Secularism The Greatest Danger facing the Ummah

Transcript Details

Event Name: Secularism The Greatest Danger facing the Ummah
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/29/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

start doing

things we can talk all day long so we

have to recognize what is our sphere of

influence our sphere of concern is the

entire world but what's the sphere of

influence where can we actually impact

what can we do and this is what we need

to be concerned about

I mean Muslims talk about the rulers all

the time as an individual I am NOT going

to change the the regime and such in

such a place as collective group of

people if we rectify ourselves we are

promised by Allah that he will rectify

us in fact in the Quran it says yeah you

had Lavina no Topiwala poodle code and

sadita i have taqwa and just speak up

right we apply how many Muslims that you

know are applied in their speech how

many Muslims do you know that are

upright in their speech Autocode on


then what does Allah say you're cynical

automatic on whatever fill that comes in

overcome allah will rectify your

conditions if you do that this is like a

condition if you do this Allah will do

this this it's a shot and in the Arabic


the thing is contained in the other

thing so we have taqwa of Allah and if

we're upright in the way we speak which

includes calling to dour because Allah

says in the Quran that the most upright

this is the one who speaks the truth and

calls to the deen of islam so being

upright in the speech from an external

condom in my diet a lot that's the best

way to be applied is to call to Allah

well I mean I'll slightly how that you

do righteous actions

so unless is a tough Allah well poodle

code and sadita you select local

American why I've been looking video

become not only will he take care of our

dunya but he will take care of our asura

as well by forgiving us our wrong action

it's very clear

Palance Mubeen unity based on you what

can muslims do the establish the song

and british society starting in their

own communities personally I think one

of the most important things right now

is the establishment of areas where

Muslims live Muslims should live

together I mean the Chinese you see you

have China towns all over the world

Chinese are stupid they're very clever

people they literally stay in there they

maintain their language

we've lost our language I'm not an Arab

last night told me he grew up here he

doesn't speak Arabic Subhan Allah

I mean Allah has you exchange the high

for the low you got to speak to Queens

English then then the King's Arabic


and that's another thing that I didn't

talk about language and the effect the

impact that Arabic has on the mind and

also on the world view of learning

Arabic language deeply Muslim all of us

should be committed to Arabic among

seven in history Satta said here's your

water could be Muslim in time them a lot

of the nah yeah blue a would you ever do

that every Muslim has to learn Arabic

according to his capacity and even

though the later Muslims who put it as a

faulty fire keifa is only good if

there's enough people that know it and

we don't have enough people that know

Arabic anymore guarantee you so far

occupy becomes an iron until the key

fires reestablished so really learning

Arabic is incumbent on on the entire

Ummah and we should learn anyway people

learn English for dunya they can't learn

after at all language really people shot

some people Muslim we have most of you

today speaking as much better than

English people and they learned it for


you mentioned death of Jesus do you

think believe jesus is coming back or as

he dead the dominant position of the

people of cinema in general and in the

al-qaida in malawi is that he signed a

sternum returns at the end of time and

that's the dominant position of the

Muslims and Shia that's the one I died

adhere to and I hope I die on that

shoulder our zoos halau he's acting that

cuz we're living in one London man this

is the biggest zoo is the biggest zoo in

the world I was on Edgware Road last


that's a zoo from the Middle East they

brought exotic animals over here hon

Allah the Almighty said in the Quran way

that were shorter shots he said that

that was one of the one of the signs at

the end of time that that actually AIA

applies to the before the Alcala that

the wild animals would all be contained

in the end of time and a lot that's I'm

not making that gesture that's the

tafseer of imam ali mahdi who was a as

harish a phantom ahadith these are only

domestic animals that we are allowed to

keep zoo is a very strange i mean this

part of the whole the the the Kafar have

made the whole world their zoo they

literally Morocco's a zoo for them they

go down and they all go the animals

that's what they do they take pictures

of them and Subhan Allah how can you go

and take if you did that in London to an

English person just take his picture

like that he come up and grab the camera

you doing please think I am just some

kind of freak show but the Muslim in the

Arab countries and their and the non

Arab countries people going with their

pictures and take pictures I'm like

there's some kind of animal they even

take pictures of their women which is


you know I mean people doesn't allow

surveys that we don't have dignity

anymore why because Allah says and what

Allah says what is the to deal and he

says for Allah

Sudi and for his measure what it what we

mean and to the people of email to me

alone in question what meaning you're

over them if you're morning that's a

shot including to mock me all the ayahs

in which Allah says that we will be

given victory that we are over there but

they're all conditional sentences in the

Quran they're all conditions based on

actions then comes to the ryeom circle

or you set it up damn them if you give

victory for Allah Allah will give it you

for you but don't expect accuse on the

laughs you're not doing anything for

Allah we don't believe in unconditional

love that's just something some

psychiatrist made up to make some money

what do we do because even a lawsuit in

kuntum traffic normal ah but to the

early become Allah Allah is not as

conditional that based on following the

Messenger of Allah

it's not like the Christian it's all

love and harmony and God's gonna forgive

us all they don't even believe that

because we'd that their revelations at

the end of time when they say Jesus

comes back and everybody condemned to

hell except these 144,000 people which

the Jehovah's Witness they're only

144,000 people going to heaven survived

who wants to join that revision

and it's one of the fastest growing

religions in the world and all they have

to do is just some basic mathematical

but they don't encourage you to go to


did you overdo it they don't want you to

go to school because you learn

mathematics really like 144,000 there's

five million Jehovah's Witness man most

of us are going to hell if the calf ears

fight us with atom bombs and how do we

counter attack them without nuclear

bombs there's a cartoon I once saw that

showed these Africans with Spears and

the British came down with their guns

and they were shooting then the Africans

were throwing the Spears and then the

next picture it showed the Africans with

guns and the British with machine guns

and they were just mowing them all down

and then the next picture showed the

Africans with machine guns and the

British with airplanes dropping bombs

and then the final picture showed the

Africans all with the tanks going by and

the airplanes and they're all saluting

that one-handed tech beer right I mean

people now are silent for the national

anthem and they speak while the Adhan is

going on really people are signing for

the national anthem and we gods going on

they talk baby talk one squad going on I

was at a conference and and we are

trying to buy a book in a in a soup in

the conference and and the guys got

caught blasting next to me I went over I

said yeah hey could you please turn this

off because I'm trying to do it during a

transaction then this is harm and he

said why because he's selling it I said

because I want to see the Opera I cook

it up put it up online first in a room

that one see two if you listen to the

Quran if you did the Quran is recited

listen to it and be silent and he said

is that why'd you sit Subhan Allah

and we want to know why we are in the

condition we're in you see

but if he's watching television you know

what he says she was right shut up I've

gotta watch this

you see seriously these same characters

be quiet I'm trying well you you just

throw to me Mike Tyson gentlemen there's

only 85 seconds and I paid 25 quid for

this they say now listen that when they

do they took leader Mike Tyson once the

bottom line that's really no one so

anyway the last picture in the frame

showed them all with the airplane and

then it showed this one kaffir and a big

computerized ruling with these warheads

all facing Africa so that's where where

they gave us all their dead weapons and

we end up killing each other with him

anyway if the Muslims were in the state

of mind they're in now and they have the

nuclear bomb

they wouldn't drop it on Tel Aviv they'd

drop it on reality Appa Don da Dada

seriously we think that the characters

are but I hope Saddam Hussein never gets

the island long because you just drop it

on the missile before you drop it on

there they're cool far seriously we

should use our brains I'm the guy just

like my Hutton and my intention these

are you know the purpose is just

inshallah just to get us all thinking a

little bit and my intent not to offend

anybody if I mention many nationalities

any thing that is not my intention I

don't and even some of the questions if

I'm a little harsh on my response it's

just you know it's just it's not so much

the question but it's you know it's

being having done this for several years

now and this being the thousandth time

I've had that question you know and I'm

just wondering I mean if my genuine we'd

be the first time you've ever asked a

question or you might be a new Muslim

responder so my intention wasn't to make

fun of asking the question but just you

know it's just frustrating for me as an

individual so I apologize for that I did


I wrote that question I apologize to you

for my reaction it was not from you as

an individual but from a collective

state the mathematics said in America

melodic MIDI Stalinism said na na de

huracán asked for one Oklahoma the one

who says that people are finished or

destroyed he's the most destroyed of

them he nomadic said that that means if

he says it out of arrogance thinking

that he's better than them in other

words if he says it's a husband I'm out

of grief and just of our own human

condition then then it doesn't that that

what ye from the public doesn't apply so

all of us you know we're in a destitute

state and we need to ask about we need

to turn to allah subhanho wa taala in a

sincere Toba - we had allah heat over

candle so he'll turn to allah you know

pure Toba collectively as an ummah and

this is really as far as i can see we

have to turn to allah because allah

allah i mean who in that day there is no

safety from him except to him there's no

safety from him except you and that's

true he he wanna pay that there's your

Arpita there is no safety from him

except to him because that i'm gonna be

a did that the affairs in the hand of

Allah is not in America I told him

Muslim I was so grieved really I was I

was almost in tears when I saw

McDonald's in Mecca I mean I really just

it just broke my heart to see McDonald's

in Mecca and I'm in this sacred place

that you can't even uproot a tree

you know and these cool fog just running

around with impunity and the person I

told us to keep he felt like weeping and

he said we just have to remember hands

up that all buzz Allah over them Allah

is over these people Allah is over them

and Allah will take them to account we

need to raise this up and if we don't do

it well insert our lowest abdominal

consumer Iook around article if you

don't do it

Allah would replace you with people who

do it and I might take two three four or

five ten generations but it's gonna

happen so I don't know talking behind

this for money