The Perfect Path

Transcript Details

Event Name: The Perfect Path
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 6/4/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

this perfect

theme in terms of the the camerea of

this Deen is wild and wild means

admonition it means to be in a state of

awareness yet time your child is to be

in a state of awareness or admonition

and the greatest world in the quran

above all of our other world is the

world or the admonition of roncada

that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is with you

wherever you are

who American anger makuta he is with you

wherever you are my alpha woman :

in LaDainian fibonacci no one will

articulate a word except that there is

two Watchers all of them are water and a

reproach er over them Allah subhana WA

Ta'ala says that he was not happy no

matter what you should be enough so when

I know after a we laymen have already we

know what the soul is whispering in the

internal language of the heart and we

Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is closer than

the carotid artery itself and the

carotid artery is the source of our

consciousness if you cut off the carotid

artery even for a few moments

physiologically you will put a person

into a state of unconsciousness

so Allah is closer to the human being

then you don't consciousness then his

own self awareness

this is allah subhana wa

and so this sense or understanding of

Allah Subhan Allah Allah's presence is

what enables Touhey to become a real

life experience in the life of the

individual Muslims and in the life of

the community of Eman so when the Muslim

begins to take on this world that is

literally you cannot find a page in the

Quran that you will not find this Wow

from Allah that he is with them that he

is present that he is I mean that he is

Kabir that he is boss here that he is

linear all of these the presence of

Allah subhana WA Ta'ala with his

knowledge is throughout the Quran and if

you read the Quran daily you must gain a

sense of the more Aqaba of Allah subhana

WA Ta'ala

and once this Muraki ba is literally

internalised then disobedience to Allah

becomes almost impossible disobedience

to Allah becomes impossible why because

you are in a state of presence before

the king of the world

medical move and in the same way that an

individual who has any sense at all

unless he's much noon and the Majnoon

doesn't have any technique the madman

has no responsibility unless he is a

Majnoon if you are in the presence of

the king you will be in a state of walk

are in a dignified state in a state of

fearfulness in a state of awareness you

will not reach the edge of or the

courtesies of the Kings Court and you

will know that if you if you literally

in any way in t hack and Homa

which is defying the sanctities of the

king you will know that the the swords

king is over the head the swords king is

over the head when ignited method of

Allah and to Allah is the highest

analogy so the human being when he knows

this like the prophets allah i am la

parliament woman accent the SS

rothermund Allah and Allah and the


that the one who knew understood xn is

the promised Oh Elijah when he was asked

by Jibril erase that

what is that Sun the answer that every

Muslim should literally become the the

deepest understanding of Islam because

Exxon is the pinnacle of Islam and the

action is that you worship Allah as if

you saw Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and if

you do not see Allah you know that our

loss of a NOAA data sees you and so this

sense of the presence of Allah is that

which enables the Muslim to maintain the

deen of islam this is what prevents the

muslim from entering into marcia and

this is really throughout the quran and

i encourage all of you and myself to

literally look through this the quran

from this aspect now another aspect of

the idea of the sun is the whole idea of

hasson itself under the hakama kuala

tahan up and MOTU and hired lia blue

comb are you come axon or another he is

the one who created death and life to

test you to see which of you were the

axon or Ameri the axon who here is from

the same root word that exon comes from

and it's a beautiful word because it

literally on the one hand means

beautiful itself it means beautiful as

my Allah Krishna are the beautiful names

of Allah and ethics is deeply related to

the whole idea of aesthetics in other

words wrong action is a discordant

action it is an action that does not

harmonize with creation itself and this

is why any discordant action that does

not harmonize creates dissonance it

creates something that breaks the

harmony of the society itself in the

same way in music when when the notes

are harmonized right then then it's

something that that is flowing if if

somebody who understands music if a note

is introduced that is not in the

structure of the music somebody who

understands music recognizes that

harmony has been broken in the same way

the one who is in obedience to Allah

when they are presented with

disobedience to Allah they recognized

the the dissonant

of the action and enter into a state of

disharmony and this is why the Prophet

said that the wrong action is that which

creates this turbulence in the breast

itself so there's a disharmony that

takes place inside the human soul if it

is healthy but if in the same way that

somebody like these modern people that

listen to music that has no harmony

whatsoever and I'm not don't want to go

into a discourse about music or anything

but aesthetics is an important aspect

because birds are part of the Vicar of

the bird is making beautiful music and

the Quran is certainly recited in with

Cadence's that are harmonizing by their

nature and we're more attracted to a

reciter that is reciting in a harmonious

manner than one who is reciting in a dis

harmonious manner but just like the ear

the heart if it's out of sync with the

harmony of the ethics of the human being

it will not recognize the disharmony in

the same way that the human ear if it

has no sense what they call tone-deaf in

music if it has no sense of harmony then

it doesn't waive adhere discordant

sounds it doesn't bother them it has no

effect on them whatsoever so Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala has literally created

this this Deen in order for us to

harmonize with it and this is why the

promise of I said I've said now you know

I've gotta to go to Hawaii my debt to be

he none of you truly believes until

literally your passion or your desire

harmonizes or is following what I have

come with so this really the Muslim is

the one the mustn't is the one who has

literally harmonized with the deen of

islam in other words your own internal

desires are in accordance with what

allows you kinda without a desire and

when something that is disobedient to

allah subhana wa ta'ala enters into the

picture then the human being literally

becomes in a troubled state or mubarak

and this is why a man is based on sukoon

what if there are according to MO has to

be that the nature of the man is

sukoon which is fine quality and if

there are which is a type of in

tranquility and it is sukoon to the

obedience of Allah or to the in detail

of the Awana of Allah who following the

commands of Allah and it is a kind of

turbulence - disobedience to Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala and this is the whole

idea of wild and it's really a topic

that one could go on and on about but

the the next or the third aspect in

which the the deen of islam is perfect

is in distinguishing between

andronica vein and an Espada was Heidi

he the difference between a righteous

action and a action that is not

righteous now if we look at two people

one of them both of them doing will do

or the outward form of will do so the

person takes washes the hands takes

water into the mouth and you see him

doing the wools oh by the consensus of

the scholars if they did not have the

intention of doing will do that is not

will do although it has the form of will

do it is not accepted as a purification

for the prayer

it could be cooling himself off cleaning

his mouth and nose whatever but it is

not will do because the basis that will

do is Ania this is an obligation of will

do and like that righteous action

although two actions can look identical

from the outward if somebody gives some

AHA and another person gives what goes

to be sadaqa in terms of an outward

judgment they look the same but they're

different based on the intention and so

the whole idea of a nominal party which

Allah has commanded us to do throughout

the Quran is that first it agrees with

what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has set

down this must be the basis of the

Muslims action that the actions and our

man - wata bow chicka bow la vez una

Tomasulo he that the actions must be in

accordance with the Book of Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala and the basis and this


at the foreign wanna Atacama wrassle for

Hulu oh man how come an orphan Tahoe

what Allah has given you take it and

what Allah what the messenger had given

you take it and what the messenger has

prohibited for you then turn away from

it fallen kingdom to heaven or la fête

tyranny if say if you truly love outline

in other words if you have to heat then

you must follow the messenger of allah

what a complete house will be like was

what will husband and you have in the

messenger of allah the best example tear

up do people am brain matter mastectomy

him a tenth of the newman by the Aveda

key table was finality i have left two

things as long as you hold to them you

will never go astray

the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the

messenger she tell velocity never allow

public Omaha bromine that become it goes

on and then the prophets Allah he said

I'm said woman at the back and the hood

at the lady here a bell of Allah the one

who seeks guidance in other than the

Book of Allah Allah leads him astray by

the Sunnah of Allah in his creation so

we must have our actions in accordance

with the Book of Allah in the most basic

poem that is memorized throughout North

Africa a poem that is used in teaching

little children Islam in the last

section of it even a shop or him o Allah

says well you people or more ahuyama

malama feeding navidad hakama that the

the Muslim is someone who literally

stops doing any action until he is

certain what Allah and His Messenger

have decreed in that action and this is

something that there's no excuse of

ignorance ignorance is not an excuse

because technique by its very nature is

to accept that we are in a state of

responsibility this is what technique

means Allah kalapana he has put us into

a state of responsibility responsibility

in in both English and Arabic mess olia

muscle is what's called ism of all from

Santa in other words he will be the one

who is asked in the same way

responsibility means the one who must

respond there same meaning in both


olia means that you are the one who will

be questioned and Allah says in the

Quran and the greatest and most

definitive statement about human status

in the Quran for all of those people who

say why should I do this or why or etc

etc is that that of my life and Allah

will not be asked when we used a moon

but they will be at Allah will not be

asked they will be asked we will be at

we cannot ask Allah who kind of a downer

why did you try me in this way why did

you send this tribulation to us why did

you put Hosni Mubarak as the ruler of

Egypt it's not gonna work these are not

acceptable complaints you see many I

mean you can sit around and complain

about creation all you want but Allah

will say in says in many ayats in the

Quran that he has given us intellect he

has given us eyes and ear he's given us

an earth that's wide and vast he's given

us guidance and a Dean and he told us to

follow the guidance and the Deen when we

turn away from the guidance and the Dean

that he puts us like Hassan or buff any

one of them came to him and he said hey

meanne are not going to Allah had yet

let's go and and and make a revolution

against hi dad and he said subhanAllah

if you get rid of dad you're gonna get

pigs and and monkeys over you in other

words the state that you're in if you

bump off the ruler is just like you bump

off said that and you get mobar you go

you go from a monkey to a pig you know

literally so it's it's down the

evolutionary scale what's going to be

next a rat you know seriously so so

changed historically change has never

come from the top down even the profits

of a lion is to them who was given the

technique of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala he

was given the tenets of Allah if you

look there was a groundswell that took

place in that community that literally

he transformed the oppressed people in


immunity and email and people that could

perceive the true state of affair that

oppression is an illusion based on one

disobedience to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala

and when one begins to turn to allah

that allah subhanho wa taala will give

them some gene in the earth and this is

a promise in the quran that allah will

give them king he will establish people

in the earth yeah but do not allow you

to gonna be a Shia when they worship Him

and they don't associate anything with

him in other words the pure tawheed of

Allah subhana WA Ta'ala then Allah will

give them king but if you want some king

by some coup d'etat or something like


well like Sultana but Hameed said I

never saw a revolutionary build what he

could tear down you see I never saw a

revolutionary build what he could tear

down because it's very easy to put a

bullet through somebody's head but that

unfortunately doesn't end the argument

you see the shock or the conflict

remains as long as the people are in the

conditions that they were in that

brought about that tyrant that the

tyrant goes when the conditions that

brought about the tyrant oh but if the

conditions remain in Allah Allah you are

you don't mind if I'm happy or you don't

mind the unbosom

Allah does not change the condition of a

people until they change what's in

themselves so the no I'm not even gonna

look at that because I'm just starting

I mean I'm not number I'm number three

I've got ten more to go you know seven

the next so since then there has to be

it has to be in agreements with the book

and the sooner it has to be based on

their class there has to be sincerity

well now in a rural area leonova mostly

single Dean they were only commanded to

worship Allah with a class but if class

is based on so he that is why the surah

of so he is also called sporatic

applause the surah of sahib is called

the soul earth of Earth class and if

class only comes when the heart is free

of riah of all of these things of other

than allah subhanho wa taala

and this is a process that must be

worked on and strived on by the Muslim

especially those working in positions of

leadership of the Muslims if their

hearts are filled with reiha and these

type of things

then there's we have no success we have

no success if it's a popularity contest

if it's less impressed such-and-such or

so and so then this is really a

destruction if people say it's like Imam


the most beautiful statement I have ever

seen about somebody who had no nuts who

had no ego is from Imam Shafi who said

that the alarm if I got into a debate

with anyone about a masala about some

thing that involves a Deen of Allah I

used to pray to Allah that Allah made

the truth manifest on his tongue and not

on my tongue so that he could submit to

it so but I mean this these are men

minimum in every job that is a man not

people that say no right brother no

you're wrong I'm right and then you just

go on from there until they start

pulling out guns and things like that

behaving like monkeys qaradawi hannah0

all right it's not if subhuman behavior

what this level of solving conflicts

with violence

I mean violence is like one of the

persians said about jihad that we have

to take up the sword sometimes to take

sword out of mad men's hands that that's

jihad is we take up the sword to take

sword out of mad people's hands but

violence is not

something that a lawsuit piano with

diana has decreed because we should be

violent people

no he's decreed it to prevent violence

and this is in the Quran whatever that

divine oneness without the home be bound

or develop there's two rewire that Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala said in a hoodie man

so on or hoop demon so on or what they

on what sort of odd to almost had you do

I mean this is the reason that Allah

makes some people defend other people in

order to preserve the worship of Allah

and not simply the worship in Islam but

the right for other traditions to

worship Allah as they see fit this is

the glory of Islam that we don't just

defend the messages we defend the

churches and the synagogues and the

temples as well a more like bar I mean

what other religion has that the other

religions say let's tear down the

temples let's tear down the messages

because they don't agree with us the

Muslims say no you have a right to

worship Allah as you see fit

but we are the protectors where the

Allah moon we are the people that can

establish justice not you because

historically you have never shown

tolerance except to your own self

historically you have never shown

justice except to your own selves it's

like the Pax Romana the Roman peace it's

based on that everything all the taxes

go to Rome and everybody's persecuted

except the Roman citizen and this is the

Pax Americana the American piece the

Americans can get the howl of Unnithan

be that they can go wherever they want

but it's at the expense of the literally

the destitution and the slavery of the

rest of the world's population because

all of their resources and all of their

wealth goes like this centripetal force

from the these countries into this

source so they can all have their

gratuitous consumption and Merry

Christmas and everything else

so then the next I'm gonna have to go

through this quick after sincerity then

it has to be based on email in other

words that one's understanding about

logic behind our data has to be correct

and then and I don't like an emphasis on

art either because to me there's a big

difference between al-qaeda and Eman P

that is something that is not


it can be learned Imam Ali's book is a

very short book you can learn that book

in in literally a month with a share and

that's it

IP this over then you have to work on

Iman in other words not what you

articulate on your tongue but what you

live in your heart you see and this

whole emphasis on how Peter where it's

like and more has to be says ya can

attack with a lot than alpha beware of

worshiping Allah with your brain with

your intellect where until he becomes an

articulation on the tongue but nowhere

is it experienced in the heart when the

actions and certainly the the best

behavior of somebody who has fear of

Allah is that their that their will have

a no home that they are merciful to the

Muslims but they're not you know at the

the next is talking ladyship and Kareem

that Allah demand that we literally have

this team to a lawsuit panel to Anna and

and this can't be under emphasized in

other words that the hokum is to allow

the panel to Anna and the hukum of other

than Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is the

fuck'em to share bond to thoroughly -

how are the one who took his own hawa

auras and Athiya tejada allah ho hawawa

the one who took his own hawa his own

passion as his god which is the god of

the age we're in the age of the the idol

of this age is the idol of how are you

know it's the I did it my way

age is where everybody if you look at

all the advertising like Calvin Klein

and all these deals all about no limits

do it just do it do it because it can be

done you know there's no sense of

dude you'll see some guy climbing up a

mountain to the top of a mountain like a

madman that's something a madman would

do for no reason just to climb up

literally put his own life in jeopardy

and people die fall to their death there

was a woman in Pakistan who climbed k2

this English woman she left two children

in England in Wales and she climbed to

this mountain to be the first woman ever

to climb to the top of k2 and a big

snowball came and took her down the hill

and there's her two children that she

orphans because and everybody's weeping

over this woman they ought to be

spitting on her grave what this is a

this is child abuse and what do you mean

climb a mountain go home and take care

of your children let the mountain take

care of its health and King too if you

ever see a picture of that mountain what

that mountain is saying what called me

sallow ha you know in Arabic the tone of

state is they don't mess with me that's

what the mountain is saying don't mess

with me really and so this woman who

wants to prove well that the you know if

a man got there so can i but why if a

man wants to go to hell you want to go

there too if a man wants to jump off the

Golden Gate Great Wall if a man can do

it so can i let's jump off the Golden

Gate I mean let's use our intellect here

you see so this is this is the type of

of what we're dealing with in this age

of worshipping haha of doing whatever I

do and and America exalting people that

do these mad things right really they

just bungee jumping and things like this

you know there are more interesting ways

to enjoy an afternoon than jumping off a

bridge with a string you see and

interesting enough one and some of the

envies in the room can confirm this with

one of the hospitals that I worked at in

the intensity in the emergency room a

lot of the doctors on the weekend used

to jump out of airplanes because they

get into adrenaline rush like when you

have a yeah a cardiac arrest and you

have to split the chest and do cardiac


it's they like it they start getting

high it's like a drug because adrenaline

is one of the most powerful

physiological drugs that we have and so

these people when they after

works over they go home and it's this

what's on television it's not very

exciting watching er when you were just

in ER and so they decide to go out and

jump out of airplanes to get that

adrenaline rush you see and this is why

many of them end up on drugs and things

like that and they just had an empty

died of an overdose of fentanyl they

found her in the in the room she was in

there and she had all these track marks

all over and drug abuse amongst empties

is very high in this country for a

number of reasons but that's certainly

just one of them so the idea of team

with the eraser Oh No and then the

promise of my sternum was told in the

Quran about the Christians that suffer

do I borrow more than whom Arvada but

that they took their priests and their

rabbi Cesare bad Lords other than Allah

when the when one of the Sahaba are they

alone and who went to him I've even had

him who was a Christian before Islam and

he went and he asked him he's the star

of hatha mahai the great generous Arab

and he asked him we didn't take them as

Lord other than Allah he said did you

make halal what they made halal and did

you make how long what they made Haram

he said yes he said then their Lords

other than Allah and so this idea of a

hokum of other than Allah is a ship in

Islam and this is one of the things that

brings on the health of of Allah subhana

WA Ta'ala while man lam yahkum bima

anzala la foule that it got woman cast

it on and those who do not judge

according to the decree of Allah those

are the Kathryn and that I should be

very careful and because a lot of people

take the ayah out of context pass it

Mojang who was the great student of even

our best said this type of cooker does

not lay your determine and Midler it's

not a Coulomb that takes somebody out of

the Minda

in other words the Jews do not rule by

the rule of Allah but we still call them

Jews and there are many Muslims that do

not rule by the rule of Allah but they

still go into the fuck'em of Islam and

let they openly deny if they say I don't

believe in Islam then there kappa but so

that's that's aid the next of

quality steamer which is just the look

at the the command of Allah to the

rulers of the society where a la

stupenda with the other said what the

generic thirty minutes to come in and

what meaning lower the wing of

humbleness to those who follow you from

the believers this is to the best of

creation but it's to every person who

has authority or has ruler over Muslims

that you should be humble and this is

how the ruler is commanded to be with

those that he rules over and then Allah

says serve America with him in alive

into the home but I'll plaintiff Alden

are either other than problem and how

Allah it's by the mercy of Allah that

you were made soft by the mercy of Allah

that you were myself had you been

hard-hearted and and raisin and course

they would have dispersed from around

you even when Musa is sent to surround

and her own he's they're told to said

I'm palatable and lagina say to him a

gentle word you see so the the ruler is

supposed to be gentle and not be hard

what does not mean that there are times


Severinus we we know that Omar Abdullah

no he was hard in the time when it

needed Shinda and soft when it needed

lean and the same with Abu Bakr a severe

for the Allah who was known for his

softness but when people refused to face

I can he said he would fight them even

though I almost said no so this is all

done with the hikmah because the Prophet

was sent do I know you really key table

at hikmah to teach them not just a book

but how to implement the book in their

lives then Allah tells the people under

the rulers Johanna Dina Avenue available

la for a theater Rosco were ruling a

Medine income oh you who believe

obey Allah and obey His Messenger and

those in authority over you and in the

beautiful subtleties of the Quran Allah

does not repeat for a third time

while Peter wounded amédée minkum and

obey those who were put in authority

over you is by what's called out in

there there my both and the motto a lady

is Allah and his or her so in other

words as long as the rulers are obeying


his messenger then we obey Allah and His

Messenger when the rulers be disobey

Allah and His Messenger then la partie

de ma rope and female sadhana

there's no obedience for they created

one induced obedience to the Creator and

this is the wisdom of Islam when Omar

Othman who said to his companions around

him what would you do if you see I'm on

a hop up going astray and the man pulled

his sword instead new a woman got me

Hannah will straighten you out with this

yeah I met her and what we need and he

said I've come to you guys that there's

still people that have some guts in this

Ummah you know and this is part of the

tragedy of that people literally allow

these tyrants to take over and not

speaking out what album would you had

Kenny method hock and discipline and

yeah the greatest jihad is not the jihad

of the sword of the physical sword but

the sword of the tongue and in Arabic

the word heavy MA in Arabic comes from

the same root to cats it means to cut

and the word phantom which is pen also

means to cut and so the sword

the pen is mightier than the sword

because it is a type of sword and it's

the sword of the intellect which cuts

through one home it cuts through all of

the illusions image and how did I have a

balton when truth comes falsehood goes

and that truth is the truth of the sword

of Islam which is the victory of the

Deen of Allah but it's also the sword of

the arguments of Islam the frigate and

the baleen the proofs that Allah subhana

WA Ta'ala has given this Ummah over all

other own mas and so this is and then in

terms of just dealing with so you go

from the ruler to the rule you go from

the ruler to the rules and then you go

even into the house and Allah subhana WA

Ta'ala says yeah you know kulusuk

illegal nara

bakudo and that's what Hazara oh you

believe save your families and your save

yourself and your families from a fire

and so a lot teaches us how to behave

with our family and tells us in them and

that's why from our dad come I do what

level I do in your in your wives and not

just why because that as well in the

Quran applies the husband's

Kabhi abu bakr in his hammock or instead

that this can apply to a woman who has a

tyrant just like as jihad fell over her

there are women who have tyrants over

them and there are many good Muslim

women who have bad Muslim husband

so the ayah although many of the trends

that returns that is surely in your

wives and your children are enemies for

you that's not what it said as well as

applies to male and the female and

people should recognize that so the the

the there is a Allah tells us that but

then all the super Hanna wa'ta'ala

remind us in the Quran that we also hold

an awkward one more than over energy

healing that you have to be forgiving

you have to be merciful you have to turn

away from ignorance you have to do these

type of things so in these awkward these

states these that Allah creates harmony

Allah tells us its ability here accent

turn return wrong action in the best way

and certainly the tongue gets us into

trouble more than anything else which is

why every morning the tongue is

literally all the limbs shake and say to

the tongue that's something that fina in

Rajesh - Jenna we went into safar

mystical one Oh tongue be straight and

don't be crooked because if you're

crooked we're crooked and if you're

straight we're straight so the tongue is

very danger and the tongue is literally

that women have to have gentle tongues

with their husband and husbands have to

have gentle tongues with their women and

if the women's tongues are harsh on you

then you should be like the prophet of

allah salat is to them there was gentle

with his women there's a story of one

out of a man who was complaining about

his wife and he went to home on even a

palpable and he was a leader what we

need and he thought up a lab he knocked

on the door and and then he heard from

inside his wife screaming at the home ah

and telling him what

louse he was and he said a stuff for

Allah this is a me remote meaning I

don't have anything to complain about

he started leaving omar opened the door

and he said what do you want he said


nothing I don't want anything he said no

no I tell me what you want you came for

something he's an owner or nothing

he said when she look a bit loud you

know imagine you buy a lot he's a

dominant meaning

kwinto ashtec he means OG&E; I was

complaining about my wife but when I saw

what you're putting up with I said I

don't have anything to complain about

and a lot of the liner who everybody

knows was harsh in a lot of ways Omar

said he laughed and he said yeah he said

he he is og don't be Oh daddy what's up

what's up Miami but you know that baby

were talks tertiary allows little idea

either either happy but this is my wife

who raises my children who cooked my

food who cleans my house who washes my


shouldn't I be patient if she gets angry

occasionally you see this is so

beautiful and really a lot of people

don't understand in the Quran when Allah

says that they have what is against him

what a miserable Aegina that they have

what's against them and Allah says and

men have a derasa over women

look what even a - whose cars you manual

Quran said about that da Raja

he says it's the damaja of Tannersville

which means that while he gives her all

of her rights he doesn't expect