Stations of Gratitude

Transcript Details

Event Name: Stations of Gratitude
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 5/30/2019
Transcript Version: 1

Transcript Text

se to come to the house so

if people refuse it why why are you so

fearful of them why are we so afraid of

those people you should have no fear the

see the thing about people that are

ignorant they fear that that's that's

what a fundamentalist is is somebody

who's afraid of the other he's afraid of

having his Eman he's so afraid and his

he's so afraid that he won't even allow

for the other to exist he can't he's not

going to allow that possibility he wants

them eliminated

really and that's a disease that's why

Islam is the only religion that's ever

allowed other religions to exist side by

side with it you study the history of

religion Christians never did it this

all this tolerance now it came from

John Locke who wasn't even a he didn't

even like Christianity or David Hume who

didn't like Christian that's where they

got all this ideology do you think these

founding fathers were Christians see

Christians now they brag about how great

Christianity is in America were number

one blah blah blah they don't even

realize that this is all anti-christian

the whole thing was founded based on

people that rejected Christianity it

really was Thomas Jefferson wrote a

gospel called the Gospel according to

Thomas Jefferson and he took out

everything that bothered him I mean

that's blasphemy you tell a

fundamentalist that he'll say that guy's

going to hell well why are you boasting

about him as this great Patriot and

great American if he's going to hell


so where did they get those ideas the

Muslims had those ideas centuries before

the Christians we got it from our

booklet Carroll heffa Dean there's no

coercion in the religion because we are

not afraid

but now the Muslims are so empty they

have no knowledge of their religion

they're threatened by all of these

ideologies out there you see really

because it's all there's no see if

you're on you're not on solid ground

you're afraid of the slightest wind if

your house is made of you know in in

West Africa they have these houses made

of grass right if your house is made of

grass you're afraid of wind if your

house is made of stone you think wind

bothers you wind doesn't bother you're

not afraid of it it's not going to do

anything to you but now we're afraid of

it because our house is no longer solid

it's not on solid foundation because

we've displaced our teaching

we don't have educated scholars anymore

we don't have them with the Kalima we

don't have theologian do you think we

have any theologians in the Muslim world

right now I'm serious most of these

Christian theologians that are really

well trained because I've read some of

their books they have brilliant they

have genius is still working in theology

they would wrap rings around most of

these so-called Muslim scholars

cuz Muslims don't even know there to

hate anymore really

that's why Muslims are so fearful of all

this stuff because we've lost our

tradition we don't learn it we don't

study it we don't think about it we

don't reflect on it so that's the second

mahkum of sugar and then he says that

the basis of lack of gratitude is

ignorance well also local data sugar Al

Jarreau bin mo it's ignorant see if

you're ignorant you don't realize how

much blessing you actually have and if

you don't realize that then what

subbable jihad been amicus or al Midler

and the reason for ignorant about your

blessing is your lack of knowledge about

our loss of behan with data first of all

what is the greatest Nana

well what proceeds even islam existence

narrated egad that he has given you

existence consciousness

what an mo really people say oh I don't

want that namma why to have just to be

conscious to have a conscious your

essential creature to have the ability

to think what an mo what is the next

namah namah tude M dad that he sustains

your existence I mean I read this I was

reading this book is called the atheists

the Atheist debaters handbook and it

teaches atheist how to debate religious

people right

I wouldn't recommend reading it but I

mean it's it's interesting if you're you

know I think for me it's just

understanding how they think you know

because if you're confronted with that

the thing about a Muslim scholar or a

daddy or anybody working in in the field

you have to be prepared for questions

for you really do and you shouldn't be

afraid I'm not afraid because I've

studied my Dean I've studied Torah he'd

I'm not afraid anything they throw at me

not worried about it but in this book he

said he was talking about the Ark the

cosmological argument which is the

favorite argument of Muslims right and

he said

these he said these people argue that

everything is contingent upon something

else and then he says which is that's

patently false

for instance human society is not

contingent upon anything other than

humans right this is his argument so

he's giving somebody fuel right

so he says human society is only needs

humans right so it doesn't need anything

outside of humans so there's something

that's not contingent upon anything

other than the thing itself so he said

so why should the universe not be

contingent upon anything other than


that's his argument that's a that's in

the Atheist debaters published by

Prometheus books and they published very

anti Islamic books as well they

published there's this guy even what a

rock right you know that guy that's

probably from Prometheus books they

published a book called the problem of

God right well I mean they admit he God

is a problem and for them he is a

problem he's going to get bigger and

bigger the problem right

but anyway so look at that argument all

right well human society is not

contingent upon anything other than

humans what about space can't have

humans without space so that's not part

of that's outside of humans your space

is outside of yourself you occupy space

without space you couldn't exist what

about time can't have human society

without time right I mean it's an

addictive thing so they say well the

universe doesn't need anything but

itself the universe needs space with the

University of space dummy right well

wait a second what was there before

there was no universe nothing so the

universe needed space to exist in right

doesn't it I mean the universe can't

exist without space the so if you're

going to say universes space well what

was there before the universe nothing

well so it had to fill something right

and space is dependent on what what is

space dependent on

matter you have to have something to

fill the space if there's nothing that

fills the space there's nothing so

everything is depending on something

outside of itself right I mean this is

this is just thinking things through but

this is the nature of ass officed the

nature of Sophos is that they make what

what Socrates asked what ass office was

he said they make the better the worst

cause look like the better one we calm

lawyers now right lawyers that's what a

lawyer does he can take the worst case

they say a jury is 12 people who decide

who paid the most for their lawyer

that's what they do they just decide who

was the most eloquent who is the most

convincing and that usually is the one

that cost the most money not always but

not usually so ignorant about a lawsuit

vahana with Donna and Morten him

why are you ignorant about a lot turcica

to or Fein at me he see you have to

reflect on the blessings of Allah Allah

subhanAllah darkness tells us to reflect

he says the Prophet SAW isome said let

half a coral feel air but I can't ever

go to VI lae he don't reflect on Allah

but reflect on the blessings of Allah

what does that mean not to reflect on

allah subhanhu that not to reflect on

allah you cannot conceive you can't

conceptualize allah you can't you cannot

your intellect is finite and you cannot

conceptualize the infinite you just

can't do it

and therefore it's Haram to think about

Allah you cannot think about allah

sydney abu bakr said l hold Oh

hell Allah he is Scirocco that to

reflect on allah subhana wa da Dada his

nature is shirk right well as you an

Iraqi he otaku and the incapacity to

conceptualize Allah is conceptualizing

Allah in other words the fact that you

know that Allah is laser committed ishe

you know who Allah is when you know

there's nothing like Allah you know who

Allah is that's why the

as him said about the end of time in the

end of time

he said if everything gets confusing

know that your Lord does not have one

eye right so anybody that tells you that

this is God it has one eye this can't be

God right this is not God but they

called the almighty dollar people die

for it

Fiza be to dole out really they'll die

should he do the law people will kill

for this it's a piece of paper you can

light it on fire and it disappears you

can't do that to gold

Gold doesn't disappear and if you're

going to worship something worship gold

you know this is not worthy of worship

neither is gold but I mean if you're

going to compare the two get it straight

this is not money this is not real money

this is monopoly it's a paper game right

but they've convinced people that this

has intrinsic value it doesn't they just

print them up that's why things get it

more expensive every year because they

just keep printing it up right it's not

money it's not God and yet people

worship it they'll die for it they

believe that their sustenance comes from

this they believe that there's people

that think that the only reason they can

buy food is because they have money in

their pocket don't worship the Sun in

the moon but worship the one who created

the Sun and the moon right that table

with the ships well I'll come up don't

worship the Sun or the moon but worship

the one who created the Sun in the moon

don't worship the the dollar don't

worship gold worship the one who created

all those things Allah subhana WA Ta'ala

says food guru

Allah Allah he look him to flee hone

remember the blessings of Allah what is

the greatest blessing of Allah of all

the blessings what is the greatest

blessing of Allah as really the Prophet

is the greatest blessing he's the

greatest blessing he's an animated Cobra

he's an amateur Ozma

that is why reflecting on him is the

highest thing that you can reflect on in

this world because he has the qualities

of human perfection he has all the luck

he has the a lot of divine attributes

that's why Allah called him but are

opened rahim

these are two attributes of allah he's

not divine but he is the most generous

of those humans that can show generosity

nobody was more generous than mara a to

occur Amaterasu Dida I never saw anyone

more generous than the prophet of Allah

I never saw anybody more gentle Mara a

to Eliana arica - Meera Sudha I never

saw anybody more gentle than the

messenger of allah the prophet sal Ison

was gentle in his nature so reflecting

on the prophets a license attributes his

qualities that's why learning his serie

learning his Shama ill all of these

things will draw you closer to Allah

I really they'll draw you and they'll

make you love him more and more the more

you find out about him the more you have

to love him and that's why the most

ignorant people of him are the furthest

from Allah and those who know him the

most are the closest to Allah

really and that's why even one of them

said whoever sees me will enter paradise

this is a shop hat it's a famous

statement of Samara but somebody's one

of the owner may heard that he said abu

jahal saw the prophet and he goes to

hell and they told this man that and he

said Allah Mira nebula

your team Benny Hashim he didn't see the

prophet of Allah he saw the orphan of

Benny Hashim had he seen the prophet of

Allah he would have been for paradise

you see to see someone and to see their

reality are two different things and and

so seeing the prophets all I am is

seeing who he was and he was a little

colicky let the best of Allah's creation

so he is an admitted Cobra right because

without him you wouldn't know Allah had

it not been for him you wouldn't know

Allah well Olin Wasi apart that they

have become Al Queda and more salt had

it not been for the means you would have

not known the end

that's why why did Allah say Muhammad

Allah saw a lot to become Muslim yet why

wasn't it just a shadow Allah in a hail


why not that really think about that

why do you have to say wash had one in

Mohammed up why if shirk is the only

thing Allah won't forgive why did he

make his toe he'd well I shadow under

Mohammad ur Rasool Allah and I bear

witness that Muhammad is the Messenger

of Allah that's part of till he'd you

can't have to hate without that I

guarantee you in our understanding of of

towheads and motto he'd is three things

it's the Allah he at the Nevada and the

summer yet right if you don't believe in

in in the o Muhammad that's your toe he

is not complete so knowing Allah is one

is not enough you have to know who

taught you that because the the Jews and

the Christians no longer know Allah is

one the way we know Allah is one the

Christians believe that he's

three-in-one and the Jews believe that

he has parts right the Jews actually

believe they have anthropomorphism if

you study Jewish theology they have

anthropomorphism they believe that Allah

is in space Speight if you're in space

then you fill up you need space

so you're dependent how can Allah be in

space but then you what then that means

alot nothing no that doesn't mean a lot

of nothing it just means you can't think

of what Allah is because all you know is

space so you assume everything has to

fill space that's only because your

analogically reasoning with your

intellect but when we speak about Allah

leisa committee he che there's nothing

like him

so all we know is he doesn't have space

we don't know his nature because we

can't know his nature but we know his

the negative aspects we know the selby

yet right so allah has existence without

space now Oh Sue Ann Veronica Roth are

bad he says if you forget the Nima if

you if you're ignorant of Anatomy you

don't know it and if you don't know it

you don't give gratitude and if you

don't give gratitude it gets cut off

that how do I know plenty like that so

you have to know the name of Allah

because you'll lose them what does he

say well Sunni remember alpha played era

thought about the first the

root blessings are for right

the first blessing is the nutfah because

all of living creatures came from it in

other words you were initially as I got

and Allah brought you forth from as I

got as I got is just it's a two proteins

that come together and form the first

cell that's what we were initially and

then a lot of right this is a blessing

Lydia regime Gaza and Jimmy Jimmy a

thermal everything that was brought out

Allah brought forth from the earth was

was the blessing of bringing forth all

of the plant life the vegetative life so

the first is animal life and then

vegetative life right and then what he

says the next is elma right because

without water there's no animal or

vegetable life so you have animal life

vegetable life and then you have the

blessing of water without which neither

can exist and then fire right because

fire with it you have light that you can

see and live and then you have all the

blessings of food from it right and then

also because for the people of inner

sight and he said this is why all four

of them were mentioned at the end of

surah tilapia well had he named he leti

thakura harmonium fiag harris orator

welcome well bhava it NFC as Oh again

see why did he I mean look at this woman

after the NAMM what a gently had never

matured Eman from the greatest of

blessings and the most exalted is the

blessing of Eman the manometer Rasool

and the blessing of the result but see

Eman also comes from the prophets do you

see in other words if you didn't have

prophets you wouldn't know what to

believe so recognize the the

I seen of the profit there's no doubt

our belief is our greatest Nana because

by it we will enter paradise insha'Allah

but the blessing of the prophet

sallallaahu Saddam is that he came to

teach us this

Eman hamdulillah the manometer for an

Zuma and Jana Nam in Haiti Oh Mary

gently net and then that he brought us

out from the best of all the the

nation's right see we could have been

Muslims from Benny SAE which is a great

blessing but it's not the blessing of

being Muslims from the prophets OMA we

could have been Muslims from that from

the nasarah it's not the same as being

Muslims from Cairo matino chitlin we

could have been Muslims from the time of

Ibrahim which would have been a great

blessing but not the same as being from

how people are most of us a lot easier

so that is a great blessing to be from

the people of Islam now if you look here

at these these blessings because the I

mean just really think about this a

variety to met to noon have you

reflected on what you to moon that goes

for men and women because the woman also

the she has that as well right both men

and women have this in at the woman is

the ovary and the man it's the semen

right and that those two come together

and the Prophet SAW Isom taught us that

see people didn't know that the woman

had a role in they thought you know they

didn't know that before that so he says

allah subhana wa tada says allah a tomb

a tomb known have you considered what

you what comes late have you considered

that anthem to hope oh no I'm not hot oh

did we create it or did you create it

right I mean have you reflect on did we

create it or do in other words netid


did you bring yourselves into existence

or did we bring you into existence

reflect on that

that's the a pseudonym a not fun right

and then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says

Nanoka darkness be no common-mode intent

economy oh no - nah no Cadorna day no

common motor when a woman an ovum is

broken we have determined amongst you

your life spans and we will not be

stinted in that determination right


Anoop Adira I'm thorough c'mon unshaken

female Attalla moon ah that you will

replace the likenesses of you we will

bring you again from something you're

not even aware of

now this share abdullah bin VII said is

even the possibility of cloning is in

that ayah because he said Allah and new

bed dear I am pathetic oh we can change

the way you're being created one on

shale comfy monitor no moon and will

create you a different way we're still

doing it

if you have a test-tube baby we're still

doing it you take your ovum out in an

operation you take your semen out and

you put them together in a test-tube

baby replant that we're still doing it

don't get deluded you think you can

clone don't get deluded it's still Allah

subhana WA Ta'ala right I knew but did

oh I'm that akan will change your

likenesses one own elcome female

that animal in things that you don't

even know about yet 1400 years ago when

I patted him - Menasha Tallulah and you

know how you were first created fellow

that to the qur'an would that you

wouldn't reflect on this and you you

knew how we first brought you about

there will be other ways which is also

an indication we can bring you about in

the next world because that's what the

initial Tufts here was a fara a - metal

tone and how have you thought about what

you're cultivating

intimacies at our ownable i Manahan

Rossetti own are you doing it are you

cultivating this or are we call

evading it because you go out you put

the seed in you cover it with earth you

water it did you do that or are we doing

it in other words all you are as a

suburb but who's really doing it all who

gave you the ability to walk who gave

you the strength in your bodies from

your food to do all these things who did

it all Allah subhanAllah Don well Ilona

Shahada donohue Obama for welcome to the

cajon Enomoto moon banana moon so had we

wanted we would have made it all safe in

other words you plant it and we just

destroy it

look at all the things that can happen

once you plant Allah can send locusts

they eat it all he can send a drought

kill it all so you think you're doing

this Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says then

you'll say oh we're model no no now

we're we're deprived right so you think

you're doing it's all to remind people

you're not doing anything don't get

deluded about this

now look at this every two minima a

Liddy teixeira bone haven't you thought

about water that you're drinking haven't

you reflected on the water that you're

drinking and tomb right and Zell to move

home in animals me I'm an animals II

don't did you maintain it in the clouds

right are you the one that brought it up

into the clouds or are we the ones that

brought it down to you did you do it or

did we do it right I mean now think of

the hydrological cycle all that allah

subhanallah dad doing and then never to

nog right and then allah reminds us lone

Hashanah who Jojo had we wanted we would

have made it bitter brackish fellow that

to scoodle would that you would just

show gratitude it's all about gratitude

that's all I said a vitamin or elegy to

don't look at the fire that you're

bringing about antimension shahadat ahem

not on what you own

did you bring that fire about or did we

bring it about who dried the tree right

why does the tree change it goes you

can't light up try to start a fire with

a living tree really try to do it try to

start a living tree on fire who dried it

out right who made it flammable

antimension shot at the nanomachine did

we do it or you right Nana Donna had to

theöto mohammed an animal queen we did

this as a Ted Kyra WOM Italian McQueen

and a way of making travelers have ease

in their journeys the ability to light

fire on a cold night when you're

traveling forcibly bismi rabbika

darlings say subhanAllah I mean that

really reflect on these and then say


who's that this is this is a man right

unlettered from the Arabian Peninsula

this is just one small verse and he's

saying think about those for nem the

Nama of your fluids your vital fluids

the name of your agriculture that gave

you those vital fluids then

of water that gave you the agriculture

and then the name of fire that gives you

benefit from from and then sub X Mel B

for the oxen within WAP and newsroom and

I swear by the where I've placed the

stars well in know who doc cusamano Tata

Manali this is a great oath if you bet

new look up into the sky it's a great

oath now they tell you oh that stars 400

million light years away mean traveling

186,000 miles per second it would take

you 400 million years to get there and

they know that now 400 million life did

you see what he said at the Astronomy

thing you know what he said I don't know

people were paying attention

okay you know what he said he said if

when you look up in the sky all you

should see is light because when they

take their telescopes the closer they

get the more dense the light gets if did

you see those pictures remember they

showed us how the sky should look

remember they said that how this guy

should look at night if it was following

normal physics that's why they got the

idea of dark matter because they realize

only some of these lights are

penetrating what's happening why are

only some of them penetrating was some

you will bottom wama adraka melodic

animal Talib the night and the light

visitors the stars that visit you and

what will convey to you what those

visiting stars are the ones who

penetrate in other words there's all

these ones up there that are penetrating

but there's ones that are called badhak

who taught him that who taught it why

does allah swore an oath about that was

summer you will bod up whoever thought

of that by the heavens and those night

visitors welcome ibadah in other words

their light is visiting the earth and

what will convey to you what a night

visitor is because the Arabs knew what a

night you know what a night visitor is a

photic he's the guy that knocks on your

door at night

he shows up that's what I thought Italy

is but that's not the thought of

I was talking about what's in there you

will thought one that that I come about

it an engine without the the star that

pierces and comes to the earth really

it's you know it just goes on and on and

on you just I'm serious

you just start looking at that book and

you'll just start seeing it just goes on

and on and on I mean why don't they

believe because they've never even

examined it when I was 16 years old I

came to the realization that the only

reason I was a Christian is because I

was born in a Christian family I

realized that I said the only because

I'm a Christian could my parents told me

Jesus was my Savior bla bla bla right

that's the only reason I realized that I

just realized I thought if I was born in

Sri Lanka I would be a Buddhist because

my parents would tell me here's your God

and pray to him you'll get whatever you

want if I was born in Israel I would

have been a Jew maybe or a Palestinian

who but I realized that I realized at

sixteen I remember very clearly that

realization the only reason I'm a

Christian is because I was born a

Christian and then I thought I should

think about this and then I thought okay

let me look at these world religions and

I took this class in world religions at

the universe at a college and we had the

book by Houston Smith world religions

religions a man or something time and I

started reading about this I thinks they

have 1 billion followers what do they

believe they have this and I started

thinking about all these different

religion I started studying and then I

remember hitting on Islam I thought now

wait a second what's going on here and

then I went nice God I put on and I read

the introduction I remember saying the

whole of the Islamic Creed is summed up

in the statement there is no god but God

and Muhammad is His Messenger

I haven't what does that mean you know

really what there is no god but God I

mean that's such a strange statement

when you first hear that you know I

don't know about people in here but the

first time I heard that I remember

thinking well I wanted to know what that

means there's no

oh god but God I mean now I know what it

means but then you know I was thinking

what does that mean I'm is better -

tries it there's nothing worthy of

worship in reality but God but there's

no god but God is very strange

translation but I remember it just it

and there was some very intriguing about

it there's no god but God and I remember

our sin there's no god but God it was

kind of like some kind of Zen Cohen like

what's the trick here you know what is

it what's like what what am I supposed

to realize here and then I realized what

it meant I just that's it there's no god

but God it's that's that makes perfect

sense there's nothing else that can be

worshipped but what's worshiped in truth

let my mood to be Hopkins see you a lot

that's how our anima interpreted Lam a

Buddha be - see wallah there is nothing

worshipped in truth except Allah

everything other than Allah that is

worshipped is worshipped in by falsehood

but then the second one will Muhammad

Rasul Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of

God what does that mean who was that man

then you start reading about that you

realize this is amazing

you know what and why haven't we been

taught this because I remember when I

became Massaro my father a letter and he

wrote me a letter back and he said

because he the first thing he did he

read Gibbon the decline fall of Roman

Empire he was read the section on Islam

and given actually despite some of the

things that he says he preferred Islam

to Christianity and he does say that

it's a great religion and he talked

about the theology of Islam makes a lot

more sense than the theology of

Christianity so he read that and he

brought me the letter saying that our

ignorant of Islam is historical you know

we should know more about this religion

the fact that it had such a massive

impact on the world why don't we know

about that I mean really why don't

people know about the Prophet Muhammad's

Eliza as a historical they everybody

knows about Napoleon do you think

Napoleon had more impact on on human

history people know about Nepal

they know about Waterloo people know

about you know Michael Jordan really

they know he's the greatest basketball

player that ever lived

Americans know them American know about

you know General Grant they know about


you know the defeat of Atlanta I know

about all these things that are so

insignificant in terms of human history

and nobody yet you ask them about the

Prophet Muhammad SAW lice em ya know

that's that that's that crazy religion

right really why is it crazy well that

guy who sama Bin Ladin well no wait a

second let's follow this through here do

you remember that guy down and I mean

I'm not comparing but I'm just saying

same logic you where that guy down in

Waco Texas which guy that guy remember

that guy that you know David Koresh oh

yeah that crazy guy wait wasn't he a

Christian well he said he was right well

okay so you mean he doesn't represent

all Christians no that would be stupid

too so so does Osama bin Laden represent

all Muslims I mean same logic by just a

simple I was on a plane once and my wife

we were in that uh you know those that

were that your face each other Southwest

Airlines you face each other and my wife

was facing this lady and about halfway

through the flight she just kind of

blurted out because when I was wearing a

hijab you know and she had her baby with

her and she looked she said did you ever

see that movie with not without my

daughter that's what she said so I

looked at this lady and I said what do

you mean by that and she said well you

know it was about these Muslims that

like kidnap babies and thing and I just

said to her I said have you ever looked

on your milk carton you know that thing

that says missing on the back or you got

those things in the mail that say

missing she said yeah I said do you get

them regularly she said yeah

I says amazing huh now if you read it

it'll say like Toby Smith last seen with

Kelly Smith

right so who kidnapped her the

biological parent because they're almost

all those kidnappings are divorced

situations and I just said to her you

know Americans are kidnapping their

babies all the time I mean that's why

they're so just because a film was made

of a guy who happened to be an Iranian

who happened to want his child to be

raised in his culture in his land so he

took his kid to Iran one case I mean do

you think that all Muslims are like that

and she says why I guess not

yeah that makes sense you know but I

mean I said if they would teach logic in

their public schools just teach them how

to think logically

it's really sad people can't think

anymore you know every time there's a

like a terrorist thing all the like I

have a friend who's an Egyptian he does

Egyptian tours every time there's a

terrorist event in anywhere in the world

by Muslims all his flights to Cairo the

people cancel them

you'd be you'll be much safer in Cairo

than you would going into San Francisco

today you have much better chance of

surviving a day in Cairo than a day in

San Francisco really but they people

can't think anymore it's like getting

struck by lightning you know I mean

who's it's you know it's very highly

unlikely that you'll be struck by

lightning so don't start worrying about

it it's all fear this would show up on

you I think I'm a fuckup

she'll probably I'm gonna cope with a

shell Don's always all about fear don't

go there

those are dangerous people I mean people

ask me aren't you frightened going to

the Muslim world I said I'm frightened

living in America if I'm gonna be

frightened of I'm gonna be frightened

about realistic concerns right really I

mean I'm I should be worried about

living in California we're on the most

the most incredible fault line on this

planet according to geologists it goes

right through Hayward California right

is right right under Zaytuna Institute

the biggest fault line on the planet if

I'm going to start worrying I should

worry about that but why worry I mean

what whose hands are we in really whose

hands I am I in my hands until hidaka

Samantha's going energy I mean are you

protecting yourself really it's all

crazy so just be grateful to say

alhamdulillah should believe that start

thanking Allah