and how many times did you multiply and make the many few and how many times did you restore the dead to life by the
power of allah
and how many trees when you called them came in obedience to the command who was the great wrestler of the
arabian peninsula and and the martial art of the arabs the the the physical martial art was wrestling
they did they they did sword and spear and and uh and archery but the actual
martial art was wrestling and and the prophet saw saddam
the greatest wrestler of the arabian peninsula he'd never been thrown ever and this is a sound hadith asked
him to wrestle him to prove that he was the messenger and the prophet threw him immediately it was the first
time he'd ever been thrown he jumped up immediately and he said do that again
and you know anybody who knows martial arts or has studied martial arts knows that he definitely wanted to see the
technique because he he hadn't been thrown before so he wanted to see it again
because it was so fast that he didn't know what happened now once he did that he said i'll show
you something more wondrous and he called the tree and the tree came and and bowed to the prophet saddam that
he relates that hadith and and he eventually became muslim he actually thought it was magic but he
but he eventually becomes muslim so the prophet saw israel
inanimate things responded to him
or the palm trunk that moan bewailing as mourners do for the dead crying out to you until you received from it
and embraced so the prophet saw i sent him came it received from you and embraced he came in and he and he gave the tree
and embraced and whispered and and told the the it was a dead tree it was a
dead tree trunk he took and the prophet used to give khutbah un under uh right at its side and then
they they built from a mimbar so he moved to the mimbar when he did that the the the trunk was
so sad that the prophet had moved away from it that they could hurt
a moan and and all of the people in the masjid on that friday said that they heard it clearly
moaning and the prophesies him went and embraced it and it stopped moaning and he and he gave it that choice so
that's another one of the clear miracles
and had it not received that embrace it would still be distressed for your sake as long as light appears as if a stranger longing for its home
welcome and how many times did you remove
blindness and waywardness from the eyes and from the hearts until sorry
the eyes could see and the perceptions perceive what consciousness could never conceive of comprehending
will come in
and how many diseases did you heal immediately by simply laying upon your blessed hands
palm laying on of the hands is uh the prophet saws healed like that
we we believe in we believe in laying on the hands the ulna must say that it's not permissible to take a
fee for that like a reward unless the person gets well immediately
because peop people people that have that ability the rookie laying on the hands it has an immediate
effect it's not something otherwise the people just get well naturally i mean many people and uh
the prophet isaiah healed many many people by simply touching them but
indeed even the water flowed in the desert from your palm the prophecies and put his hand in one
pitcher of water and then the other hand and the water came out and the whole
army was able to drink and do wudu and then
or the time when you prayed and it rained for a week and then it stopped when you requested clear skies one of the
better one came and said everything's dying the animals it was a
drought so the prophet prayed for rain they said they saw the clouds form immediately during the rain
prayer and then it rained so heavily and then he came back a week later
everything's it's too much rain and so he prayed to to stop it i was here in
in uh jeddah and they were telling me how when they used to do the rain prayer here when they were kids
back in the 60s and 50s and 60s they they said that they used to cancel
the school because it used to rain literally and the keys the kid these who
are now men in their 50s and 60s told me that they remember that whenever they did the rain prayer
the rain would come and he said now they just do it over and over and it doesn't come
so um you know because rain prayer you need toba it's like a
the whole community has to make toba and you know you turn out the cloak you know it's like revealing yourself to
god so you actually turn the cloak inside out it's like i'm bearing my soul to my lord and
asking forgiveness and in maliki matthab
mentions that the christians come out with their you bring all the christians and the jews out
to also and the animals you bring the animals out for the rain prayer and and it says even the christians can
come out with their crosses and things so it's it's a it's a collective toba
of the community asking for rain because people forget what a blessing rain is and when it's withheld
you can destroy earth i mean earth if if it loses rain the topsoil can dry in
droughts and just literally turn into dust bowls and that's happened many many times so rain is a great blessing people
should never curse rain but the prophet saw i said if he prayed
for rain it came woman
and those you prayed against or prayed for they received in both cases whatever you requested the prophesim rarely prayed against
people but he did on rare occasion he said i wasn't sent
to curse people it's a hyperbolic in other words there are people that he did curse
the the people that killed the uh the quran reciters that he sent who went
into riddha the prophet sent them the prophet hated treachery and when you look
hiyana has the severest punishments that's why adultery is such an odious crime in islam because it's a
type of hijana it's a treachery of your spouse if you commit adultery you've you know
it's a complete betrayal of that sacred bond so whenever there's hijana you will find
islam is very harsh because the highest quality of human beings is is
is its sincerity and truthfulness those are the highest
qualities so whenever people are you know it's it's it's the most odious
type of thing i mean i that's the thing i hate most in people dishonesty
you know just there's nothing worse than dishonesty it's just you know it's always and
always be where people say to be honest you know to be honest because then you
know they weren't honest before right now mudarat is part of the deen so
that's that's not dishonesty it's something else mentions that when the man visited the
prophet saw light he said and he was very nice to him he smiled and when he left he said
you know what a wretched man and aisha said you know
why why did you why were you so nice to him and he said charoness
you know he said the worst people are the people that you fear they're
evil you know that that that uh those are the worst type of people that you you you
treat them well out of fear of their evil and said the prophet did not have nif what
he was actually doing he said was hoping still for the islam of the person so he was treating him well but he was
and he said it wasn't riba because he was also warning about the person you know to
watch out for that person so it's permissible to do that to warn people things like that but uh dishonesty is a
horrible thing
and how many of unseen matters did you prophesy in each manifesto just as you described and foretold
many instances of that many i mean even the quraysh when they would have their secret meetings the prophet would know
what happened in them and and you know there are times when they said well nobody knew that
and they would become muslim from that many examples of that also the honey when his wives conspired and you know who
told you that and who's telling him everything
so the prophet saws many examples of of knowledge of the
of what happened now when you say the prophet you know nobody knows the unseen except allah
that's true but that's a totality of the unseen the prophet has knowledge of the unseen that's why imam abu sadi
when he says from amongst your knowledge his knowledge of the law and the prophet
isaiah told us about the so he has knowledge of the without him we wouldn't know about the
pen and the tablet so the prophet salallahu does not
you know he he's a human being but allah shows to him
you know he he only reveals from the those who he's pleased to reveal that to
and this is what kasp is also the the karamat of the odia there are people that
get unveilings themselves but the nobody knows all of the
nobody knows all of the right but portions of the can be unveiled to uh prophets and and to
people also so the prophet said things from the unseen faculty
and every possessor of knowledge and everyone of wisdom draws from you with the exception of the merciful so
this is the im dad of the prophet saw isaac that the prophet said
you know i'm the one that distributes but god is
the one that gives so the method of the prophet salam is he's a distributor of of allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala's sakura in reality so the prophet salallahu
has a spiritual medal for his ummah for his people that allah has given him
and that that's what he's he's referring to
having said all this how many miracles that cannot be enumerated with uh with finitude you were granted
nor were the nor could they be counted
so praise be to god alone who has given you what no other no one other than you has received
now the chapter concerning the death of the prophet sallallahu israel
his death may the benedictions of his lord be upon him his family and companions
so the chosen one died in the 11th year uh 10 and 1 11 there ai
in the 11th year of his hijarah his age was 63 lunar years sod is 60.
the moroccans have a difference about sin and sod with the easterners but sad is generally 60
so in the moroccan enumeration it it'll differ in the eastern
enumeration on the abjadia and then jim there is is three
so his age was 63 lunar years alan according to the most acceptable report
of he died in the mid-morning time on the
same day he was born so he died on the 12th of arabia it's the time he made he made hijra at the beginning of but he
arrived in medina on the 12th of so that day is a very blessed day
there's no doubt about it um the the the the uh
imam sharisi has a fatwa in the that it's it it is by far the greatest
day even more than the leila but that most of the ulamas say to on that one
that don't you know but there there are many um that wrote fatwas in the book of topeat that i studied uh
of ibn abi makara which is the moroccan book of orology the sacred science of time keeping like
learning how to tell that the shadows and and the days of the year
the star rising so that you can keep calendrical sacred time he he just states that it's
like ijma that there's no gilaf about it that the day he was born is the best day uh in in ever in the
history of uh the world so that that uh
uh that's that that's how it's presented in in uh in those you know medieval texts the
later text in the early period i think i i haven't seen any of that but that's that's
what the later scholars uh make mention of well allah subhanahu wa knows best but
there's no doubt it's a blessed day and
the chosen one was given a choice to remain in this abode to at dubai allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told the angel
to give him this choice i mean obviously the prophet isaiah is going to choose but it's a
with the messenger of allah sallallahu alaihi to give him that choice because the angel seizing death is a very intense thing
and so the angel took permission from the prophet sallallahu alaihi and the angel of death doesn't do that
with anybody so it was the the he was given that choice
so he chose instead to meet his lord benedictions upon him how exalted his station was
his final illness lasted 14 days dal is four years 10 and he was buried
on wednesday in the evening later
his companions were stunned when he died it was a major trauma to the community
and none of them was as steadfast as abu bakr and the prophet's pleasing uncle abbas
and then abu the best of them delivered his famous speech the pro abu bakr went in
just to ascertain that he had died
and you were pure both in life and in death and then he went out and said his famous
khutbah telling the people you know whoever worshipped the prophet muhammad
whoever worshiped muhammad muhammad has died and whoever worships allah you know the living god who never dies
so it was a very very difficult time
allah and with his words he was able to strengthen and resolve al haddar also
came the this is a narration that you know some of the utama say that
he remains on the earth like ilyas is there's a giraffe about ilias also
elijah you find that in the gospel when when when they the they ask
john the baptist are you elijah because the jews believe that elijah
still walks the earth is it said that he drank from the the
the fountain of youth which is where ponce de leon heard these stories from the muslims and went to
florida looking for the you know the story for americans who know that history ponce de leon was a spanish
one of the explorers and he'd he'd read about this story of the fountain of youth in the
muslim tradition that there's a a fountain that if you drink from it
you won't die until the end of time and al-khadar was according to one
tradition was a scout in the army of suriman was sent to get
this some water and he found that water and drank from it and when he got back to tell them he
couldn't find where it was after that so allah that's mentioned many of the saudi king have mentioned
that about al-khadar about meeting with al-qaeda allah it's something that ulama debate about
but uh is definitely in the camp of those who
say that he walks the earth
and the chosen one's body was prepared and washed while still clothed and those who performed the right among
his companions were abbas uh
another so the family of the prophet saws are the ones who who washed him obviously the shia have
an alternative narrative about this that while the these people were busy fighting over
the family was in taking care of the prophet so they have a different version of the
events the position of the ahra sunnah is that the fidafa was such a momentous event it
was a farb kifaya on the ummah and the danger so
when you have triaging in medicine like in the emergency room you have what's called triaging
if a person comes in with a hemorrhage uh and another person's got a headache you don't start taking the guy with the
headaches blood pressure because he was there first you treat the the one with the hemorrhage
so this is what the sahaba were doing the abu bakr al-mar and they were concerned
about the split of the community and so that that was their immediate concern was to hold together
the community and and the the family was taking care of the
the the the father kephaya of of washing the prophet isaiah and preparing him for his funeral
and usama and it's been mentioned that evan khali also was present
and the problem was shrouded in garments all
three were white they rolled him sallallahu islam in these garments
that that's also you'll get into khiraf about that i'm the mataki's it's a madup to have a imam when when you're
buried um and no shirt
they were not stitched according to the sound text
but they were laid out as coverings and he was wrapped in them benedictions of god upon him
most and for the chosen one they prepared in
his grave a red blanket laid out without doubt so
it's it's interesting read there there are many uh uh people are tired huh
people that are really slouching if you could just kind of sit up it's
i know like modern university everybody's kind of falling asleep and slouching and do they
do that in your class yeah and the foot yeah
hannah walks when he had like people that just he
didn't feel like were real students he'd just stretch out and kind of stick his feet out
like he'd you know if you're going to do that with him he'll do it with you
my father told him once he went saw robert frost at when he was a university student and
he said frost came in he said that he was my father was sitting up front there was a student that was just like
completely just almost asleep like laying in the chair
and he said frost just looked down he said sit up young man and he said like he just bolted up in
his seat and my father said the rest of the elect you know he he was reciting poems that night but he just said he was just
the whole time he was just like that and that's it used to be like that in you know
people had that type don't think america was always tattoos and t-shirts seriously you know
you couldn't get into an ivy league college without a coat and a tie
uh you couldn't i mean the prep school i went to we had to wear suit and tie just a class very very
uh based on edeb towards the teachers and so those things used to be even part of
western tradition but we're certainly we want to see those maintained in our own uh tradition just out of respect it's
not even so much the teachers respect for the the subject matter more than anything
and that's what we're really respecting they said that in the prophet's majesty
that in his majesty it was as if birds were perched on their heads that's how the wakara and the sukina and the
stillness the prophet saw i saw him his religion is adeb the whole thing is
adam and if you lose adap you've lost everything eddeb is the base and i would recommend
everybody reading his book secularism because
he really i think more than any other modern critic of
the islamic community he to him it is loss of adeb that is the
single crisis of the muslim ummah and adam if you understand the implications of adab of
courtesy in fact the french author who wrote that book on the little book of virtues which is a
modern study of virtue theory his first chapter is courtesy that
that's the basis of all virtue is adeb it's it's not the end-all
because you know if you have a courteous nazi uh you know he's still a nazi like you
can have a nazi with good edeb but he's still a nazi and you know if a cannibal eats you with a fork and knife
and using proper table manners he's still a cannibal but adap is the basis of
of of
it's the basis of civilization which is why commerce is so important in islam
9 10 of all provision is in commerce the prophet was a merchant if there was a better job on this earth
the prophet would have done that but he was a merchant allah made him a merchant abu bakr was a merchant
merchants are the best i mean you know when we when we just dealt with this manager here he
he he had adapt because he i mean inshallah he's a deep but he also
wants your business if you notice you lose business when you when you're not good to people
like if you mistreat people so the beauty of tijara is it inculcates good adeb in people it teaches people
good at what they call customer service in america they teach people to treat their customers right my
brother who's a lawyer he's an expert in osha the osha laws which are
are the um laws of that deal with uh workplace you know accidents and
sicknesses and things um but but he he told me he was at a conference where
one of the lawyers gave a talk they were all doctors and he gave a talk about how that they have shown statistically that
people that have good bedside manner and treat their patients well
the rates of of malpractice cases against them are much lower than doctors that have bad bedside
medicine so they were just arguing from look it's a benefit to you financially to
treat your patients well i mean you know it's sad that that's why you do things but
that is the reality of treating people well if you treat them with basic basic
dignity and and these things they respond in turn uh with goodness so
it's it's uh adab is is really a a beautiful
thing and it's the pro nobody had better adab than the prophet elijah anyway this was
all about the red red is a the the message of the prophet used to be red
the the ottomans maintained that red the the inside the kaaba was also red
it's now green the the al used green but before that it was actually red
rumi has some beautiful lines about red and the power of red the effect that red has on us
it's it's a it's an extraordinary color it's the beginning of the you know red is the first as you move up
in the uh in the uh color spectrum red is where everything begins it's the
opening uh and then violet is the highest
and the prophecy if you actually take red vibration and violet and
and then you know add them together divide them by two you get green so green is that middle it's a perfectly
balanced color it's also the first color that's seen the green flash at dawn
and it's the last color right before the sun goes the green flash at sunset so green the dome and
chlorophyll i mean to that to me the dome is it's like this is the
spiritual chlorophyll this is where all the like the radiation the noor
that the prophet saw is it's like the radiate this divine radiation comes into this
place and then it's the transformation the spiritual transformation and then this it just goes and radiates throughout the
world you know the prophet saw i sent him it's like he is that he is the chlorophyll of our souls
he's that thing that transforms human being that you know he he is what allah put
into the world to be that transformative force that enables people
themselves to go through that alchemical process from lead to gold from
from worthlessness to to great worth i mean the prophet isaiah the spiritual presence of
of of the prophet isaiah is immense and people unfortunately who deny it or deprive
from it completely but it's real it's real the prophet salam is real
and and his his his spiritual uh power is real uh
he's he's he's a sub he's not worshipped the prophet saw isaiah is a means but he is the means by which allah
subhanahu ta'ala has given people guidance and it and it's just such a great gift to be in his city
um to me it's like if you watch that masjid five times a day it's like it's like the lungs you go in
like uh oxygen deprived cells and then you get you go in you get
and then you come back out and it's just like that and then prophet sam also said that
that the iman would go back to medina like snakes go to their hole and iman
is one of the meanings of iman is prayer because the the imamatic said that in
the quran it says that allah does not will not cause your your iman to be lost that when the qibla
got switched all the prayers they prayed to jerusalem allah counted them so the iman is
a meaning of prayer but it's like the prayer is like that now it goes into the masjid and goes out
and if you watched it from above it'd be like snakes going into the into the into the hole you know so
medina now the city is just for prayer like the original city now
is covered by this masjid the city of the prophet now is is the
the masjid covers the whole city that was once there so now it's it's just prayer
so literally it's now that's what the city is like in the end of time it's just prayers amen
that just keeps going back and forth five times a day it's just it's amazing
at the time in the pure land two gravediggers prepared graves one used an open grave dug straight down
the the and the other a grave with a place carved out of the bottom
of the the the grave for the body to be inserted the lahad so you have the and the with
the two types of grave so the the the the
if if you went down dug straight down was the shock and the other one had a carve so you
went down here's the grave and then at the bottom you had it carved out so you'd put the body under
they used the shuck if this the soil was soft and so so it didn't collapse on itself
and they used the lad if the soil was hard and could take it as a way of putting the body and then
they would put the lebena the the stones along that like a so it was
it was what now they call it like a green uh funeral where they don't use uh it's
starting to become popular in the west um so where they don't you they just put
you directly into the soil so that's what they they did with the prophet sallallahu alaihi sinam now what they did is
is they the uh the uh
they waited to see who would come the the shack digger or the lad digger
and because it was the lahadiger who came first they they knew that was the way that the prophet was
meant to be buried because he didn't give them a wasaya so so he was he was placed like that
into the grave and nine rock slabs were there to cover
him vibheti was in the house of aisha the prophet
aisha saw in a dream that three moons would come down onto her lap
and she went to abu bakr who was a great interpreter of dreams and she said that she saw three moons fall onto her
lap in her room and the prophet saw ladies
the three best people in the world would be buried in your room and then when the prophet sam died abu
bakr al-dilani said that's the first one and so the prophet sallallahu alaihi sam was buried in
in aisha's room which is where where we visit at the wajiha and then when
sadiq died he was buried there and then omar when he was wounded
she was hoping that she would be buried there aisha
so when when omar was assassinated he
was dying and he asked if he could be buried there
so aisha gave her place to say no more
so benedictions and peace of our lord be upon him and his family and companions those celestial stars
asmahl this is the last section um
on his names you know one thing about the death of the prophet isaiah is it's the greatest moseva of
the community the the presence of the prophet saw he
said my life is good for you but my death is
also good for you he said
you do things and things are revealed to explain what you've done so had the prophesize him stayed the
rules would become so much that we couldn't take it we couldn't do everything because there
would be clarification about everything whereas because it's been left for ishtihad
there's room for people that's why the prophet i said there's so few things that are
clear cut in his sharia because it gives room for people the prophet isaiah did not bring this
statute book of laws the quran has very few
most of the quran is a vaniyat because it's giving room for people to breathe so the prophet saw isaiah his
death was a great tribulation one of the sahabayat when all of her family was killed
and all she was concerned about was the prophet sam and she just wanted to see him to make sure and they told no
your father died your husband died your son died she she just wanted to see the messenger
of his thought when she saw him she said every calamity after you is
insignificant every calamity after you is insignificant um that
that's the love that these people had for the prophet saw i said him so his his presence was such an immense and
great blessing
know that amongst you is the messenger of allah and so one of the great blessings of this ummah
is that we know where he is the christians don't have jesus the jews don't have moses but we have
the prophet isaiah we have him here and we know where he is
and and uh it's just a great sustenance for this community to have the messenger
of allah to salaam uh still amongst us here the prophesizing is here we can visit him we
can give him wherever you are on this planet the the prophet said that anybody who says an angel
will deliver him that message and in the reward it says that
allah returns my soul to me and so i returned the salaam to him imam
asiyothi said that does not mean that his ruach is coming in and out of his body what it means is
that the istikh that he's in in the presence of his lord that his consciousness comes back
that portion of his consciousness comes back to be aware of that person so he goes from jama to farc he goes
from the presence of of the divine presence and unity to the realm of differentiation so that
he actually can differentiate and he also one of banani said you know people say how
could the prophet be giving salam to everybody you know individually like
one person you can only give and he said the sun is one source but
its rays are hitting everybody so the i mean now we have computers with
a push of a button you can send out a uh an email to millions of people
and is a computer less conscious than the messenger of allah i mean we're
only using a small portion of of our
of our in intelligence and intellect so
people people don't give god his full measure and they
certainly don't give god's creation its full measure so the prophet of allah is
don't use your ps from this dunya the akhirah is very different from the
dunya and the abilities in the much greater than the abilities in the dunya
so so he says
he was the most beautiful of humanity the most complete and outward form and ethical character
in shabbat s
you've made a mistake if you likened him to the full moon and this is many many
people have likened him amongst the poets he's saying you made a mistake
in splendor or deemed him like the ocean phil judy almathal tohu bizahari fitarafin
this is responding to imam at bolsadi's lines about the prophet saw ism so he's saying
you made a mistake imam bulsadi with all respect he's not like the moon he's not like
the ocean and generosity he's not like flowers and fineness he's not like time in its determination
fee him a
even if you inverse these statements and said they were like him it is still a mistake in my opinion
utter nonsense
what has the full moon in relation to his cheek how can time compare to his loyalty
how can the ocean compare to his hands liberality what comparison do flowers have to his
gentle disposition the prophet isaiah the dunya is finite the prophet
is is going to help determine people's people's eternity i mean he's making intercession
on our behalf for our eternity
[Music] no i swear by the one who granted him every adornment that there is no one similar to him in
the entire universe
and onlookers have never seen the likes of him how sweet he is how radiant his form
was stephanie no i swear by the one who adorned him with every beauty in meaning
and image i make no exception
he has names and attributes that have elevated him above all the rest of humanity
so tell me o man above men in beauty and be attitude most perfect what then
can those who praise him hope to achieve with their tongues even if they carried on for all time
especially after god's praise of you in the quran when you were described as being one who is vast
and magnanimous in character
may the benedictions and prayers of god be upon you and upon the family and companions those celestial lights
for as long as sinners seek refuge in the ancient house and the remorseful seek refuge at your sublime port
yarum nima yordika seeking forgiveness and success
in whatever pleases you most honorable of those who have smiled
i have wronged my soul and come hoping at your door for forgiveness oh you who is sought now
by all of humanity on that calamitous day be my intercessor and give sanctuary for this fearful one
this is the prophet isaiah in in in surah nisa allah says
for allah had they only when they wronged
themselves come to you and ask for gifts of god and you asked forgiveness for them they would have
found god merciful and forgiving that there's no
differentiation despite what the some of the people who reject shafara
have said that it applies to him in life there's no indication in the verse that it applies only in life the eye is
one of the great scholars amongst the tabernin even kathia relates in his tafsir and
makes no incar of the reward the reward is related
by many of the great scholars none of them made inquire of the riwaya when the
bedouin came to the prophet salallahu and alaini said he stood before the door
and he said ya rasulullah he said and then he recited that verse and he said
i have come to you seeking your intercession and this rewi is related by all the
great udama uh who who who who some that i mention and many that i have
not mentioned they related none of them making call of it and had there been something wrong had it been shirked they
would have clearly said you know none of them did that even
tamiya rejected that that's fine but with all respect to even tamiya these other scholars
uh are our great scholars and and that is the dominant opinion of the scholars
so this is what he is in he's in the uh the tradition of the the dominant tradition of the sunni
scholars of islam uh and uh
the the the lines that that arab said are to this day on the prophets you can see the poems
uh the the lines there are there on the pillars in the wajihab
whose bones are buried in the earth and because of you the earth was made pure by
your bones
my soul is a is a is a is a ransom for the
the tomb that you are in in it is
jude in it is generosity in it is his purity and uh and also uh in
it is knowledge and action so that that is is why he's he's doing that
because this is uh what muslims have been doing for centuries
with uh and the first to reject it was ibn taymiyyah so it's really a seventh century
uh sheikh said said it's a 7th century innovation that's the opinion of sheikh abdullah bin bayya
and many many of the modern scholars that have looked at it if you analyze the two positions
uh the the the position for intercession is so much stronger than the other position
that's what my teachers taught me it's what it's what adeno
in sha allah
do not forsake me to myself and grant me sanctuary and for my father mother and family from all the hardships of that
great tomorrow
so he says it is with your rank and saturday i seek refuge my master whoever seeks refuge through it for
guidance is guided by your noble rank or best of prophets as long as the desires achieve
their wildest dreams my object of desire at your door is forgiveness from allah clemency success and divine pleasure
radwan of allah not to mention security on the day of terror from allah as well as an acceptance and victory
from the beloved and arrival so what joyous congratulations are in
order for the one you accept and what calamitous hardships are in store for the one you reject
but far be it for one of such mercy and charity to turn away someone hoping for forgiveness from god
for the servant truth has none other than his divine master so now he's making it clear you're a sabab we have none other than
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when whether he draws him near through bounty or distances him justly
uh mawlana in either of the two cases we
have no choice but to go to the door of our master for to whom else can we go yarabi
oh my lord god mandelhalke
our lord who can help the perishing drowning one for he has none other than you alone
as a gentle companion so this is very clear that he's what he's saying here the
prophet saws is a suburb in reality it's only allah which is why even in the dua
allahumma fiya o allah make him intercede for me was
and make me also an intercessor for for myself make me worthy of being accepted in my
prayer just as he is worthy of that so my lord save him from the blazing
inferno mustafa by the rank of the chosen one the one
who guides that buzz sababia by the sabab on the day of judgment everybody is
going to be forced to recognize his intercession they'll go to adam why don't they just go straight to god
go straight to god they go to adam adam says nafsi nafsi i can't do
anything for you they go to nua nafsin fc they go to
isa al-assad never seen every prophet rejects them this is not their maqam and then they go
to the prophet sallallahu alaihi that's what he said this is my maqam and
then goes to allah does says
make intercession and intercession is granted this is the great intercession
of of eternity for people uh their eternal reality and that's the
one with allah gives him the permission and he makes intercession and then when his
intercession is done other people from zuma get intercession the martyrs get intercession
the uluma get intercession the righteous people people get to intercede and this is all to sharif
allah needs no asbab but this is the sunnah of allah in his creation
the also on the o qiyamah allah
does not judge by his knowledge if aqua is on the way to the makkah to his work and he sees a man
murder a man and then the man's brought to to his court he cannot testify
in court the khadi cannot judge him he can be a witness but he cannot judge
him the quality is not permitted in islamic law to judge with his knowledge he can't do
it why because allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala made it his sunnah that he will not
judge with his knowledge allah knows everything but on yom kiyama the witnesses come in
your hands testify your feet testify your neighbors testify all those
it's going to be a court of justice it's not going to be god saying i know what you did now go to hell no everybody's going to
come they're all going to testify you're going to have your day in court it's all going to be very clear what are you going to be begging
mercy you don't want justice you want mercy but if you don't want mercy for other
people don't expect mercy from god on the day of judgment if you don't want mercy for other people
if you want you know be just with these people be jealous ya allah be just with these people give
them what they deserve i hear people saying that although allah
none of you believes until you want for others what you want for yourself well what do you want for yourself just ask
yourselves that question what do you want for yourself you want justice you can have justice that's what
the world is it's all people getting what they deserve wallahi it's just a place where
everybody's getting what they do
had a lot taken people to account there wouldn't be one creature walking this earth so
this is this is the day when the prophet salallahu this is his day
we only sent you as a mercy to all the world this is the day when that mercy is going to be so manifest
to everyone the mercy of the messenger on that day and he is the suburb he is the mushaf he's the pericle the
paraclete is the advocate the intercessor greek parakletos the the intercessor he is the
intercessor he is he is the the chosen intercessor allah has given
him that macam and the the the prophet isaiah said that the people that deny my intercession will not be given my
intercession on yama qiyamah they won't be given it the people that deny his intercession won't be given his
oh my lord tell me who can this derelict broken servant both transgressing in wrongs and neglectful
rights imprisoned by his own desires oh my lord by the rank of the chosen one
set me straight be my protector
by his essence protect me from the agonizing flames of fire be abdul oh my lord here's a humble
servant who has come to you seeking sanctuary mustache and
interceding through the one who came with good news
for his own safety and that of his brothers family all of them by the rank of ah the chosen one yaseen bin abdi
of the the one who has the kalib and the najib i'm supplicating oh my lord
respond to me
by the rank of the s save me for you our god the best of
those who save.
by the way remove from me every disease oh my lord
bill hashemi [Music]
by the rank of al-hashemian muhammad oh my lord grant me success and make
straight my crookedness
by the rank of ahmed and mukhtar the best of messengers oh my lord forgive me and rectify my
actions by the rank of the prophet of mercy the mukapha oh my lord grant me the grace
that i was given that i was promised
because by the rank of the prophet of tawba al-mahi the the remover of of
of wrongs and evils removed from my heart everything other than your love that it might be contented
by the rank of each and every name among his names i beseech you oh my teacher of these names
so please my master do not destroy my hopes that i have in you and my good opinion of you
answer my plea because o mercy to all the world surely
i beseeched and sought aid through you against everything that depresses me
o compassionate and merciful one you are more worthy of my soul than myself so take it
and keep it as a pledge from me
i do not even want to redeem my pledge or would that one could obtain another's essence
having said this i admit my wrongdoing in pledging my soul it is as it is not mine to pledge o
possessor of all the essences
so graciously grant this sinner aziz
forgiveness grace and atonement
and bestow your prayers o my lord upon this chosen one
he was his family and righteous companions
finally the verses of the eyes delight are complete through the aid of the guide the glorious the forgiving
at the outset of the blessed month of his illustrious birth the most exalted of humanity our prophet
the abode of the chosen one upon him the prayers in honor of our
lord amen
and upon his family and companions and whoever follows well his path among any of the god's creatures
any sins that we've done in this city forgive us we've been here a long time now
and we forget where we are so forgive any wrong actions in this
anything that we've done against you
anything that we looked at that we should not have looked at anything that we thought that we should not have thought
in this place that you made pure allah
please accept all of our intentions here ya allah
keep our hearts united strengthen our religion take us back to our homes safe and sound
sha allah find our family in the best of health yeah
shall i give us love of the prophet sallallahu and the ability to follow his deed
[Music] me