Qurrat al-Absar - Discerning the Eyes Delight

Transcript Details

Event Name: Qurrat al-Absar - Discerning the Eyes Delight
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/24/2022 8:13:08 AM
Transcript Version: 2

Transcript Text

me and he wasn't able
to complete it sickness comes many things can prevent people from finishing the work
that they start so he's asking a lot for help in finishing this at the outset
may allah help him finish it and he did he was able to finish it so that's a blessing from allah
and i seek divine benefit for the one who narrates it and and the one from whom it is narrated i
wish he added than the mutarjim but inshallah it gets included you know the one who translates it
you know it's one of the great things about these people
is these people were great really they were they were big sadichin
and their dua was mustajab and they would often make dua for the people that read their works
siri khalil's work is like that he made a for anybody that reads it part of it or
the whole thing that allah would give him openings and they say that nobody reads that book
except they'll have an opening from god in in his reading the same is true for the resale of ibn abizerwani
and and he made that dua while he was making tawaf of the kaaba
that they would have uh mal wealth knowledge
and deen and piety and siri zarooq in his commentary says this has been
tried and proven true many times tried many times and proven true so when he makes this
dua you should realize that he's making it for us you know he's saying
you know the i seek divine benefit nepha that we benefit from the one who narrates it and from
the one from whom it is narrated by the inestable rank of the chosen
upon him the purest of the creator's blessings upon his family and rice's companion so that's the introduction the
scholars in the mukha will tend to praise allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and then explain what they
they're planning on doing and why they did it so he's done that and fulfilled that quite succinctly the first chapter that
he has is on the neseb of the prophet now lineage is very important and the
yesterday and the day before talked about the five universals in our religion the so what what were
they that he said yesterday religion dean
life nephs intellect property and nessa and some
will add erd as a sixth human dignity but most put it in the
neseb that it's part of the idea of nasib so nessa is one of the
things that islam came to preserve the way that nasa is preserved
you know don't don't go near fornication because it's a foul thing
it leads to a bad road so xena is prohibited to protect lineage
the knowledge of your parents and your grandparents is very
important there's a hadith
you know knowledge of lineage is a knowledge that is not necessarily beneficial and its
ignorance does not harm you the owner must say that that statement
is for people that delve too deeply into something like that but to have knowledge of your lineage is
very important to know who your relatives are to know who your aunts and uncles are and your cousins
these are all people of your argham to know where you came from to know who your people are those are very important things in islam
and historically in human communities knowing who your ancestors were is
important and one of the things that distinguishes blue bloods in the west
and uh and and other people is simply that they know their grandparents that's that's all uh
helen keller said every popper has a a king in in his past and every king has a pauper in his
past you know that the human family if you go back you're going to find that
you probably had great people in your line and then you probably had people that were not so great the the prophet's
elijah all of his ancestors were amazing allah preserved his lineage
he was he there was no fornication nobody not any of his ancestors committed
adultery or fornication they were prevented from that so knowing the lineage of the
prophet the least that you have to know about him is that he is
a nabil hashemi you have to know that he is a hashemite
and that that's considered a wajib to know that he's from mecca that he's a hashemite and
he's qureshi but the odom also consider it good to know his actual lineage back to adnan to
ismail and islam that it's a good thing to know so he says
an elucidation of the lineage of the chosen prophet blessings in honor of his lord upon him follows
the preferred ones lineage is preserved up to adnan by consensus of the virtue of scholars
the prophet saws that if he would trace his lineage he
would not go past adnan um imamatic was asked about
the uh the some of the people of lineage that used to give the lineage of the prophet back to abraham
and some even back to adam and he said you know who taught them that because
lola is if it wasn't for having an island
anybody could say whatever they wanted so when you're dealing with history when
you're dealing with facts you have to substantiate those facts or else you're dealing with something else
opinion if it's grounded in something real and and other than that just simply
nonsense uh or mythology mythology is not necessarily nonsense mythology
um is is i mean in many ways quranic stories in
the proper use of the word mythology are mythologies so
in in but people associate mythology with uh something that's not real that's not what mythology mythos is what's
before history is what we don't have access to um so
so knowing having knowledge of the opi the uh of the uh
of anything is based on having that uh sound authority upon which it is stated
and and in the case of the lineage of the prophet sallallahu alaihi who said we can't go beyond
adnan now what's interesting about this to me and i really believe this is one of the proofs
that you should feel comfortable with the knowledge we know the prophet goes
back to abraham but because there was not any certainty in that lineage
that uluma refused to do that and that should i think strengthen your belief in the signs of islam that the the names
of these uh men who and women who transmitted the hadith of the prophet salam this was
a rigorous science and they they they were very very
scrupulous about what they said
let me now indicate the ascendant's names with an abbreviated letter for each one so this is his
uh ishara ma in shaheen
kahman so this is a way it's a what they call a
mnemonic device uh to remember the prophet sallallahu isaac's
so if you if you uh if you memorize that then each one of those stands for one of
the names so the meme is for the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi
is for abdullah abdullah is
he's also called abu ahmed muhammad sallallahu alaihi salaam abdullah is
the he was the son of sheba
and he he was the the youngest of the sons the
tenth son and we know that when he discovered the well of zamzam he
made an oath that if allah gave him ten children he would sacrifice one of them and so he when he made this oath
obviously he might not have been thinking that it would actually happen but he did have ten sons and abdullah
was the one he liked the most and he was sleeping in the ka'ba once in
outside in the in the hijab ismail and he had a dream and and he heard in the dream of
you know fulfill your your vow and he woke up very troubled by that and
so he went and he sacrificed some animals and then he saw another dream where you
said fulfill your vow and so he's he sacrificed a a sheep and then a cow and then a camel
and then it still wasn't enough and then he said what what what is more than that and he
said your son like you promised so he he got his sons together
and you have to remember the herodotus the greek historian said of all people no one takes their
vows and owes more serious than the arabs so even
even the greeks uh recognize that about the arab the er the word for the arab
i mean modern arabs you know it's it's another situation i mean even
like you know for some time now okay it's just human uh decay generally we're all like that
but these arabs were really they were people that the word was
everything if you gave your word you did not break your word and
that was such an important concept to them to be trustworthy and the prophet saw i sent
him took this very seriously that's why he was al amin he waited for a man once who made
an appointment with him he waited three days and the man didn't show up and then when
the man saw him he said i've been waiting for you for three days the man had forgotten
but the prophet sam didn't forget so when he made this vow that he would
sacrifice one of his sons he took it very seriously and so he brought his sons together and
they threw the quran which is casting lots to see and this is very
this is biblical it's very ancient thing i mean i said earlier about
you know people have different ways of making sense of things and
when when you don't have revelation when you're divorced from revelation
humans come up with ways of doing that that are meaningful and and that's why these these type
things shouldn't be taken lightly you you can laugh at them and think they're superstitious but there are ways that people help
navigate the world and these are ways that um allah
has obviously inspired people to do that because they're human things they're
things that humans do and that's why when revelation comes it's such a great gift
so when you see people throwing the i ching like if you have friends that throw the ai ching and things like that don't don't don't
laugh at them or think that it's it's ridiculous there that you just feel blessed that you
don't have to do that you can do istikhara you know just be grateful for the gift
that you've been given because it's just such an immense gift but they're still trying to work through
with whatever means that they find so people do things astrology all these different things that people do
try to make sense of it but this is what abdullah was doing he was using the means that
they had available to try to make sense of this and they cast a lot well who did they go to
abdullah so again this is divine even the casting of the lots there was a
spiritual significance because abdullah was chosen and and he was the
the father of the prophet salallahu now when he did this the quraysh came and
they said no you can't do this why can't we do why can't i do they said if you do this it will become a sunnah
of the arabs because was such an extraordinary person amongst eric
he was an amazing man sheba he first of all he had gray hair as a
young man according to the dominant opinion of why he was called shayba which is interesting so he's born with
gray hairs and this was a man of immense dignity he
he fed not just people but he used to go up into the mountains and feed the wild animals and he was known for that so he
was actually somebody who took care of the animals and he he was called the feeder of the birds so
he was somebody that had and that comes from a kindness he um was the person that they used to
whenever there was drought they would go to sheba and and and he they said he was muslim
his prayer was answered because they said he would go and pray and the rain would come so that the arab saw this from the
prophet's grandfather so they said no let's ask the kahina so
they they went to a kahinan in medina and again this is what they had available
to to their there wasn't a prophet there to tell them what to do so they went to the kahina and what did
she say she said and these were often old women like almost like witches
in the uh the the pagan tradition of europe um all old women and the witches were
not evil uh in the european pagan truth they become evil because of christianity when
christianity comes they they make everything before them
look evil if you go in america you have all these sites that are called like devil's
peak and you know and you wonder why like like i live next to mount diablo right
mount the out of the devil's mountain well i want to know why it was because it bothered me i'm living next to the devil's mountain i want to know
why it's called mount diablo well lo and behold it was a sacred place
for the alone indians so when the catholic spanish came
they called it mount diablo and associated what was sacred to the the indigenous
people associated evil with it because it was part of their indigenous religion
so that was very common but so th these were like witches in that sense
they they were they were uh older women that had um some
intuitive qualities like people have sixth sense that people some people have this more than other people
um and and uh you know there's people that that uh have gut feelings about things
so that these were people that that had that they had these ability to um to to do this and that's why they
were beneficial to the arabs and theirs benefited from them the prophet sam his revelation nullifies any of that
so and and it's in the api that we don't seek advice from a kahin or or an araf
and the prophet rejected that so that but they go to this uh woman and she says what's the dia how
what's your blood writ and they said ten camels and she and she said take ten camels cast the uh the arrows of divination
and if it goes to abdullah then adam ten more cast again until it goes
to the uh the camels so they did that and each time he threw the arrows
it went to the camels until they got to a hundred camels at that point it went to uh
to the camels but he wasn't shayba wasn't satisfied so he did it
three times and and three consecutive times it went and and and so it became a hundred camels
which is the dia of the muslims that's the diya of the muslim for for the people of camels not from not
for people of wealth but for bedouin people the diya is a hundred camels so that that is what um
that is abdullah and so he's called and somebody once called the prophet yah
ibn at the behane o son of the two sacrifices
he smiled and uh who was with him asked him what does that mean
and he said abdullah and isma'il my my two fathers and that that hadith which is some of
the scholars considered weak um
there's a hilar about ismail and and and ishaq and and it's a strong hilar
uh aziz as you will see down the road uh says that the the was actually ishaq
and that was the opinion of many of the early scholars including imam ali
which is pretty significant because imam ali is babal so it's not something muslims should get
hung up on especially in interfaith dialogue i've seen so many like interfaith dialogue where the muslims say no it was ismail
and there's the rabbi like and it's why make that
uh you know this bone of contention when the giraffe is there
imam siyoti says tawakov you know we should just be silent about it
adam which one it was but most of the later scholars inclined towards ismail and some got to
the point where they just rejected the other opinion entirely and that's that's what's really wrong is where you
you don't even acknowledge that this was once a highly debated issue so um
so that that is uh abdullah and then shaiba which is the uh
sheikh al-hamdu was born and raised in medina
so he's actually from his father hashem was a a merchant
and he used to go to syria and and he he fell in love with a woman from benin
married her and promised them that if she became pregnant he would bring her back
to medina and so she went with him to mecca she became pregnant he took her to medina
and then left her there and he went to gaza and he died uh in in palestine and
um and then she gave birth to sheba in medina and then he
brought him back and he was his uncle now if if you notice
he's the brother of hashem when when matalop came with shayba he was riding
on the back of the camel and he was very disheveled and they thought he was the
servant of mother so they called them abdulmut and it became a it became
it stuck with him as a as a kind of nickname so hashem is the next one
there uh and and he is the father of shaiva
he was also an incredible very generous man all of his ancestors were noted for
generosity they were also noted for being very beautiful there's even a riwaya that hashem was so
beautiful that they used to just beg him to marry their daughters and and uh
because the arabs had great consideration for good faces uh they they um leadership i mean
this also is again it's social psychology we study psycho social psychology why why some people
are chosen over other people um but he was very very handsome
and he uh his father was abdulmanath
and abdul manaf is the the ninth grandfather of imam shafi so like shaykh abdullah who is an akili
so she
so they are related by their uh by uh abdul
is the the grandfather of imam sheve the ninth grandfather imam shafi and i i don't know how many sheikh
abdullah could tell you how many would go back to abdomen but he's related so they joined at abdomen
imam imam shafiri and sheikh abdullah so they have a shared ancestor now all
of us at some point join because i mean there's people in here that are even cousins that don't even know it
seriously you know they're they're i mean we're all cousins in that we're from adam and hawa but there's people even after that that
you you don't even know that you're actually related to them so and then you have
kosai jose was jose was the uh he's the one that
that conquered in essence mecca from jose he is he is really the binding force of
the quraysh he was a merchant he traveled he was one of these
great men and they were all extremely proud of him and then you have kilab
another and then kinana
it's like huh and then ralib
and then what's the malik yeah malik and then another
and then the calf kinana
and then modal is very important because modar and are the brothers of nizar
and mother and rabia are the ancestors of all of the adnani arabs
today so the adnanis are divided into modar and rabia
the mother arabs are mostly the western arabs the arabs are the eastern arabs so the
arabs of like qatar they're benutamin the arabs of bahrain anazah the arabs of the
nez like these are all arabia arabs the arabs of the imran are from
himyam so they are most of the arabs of iraq are rabia
they're adnanis but they're from rabia so and then you get the arabs in jordan
you're going to get both so these these modar is very important then and
then nizar and then mad and then adnan now mad is also an
interesting character
he was a very ascetic person uh he was somebody that used to walk barefoot and uh and he was noted for the
asceticism so omar said be like mad you know don't be a one of these
um prada people you know
and then adan is is the adnan is the uh he's the ancestor
of all of these uh non arabs so that's a you know this is an overview
of the uh the lineage of the prophet salallahu and and why it's important because you can
see how all of these arabs are related and they all share these ties and these are very
important because the arab people are tribal people and if the prophet isaiah is sent to the
arabs first before the extended tribe of beni adam he's sent to to bani adnan and benik first
because allah told him you know
you know warn your ashira the the near relative so he was told first to warn
his own people and then it's also dikkar uh who
you know this is a reminder for you and your people your who are the arabs so
these are the first people that the message is sent to and that's why the lineage is important because it ties
the prophet sam to all of these different tribes
so again we've already discussed that now to mention sheba who dug the well of zemzim causing
the quraysh to attempt to stop him so he made an oath and there's an amazing story when when
they agreed to go to another kahina to arbitrate whether or not he would
have the rights to the well or the rest of quraish so they set out on this journey and they
got to a point where there was no water and he he's the man they always
ask advice for so they said what do we do they told them to dig ditches and get in
the ditches and just wait for death and so they they do this but then he
goes out and makes a dua and the rain comes and then he brings a brain as they say
you can have the well they never went to the kahina so
sheba is uh he's very interesting
yes so he made this oath that if god granted him ten sons who would protect him from vile
transgressors in haran he would sacrifice one of them as a
means of gaining proximity but when he wished to fulfill the oath
qurais refused it
so they they said sent him to heber to take council from the city soo sayer
who commanded anesthetic to cast lots between the camel and the
sun if the lords went to the sun when he threw them
was to increase the camels by ten and throw again
until the lots fell to the camels
then he was to sacrifice the camels and know that the boy's lord was content that they were in his stead so be aware
of this you know know this he's reminding us to have knowledge of this
he then did as he was told until the number of camels reached 100 and he finally sacrificed them
but only after casting three times to ensure they fell again upon the mature high humped camels
and so the prophet's father was ransomed for a hundred camels his ransom from certain death uh canada
um thus it became the indemnity in his
community for any believer as a just recompense for wrongful death
so there's opinions different regarding the other sacrifice the second one but most scholars consider ishaq to be
the one and this is the most reliable so that's his position and i think for a lot of modern muslim i
mean who in here had ever heard that there was even a difference of opinion
okay that's pretty good where did you hear that
that's not fair you know people you know i just it
amazes me that the muslims are so adamant about this point and it's you know and it's such a
divisive thing between us and the jews because it's really saying the jews are just you know liars
you know which is it's just not a good premise to begin a dialogue with a group of people
there's no doubt some of the jews did things but we also have liars in our tradition we have people that
fabricated hadith and they were muslims i mean people forget that every tradition has bad people and
people that do things but it doesn't make a blanket statement about the whole group the quran says you know among them are
believers so you just you have to be careful about things like that anyway so that's that's uh he considers ishaq
like i said the later ulama generally say it is
a fatwa in his howie and he he ends it by just saying you know the best thing is not to and i
asked you know abdullah about it because when you read sorry
who's the uncle of the prophet sallallahu alaihi sam the brother of when you read about abu talib
it's just it's amazing what he did for the prophet saw is in him and he his love for the prophet he stood by the
prophet he you know and some of the ulamas say that he was muslim
melanin one of the great mortality scholars wrote a book arguing that he was there is a tradition
that says al abbas heard him say the shahada on the death bed but the prophet didn't hear it
so the prophet said i didn't hear him so he couldn't testify for two witnesses
that he was muslim the hadith it's in the sahih that he said that he's
the least of people punished that's ahad hadith and akita our belief is
not something that you can establish with solitary narrations which is very important to
understand this even temiya and the uh you know in the selfie tradition
they do establish akita with ahad and that's why they they have a lot of points of
dissension with the asha and the maturity these are khilaf issues now part of the
problem is is that when you have people that don't accept then it's you there's no dialogue
there's no debate about it but we our our tradition demands that we
accept if there's a khilaf about an issue then you can't say this or that it's not
mujmale so i asked she just said he's
for him i don't want to say either or but his position is ahad do not
establish akita and to say somebody's in hell is you know with any certainty is very dangerous so to say about it was
in hell is just something muslim should not even if the hadith is it's it's a ahad hadith and it's a
matter of akida and so you know be very careful about
these things because
allah says that the prophet loved abu talib the prophet isaiah loved abu talib that
that ayah came down about abu talib that you do not guide who you love
allah guides whomever he pleases so you know the best position is allah but and people that say the
prophet's parents are in the fire i mean said people should be whipped that do
that that was his opinion and you can have there's a hadith which is
your father and my father are in the fire that's a sound hadith again it's hadith first and foremost and second
what did the prophet mean by his father he could have meant his uncle
because the arabs say father for uncle uh when when bahira asked
the the the uh uh the uh who's his father he said anna
he said he said anna i i'm his father and he said it it doesn't seem that his
father should be alive he said i'm his uncle but he wasn't lying when he said his f that he was his father because the arabs
called the uncle the father so those type things are you know
they're just better left alone but our belief is that the prophet's parents are saved
that's the dominant opinion that they're saved they're people of the between messengers
and and they didn't and then there's a weak hadith that champs mentions that allah actually
when the prophet visited he was allowed to visit his mother and that allah actually raised them from
the dead and they believed him it's a weak hadith but he he says you know that he doesn't have
a problem believing it someday you know so again it's api then
so you can't establish anything with it that's a dominant opinion and then he says
another group of scholars state it was in fact ismail and each opinion has its own strong proofs
each group has their proofs
the third opinion is from as a judge is to desist from speculation so follow the straight path free of
yeah some say you see the the ishq there is that the prophets their fathers
are not mushrikun like none of the prophet's fathers were mushrikun even abdulrah was not a mushrik
he he was a moahed um he always called on allah he didn't call on the idols
so that's in ishkaw some of them say that that he was his uncle but he called him his father hello adam
any other questions
under islamic rule that aren't muslim protected people minorities they're protected minorities
anything else
it's a book of malik
some say he's hud some say he's the son of hud is the southern arab the the ancestor of
all the southern arabs but the prophet saw israel ismail
married the from the jarahima the jor hamaites the jor hom were from
so the prophet isaiah has cachani ancestors on his maternal side
do you see yeah but see the arabs i mentioned the arabs on
the first talk the arabs are three and uh the arabs that are gone like
these arabs are gone they they existed like many people disappear there's people that just they're gone from the
face of the earth they're gone and then there's that
are the arabs they're the the pure arabs the the yemenis yemenite arabs and and
they're basically in the south and in the north like the lakme assassina beno
these are the and they're called so they're the arabs of
the and then the third arabs are the arab they are the arabs that became arab
these are the the children of isma'il ismail had uh 12 children but the two that have the
the the the the the answer says sorry uh abra uh ibrahim uh
had uh ismail had nabet and kaidaar all right
and then from from all these uh come come uh the arabs the prophet
isaiah is from pedal he's mentioned in the bible kedar and
then the other nanis are from nabbit
all right so the uh the um the prophet sallallahu alaihi
salaam is is the adnanis learned ismail learned arab from ya'rob
who was a jerhamide was a pathani he taught ismail arabic and then the adnanis who are the sons of
ismail divide into two categories
are the western arabs all these arabs that are in the western you know
all these uh the how as in benue these are all from motar and then you
have the eastern abduce all those in the eastern
as so they're they're from the other the from rabia
all right is that clear now
adnan is from qaidar yeah and then benue
are the ansar and they're from kahlan who was the brother of himyar so
there are the dominant opinion
and so the prophet has ahwad from the pakhan in banu najar for instance there are
pani's anything else
oh all right
the story of life yeah we went we went uh he gave a better well he
related to abdullah i was amazed that he remembered stuff i didn't remember
we spent a whole day working on the translating that dua and then when we when we finished we
were just going to go to the masjid to read it and we went we were with another person
and uh this bedouin he wasn't a bad one but he's pretty gruff
uh arab quraishi and uh and he uh you know he asked where we
were from and then he knew me from the tv program so he just he he said we had to come to
his house there was no way that we could leave without coming to the house and having
coffee and then he said no in fact i want you to have dinner sleep over have breakfast and then you
can go you're free and we were like we can't we have to get back we have things to do and we hadn't
read the duan we didn't want to we came here to read the duan that that could cause problems
so he just kept he would not stop
and the ones people was whether he was getting so constricted and he's like
really upset and you know just like get out of here leave us alone you know
because he was following us we'd we so finally got in the car we drove away we came back we're looking around
afraid he was gonna show up but you know the the one the president willie said we should
make duane the two mountains and i you know i
i just said it's just so amazing it's like like we we didn't have any patience with
with a man who all he wanted to do was like honor us and the prophetalize him came here and the people were like
throwing rocks at him and doing all those horrible things and what patience he showed them it's
just it's just amazing humans you know the uh he was just being generous and he
and he bothered us to the point where we were really upset and the prophet i said they they were so
cruel and and uh horrible and yet he was praying for them
and had no rancor in his heart it was just a lesson about that for us
so is one considered from al-bait if they're just related from the maternal side also of someone's name someone from
al-beto they consider to be al-bait are there are there special responsibilities for al-bait
the maternal side is not technically you know there's a strange paradox
because on the one hand it's matrilineal in that all of al bait goes through fatima
on the other hand after fatima it's patrilineal so um there is a hilar
about about that but the dominant opinion is that the the al-bait and the reason that it's
important is because of zakat but there's no doubt that if somebody's maternal side is
from the asharaf that they have that shut off i mean there's no doubt about that but they're not sharif in that they can't
take they can take zakat so it's different so the alibaba i mean
obviously the albeit have a responsibility there's no doubt about that
everybody has a responsibility but the albeit what tends to happen with the albeit is
that if they do not really have a strong bend
towards the dean they get a lot of tribulations and even when they have the
bend they get a lot of tribulations the the prophet saw is
you know sort of uh
that the divine and eternal will is uh there's a ta'alok
is an attribute when it associates with something in the world um
so that allah wants to purify that debate so that that's going to happen so people that have shut off often have
a lot of tribulations that other people don't have um you see that in their families and
things like that and you know dunya is i mean people want things to be
everything to be happy in the world the world is not it's what sheikh abdullah was saying the other day this is not a happy place it
wasn't designed to be a happy place if you're happy in it consider yourself incredibly fortunate
but the best thing to do is to be happy in spite of it because your happiness should be with with allah
you know the the saeed man i mean if if you're if you're happy with
god then nothing can get you down or depress you or do those things but
it's a place of tribulation abu fateh fahani wrote a book called
which is all just about the massacres of the albeit i mean if you read history you can't
believe what was done to them it's just hard to fathom it's hard to understand how people could have done that to the
family of the prophet who believed in islam but it was all political it was all out of fear that
that and they also had a shabia with the people because the iman was so strong and these people
were they were you know they were direct i mean even like today if you meet
somebody who's you know like three
generations ago he's the grandson of george bernard shaw or something you're kind of it's interesting like you
know aisha gray henry who's a friend of mine you know her her direct
i think it's her eighth grandfather is patrick henry you know and to me that's like wow
patrick henry because patrick henry to me is an amazing person like somebody that
americans who know american history uh you know he's one of the great heroes of
the uh he really started the revolution i mean in all fairness to him so uh so if
you know if people get excited about somebody being related to somebody great think about how these people felt about
people that were three or four generations from the prophet salla islam like idris or abdullah
or muhammad zakiyah i mean these were people that and they were beautiful people they were eloquent people they were very well
educated they knew the dean and they were pious people so the
the people gathered around them that i mean habib and jeffrey is a good example of that he has a shabia that's amazing i mean i was with
him we were in in san jose in the airport the true story there were several people
with us bassador dayani and some other people and there was some mexican people you
know who knows illegals or but but they couldn't speak english but they were sweeping you know working
in the airport sweeping and we came in habib ali we were taking them to the plane
and they saw habib ali and they literally like these three mexicans just like and they put down their thing
and they came and they kneeled i swear to god i saw this with my own eyes they kneeled and went down on their
knees and said uh
nosotros you know could could he please pray for us
i saw that with my own eyes so that's the power of that debate you know
i mean that's just something from god i you know i you can't make things like that up
and that's what would happen they would go to indonesia and all those people would come and just say you know pray for us
i mean that's what happened that's how they spread the religion in all those places muriadris went to morocco and all these
berbers just gathered around him and and wanted to
do whatever he wanted them to do so the albeit and still do not all of them and their
people but the righteous ones the pious ones they they have a power
there's no doubt about that i mean we're not shia i mean i'm not maybe some of you are but i'm not yet um
you know the the shia have a you know they have another view
altogether uh of of the al-bait but
the truth lies somewhere between the two like the the sunnah with the exception of the
mahariba and the and the yemenis there's some jaffa often i mean that's probably not fair the
sudanese or the egyptians but but you'll find there's there's often not the same type of consideration
that people have for the debate like in morocco i mean the al bait have abused it also because
a lot of people don't even want to hear it because unfortunately some of the albeit used that as as a
means of gaining the the goodness of other people but they were poor their circumstances
so there was abuse of that power as well because again they're human beings they're human beings they have good and
they have bad but siri ahmed zarok said that your attitude towards them should be your attitude towards the children of
your teacher that sometimes you have to scold them and but you do it out of love you don't
do it out of hatred or contempt so i mean the family you know
there's blessings and i've seen blessings in my own life from the family like a lot of people that that have helped me and you
know have been from the family of the prophet's lives and they're a great blessing they're a blessing in the community and
people that have that lineage they should be honored you know it's a good thing to do our religion is is egalitarian
it's but we do recognize that one thing it's kind of like the you know in the in the yin yang it's
that little the in the black side there's a little white dot it's kind of like that's a little white dot in the egalitarianism
of islam it's like the aristocracy of the albate that we do acknowledge that
that that uh lineage there and even in the shaft you might have it's not that mataki but in the shaft you might have
uh it it is a right of the the sharif to not accept a marriage from
a non-sharifian family for that reason that they're they're not for them they're not um but that's not
male exposition but it is the shavi position and and it's a position i mean that's that's
uh you know that's lineage is is important
to uh to some people in america it's kind of hard for us because we
we come from a culture that really tried to destroy that concept from europe of aristocracy
and and and many of our founding fathers were they were they came from very
humble background people like thomas paine i mean he was a he was a corset maker and uh
john adams was you know a cobbler's son i think or carpenter farmer so you know for
americans that's but the british understand that concept
of you

Qurrat 5

the next section is the chapter concerning the the death of
the prophet salallahu's father and his wet nurses
is a wet nurse they're also called mordec for people that are studying arabic
generally if it's an unambiguous substantive in other words if the noun is clearly
male or female then the arabs don't need to indicate that uh it's a female so they'll just
use the male generally the male form which shows you that it's not a male form it's just a
way of characterizing it so you don't say morde because only a woman does wet nursing
you say mordec or you say hamil for a pregnant woman you don't say hamilah
or same like that so abdullah
so he says abdullah died while the prophet saws was in europe so the
prophet was still in his mother's womb when abdullah died and he died he got a fever
he actually they had a very short honeymoon and then he went to on a trip
and died uh from his fever
and what honor the clan of who they'll obtained
as a result of their daughter the idea so banusad is really very close to here and there's
still saudi people there's benusadar here we were just our driver last night was
from ben assad so there's still the tribes are here and
that tribe will be honored as long as there's muslims because and he said you know i'm from
halim sadia's tribe like he knows that that's his ancestor's tribe so that's exactly
what he's saying here how much honor what honor the clan of judea had because they had this wet nurse and
the story uh that it's worth telling there was a drought
in the uh in this region and it was a very difficult year the the
banu were bedouin and the bedouin were noted
first of all for their language so they had a very high language it was very pure arabic and also
the number of words that they used was greater than the words that they used in the city
what you'll note if you when you get into arabic if you ever see the the desert arabs when they
relate hadees they're very different from the other hadith they're actually very complicated halima sadia's hadith
you need a dictionary when if you look at the hadith that she relates she uses
words that are just not commonly used but that was their language so the the quraysh who were the
law they were the people of god they were they had a special ontological status so to speak amongst
the arabs they had a special they saw them as a special type of people that they were not like other
people and they they had leadership responsibilities so they would the aristocrats amongst them would
send their children to be with the desert arabs in order for them for two reasons they believed that the
air was better than in the cities that it was healthier air they thought that it was good for the
young children to so it was a spartan type belief like in greece the idea of
raising your children in spartan environments so that they would have very strong uh what we would
say today immune systems and then and then also to learn this pure arabic so the prophesied
when he was born they had a it was almost like a sook and the
bedouin women would come in and the the quraysh women would have sit with their babies and the
bedouin women would come and make a deal which one of the things you have to marvel is at this trust
the the level of trust in the society so you can imagine because of the tribal conditions
if people gave their word it shows you the arabs how extraordinary the word was amongst the arabs because they're
handing over their baby to a complete stranger but they're not
complete strangers in that they know what tribe they're from and the and the tribes were were people that
understood the responsibility of each tribal member so the the arab said
you know we'd rather go to hell than bring shame on our tribe and that was a very very strong uh arab
perspective so the trust was immense but i uh the the amina zuria was
at this point from she was in the hashemite clan even though she's a heria but she she was because her her
son is a hashemite from abdullah but they were they were on hard times and he was considered yatim
because if they lost the father then the the the major caregiver
this was the the arab system that that men were the caretakers of women
and so the if the loss of the father was a major
event now obviously you have the uncle uh who takes those responsibilities the
grandfather in the case of the prophet at this time but when the wet nurses came in they saw and
they knew because it was like a gossip thing they knew who was who and which family was going to oh
you know that's a mazumi baby a lot of money there so that was the kind of they were hoping
to get benefits from the children well halima relates the hadith and says
that all the babies got taken except for the the prophet saw israel and
she said to her she could didn't find a baby that day and she said to uh abu khabib her fa her husband
let's i don't want to go back to the desert without any body so let's go back and take that
orphan and so she went back and and what's interesting
on the way her donkey was really wasted it was a it was a female donkey attend
and it was very weak and she was the last in the uh
in the uh with the women were riding the donkeys and she was she was the last because her donkey was so slow
and uh so she goes and she said she comes and she said the prophesizer was was sleeping on a green blanket and and
she could hear his his snoring she said and she she took she made the deal with
amina and she took the the baby and she said that right when she took the baby she could feel
the milk in her breasts
you know she could feel the milk in her breast began to to flow
and because she had another child she said the prophet salisin would only take from one breast
so so then she when she gets on her donkey
to go back suddenly the donkeys got all this energy
and she said it was riding ahead of all the other donkeys
and she said the other women said halima did you get a new donkey in mecca
she said no and they said what happened to your donkey where you know where'd it get all that energy but
that's the reality of the prophet sam is that everything was aware of i mean even the stones
some of the sahaba had the unveilings and they heard the stones greeting him so these are these are real events that
real human beings that happen to people but she when she gets back that night
when he he went when abu kupsha went out to milk the uh the sheep all utters were full
and uh he brings any and he's they said it was the first time that they'd been went to bed full for a long time
and she's and he said to her he said you've brought a nesama mubaraka
and this is a blessed soul you've brought into our house so they connected they could see the connection between
what was happening and and then when they would send the the animals to
graze in the uh despite the drought they would
come back with their utters full and so the other sadies would say
to their shepherds go follow the the animals of uh abu khabs you know to see where
they're but it wasn't about the physical it was about the barakah and that's the
secret of barakah because baraka is where a little uh of something that
has a little bit of barakah has the same result of something that had that there's a lot
of a little with barakah is better than a lot without barakah so you can eat a little bit of food if it
has barakah you feel satiated and you'll get more nutrition from the food
whereas food that doesn't have buttaka you can eat a lot of it and you don't feel satiated
and it doesn't have the same effect on the body
so uh
um how many clear signs did halima see from
him among them was the excessive flow of her sheep's milk but also her own breast milk
and the noblest of humanity's chest was split when his age reached two years and two months he was playing and uh and
his so this would be he would be walking and probably talking uh
i mean some children precocious children start talking by that age they're talking but he would
he would definitely have been walking so he was playing with his brothers and sisters in the and they
two angels appeared and they fled and they the angels
took and split his his chest in the riwaya and and opened it and took
the the heart and and put it in a atas which is like a bowl that had ice
in it and then they poured over it zemzim now to me what's very very
amazing about that hadith is that if anybody's ever seen open heart surgery one of the things
that they do is they put the heart that a transplant they keep the heart on ice
because the ice slows down the metabolic rate of the heart so and then they pour
over what they call a cryonic solution which is a very cold water that has
a lot of potassium and sodium in it to the electrolytes that are needed for
the anabolic catabolic exchange going on so the the description
is very similar to the description of a modern day heart surgery
and sahaba said that if you look closely on the prophet's chest you could see a very fine line
up his chest from when his chest was split now if you've ever seen
people that have had heart surgery they have that scar from the splitting of so this is something the sahaba themselves
witnessed and it's you know now
open heart surgery is a common thing but in these times to hear that the idea of having the chest split and the heart taken out
and that operation occurring is just something really quite extraordinary
and it was also split at the outset of his prophetic mission he had his heart
washed three times and then before the israel according to and
his all of the prophets had their hearts washed and and the bowl that was used
was the same bowl and it was actually the bowl according to some narrations it was in the taboot
of the jews in the ark of the covenant that they had the bowl in there with the staff of moses and
some of the other relics from the prophets and then he says uh will come to everton
[Music] how many blessings the gained after
becoming a wetness as did baraka so these were the women that were in the that that were and thueba was the one
that was freed for giving the good news
was his nanny and then after the death of his mother he entered the guardianship of his grandfather
so his mother died and left him when he was just four years old and his grandfather when he was eight so
you should know this [Music]
and he then traveled with his uncle to syria after that he and after he had entered his 13th year now
this also is something to think about that he's a 13 year old boy and he's going on
a commercial trip with his grandfather he was the one that wanted to go with his grandfather with his uncle initially
his uncle did not want to take him his uncle loved him and his uncle used to sit even had a place at the kaaba nobody
could sit on it was like this special place because he was sad of the quraish but whenever the prophet
came he would let him play there and he and he was amused by it and and he used to say
in allah he is going to be something great so his grandfather recognized that and
abu tadib also loved him immensely so he took him on this trip
and as as you know a lot of you uh are familiar very familiar with these stories um
but when he went that there's a tree that's still there it's a stunning tree if you've ever seen it
a picture of it it's just it's an amazing tree it extends out so far the shade
but the tree that he uh uh the the the tree that he was under did
when he went on his commercial trip and sat under that tree that the nastor
the historian monk that saw him on this trip uh they came to bosara which is
on the border of syria and arabia and bahira or bahera both
riwayat are there bahira or bohera bohera was the monk he was a
probably an historian monk and he was there in a he had a a there
like a little monastery and when he saw
the prophet saw i salam he recognized certain signs the tree
the the uh the the the cloud that shaded him and he uh he knew that there was a
prophet coming and he asked he he he he made a banquet and he
invited all of these quraish and that was the first time they used to stop there because it was a place on the road to
syria that they would stop so they knew he was there but he never paid them any attention before that so this time he asked them
all to come and so they came
and when they came [Music] they had left the prophet sam because he
was the youngest to take care of the animals with some of the servants and uh but i said where's
everybody's not here and they said well we left one boy out and he said i want everybody so they brought him
and then bahera looked at the prophet saw i saw him and he said who's the father and abu
tadi said i'm the father and he said his father shouldn't be alive he said well i'm the uncle and this is a proof
that the uncle and the father is the same in the arabic language so
when arabs say abu it can mean amahu and that's why in when jacob is told
that your father's ibrahim and isma'il even though isma is not his father it's
his uncle but he's still called his father in the quran so and also ibrahim
when he tells his father who's an idolater it's actually azar was a his uncle it wasn't his blood father
because his father was a moahed so he says he says to him
you know i swear by latinos and he said
uh those are the most odious names to me and
and because the prophet did not like the idols from the time he could under comprehend and
so bahira asks him some questions and then
he asked to see his back and he looks on his back and on the back between his two shoulder
blades was the seal and the seal they were raised flesh it was a raised flesh in a circle
and it was a reddish and and that was the seal of the that was mentioned in the earlier books
so he knew who he was and he told abu tadib don't take him into
uh don't take him into uh into palestine because he's worried
about some of the the jews there that would know who he
was and this was a time of immense animosity between jews and christians so
you should know that the the treatment of the jews under the christians was incredibly
harsh they were not allowed to go into jerusalem um and they were extremely oppressed
minority so the animosity between these two groups was immense the the uh so he tells the uh
them that and and the prophet's ism actually goes back he did not go past busara he goes back
and then he says
his uncle sent him back out of fear of the hood some being devious and disbelieving folk
he later returned to syria with may sarah all the while in the in the bounty of the merciful so may sarah who was the
the servant of khadija when he became her agent commercial agent and she go he
goes with me
the angel shaded him during the trip from the worst of the heat at midday way the mecca
when he returned to mecca at the outset of his 26th year he entered into marriage now the prophet saws he actually tried
to marry a woman before that but could not because of his
financial situation but khadija min
he married lady khadija after 40 years of her life had passed by it was around 40 years she might have
been slightly younger than that in her late 30s
the best of women all of them he resided she resided with him for 24 years
and all of his children he was granted from her except for one with certainty so that's only one of his children was
not from her ibrahim from maria [Music]
when when he's when he asks for khadija's hand she actually asked for his hand
she was she uh when when mae sara took him on this trip it was she had never made as much money as she
had when he was her commercial agent again this barakah of the prophet saw i sent him so she he
comes back and then mae sara tells her stories about what happened like that he saw the cloud covering
khadija was also aware her uh her cousin waraka binofel was
a somebody who had knowledge of the prophetic signs he knew the the old and new testament
and and they their the hanif people knew that there was a prophet expected the ansar knew that there was a prophet
expected so she actually thought that that he he might be that that one
so but she asked to marry him she was very wealthy she'd been married twice before one died and
one of the marriages was not a good marriage but she had been married twice before she married the prophet salallahu saddam
when she was around 40 and he was 25 26 years of age which
is very interesting because one of the one of the things that happens in marriage uh generally when
usually men marry women that are younger than they are and this is kind of the general thing in
the arab world it's not so much in the west in the west because of a lot of people get meet
their space mates in in school so they they a lot of times
that they you'll find people that are close similar age maybe a couple of years difference but in the arab world
and generally in the pre-modern world women tended to be 10 to 15 years younger than the men in
fact we were asking this bedouin man who was with us
yesterday if he was married i was and he said no and we said are you going
to get married and he said well i have a philosophy about that and we said like what's that he said i'm going to marry when i'm 30
and i'm going to marry the girl when she's around 15 or 16. and we said
why why is that and he said because when a man's around 42 he needs renewal
and and he said if i marry her she'll be when i'm 42 she'll be at the
height of her youth so i won't need renewal from somewhere
else so that was his but that's very consistent with this kind of pre-modern
uh view of things that the men would tend to marry women that were younger than they were so he had it all worked
out this guy yesterday yeah and then we said
so do you already have the oh yeah he said and he said abdullah said so is she happy about this
miranda so
so the but one of the interesting things about this is that when a woman is when a woman
reaches probably around 30 something happens a little early sometimes a little later but generally a woman begins
in the first years of the marriage and this is for the shabab here so i'm giving you some good
advice in the first years of marriage she will often be a lot more tractable than she is later
on and what i mean by that is that she'll tend to not disagree with you she'll
tend to but as she gets older and feels more comfortable in herself
she becomes more self-assertive now what happens to a lot of men is that when they see that they get very threatened by that and
then that's when some real conflicts can start now sometimes if a woman has that strong type of personality that can
happen right at the outset and there's there's problems at the outset because the men aren't expecting that
but the uh the prophesizing because he had already a mature woman who was
fully in her uh she she was not that lady khadijah was
was a very strong lady she was a independently wealthy woman she'd hired men she'd fired men
she had been married before so she knew what to expect from men so when the
prophet comes in he's really the young one he's the one that has no experience
and that's why her her nurturing these the the nurturing of khadija for the prophesizing is very important
now when you see the prophet saw isaiah get married to aisha who's very young
what you see from aisha is almost immediately she's coming into her own and that's because the prophesized
sim he did not in any way suppress that aspect of the women that he was with he
actually encouraged that for them to be independent for them to have their own opinions for them to challenge the opinions of
the men they were with which is very unusual and that's why the the
aisha disagrees with the prophet i mean and you have to you know imagine i mean this is the
prophet of god rasulullah she she believes in that her father is
the number one follower of the prophet and yet you can see how forthright she is in that and we
have so many intimate details of of how he interacted with her so
he married her when she was uh at that mature age and then stayed with her until she
was into her 60s so and she was also a very beautiful woman
she was noted for her beauty uh she
now at 35 the quraysh rebuilt the house and there was a snake when
they decided to build it there was a snake that used to come out every morning it was a huge snake and it hissed and it scared
and they they they had superstition they were superstitious and they saw that as a sign from god
that maybe this isn't a good idea to mess with god's house and then one
morning they went and the snake came out and it was hissing and an eagle came
down and just took it in its talons and flew off with it and and they said
alhamdulillah that this is a sign that god's pleased with what we're doing
so they rebuilt the house but they did not have enough money because they made a condition that no
money from a prostitute or from usury could be used to build the house
and so because of that the donations the fundraising didn't go as well as planned and they were unable
so they built the the uh the the uh
out and that's what the shadow one is so when you make tawaf that that marble roham that's there that
comes out that's the original house and that means that when you go up against the kaaba
you're actually inside the ka'ba so when you're up against the kaaba you're inside the
kaaba because the wall of the kaaba is at is actually at that chaterwan where it
comes out so you go in you're actually inside god's house so anybody that goes up against the cop is actually
inside that you don't need to physically go in although it's quite an extraordinary experience for those who have had it to go inside
the house but the the uh and also inside the hijab ismail is in the house you're
inside the kaaba now the uh and it's important for people should
know this but when you make tawaf you shouldn't go in that shadow one because if you go in you're not making
tawaf it actually breaks the shelt so you have to uh
you have to um to stay away from that when you make a lot of people don't know that and they'll actually put
their hand on the kaaba as they're making tho off so that's an invalid toward
so when he when he did this the uh when they did this they the only
thing that remained was the hajjar al-aswad to the cornerstone to put it back in
and they started arguing and they almost literally went to blows about this because each tribe
thought each clan thought we should be able to do it so bennu zoom said no it's ours to do abdul dar
said no it's ours to do each group was saying it's it's our honor
so they said what should we do and and and they decided that they would
that they would judge the first person that came through
would be the one that would decide for them so they were sitting they were waiting and the prophet saws and was the first
one to walk in and then they all said but i mean you know we're all content with the el amin because he was noted to
be trustworthy so the prophet put the
the uh the blanket out put the stone on the blanket had all of them pick up the stone which is an amazing
hikmah the wisdom of the prophet is obviously clearly manifested in this story
picks up and then they bring it up and he is the one that placed the stone sallallahu alaihi was said so
then he says
the beginning of his mission is at 40. now before when in his late 30s he began to see the
also gave me i i this i didn't bring it specifically
for this but because i had something written on the back but sheikh had his one of his sons look up the thing
about abraham lincoln and he actually did have a dream three days before he was assassinated that he
was going to be killed assassinated at a theater and that and his one of his close friends actually
there were several witnesses him telling this dream so the sheikh used that example he was
surprised that neither i nor dr abdulhadi knew our history as well as
we should have i said
so he began to have these dreams and that's the beginning of the prophetic experience his dreams
and and he would have these dreams their very clear dreams and then at 40 it was his want to go
up to mount the jabanur which is there the
the cave and this is actually something that his ancestors did also
it wasn't just the prophesied sin but this was a it was actually a retreat for his his fathers
so it was a place where his fathers went also for those of you have been up there it's
quite a small cave you can actually historically not anymore because of the buildings but you
could see the kaaba from inside the cave so the in the in the books of sierra they
say well kenny that he used to do tehennuth to hennath
in arabic al hind which is in surat al hindim which is
one of the meanings of it is tequila or tejennuk to avoid something like tahajjud
is to avoid hujud which is sleep so tahannath is to avoid hinth so it was a place where he was
able to go to empty out himself from the
the shirk that was around him and he was doing uh obviously meditate like what we would
call meditation today he was there uh to do uh his prayers
and during that period at the age of 40 he jibril added comes to him now
when he comes he's in ramadan he comes to him and the first thing that jubilee does
is he squeezes him three times he squeezes him
until he thought that it was going to break his uh his ribs and he squeezes him
three times so hard that it was almost unbearable and then and some of the
uh the people of ishara said that this was the last emptying out to prepare
his his uh it was like a spiritual emptying out this is what they call in the in in the muslim they call it the
uh the uh which the you know the the three stages on
on a path to god are tahlia tahlia and tajliyah which is
tahlia is the emptying out tahalia is the adornment so emptying out of everything other than allah
and then adornment with the qualities uh that god the these these uh qualities
that god wants human beings to be adorned with and then tesla is where the meanings become begin to be revealed to the
person so the prophet salallahu was had this experience and then
is is the first and some say yeah yeah there's but the anak is the most
famous one mentioned so the prophet saws at that point when he has this experience he goes out now
he saw jibril on fill all the horizon so you can imagine the shock he was
literally in shock and he almost literally goes over the hill
the the it's quite steep up there if you've ever climbed up there it took us a few hours to get up it's
it's quite a quite a hall and but he goes down rushes down he literally crawls into aisha he's shaking so he's
in he's in trauma i mean anybody any trauma physician knows when you read that story because i
worked in a trauma unit when you read that story he is in trauma now one of the things that the
first things that you're supposed to do with a trauma person is you're supposed to wrap them up because you need to
bring the heat back into the body and so what's so amazing to me about about that
story is that he is present enough because in when people are in trauma
they're completely absent i mean i saw men diet mina he fell from the the
from the uh the top uh where the gemarat were between he was trying to cross over and
he fell down and landed right in front of us sudanese man and uh i was with a physician
and he immediately got up and we we were telling him sit down
and he said no i'm fine you know he said i'm fine he said no no
sit down and then boom he just dropped dead so when people are in trauma they just they don't know it and but
he was president enough to say zamiruni zambiluni wrap me up i mean that is just such an amazing
testimony to his state now for those of you who have a christian background especially from
orthodox or catholic tradition um which are the best ones by the way
the uh the uh in in christianity they have what's called
the law of discernment in the law of discernment
is the it is the way in which you tell whether an experience is demonic by
nature or angelic or divine because people have spiritual experiences
in the law of discernment in in the catholic and orthodox tradition the single most important thing is that
initially in a true religious experience of an angel there is a a very profound
constriction of the soul that is followed by an expansion in a
demonic experience is exactly the opposite that they have an expansion that's
followed by a contraction and that the description of the prophet
is consistent with the law of discernment in the i mean you can google this if you're interested in it because
it's important to note that because by the christian criterion for a an angelic experience
our description of what happened to the prophet sam is consistent with their knowledge of whether or not we can
discern this being a a truly supernatural experience from
the divine or a supernatural experience from the demonic realm so he had this immense contraction
and he was worried and this is the according to the law of discernment that is the concern
because truly spiritual people feel unworthy
whereas somebody who whose ego is still present when they have an experience they feel
yeah exactly this of course you know i'm such a special
person this this so they see it as whereas he was worried this was a jinn
or or something that wasn't right now what does khadijah say to him this is amazing about her
one thing that she does is she takes off her head scarf and she and then she asks do you still
see it and he said no and then she puts her head scarf on and then she could see it that is also a proof one that that she
understood the nate because the angels when when there is
anything sexual out of adeb they they move and the unveiling of a woman is
is is part of the sexual uh which i mean this you know when when
people take off their clothes when they disrobe they disrobe to go to sleep or to be intimate and so because of that
the angels left and then she put it back and then came back so that's another law of
discernment she's discerning what type of being is this is it a being
that has modesty or is it an immodest being so she she she also it's quite extraordinary
her knowledge of that and then she uh she says to the prophet elijah saddam
you your lord would never forsake you why because you help the needy you
feed the hungry you take care of the orphans you you you uh take care of the widows
you remove the burdens from people all acts of social uh charity
it's just amazing like she sees no you're one of the good people you're not
one of the bad people you know you're somebody out there you're not an egocentric person you are
somebody that is is living for other people not for yourself and those type of people god does not
forsake that's what she's recognizing about the prophet so here's the woman telling her man
believe in yourself because i know who you are you need to know who you are
because he's he doesn't know yet and then she says for more confirmation
let's go to my cousin waraka because he knows about these things we don't know about these things
so they go to waraqah when they get to waraqah he immediately recognizes it and he says
this is the namus which is from the greek nomos the logos
the law the namus is the the law the the sharia it's it's the revelation of a
of a rasool not of a nibi it's not the name is what comes with the the sharia so the
nomos or the law and he says this is what came to moses
now that's important also because moses the the if you look in the old
testament god says that he will send a prophet like unto moses and this is the last prophet
who's like moses now jesus was not like moses jesus was was was not in a leadership position
he did not bring a new sharia he said i didn't come to abolish the law i came to
confirm the law whereas the prophet isaiah came with a new sharia
so these were this is what was happening at this point in the prophet salallahu
and he arose so he began to call people to taheed
he was supported by god with miracles
that it's impossible to
to really enumerate them they were like rain
they were like the sun in its brilliance and height coupled with radiant beauty
despite all of that the evil doers laid down sanctions against him as the sound historical accounts have
informed us
he was capable of wreaking havoc upon them had he wished instead he generally gave them generously gave them respite so the
prophet salallahu when when he came with this message he
was given all of these um all of these proofs it was very clear
despite that quraysh were very upset they'd seen him grow up amongst them they'd seen him as
a child he was from a poor family uh before that he was not particularly
a distinguished amongst them other than for his honesty he wasn't
eloquent he did not give speeches he he he wasn't a poet he wasn't
he wasn't wealthy his money actually came from marriage he married into wealth so for all
intents and purposes they did not see him as somebody likely to be
of any significance amongst them and so it was quite troubling to them when he
when he began to call them to the tohit and then there are many stories you have
dr ling's book i would love to go into them because they're really they are amazing but because we have so
much material to get through i i think i'm going to just stick to the text from now on
because it's going to take us a while to get through this and this is a really wonderful text for people
um to uh [Music] to learn um if i if i have
time i'm gonna try to actually put the english into a verse form meter put it into a metered form
so the kids can memorize it and things are there any questions about anything
mona uh-huh
it just didn't work out yeah she
divorced you know there's prob there might be laugh about that but
uh because there are shilaf about a lot of that before the beth even after
what's that
he didn't really say he was a prophet he just told him uh you know that he would this man has a
you know he has a divine yeah i mean in essence he did tell him that
but the prophet saw i said um yeah i don't think he was aware at that
time there's no indication that he was aware at that time
well no because some of them did not they knew that's that there was somebody coming
that would remove their position because they had a special status
and the prophet sam is who he's the nibiru he's the he's the abrahamic prophet that
universalizes the covenant because they rejected jesus and the the followers of jesus go out
and universalize the covenant with gentiles but they never accepted that
so they never accepted jesus and and they didn't accept the prophet saw he said him because
he wasn't a jew and that's very clear and the jews that accepted him
actually talk about that and mention that that there was envy and that they did not accept him for
that reason so even what's interesting is some of the jews accepted him
and the dominant opinion you can read in kohler's book
who was a rabbi in boston he wrote a book called jewish theology and he has a chapter on islam and he
says in there that islam is actually a divine divinely ordained
religion and he said that is the opinion of the medieval rabbis
but they believed that the prophet was a fulfillment of a verse in in zechariah where
the the the waters of the torah would flow unto the gentiles
and and they the some of the jewish rabbis saw the prophet
as a precursor to the messiah that he was preparing the world for tawheed for
monotheism and they also considered to a certain degree the christians doing that but they did not consider them
to be they only said to the degree with which they take their religion from judaism
but they reject the the trinity the jews have the same attitude towards the trinity that the muslims do that i mean they
believe that it's a anathema and that it's against uh so they they don't consider them to
be teaching monotheism correctly whereas the jews believe that we are noah
people the the muslims are noahides which is it's nice because
in judaism they believe that muslims are saved they don't believe muslims are are
pagans or idolaters because we're following the noahidic laws the nohitic laws are seven out of the ten
commandments and we follow those and so they believe that worse worse in a sound tradition but they say
that he's nabil um he's not a jewish prophet and that is why in our books about
that that's mentioned specifically that they're not they're cat they're still cafe if they
say he's a prophet but not to us because that is the position of some of
the jews that the prophet saw is him as a prophet but not to the jews and then many jews became muslim
historically and they still become muslim which is why it's important to recognize that when the oftentimes in our books it
makes blanket statements about the jews you have to be very careful because the arabs first of all have a
rhetorical device which they call it to use
the a universal for a particular to use
to say everybody when you mean somebody like in the quran it says
him the jews say that god's hand is bound may god bound their hands if you read in
the tafsir jose al-qaeda said the jews don't say that only one jew said that
when the prophet was asking for money one of the jews in medina said oh is god's hand bound he was making fun
the jew that to the to a devout jew that's blasphemy to say that so unfortunately a lot of muslim arabs
read these things and they think you know oh that's just the jews no they're devout jews they have the same
types of laws that we have about talking about god and things like that so it's important not to you just have to
be careful reading this literature the pre-modern literature
there's no i've tried to look for it there's no real descriptions of what he was doing
up there but the hunafa definitely had practices
that they did mm-hmm
well we don't we we don't have a doctrine of original sin in the christian sense of the word but
we do have an understanding that there is a seed in the heart of man that's
black the prophet sallallahu alaihi sydney said every human being has a black dot
in their heart that is open to evil and to the degree with which people
engage in evil that it grows it's like a seed and so it grows until the entire heart
becomes black so we do believe that there is an original spot
of sin potential we just don't believe that we inherited the sin
of anybody no soul bears the sin of a previous soul
so we don't bear this and we also believe adam was given toba god forgave his sins but we do believe
that sins are visited upon people from their ancestors that the effects of
sin are visited upon people which is not to say those people are responsible but they get the results of
the sin just like if your father not your father but somebody's father
was a thief of great notoriety well you're just stuck with that i mean
you can go change your name and hide everything but people inherit their their that's why if
you're from a good family it's a great blessing and you should be even more grateful to
your parents that they if they're good people but if you come from a family that has uh bad people
you get you you uh you get affected by that and in the same way people are affected by the sins of their
ancestors no doubt about that some people in the in the back go ahead
well the hajjar was a stone that came from heaven it was you know aloha maybe a meteorite but i
mean it's it's it is a meteorite i mean they've analyzed it and it's
it's not from the earth and according to the narration it it it came down to
uh the jeb uh base which is where the king's palace is now and it
had a light that spread out and that light is where the hadood of the haram
where that light reached is where the haram's hadood are according to one narration so
the um it was put into the house when ibrahim built the house
he put the the stone in the house and according to the the hadith that the sins of people uh
took the light out so it became black from the sins of people the stone i mean
it's a good point because the arabs were worshiping stones and that's why omar went past
the stone and he said wallahi i know you don't harm or benefit and had
i not seen the prophet kiss you i would have not kissed you so he was letting people know now
ali when he heard that he said no it harms and it benefits so each is
speaking from a different tongue alma are speaking from the tongue of which is the reality not no nothing in
the world can harm or benefit say speaking from the tongue of sharia that
the azbab harm and benefit so you have to be aware of that so you respect the s
bab you don't drink poison you show deference to people in power
people of authority uh things like that for that reason so but the uh the um
the stone is also in the hadith that imam ahmed relates
it's the right hand of god on the earth and it was the sunnah of the ancient people to kiss the hand of
god and so god gave that stone for humans as a
uh as a metaphorical kissing the hand of god so it's it's like going to god's house
visiting god and then the the stone is symbolic of the
the uh the hand of god
[Music] there were a lot of miracles on the yeah
we're going to get to the hijra but there were a lot of miracles [Music]
mm-hmm he's definitely a muslim and the prophet saw i said said do not speak ill of
of him um he believed in the prophet elijah he died shortly thereafter which makes
sense because the the prophet's allied islam he because he had knowledge of
the the previous dispensations that could have been used as a some of
the quraysh said that a persian was teaching the prophet all of these stories so but he did die
shortly thereafter and he said he wished he could be with him when his people chased him out and he said
are my people going to chase me out he said no prophet has come with this except his people chased him out
no he definitely had like the splitting of the chest as a tahlia the
squeezing as a tahlia the tribulations he had all those things are part of that
process i mean it's just for him it's different from other people because he did not have the same types of
nafs you know he didn't have the lower kind of bestial impulses that other
people have his his heart was always uh very high but
the you know the the the the calm says uh
that's true that the the good actions of righteous people are the bad actions
of people in divine presence because everything's there's people that give
charity and it's a good deed but the neff still has a health
because the portion of to the to the degree with with which the ego has a portion in the
act the act is there's in the act and so the purer the act the
closer it is to god so the people that are closest to god their acts are the purest and that's why when they when they
increase in their knowledge and awareness of god they actually say astaghfirullah for their good deeds
and that's why absolutely such an important uh verse because the prophet was in a
good deed but there was a better deed to be done at the same time and he was doing the
good deed neglecting the better deed that's the wrong actions of the righteous of the people
in it it's their priority of good deed it's not it's not the deeds themselves
so allah rebuked him for not getting the priority right
he was more interested in getting the help of the wealthy who weren't
really that interested in the message than delivering the message to the poor
that wanted to hear the message and allah was telling him no these people are more
um you'll see that just i mean it's yeah do you you read that in some of the
syracuse he goes into some pretty amazing spiritual insights
into what's going on give you an example of uh of the raising
of the maqaamat of the prophet isaiah that ibn abhijamrah mentions ibn abijah says at the beginning of the
message he is going to guard to get away from all the distractions at
the end of the message he's praying with his beautiful 18 year old
wife on the bed in front of him and when he goes into sajdah he hits her
legs so that she can pull them up he said there's he's in a complete
state of presence to where even there's just no distraction
so that's that is a that you know that's an example that ibn abhijamra mentions about that
of taking off the headscarf
no no you can't in your house you're completely you know yeah you're completely it's
it's out of edem it's just out of edem to you you know that they're they're creatures of adap
which is why the angels when when when when a man and a wife are intimate the angels it's all out of
adeb that's all it's not that they're not present they're present they just
they remove themselves from that it's out of eddap the same with naked the prophet saw i said said don't walk in your houses naked
because there's you have there's creatures in your house there that that you should be aware and have
ed up with them also that doesn't mean you don't take a shower and do you know you have to do what you have to
do you know it's just being aware that there are unseen creatures uh-huh
it was first built by the angels accord yeah there's there's a lot it's the baitan is in the heavens
and the baithen is connected to the earth through the ka'ba so there there's a there's a connection
between the heavens and the earth that's why it's it's it's such an amazing place to be at
because it's it is the direct connection it's like a wormhole in in quantum mechanics it's one of
those amazing places where the dua
just goes straight up adam then built the kaaba
and then it's over time it uh it was destroyed and then it was rebuilt
by ibrahim and ismail did somebody over there
the message of tohi the akhida is the same the sharia changes so the akita is
always the same they teach about bath they teach about the yomo qiyama they teach the oneness
of god they teach about the prophets about revelation you know the six things that we believe in
they all teach those those basic things imam bilal
those things they teach but sharia differs there are many things in the previous
shariats that have been removed from us so we can eat things they couldn't eat
we can do things they couldn't do
well i think yeah no they're there there was a lot of animosity there's no doubt about that
you just have to be careful because the uh the prophet you know the prophet
he spoke well of some of the jews that were there that were honorable in their transactions with him um
you know they're not all the same the people of the book amongst them are people that recite the signs of god some of them
interpret that to mean that became muslim and others say no it means that amongst them are people
and we know that for people that live in the west we know there's good people that do read their bible and
and they do acts of charity and they condemn vice that they see i mean we i think
anybody that lives in the west knows that there's good people amongst them that do all those things that the quran describes
the quran also says you know amongst them are believers you know but
most of them have gone outside and and transgressed the limits that were set down for them
you don't have anything until you apply the torah and the injil so
very few people i mean kierkegaard a few hundred years ago complained that the problem with christianity is
that there was only one christian in all of christendom and and that was jesus you know so
it's a hard religion to follow christianity but uh
you know the jews the jews are you know they're a mixed bag like anybody but they have certain things that are
problematic there's no doubt they were given a lot of profits if you
look at israel today much of israel is atheistic
by their own uh by their own uh statistics i mean they do they do a
lot of social science and you can look it up so they're also there are many many uh
you know jews that have are very irreverent just the way they speak about religion
and i mean jewish comedy in the west introduced religious irreverence
there's no doubt about that so but do we make a blanket statement about all jews
no it's a dangerous thing to do and and and in the same way we don't want that done to us we should not do that to other
people because it's not recognizing that there every all people have good and bad
people the degrees to which they're good or bad that that's would be impossible to determine unless
you were god so yeah some people might have more bad people than good people and vice versa
but that's a very hard thing i mean it's impossible to determine so it's just better to look at people as mixed bags
that uh you know i mean shakespeare says we're a co-mingling of good and evil
you know which is very true and then the prophet saw i said i'm said that you know that that the shaitaan in the
shaytan that shaitaan evil flows in the blood of
every man in that's you know whether it's neural peptides or whatever that he's talking
about you know a low on him but there's definitely all of us have you know are struggling
with ourselves and and some people that struggle the darkness is more than the the light
and vice versa so um
well no a good is good so anything that you do that's good even if the ego is
involved in it it's better than doing something than nothing or than bad there's no
doubt about that and you know qualium said that is so precious that even if
you're sincere for a moment in your life it'll be enough for you
they were only commanded to worship god with us
you know the heavens and the earth were like stood up when they heard that knowing how difficult that is so
yeah that last question because i have to i actually have to go uh to to you you already go ahead um
no blackstone and rokulliamani don't go in that but the the uh that marble around the
hijrismael does so you shouldn't touch that either but the black stone don't or the the
manny neither of them break in validate because the prophet touched the uh both both of them
about medina just i would do you know it's good to do prayer on the prophet some on your way to medina and
and uh remember you know the haram we're not you're not in
kansas anymore you know it's like you're in the haram and they're big places to be and you
really the longer you're in them the the more forgetful you get uh
spend more than a few hours in either mecca or medina he just won't he comes in and he leaves
and i know a lot of the utima are like that because they the more you know
the scarier it gets the adab of those places and he meant so just try to be
in in the best state be in a state of zika don't do riba all those things are much worse
in the haram they are they're bad wherever you are but they're really bad in the haram please be
very very just respectful towards the the people
that are h

Qurrat 7

ng to go through this reasonably quick because i think shaykh abdullah ali
went through some with you and we've actually still got quite a ways to go i'd really like to get through this text if
i can um how many people memorize the uh the fathers
nobody oh
easy to do i taught the son of allah in 10 minutes little ahmed
it's easy to do they're good to know the prophet elijah also when you read seerah you'll know
who's who where they you know which father they unite in things like that it's it's
nice to know i mean some of the um they consider it mandu you know it's not like a wajib but it's wajib to know he's a hashemite
you have to know that it's a photo all right so the wives
now for an elucidation of the wives of the of the chosen prophet salallahu
so that's a he's uh giving a symbol for 11. so so the number of wives that are
agreed upon are eleven you're going to get a giraffe about this some will go 9
even even more and it's sometimes it's because the names the actual names of the wives
uh cross over uh
disagreement as to whether they are included among the wives or not so we will not mention them as for the
first wife lady khadija we have already made mention i have
who believed in the prophet before any other women and for that she rose in the ranks the ultimate say she's the first woman
to believe in the prophet saws abu bakr was the first man and admin was the first child because he
was seven at the time but khadija is really the first believer
after the prophet i mean the prophet himself is a believer you know so uh
i mean he actually used to say i'm meant to be like i believe in myself
which is important to to understand that that the prophet the prophet is getting revelation and
people can have experiences and doubt themselves which is initially what happened to him so but he
he he is the first of the believer so ladies
and then he says uh
he did not marry any other women besides her as long as she was alive so the prophet saws only had one wife
until khadijah al-ha salam
[Music] after her death he contracted the marriage with the daughter of the truth
one also soda and that you'll get khilaf in the syria literature did he marry soda first and then aisha
but soda he married her the the the contract was was done with
aisha but he did not she did not move into his house she was still uh very young there's about the age but
in er the hadith from aisha radhilanu says that she was six if you look in the in the uh the history
books and look at the year she died and how old she was there some of the udama say that she
she actually was probably 12 some say 15 but
and those are those are reports they're just considered weak which is why he's saying there that the um
you know that that means and this is what they think is the
soundest position so there are differences of opinion one of the things today obviously
because this is such a strange thing for modern people there there have been several papers and
even booklets written trying to uh prove those other opinions now those opinions like i
said are there that she was 12 that she was 15 uh when she married the prophet salla i said when the actual contract and then
15 when when it was consummated but
if you try to apply a modern template onto onto this period of time
you'll get a lot of problems because this was a different world and unless you recognize that
you will run into problems in the in the seerah the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
was born into a very different world than we are living in now human nature doesn't change
but norms change norms the araf of people change
in our orf this would not be acceptable and this is a maserati it's it's a
a it's a question of it's not and this is why nobody found this strange even
when uh washington irving who wrote his book on the prophet the famous people who know washington
irving he wrote a book on the prophet sallallahu isaam and one of the one of the
he wrote the alhambra tales of the alhambra and he wrote rip van winkle people know him from that
but he wrote a life of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi and in that life he mentions that he married aisha
and consummate the marriage at 9 and then he says but women of the desert are very precocious
so this is the eighteen thirties an american that does not use it as a means of
attacking the prophet so lice and because in 1830 america twelve-year-olds it was quite normal for
a girl of 12 or 13 to get married in in in america today there are states
and there's somebody from alabama here i'm not making any jokes about alabama but there are states where it's
permissible to marry uh a 13 year old a 12 year old
with consent you know adult consent but people used to get married when when the period
came a girl was biologically capable of having children now if we look also it's important to
note that aisha's is by no means an ordinary person
and she is one of the most extraordinary women that has ever lived anybody that does a study of her
life will conclude that not only was she a genius clearly i mean you know you can look at
a person it's very strange for people that study american history you have to ask how is it possible that all these men
were living at the same time you know john adams and thomas jefferson and and
alexander hamilton very unusual people to be living at the same time because we don't have that
so but if you look at the prophet sam the people around him and that he was given as companions
it's just it's beyond belief it's so extraordinary i mean it's not beyond belief i mean but
it is extraordinary and so the prophet saw i said his his his uh his marrying aisha
is uh very significant she transmits a third of the religion uh
according to uh you know in in she gives us so many messiahs she solved many of the problems
she was also a brilliant poet of poetry she knew all the jahadi poetry
and she was raised in the prophet zlatan's house so she she would have learned that in
the prophet sam's house she was an asaba she was a genealogist she knew the lineage of the arabs
she was also somebody who was very very independent
in her being she had her own opinions about things and she did not suffer fools lightly she
um she's just she's a stunning extraordinary woman in
human history and so you know this idea this attack on the prophet saw i sent him today is really quite it's
it's it's it's just an odious vile contemptible a smear of his
personality of his honor and none of us should be in any way shape or
form embarrassed by this but it needs to be understood within the context of the time the place
and the people now i asked the chief rabbi of one of the chief rabbis of israel
um i at a conference i was at in europe i asked him in the torah
in the talmud which is their kind of book of narrations and phil and they have all their messiah in there
and i asked him what what is the youngest that you can marry a a child you know for an adult to marry
and he said there's difference of opinion they're like us three rabbis four opinions um
and and he uh he's and we have that too three imams four opinions because a lot
of imams will have two opinions on something especially um he has a lot of
messiah where they don't know the targia they'll have two opinions so they'll literally narrate them as two opinions
so he he told me he said six is is is generally the earliest and then
and then i said uh and what about consummation he said nine and then i said well what do they do now
he said well most rabbis they'd have to be at least 13 before they would
do the marriage so again it's all so if you're looking at the jewish tradition itself they have the same laws in their
tradition and they know that this is a pre-modern norm so even though the modern society
i would not personally be happy for anybody in the west to marry a girl that was
under 15 you know i don't i don't think it would be
appropriate in our environment or conditions but it you know there are girls now
in america that are 12 13 having children
and they're having sex at you know 10 now so the the you know these are this
this is there's a book by robert epstein called the case against adolescence and he's arguing that you need to start
treat treating young people more like adults because they really are adults and it's
treating them like children that causes all this adolescent behavior and he has a lot of
social science to back up his views people forget also
the 50 60 years ago in the united states it
was quite common for girls 14 to get married for people that know william durant's
work muriel durant is the his wife he married her when he was i think in his early 30s and she was
i think 13 years old and she became
a world-class historian under his tutelage and co-wrote that book the story of
civilization which i think is still in print so you know even in our own culture we do
have we do have that in our past but not in our present and that's why
it's for some people that's a little difficult anyway i you know i i elaborated on that just
because it is an issue that does come up but i think it's very important to recognize that i shall dilano
by merely reading the hadith with aisha you will come very quickly to recognize that this was
not a a little girl this was a very dynamic mature young woman who stood her own ground
with the prophet sam himself disagreed with him on more than one occasion if you want to know the level
of her edition for those who know arabic the hadith of um zarak
will show you the type of erudition
a commentary on that book that was published in morocco but it's where the nine women come
together and each one they they all make an oath that they're going to tell the truth about their husbands and and
that each one and um zara tells about abu zarah and how much he loved him and
and how good he was the other ones kind of complain about their husbands generally but um doesn't complain but then he got
married he took a second wife and she got jealous and he ended up divorcing her and then she was she got another
husband who was good he was giving her everything but she was unhappy with them because all she could think about was abu zarah
so the prophet said you're like um to to me in other words don't
let these other women destroy the relationship that we have
so he was just letting her know that because she was very she was jealous
ladies she had and herrera is a normal uh function of people men have it and women have it
there's nothing wrong a woman not wanting their husband to take a second wife is not about iman
like your iman is weak or something like that i mean some of the men will say that yuriman's weak
you know it's not weak iman it's a normal fitra thing that allah has put into men
and women which is why in the maliki method i mean there's a i don't know if you read the saudi gazette this morning
did anybody read it there's a horrible article don't read that newspaper you just get depressed but there's a
horrible article about people taking second wives and then basically using them as maids
it's a it's a front page article i mean thank god people don't read this stuff in america
you know if they read these i mean they're on websites and things but it's not commons
thing but it's really disturbing i'm glad at least they're talking about it which is a good sign you know that the country is
changing a little bit because these type things they never used to mention the newspaper so the fact that they are talking about is actually a
good sign but you know it's just women getting into these second marriages and then finding out that
they just wanted them as a servant that they didn't have to pay for uh so it was quite sad
so that but they mentioned that now the women are learning about stipulations like
that a husband can't get a second wife and they put in the little newspaper article even though god permitted it well he
also permitted a woman to stipulate that she didn't want a second wife
so it goes both ways you know but again it's this thing of oh it's my right it's not a right you know
like a hakuzaki it's not a huck you know it's it's it's a permissibility it's a roxa
and uh you know if a woman is not comfortable in that situation she has every right not to be comfortable and
she can request a divorce and things like that so
so she married the prophet isaiah in mecca in the sacred precinct before
his migration by two years and then there's a giraffe about that there was a hit of about when she was born some she was she was born in the
second year of some say in the fourth year of hijrah some say she was born before the hijrah
so this is where you get the giraffe about her age but this hadith in al-bukhari she
narrates it and she states that she was
bintu sittin you know i was i was six years of age
he consummated the marriage shortly after his migration to the pure land when she reached the age of nine now consummation here benabiha we don't
know if it was consummated at that point but she came into his household at that
point she came into his household and the point that she came into the household was when she
was no longer playing with the toys so it was a sign that she had moved out of that childhood
phase um
so when he died she was 18 years old ha is ten is eight and ya is ten so hay is
eighteen so when when she was eighteen years of
age may the lord of all things bless him
the chosen one had not married any other virgin besides her and for that she had a great honor she once said to the prophet
isaiah what's better to for if you if you have your animals you
graze in land you know the unuf the land that animals haven't grazed in before
or or the land that animals have grazed in before and you know you said the one that the
animals haven't grazed him before so she was trying to show him the chaos about that she was a
virgin and so it's a better and he just said nobody was better than khadijah george bernard
shaw said an amazing thing he said he said
you know that the prophet saws he knew that he was a truthful man when he read that story because he said
that normally a man would lie in a situation like that because it's the woman that he's with
and and to say that oh i preferred my previous wife um would just not be something most men
would do they would just say oh yes of course i love you much better than her you know but because truthfulness was
his nature and he could not do that he said even in that type of situation where a white lie would be expected he
was he was honest he was suddenly [Music]
and how many subjects in such a short time did she master this is what's so stunning because she really did master the arabic
language the lineage of the arabs all the poetry and then tafsir she learned all of these
things with the prophet she had a prodigious memory and uh really quite extraordinary and
and that's why we believe that she was chosen for that the prophet actually saw in a dream uh so it wasn't something that
um i mean he was commanded to do that and abu bakr al-dilan she she was actually engaged to somebody
before that and this is also this was the orpha of the arabs you know they they would make engagements as
children even some of the boys i mean it wasn't just the women the boys would be engaged
people would make deals i'll marry you my daughter you married you know we'll marry them together
when they were still little babies uh in the raven peninsula that still happens to a certain degree arranged
marriages in that way families that have known from the beginning you know my son's going to marry your daughter
and then uh
she was buried in the graveyard of bakley in the 58th year so noon is 50 her is 8.
acquiring copious and multitudinous knowledge of them no sorry she was born buried in the
graveyard in the 58th year of during the night and soda who was aged gave her night
with the prophet
so she was lu a is one of the grandfathers of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
and he she gave her night to aisha um she she was actually quite old when
the prophet isaiah married her and she was a very heavy set woman
and so the prophet saw isam soda said she she wanted to stay with
him as a wife and she wanted to give her night to aisha so that's what she did
after the death of her husband asakran she married the best of the clan of adnan
and her previous husband made the two migrations made the merciful reward them both with the two highest gardens so she went to
al-habisha and she also made the second hijab there was a special honor in doing that
in the 54 in in the year 54 during the the kedah of omar radhilan who
she died uh in so noon is 50 dal is four she died in the pure land so
study the history two feet l
also married the best of man after the martyrdom of hunes and then after he uh
divorced her he was commanded by god to accept her back so the prophet saw is divorced hafsah in a
in the the until is the first divorce
and then took her back
when zainab the mother of the poor lost her husband even jash he was a martyr at ahud the prophet saws
also married her
so she married the best prophet and lived with him for only two or three months and then she passed away
so during his life none of his wives died except for lady khadija and zainab so seize this knowledge
these are the only two that died all the others survived his desk
another wife has been zainab who's the daughter of the messenger's paternal aunt
the merciful himself the creator of reason married her to the best of the prophet
to the best prophet after zade had ran his course with her and she died during the katy fett of
omar now zainab the the prophet israel knew her from mecca and
so the narration that he saw at the door and all that is complete nonsense
that somehow he became infatuated with her he knew zainab very well they're from the same family and
the prophet saw i said she loved the prophet and the prophet married her to zay the
marriage was very difficult for her she was an aristocrat she was from the quraysh zaid was
was somebody that um she just was not happy with and uh so when the prophet saws was told
to marry her and he told zade was very happy that the situation was going to be
resolved he was also because he was the adopted son of the prophet sallallahu alaihi isaam it was a problem for the arabs because
the arabs believed that adoption like the romans the romans used to adopt and when you adopted a son he actually
was like a blood lineage he inherited everything he became uh part of the family in the same way a a a
blood son would so the prophet saw isam when he
was commanded to marry her that was also abrogating that practice of adoption now
adoption is of is is there's a lot of really interesting
social science about the dangers of adoption where the child is not aware
that it's not the the biological son it's very important or daughter it's very important that people know that
adoption in islam is kafala we don't have to benny in that they don't take the last name
they keep the last name that they were born with um if they know it if they don't know it then
then then that's a different situation but if they know they do not change the name they keep that biological knowledge of
who they are and they're not told john taylor gatto wrote a book on on adoption
that he could not find a publisher for because the social science was so scathing he told me this himself
several of the serial killers in the united states were in adopted families where they were not told
that they were uh the biological they were not the biological children they were living a lie basically
and that's that it's very harmful for the psychology of a person they need to know um
who they are so that that practice was abrogated by islam
and and and this was part of that process but it was also to unite
this woman with the man that she really truly loved and so um
so that that's that marriage took place
while egypt was conquered all of his wives she died during the caterpillar of omar she was the most open-handed in her
generosity as has been narrated uh the the uh the prophet sam once mentioned about uh
the having the longest hand and the the wives took all their hands they started
measuring them to see who had the longest hand but it was actually a it was a kinaya for generosity like just
a type of uh hindu and here come to him
next there is hind and what a virtuous woman she also married after her spouse died
the best of creation during the cadet of yazid in the 60th year she passed away when no time was left
buried and also she is somebody who
made the hijab twice she was in habasha women
so uh she was uh included among the women of the chosen one is
uh she died in the year 56 the the the noon is 50 and then the
wow is six um so you should know how to
so initially she was taken as a concubine after the battle of mustadak from her husband musafi who died later
by sword whatever barakah
so the prophet even paid him the case who held her for for her manumission and then he married her and because he
married her all of the sahaba freed the these prisoners from her tribe
so she was considered a great blessing for her tribe because once she became
married they were the ashar of the prophet isaiah so out of honor to the prophet they freed her tribe's people after that
it for all the muslims freed their captors
from her clan when they realized the entire muslim clan were now the in-laws of the muslim
in-laws of the chosen one from the lord of creation his family the purest blessings and peace
[Music] and then ramla also the daughter of abu sufyan
married the prophet sallallahu alaihi salaam and her guardian
and then her guardian in the marriage was khalid man and according to history she was
with the neges when the prophet's proposal came in
and the negas gave the dowry in its entirety to her himself which compromised 400 gold
in the seventh year after hijra she was given in marriage to ahmed and her death occurred in the year 44 after hijra
um so uh the meme is 40 the dal is four welcome
and what an honor was gained by sophia when she too became the nobles of creation's spouse
she had been captured as a concubine at haibar and the best of creation chose her for himself
she was also she was married to one of the leaders of the the jews of
khaibar and houye who really instigated this whole thing
she actually had a dream which was interpreted as that the prophet saw
i sent him she would marry him and she told her husband and he slapped her so she still had the
the atha on her face from being hit by her husband
when when she married when she married the prophet saw israel
she became muslim she was it's very interesting because she the
some of the other women used to chide her about being a jew yahudia
and the prophet saws when she mentioned that to him she said tell them
that your your father is harao and she was an aaronite tell them that your father is haroon
your mother your your uncle is moses and your husband is muhammad in other words that it's a point of
shout off that the jews are people the muslims tend to forget that they're actually
children of prophets so it's it was a point of shout off for her with her iman
in the prophet isaiah she was also accused of
during the fitan during uthman's period she was accused of being a jews so i mean it's quite it's quite
sad the ignorance that um pervades communities and the early muslims certainly weren't immune
from that but during that time she was considered being a jewish observing the sabbath and then um so
uthman asked her about that and she said that she went on the saturday she would visit her relatives
who were jews and uh
so that she's a very interesting uh person also and um
you know to remember that the prophet saw islam had jewish relatives then also salallahu alaihi
said them and then he says [Music]
her freedom was her dowry a right he gave her in in the year 50 death descended and took her
in so in the seventh year just after the
victory of khaibar during the umrah he married meimuna and she was the one that allah says in the quran
actually gave her self to the prophet she came to the prophet
had been abised so now we all visited seth so that's a place that you know now
wakanadaka madfenna and then she was buried there 45 years later which is really quite
she was the last among the women to marry him without
in the year 51 death too descended upon her when her appointed time arrived for the
taking of her soul uh
the dowry of each of these wives was 500 silver dirhams with the exception of safiyah and rama
whose dowries were mentioned earlier in the clarification of what he paid to them both so the prophet isaiah gave the dowries
was 500 silver hams he would have that would be the orf
and the prophet saw i said that's that was a reasonable amount of money
especially at that time in that type of society but obviously the nagas his was
was a lot of uh money because it was gold now he says uh concerning the children
of the prophet
s his sons are for according to what's
mentioned however some disagreement about that particular number has occurred some say they're three and they they because of the uh the the
luck so you'll find that but
but generally it's for uh
who the prophet was called in kunya kunya is like when you have a son or a daughter and you're called by
their name abu abu maryam the prophet called abu zahra which is the father of fatima the
prophet sallallahu alaihi it was called qasim he's
during his lifetime he said don't use my kunya to for confusion
some of the uluma took that as being a prohibition even after his death um libya is a place yo abu qasim is a
common name um probably more from the the great maliki scholar abul qasim
but it's permissible to name with his kunya the turks did not like to call
people muhammad's elizabeth so they changed it to mehmet and the reason they did that is because
omar said that he did not like naming the children muhammad because of people cursing or getting
angry and and using the name like muhammad what's wrong with you something like that or getting mad i
mean i was i i screened a uh
a cartoon i was asked to watch a cartoon on the life of the prophet isam for
to criticize it and there was one scene where they had abu jahl
cursing the prophet's eyes i'm in the cartoon i was just like you know little kids watch this and they
and they'll say these things you know just kids watch those things hundreds of times
so i just thought that was totally unacceptable to put that in a children's film
but that's why they did that the turks out of adab they actually changed the name muhammad to mehmet
just as a way of honoring the prophet isaiah's name
and then he says
so here's where the difference comes both of which are one and the same or some opine that they differ
and then so that you have possum and then abdallah and then
some say that they're they're they're this the different people but the
dominant opinion is that they're the same and then the fourth among them
the fourth of the sons all of these were from khadijah except for ibrahim was from maria
and he technically was she was an umwalid that's the strongest
opinion that she that's what he didn't even mention her amongst the wives she was um she was sent by makaokas from
egypt to the prophet sallallahu alaihi salaam and then abiha a woman if she's
in a uh if she's an emma and she misses a period even
then she moves into a a status that is akin to the wife she doesn't have it's
not completely the same as a wife but she's she's no longer an emma so she can't
she can't be uh given away or something like that so she maria is uh
the mother of ibrahim
so his birthplace was the city of baiba the pleasing and his mother was married
she was the best messengers concubine so she was sent again this is a pre-modern phenomenon
it's not certainly something that [Music] the modern world can grapple with
anymore but this was definitely pre-modern it's biblical um it was in pre-modern cultures the
prophecy them freed all of the slaves
and certainly his slaves and certainly encouraged the the freeing of slaves the quran
encourages the freeing of slaves the prophet isaiah said that the person who
has a a slave girl frees her educates her marries her and gets to
reward like the christian who becomes muslim gets to reward so the prophet saw i said and praised
that act but again this is a pre-modern uh condition that was
uh it was uh rampant throughout the world and you know and just a point here
we have so much on this planet if you look at the united
nations estimates of sexual slavery of uh the uh you know prostitution
of all of these things that women are for i mean there's massive problem in this here in this region with prostitution
because you have so many poor people that come
and and are forced into these conditions so you know when when you look at the
pre-modern world in many ways what what the this shadia was trying to do was due to hadibe of human conditions
that are actually quite odious and one of those human conditions is
impoverished refugee status when you have wars do you know how many refugees now in iraq there's
there's almost two million from from the war i mean there's all these people out here begging you know
i mean i don't know if there's some of them aren't but some of them might be from iraq but this is what happens when
you have these situations and so in in in islam it
literally jeff almanabe it completely dried up all the sources of slavery except as a way of
reintegrating prisoners of war and things like that back into society and this is one of the
ways so the prophet saw i said really the islam eliminated
all the sources of slavery and the muslims never developed a a type of chattel slavery
that that was developed in the west the the slavery and the islamic tradition the rules are very rigid you can't split
families up you can't i mean people were split up in in other systems
personally it's a good thing that i think all the muslim countries have eliminated it i certainly would not like
to see it come back um when people read these verses in the quran i get asked about that a lot you
know what's that mean i mean this this is the pre-modern world and
and the prophet saw i said i came in the midst of that and at the time and remember also that
the prophet sallallahu alaihi salam his sharia is a sharia
of tadaruj it's not a sharia that comes and does this revolutionary act
that turns everybody upside on their heads wine was eliminated very slowly
uh even even the fornication if you can look at it the prophecy isn't permitted a type of
marriage that by our standards today would be just unacceptable
and that's why it's prohibited now but initially he permitted that because these people were not used to
the the types of laws that uh islam was was really moving people
towards so the the mutha which is a pleasure marriage the prophet permitted that initially and it was
something that the arabs used but then he prohibited it
and so there's a lot of tadaruj in the sharia and this is certainly one of the areas
where if you read the sharia if you read the quran
is the very first thing which is the quickest way to get to god is to free slaves
that the charity is for the poor people the mesquin i mean shafi and mariki
differ the shafi's have the exact opposite of
the monarchies but they do differentiate you know in the marquis method mesquin
he doesn't even have a day's worth of provision in and the fa is
he has us a year's worth of provision so he's he's he's not a uh he's a poor person in
that way right what's shafi's huh yeah the mosquing is better than the
fakir yeah so it's the opposite in the maliki so it's but the um
let's see so anyway i mean i'm the reason i'm focusing on some of these
shubahat is because living in the west i mean unfortunately
there's people some people are finding out about all the horrors of islam before they actually find out about
islam and there's whole websites dedicated to this stuff i mean it's quite tragic so there's a
lot of people that this is their attitude about islam so they're going to come to you
with things well what about this and what about this and islam says this and islam says that so
uh you know i think it's just important for people to to have some uh understanding of this i
mean this this area which is really apologetics and apologia is a greek word that means
defense you know it doesn't mean like saying i'm sorry which is what it means in modern english
an apology is actually a defense like in socrates uh plato's famous uh dialogue it's
called the apologia it's it's socrates defense of why he did what he did
it's not saying i'm sorry he was actually telling him you know that he wasn't sorry and when they asked
him to meet out a punishment for himself he said that he thought they should give him free meals for the rest of his life
for the great service he was doing to the citizens of athens by acting as a gadfly so the point is is
that the apology is a defense so apologetic literature traditionally is literature that deals with what's called the
bohat which is to refute the obfuscations obfuscations are
things that are unclear they're they're murky areas they're things that are
people bring up to create doubt in people's minds and that is an obligation of scholars to
refute uh these type things and unfortunately there's there we're really suffering from this
uh today with so many people working full-time i mean some of the budgets these people
have it's they're in the millions there's one organization that is solely dedicated to
attacking islam and undermining islam and they have a budget of over 20 million dollars in the u.s
a year so it's you know it's very real now i would also say for that it's
important when you're dealing with secularists it's very difficult because they don't believe in religion but christians and jews
our sharia is so much more enlightened than the the what exists
in the jewish and the christian dispensations that are there today if
you read saint thomas aquinas and look at canaan law that you know the christian
legal tradition there's nothing uh in islam that compares to things that
you find i mean torture we never justified torture torture was justified by
the bible the new testament i mean the christians the catholics actually justified torture that it was actually a
good thing to torture people until they confessed because you were even though you were harming their body
you were saving their soul so that's you know that is in their books whereas
muslims never in the history of islam has anybody ever justified torture imam malik in his
medhab for somebody who was a convicted criminal of past crimes
that they said it was permissible to rough him up a bit if he was captured and was not admitting to the
crime but there was enough circumstantial evidence but it wasn't like torture him it was more do the hard cop
soft cop type thing but other than that the the utima prohibited tavib and the
prophet said that the worst people on the yomokiyama the the most
tortured souls on the day of judgment are people who tortured people in this world so torture was
never justified by islam never in the history of islam and many many other examples of that so
i think it's important for people to remember that that you know with secularists
they just don't accept anything um from religion but with when you're dealing with christians and and jews
they have to understand if you live in a glass house you don't throw stones that that that we can look at their
traditions and unfortunately some muslims have i mean you know one of the famous duats
who spent a lot of time really making fun of the bible that is not a
healthy thing to do for muslims because that antagonizes people and they'll
actually end up doing the same thing which is why the quran says
do not curse the idols because initially the prophet used to speak ill of their idols but they the the
the saha the uh the quraysh began to actually curse the religion and curse islam and
curse allah and so the the prophet was told don't speak ill of their idols
because the father is it will cause
the sibab of god you know without any you know there's no right for them
to do that but they'll do it just because they're angry at you so it's important for muslims to remember that that if you're going to
make fun of other people's religions you're only setting your own religion up to be made fun of and that's why it's very important in
our dialogues in our speaking to speak with respect about what people hold sacred
and hoping that they would in turn respect us
so all of his sons died before reaching maturity during his life as relayed by reliable authorities
as for his daughters there are also four in number without dissent though among concerning his old as some
difference was mentioned
the soundest opinion states zainab is the eldest but they differed about her age in relation to al-qasim
one group said she's older than him another said she's younger
the birth order of the other three is
so that's the birth order so the oldest one is zainab and then
in the 30th year following the year of the elephant zainab was born to the messenger of salary
and she was married to ibn rabiyah so when the best of creation was chosen he was summoned behind
and he would not and then she accepted islam and immigrated and evan immigrated after her so the best of
creation restored her once he accepted islam to the previous
marriage contract according to the soundest report not needing a second contract
there's a very important point that's brought out from that and that is that islam recognizes
marriage because the the basis of the of marriage is
the prophets that's where the institution of marriage came from it's a prophetic tradition and so anybody who marries
before islam even a civil marriage when they come when they accept islam the marriage is accepted and it's very
important to understand that that that for illegitimacy and even shaykh allah and i really prefer this opinion
because i asked him about this i said we have a major problem in the west is that people do not get married anymore so we have
illegitimacy now that word is becoming illegitimate in the west to say illegitimate is becoming it's not
even accepted anymore i don't love child or whatever you call them i don't know but um
but the reality of it is that we have our orf now in our society in
the west that people live together and are committed to each other
and they might not call it marriage but it's descent we we call it common-law marriage it's a type of
and so children that are born in those type of situations should not be considered illegitimate
if they know who their father was the father was committed to the wife they were living together they should not be considered
illegitimate children so that's important and it's important for because
you know illegitimate children shouldn't be prayer leaders things like that and it's not because they have any sin it's just because
the imam is supposed to be an exemplar they're supposed to be taken from people that other people look up to um that orf is
changing quite radically in in in the west in england i don't there's a lot now
i don't know what the rates are but in america it's over 50 percent are born now out of wedlock so
if their common law we we should consider if they become muslim you know converts and things like that if they're
common law then they shouldn't be it shouldn't be seen as illegitimate
allah knows best
yeah so she bore her husband omam and ali and she died in the eighth
year of hijara
so because they were children of abu lahab when abu lahab when the tab
was revealed they divorced the the um the daughters
what's interesting about tabatha it's a very harsh surah but he was very harsh personally he was
like just unbelievable what he did to the prophet but it's very interesting it's
the only real ta yin in the quran of anybody from by name and the fact that he did
not become muslim is quite extraordinary
and it's that's one of the miracles of the quran because so many of those people did become
muslim but he did not nor did um jameel
[Music] well-pleasing married who bore him a son who then died she died when he came back
from badar uh she she had died uh during that while he was at badr well even was
in the sixth year after the death of his mother in the second year after hijra without any ambiguity
and then he the other daughter um was most assuredly married to him and for that he was entitled possessor of the two lights so uthman
radhilano married both of of the daughters of the prophet allah is
she bore him no children and in the ninth year she passed away as traditional sites so the prophet said buried all of his children
with the exception of fatima and fatima he told her in the famous hadith on his deathbed
he called her over and he whispered in her ear and she cried and then he whispered in her ear
and she laughed and and they asked her later and she said he told me
that i would be the first to follow him in death and she died six months later
and then she said and you'll be the first with me in paradise so uh fatima is the only one that he did
not bury though
so then he's she says uh he says that the youngest daughter of the best of all creations the most exalted in rank among
the women of the world the prophet isaiah mentioned maryam asiya khadijah and fatima the the prophet saws
said that she was from the command the complete women um the she certainly her makam is amazing
fatima she's also the source of the albeit uh
is are through her um she when she her birthday was in the
41st year after the arrival of the elephant she reached 15 full years of her life when the best of creation married her to
the lion heider is the name of imam ali anu she went on to bear for him four
children two boys and two girls without debate so al hassan and at hussein you'll also see
hassan and hussain without the ta'arif hussain and now the story and this is in
even relates an interesting story that ali when she was when when because he gives it as
proof that you can marry you can name a child while it's still in the stomach even though sunnah is to name them once
they're born but it's permissible to name them in the stomach so say when he told the prophet that that
fatim was pregnant he said what are you going to name the boy and he said and so the like war
and the prophet said so he said no his name is so he said all right so he was born then
then when she became pregnant with hussain he went back and told the prophet he said what are
you going to name him he said and he said no his name is al-hussein so
he named him at hussein she was pregnant with a third boy who died and the prophet saws went the adi said
told him she was pregnant again and he said what are you going to name he said
and he said no his name is masen so these are the three names the prophet gave al-hasan al-hussein and mohsen and
it's all about beauty
so the arabs say nusami abnega
you know there was the jahadi tradition to give your children very harsh names and give your servants like slaves and
things beautiful names so you have it's a funny thing like the arabs have these
whenever you look at the the abeed and the moali they have very nice names
in in the seerah and jahali literature and then allah they have names like safe and
hosam and muhannad and palha and
these type of names nimr fahd but they said we name our children for
our enemies and we name our servants for ourselves so that was kind of an arab jail
mentality is that you wanted children because they were the ones that fought you wanted them to be tough in
battle and so you gave them tough names the prophet gave them very beautiful names
so both of them died in infancy and were buried so
was blessed to marry her sister who would give birth to his son zaid muhammad
and would later marry after omar's death muhammad bin jaffa when he died she in turn married his
brother own when he also died you know one of the things that you should take from this
is the women there was no stigma in divorce or widowhood unfortunately in the south
asian culture and i think it relates more to hinduism because in hinduism
the dharma of a woman was service to the husband so when the husband died if you were from the the warrior cast
you were supposed to self-emulate yourself just throw yourself on a fire um but
that that's the dharma of a woman in in classical hinduism was the dharma is like her uh her ibada her
saluk it was to serve her husband if the husband died then she waited for death
and so unfortunately in in some in the some of the south asian culture if
if a woman loses her husband when she's in her 20s it's it's nobody's going to marry her
but in this culture marriage was very fluid and and people got married they got
divorced uh it's not encouraging divorce but divorce was not this massive i mean i meet people that
are in horrible marriages i'm just like get a divorce you know it's not you know really if
you're in a horrible marriage where you're miserable because the worst thing about it is in gratitude
you just it's hard to be in a state of gratitude with allah if you're miserable and so it's just
important for your psychological well-being to be in an environment where you're happy with the person you're with
and and there's no reason why you shouldn't be happy with the person you're with so i mean i would much rather be alone
than be with somebody i hated really so you know it's important to
take from this that this was very fluid these women were marrying you know
somebody would die and they would marry like the sister they'd marry the sister if the if if the the wife died and the sister was
available they would marry the sister it wasn't like this big stigma it was quite the contrary it was a natural very
natural thing to do
she married his brother abdullah and she died without a doubt while still married to him
her sons aided by died at the same time she did thus giving precedent for scholars who drive rulings of inheritance
from such situations so there's actually a ruling derived from this situation because it was quite
unusual that she died at the same time that her son died so there was a how a
complication on how her inheritance should be distributed
a few months after the chosen one's death either three or six according to the strongest views um
the chosen and um daughter died the mother distinguished noble so there's three or six but six is this i think the
what time is it

Qurrat 8

so we arrived to the section on the [Music]
paternal aunts and uncles of the prophet
uncles of the chosen one and mentioning the beloved exemplars aunts we say
his paternal uncles were numbered as 12 and it is said only 11 were mentioned
asked for the ten sons and said that he would sacrifice one of them if allah gave him ten cents
those children among them was abdullah the last one the
youngest and then abu tadib is another of them hamza abbas but there were some that
died before islam so these are the ones that he's mentioning
none of them live to see islam
then there's hamza and al abbas who as scholars know live to see his mission and to embrace islam so
hamza and al-abbas and abu tadib those three and abu lahab
four uh all were lived to see the prophet salla isaam
declare his mission hamza as you know
he hamza was a he was a hunter he was somebody who had a lot of respect
amongst corey she was very powerful man he was desert man he'd like to go out in
the desert and uh and abbas was a merchant he was also a money lender
used to loan money in in mecca and then was in essence this
the the sayyid he was he was the the sayyid from the ba banal hashem
which are another line that's the line that uh was the brother of hashem
and the imam shafi
the brother who died in in gaza and whose
uh whose son is and when muhammad was brought him back from
medina he was writing on the back and he had very uh threadbare clothes they thought
it was a servant of abdullah
so that's how he got that name so the the benuhashem which are
is that branch of the and as you know all of these the quraysh are all related
at some point in the that's why it's nice to know the the ancestors because all of the
quraysh are related at some point uh in time so abdul muttalib
uh had fallen on hard times they were aristocrats they were very
well respected by the by the quraysh and the qurays were well respected by the arabs
but they had fallen on hard times we know that the prophet saw isaac actually took
ali who was the son of abu tadib in to to his household to help him out
because they were really having a difficult time one of the things that karen armstrong points out which i think was very useful
uh even even for me when when because she she drew
attention to a fact about the pre-modern world that people tend to forget and that is starvation and the fact that
crop crop loss droughts caused animals to die this
actually created situations where people could somebody could be very wealthy because their wealth was animal wealth
husbandry but if a really bad drought hit they could lose all of their wealth and then also the
they had shepherds the shepherds were out and people would do raids so you know ben were raiders
they could come and take your hundred camels like abraha took the hundred camels and suddenly
you were without your camels if you didn't have a strong support to defend your property to
defend your wealth then you were left without your wealth so like all things in the world wealth
increases and diminishes so you can be very wealthy at one point and you can lose all of your wealth at
another point i'd appreciate if people just pay attention when i'm talking i really it's just like
a basic adeb if you want to read please you know just
go to your room or something but if people are gonna be reading books uh while i'm talking i
can't i can't concentrate and it's it's a weakness in me uh some people can do it some people can talk
when people talk i've seen them do and i'm very impressed with it for me i just lose my uh my train of thought so i'd really
appreciate if you take notes fine but i just appreciate that you uh you just give me that courtesy
um you know this this program for every person that's
here more than 10 people aren't
all right for every person that's here aisha is she here so behind me you know
that they had to make those decisions so the people that are here um you're here other people
with real you know i got calls people you know begging literally begging
to be here so you know for whatever reasons one would hope that you've come here
with the intention of learning with the intention of being i mean to sit with shah abdullah bin
bayyal is he he uh he doesn't his teach his students
are doctors the the students that study with him privately
are all phds in arabic language and also that's who he teaches he doesn't teach
beginning students so just to be able to sit with him is an incredible honor
it is an incredible honor and uh he uh dr abdullah nasith and i heard him
say this and dr abdullah nassif was the head of roberta he's spent his life going to conferences
and meeting with ulama he said that he has not met anybody as learn it as shaykh
yusuf his own son told me this that he said the same thing at the
recent maj he said this man is my teacher
and he's considered now you know people look up to his opinion and things
like this so that's the type of caliber we've tried to bring very qualified
people um [Music]
there you are
he was sick this morning so so the uh you know that's what we tried
to do this program is going going on now for i think 14 years
and uh we uh we've you know we really tried to to
make sure that the people that's why there was an elaborate process because there's so many people
that and i feel bad about those people not being able to come i mean people in tears
you know and i've stayed out of of the the process because i don't want wasa i
don't like i like honesty i like i don't like people that call and say oh i know so
and so so can i get in through no that's the old world that we're trying to get rid of
because that's what's destroyed the muslim world so you know if if if you're here you just
have to know there's ten other people that aren't here because you're here right and just think about that
there's 10 other people that are not here because you're here so just i i really hope people
appreciate that the places that we get to go to people do not get to go to these are closed
places they're locked there are places that and others have spent a lot of time
documenting uh we we were blessed by giving being given a special permission i mean
i went and asked for that special permission so you know
these are opportunities that are just quite uh rare you know
so i just i really hope that people i have no problem um
well no i do but i won't say that um so that that's my request just um
just attentiveness that that's a basic uh you know kasim and mushtarak like the
arabs say we say that they took it from us least common denominator
it's just that basic attentiveness i'd really appreciate that um so i mean we've had people that came
you know to get married and that was a major problem in the past for
other reasons there were some people that thought oh because we had access to the haram you know people
that's what they wanted all that stuff is is uh you know it's a blessing to make umrah it's a
blessing to visit this city um but you can do that in any group
any group this is a a regular to get closer to allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala to study with people that normally you would not have access to study with and also to get a historical context
of the seerah of the prophet isaiah by being able to actually visit the sites that the prophet isam was at so um
but we we really tried to do our best to make sure that the people that were here were here
for the for the right reasons they weren't here um you know for for any other reason
than that um and and i mentioned in tha if the uh talk about the niyat people came with
the intention of umrah that's on