Islamic Theology 2013

Transcript Details

Event Name: Islamic Theology 2013
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/24/2019 6:39:15 PM
Transcript Version: 2

Transcript Text

wn like we can do that we've

already done that before you know

because the Bible's like that

but the Quran is not like that but Allah

when they said to him that it wasn't

like anything they'd heard before it

didn't it didn't have a narrative it

didn't have like a traditional beginning

a middle and an end that's when the use

of came down it's like there you go

that's possible because they complain

some of the people said they wanted

stories Passos and that's when that that

that's possible but the Quran is it's

very different from any previous

dispensation but it's not teaching

different things it's teaching the same

things and that's why it's a very

interesting it has it has Old Testament

elements but it's got New Testament

elements it's not it's not fixed in one

or the other perspective although if

anything it inclines more towards a

ESA's approach to things and if you if

you look at the I as the deal with

justice and they're always followed up

by eyes of forgiving and overlooking and

it's a higher thing and that's why the

Prophet was commanded to do those things

even though his own was not commanded

they can redress wrongs if they want to

but he was obligated to forgive and

that's why he millennion tuck him D&F;

see here cut he never took avenged

vengeance or any revenge for himself

ever woman can get fat I see yeah

the see aware I can yahoo we all feel

like in the Hilliard says he never

returned a wrong with another wrong but

he used to forgive and overlook

so the and then the other thing that's

very interesting about you know in Imam

elbow CDs boorda when when he talks

about Ezra he says vitarka era and

Eltham and 0 10 min oppa Bukowski

Needham to the Requiem Torah me you know

you continue to go up in rank until you

got to pop up how saying this rank of

two bows links that had never been

achieved before even gibreel had to stop

and let him go and and then but what's

very interesting you know walk at the

matka demeanor and vab ha water suit

academia dome and an academy and and all

the prophets they put you forward and he

says wanted to tear a possibly Bobby him

female given Kentucky you so I banana me

and you broke through the seven heavens

with them in a procession you were the

the standard barrier there in that

procession of all these prophets but

then what he says which is very

interesting he says Boucheron and I'm I

should eat salami right first Akula

fahara no vitamist erican which is the

column accommodate almost any mashallah

Israel it's a it's a very beautiful

section of the border mmm

the Prophet SAW I sent him said even

address relates he said I lemony or not

be later

yeoman said he that my lord taught me

many knowledge 'as on the night of the


and but then he says Bashar al and I

measured Islam in Elena Manila NIT

Rahman a Roman heading me let me down

Allah their anal authority be Akram

arose laconic remember me when when he

says after that he talks about the Asura

he murmured ball Sadie says what good

news we have o people of submission

because we have a providential care a

pillar of support that can never be

destroyed this pillar of the prophets

Elias nm and then he says when God

called his prophet and said o best of

messengers by that we became the best of

omen what's really interesting I just

want to read you this because I thought

this was so extraordinary the Macan of

him only him in a nightie

Yaman with alum and Haley the lead and

Fuu siarad Erica Oh Luca di facade Erica

Oda cara de lluvia de llamada Allah that

Allah who Yanni Limassol ahuna beginner

mohammed and saladin a melody who were

there in elite RIT he tell our

anivia krama Rosalee last moment Attica

and Coonan a new Elodie no home on Metro

a common enemy

Andrew Jalla WA ala DN a chrono Rosalee

Lemieux bad in the era a caramel omen

the Jamie Roman member 88 a ham hi Roman

mama no home hyrule momineen work f your

own guru catherine and i just thought

that was so amazing auditor adam arsenic

a lot a little an amine so he says that

when when Iman was lady says that God

called the one who called us to his

obedience by the best of messengers we


must be the best of nations because

that's his Delisle that the fact that

he's a Croma Russell makes kuntum hi

Roma 1003 gentleness but then he says

that the believers of this Ummah are the

best believers and the kaffir oon are

the best Catherine which is very

interesting to me because if you look

never in history like have there been so

many people that are espousing the

truths that the Prophet is M was was

espousing at a time when nobody had

articulated those things like the

Prophet is the first there's no human

being that I've ever seen in history and

all the readings I've done and I've

asked people to show me I've never seen

anybody make the remark about human

equality that the Prophet slicin made I

don't find anywhere in human history

anybody that said there is no preference

of a white man over a black man or a

black man over a white man or an Arab

over non Arab or non Arab over an Arab

except in piety

I don't found anything that even comes

close to that in really attacking racism

at its at its root and that now has

become people that don't even believe in

God have come to accept that as a truth

whereas that was not widely acknowledged

at all in fact it wasn't really

acknowledged the superiority was a

common belief in the pre-modern world of

tribal racial religious superiority

whatever and also women's rights just

the elevation of women the abolition of

slavery I mean all of these things that

have happened in in this which which is

very clear that it's like his OMA is not

just the people that believe in him but

it's all the people of the world that

are in existence after he comes into the

world so we believe there the OMA

because the OMA is divided in two

omma to Dawa wanted st Jabba the OMA of

download Ummah of invitation people that

are invited to the prophets Lyceum to

accept him to believe him and then the

people that answer that invitation

because people have a choice and even

that like I'll have a Dean right I mean

before the Prophet SAW I said religion

was about coercion right people people

were forced to believe in things that

they didn't necessarily want to believe

once people got into power so if you

look at religious traditions once they

got into power rarely do you find in

human history religions that were

tolerant of other religions and the

Muslims have their blemishes I mean

there's there's no doubt about that but

in terms of the pre-modern world they

have by far the best record of any

civilization but the moderns have become

more tolerant I mean there's nothing in

human history that parallels Western

tolerance post-enlightenment tolerance

of religions nothing which is quite

extraordinary because that I mean to me

it's it's proof of what because this is

this Imam I mean he was writing over a

hundred years ago but I just thought

that was very interesting that he said

that that even the people that don't

believe in him are the best of of those

times that an interesting point I just

absolutely interesting to me I'm doing

so what time does the Isha come in what

time is it now 954 alright so does

anybody have any question yeah I think

you're observing they're struggling a

lot with Islam because the thing about

Europe unlike America Europe has largely

abandoned religion I mean they really

see religion is very backward thing it's

it's something that it's almost an

embarrassment to modern many modern

Europeans I mean there's still

Christians and believers in Europe but

generally they're very

I mean the vodka issue is a classic

issue in France of you know pourquoi no

vodka you know what I mean why not let

it fall one wants to cover a phase why

not let I mean they they let you go to a

plastic surgeon and rearrange your face

I mean there's no laws against that it's

amazing and there's some faces out there

that I think could be as social service

to cover them so I don't know you know

that's a real problem it's a problem

it's very interesting I mean why you

know why there is that that split but

generally the problem with human rights

is there's no ground for them you know

secularity is not a grounds for human

rights secularity is about power it's

not you know the Germans argued that

that Jews were not worthy of you know

they're just subhuman and from a secular

point of view if you don't have any any

grounds for then that argument is as

valid as any other argument in terms of

power and that's why goring at the at

the Nuremberg trials goring said you

know he refused to even partake and he

just said this is about power he said we

were in power now you're in power so

you're dictating to us just like we

dictate it before and that without

religion things are about power

so even human rights you know we we

frame things in human rights but what

Human Rights did the Iraqis have when

they were bombed do you know I mean

that's just power so you you can say

wonderful things about human rights

which you know Europe and America do

they say wonderful things

and I and a lot of people generally

believe these things but in the end the

people in power behave according to

power they don't behave according to

human right they're just it's about

power and so the only time that these

things are really truly meaningful is

when you bring in the sacred and and and

rites become grounded in in divine

rights not human right divine rights

that these are divine rights that a lots

of behind without I've created people

and gave them dignity what irrespective

of their religion humans have dignity

that laqad karramna bani adam' we have

in noble and dignified the children of

adam every human being has dignity and

as that's an islamic belief and the

prophets eyes have taught that when he

stood up for the jew in the in the

funeral when they were bringing the Jew

by and this was a time when the muslims

and jews were were at it they weren't

you know it wasn't a peaceful time but

when that when the the funeral came by

the prophets stood up and one of the

Sahaba said it's a Jew as inside Behati

you know and it's sad how some of the

commentators try to like erase that

meaning you know by giving you know

really I think you know just really

crazy interpretations but but the

Prophet said Ola said Neffs al isn't it

a soul and and that's why the Ummah that

I think got it right said he stood up to

acknowledge a soul returning to its Lord

irrespective of what the persona you

know because religion is personality

right you know Islam were Muslims

hamdulillah but who's really a Muslim

you know it the happy ha of Islam the

reality of Islam is very different from

the sociological box that you check when

it asks you what religion you adhere to

you know you put your little box there

but are you head unto Muslim oon you

know Allah says that to the Muslims are

you Muslims

that question is about your happy paw

it's not about outward forms you know

there's lots of people everybody can

perform the outward things of Islam

you can pray you can fast you can pay

your zakat you can do all those things

but is your inner reality a Muslim

reality which is a human being in total

submission to the Divine Will

that's another thing and and that's why

religion is more about personality than

reality so when I say I'm a Muslim er

you said you're a Muslim you're talking

about you know a certain set of social

circumstances and a certain set of

outward practices that you might or

might not adhere to if it's social

circumstances you're a Muslim because

you were born in Karachi and there's a

lot of people that's the extent of their

Islam they were born in Cairo and they

were told they're Muslims and that was

it but they haven't really ever entered

into a state of real Islam with their

Lord and then there's most of us who are

struggling with that like that wonderful

title to that book struggling to

surrender you know because it is a

struggle to surrender to the will of

Allah subhanAllah Dada so the Prophet

was honoring the soul stripped of the

personality because the Jew is the

personality the Muslim is the

personality the Christians the

personality and these personalities I

mean we had experience down here was so

I was with my wife a minute down here

guys were I thought downright

belligerent you know but the point is

whatever whatever upset them whether it

was my wife's P jab or you know or

whatever or they thought we were Muslims

and and and I'm supposed to have angry

feelings towards Muslims or I'm supposed

to have angry feelings towards Jews

because right now Palestine and Israel

is a mess

do you know what I mean so I'm supposed

to have these feelings towards these

people because but in the end of the day

if you just strip away that personality

they're just flesh and blood we're flesh

and blood they have souls we have souls

right and that trying to get to that is

such a hard place to get to and that's

where the Prophet was at so a lot is

that I mean he did not

see people as evil he saw people as

divine potential when he looked at

people he saw their potential and that's

why in the if you look in the in the in

the verse in surah 10 add that it ends

with this the B which is so beautiful

that the Quran has you know they they

the machete kun said what is this book

you know it has ankle boot and nav and


you know like ants and spiders and you

know they just thought that was so

strange but and bees but now we know all

these what these things are you know

spiders they're controlling all the we

do have a room filled with flies without

spiders so you know they're doing this

and then bees are pollinating all the

you know they're pollinating all the all

the food most of the food we eat is

pollinated by bees but at the end if you

say Oda truly that CBD Arabica bitter

hikmah you know call to the wave your

lord with wisdom what a more a that

husana and exhort them in in a beautiful

way you know don't be don't be harsh

lookin to follow one bloody they'll be

them fall demand how Lika you know if

you were hard and harsh hearted people

would flee from around you so it says

call with wisdom and with a goodly

exhaustion and then it says which I did

on the latias and and and debate with

them in the best way in the most

beautiful way and then it says that in

arabic animal beam imbalance a beauty he

who were animal Vilma 13 your lord knows

who's guided and he knows who's astray

right in other words just call to your

lord don't don't assume that you know

who you're talking to

you know don't assume that this person's

a Kaffir which is why the tang and Kufa

is haram in sharia you know tiny Nalco


is Haram the owner must say that this is

in the books of a PITA you cannot say

that an individual is a caveat because

Cathy you're saying that there Mahalo

did not write that you know there

hellbound and you can't say that about

anybody so you can talk about you know

these people go far but specific people

you don't know what people's reality is

and that's what Dow is about but then

you know when I captain five people be

Miss America to me you know if you have

to redress wrongs redress them in the

best you know in the most just way don't

don't transgress when you redress don't

don't translate so if somebody kills you

don't go kill their cousin you know I

mean say if somebody kills your you know

one of your tribe members right so if if

you know if if one Hindu kills a Muslim

you don't go out and find any Hindu to

kill them right that's there's people

that do that you know one one part of

the group does something to another part

so they go find anybody from that group

that's transgression this is not justice

as vengeance the difference between

justice and vengeance and then it says

when in sabar to the whole Hyrule is

sobbing but if you're patient it's

better to show patients you know it's

better then if you then redressing the

wrong then you know going on but then it

says while spitting you know you be


so like the OMA it said you know if you

want to redress your wrongs do it but be

just in it but it's better to be patient

but then it says but you prophets all

I'd assume you have to be patient you

don't have an option here because he's

the exemplars and the exemplar has to

embody the highest example and that's

why the prophets um when he looked at

people he did not look at them with

contempt nobody

he had no contempt for people he had no

kibbe there was no pride in his heart

when the man said to him he asked him

about the sandals and and he said you

know I love to wear nice sandals and I

like a nice shirt is that Eric

the Prophet said in a lodge Emilia

Benjamin God is beautiful and he loves

Beauty in other words the thing that you

love the fact that you like beautiful

sandals what you really love is the

thing that Allah loves you love that

attribute of that thing that is is a

reflection of a divine attribute which

is beauty that Allah is beautiful so

when you love beauty you're loving the

the reflection the divine reflection of

God's beauty in the world that's what

you're really attracted to and he was

acknowledging that that that's not a bad

thing it's a good thing because Allah

knows that thing that's why he made that

thing that's why he brought Beauty into

the world because Allah is beautiful and

your acknowledgment of that beauty is

your recognition of that attribute in

the world that's what you're attracted

to it's it's the beauty of Allah that's

manifesting in that thing that's what

you're attracted to but then he

explained what Kippur was what arrogance

was he said well a candle kibbe butter

will help will humbleness arrogance is

to reject the truth when it's presented

to you and it's to have contempt for

people people Nass people is to have

contempt for people I'm Dana

it was called cuthbun and amar it's

inside Bihari it's in Sinai and it was

only described as the red dune like

there was a dune over it like a red sand

did I answer that or not somebody sent

something up I think

where is Nineveh in the modern world

Nineveh is Mosul in Iraq it's a it's

having a lot of trouble right now yeah

you know I heard it from a well-known

share that Allah has made it forbidden

for the earth to take the bodies of the

prophets and that their flesh is still

fresh in their graves

how is this supposed to be understood

well I mean first of all the it's a

hadith the Prophet said avocado had said

that NBA the earth doesn't eat the

prophets but that's also that's not

that's a Catholic belief as well I mean

the Catholics actually one of the signs

of sanctification is that the bodies

aren't there called incorrigibles and

the Vatican is filled with those bodies

from from Saints that there was an

interesting article and discovery about

they let scientists go and examined the

bodies in in in the Vatican and it's

worth reading the article because a

couple of the scientists just were

flabbergasted so a lot of the bodies

were actually mummified because the

Pope's would they'd be a little worried

that they would get their flesh would

get corrupted so they'd have make sure

that they were mummified afterwards but

some of them weren't and there was one

fifth century Saint is like a patron

saint of prostitutes she was a

that had Toba and she became a saint and

but the one of the scientists just said

that like he was just amazed at the

preservation of the body he just like it

really floored him now I saw when I was

12 years old and I was went to a Greek

Orthodox summer camp in Greece I

actually visited the island of Zakynthos

and and there was a st. George Wright

who I'm I wonder if it's a Jew Age in

the story of the prophets eyes him where

they built the church for him but we saw

his body which is open to air it's

completely intact I mean I saw it with

my own eyes so you know incorrigibles

are they exist in the world

there's there's bodies that have not and

they're not mummified there's bodies

that were mummified but there's also

bodies that just have not been eaten by

the earth so that's that's not that's

not a you know that's a that's a reality

that's even accepted by the secular

world I mean they have their

explanations for it you know they think

it was the in that anyway that article

talks about why they think they were

preserved but still their preserves are

there for people to see even Medgar


when they exhumed his body in 1992 I

think he was killed in 62 61 when they

exhumed his body in 1992 it was

completely intact

so Medgar Evers a civil rights activist

hmm yeah he was shot in the back mm-hmm


guy was just reading from this book is a

commentary of the boertie by an Egyptian

share named Hassan and AD will hams away

it's a shot hello portable Syria yeah

it's very interesting I just suddenly

gave it to me a couple months ago or

last month could you please clarify what

you said about the maraj being a vision

for the Prophet does this mean that his

seeing the other prophet in being in the

divine presence and receiving the prayer

was not in his physical body no he was

definitely in his physical body when he

met the prophets also his the the ascent

through he did go through the malakut is

different from the mullick and i don't

know you know

the monk is what we're in here this is

the mulk the Mallicoat is is it's the

realm of the angels and then you have

the jaw borrowed so you there are

different rounds and the realms are not

the same like we're in a fixed physical

world where time-space affects us you

know if we if you know I'll bump into

the wall I'll hurt myself but there's

other worlds that are very different

from this world and the prophets eyes

have entered in to those worlds now we

don't know what I mean I don't know what

to tell you about it other than it's not

like here but that went that entering

into the divine presence was not

physical by consensus I mean that's just

anybody that tells you that that was a

physical thing was not now what was it I

mean I don't I don't I don't know I mean

I can't tell you what it was but the

reason that ultimate reject the

physicality of entering into the divine

presence is because it necessitates

certain beliefs that are impossible is

the hallo alle law one of them is that

it allows in a physical place God cannot

be in a physical locality because if he

was in a physical locality that

means he's muta he is in other words

something's around him there's something

outside of him which is impossible

because the hadoo de la who imam up to

how he says he has no limits God is in

finite Sheena - it means like a limit

and end infinite without end so a lot is

without limits so he cannot be contained

and and therefore - you know to enter

into the Divine Presence we don't know

what that means

I can't tell you what that means we're

all going to experience it so we just

have to wait for that but it's going to

happen and it's your we believe we're

going to see God but not with the

physical eye

not with Anil fannia with a nutbar piya

with the eight eternal eye the eye that

is able to witness the divine reality

and the anima say it's B let your heart

that you know there's no you don't see

God in any hotter sense you don't it's

it's it's a it's beyond company mala I

know lots

I mean if Jenna is what the eye has

never seen will a genuine semi had and

no ear has ever heard when a hotter a la

poly be better and it never occurred to

the human being that's Jenna so what is

God I mean if that's just Jenna that's

God's creation what is God because jenna

is what no eye has seen what no ear has

heard and what never occurred to the

human heart so when you know God is you

know an Angelina Iraqi adraka will hold

if Acuna Scirocco the same that Walker

said our inability to understand God is

our understanding of God and to speak

about the essence of God is to fall into


well because language is is limited I

mean when we speak in language even

language most of language is metaphor

even though we don't think about it most

of language when we speak we're using

metaphors constantly but we don't think

about them as metaphors because language

is symbolic language is expressing

things that are not really language

right I mean when I talk to you about I

saw a beautiful tree today

alright you know what a tree is but you

know that there's a whole branch of

philosophy that argues there's no such

thing as a tree because trees aren't no

tree is like any other trees so is there

a category of trees in reality and we're

just lumping them all together because

they look alike and that's what we do

with humans right but is there really

something called humanity there's a

whole bunch of individuals out there but

can we lump us all together and call us

humanity because that's a category but

its language it's limited so all of

language has its really gross

limitations in expression of how we're

going to talk about things and that's

why so much of this is metaphor

it's just the nature of language and

reality and when you talk about God I

mean you know Rumi says that that really

says theologians are like chaperones

they're just there to make sure nothing

haram happens with the lover and the

beloved you know but but you know in the

end of the day the Prophet SAW lies in

him you know he was in a state of divine

witnessing which I had no I mean say no

and he said I never saw anything except


saw Allah before it in it and after it

mean he didn't mean that physically that

he saw God but he saw whatever tidge nd

was there he saw it because the Taj

India tour had you know what they called

theophanies in in English you know a

Thea a theophany is like that in in

Arabic it's called Atta gently

which is how God expresses himself in

the world it's a manifestation of the

divine in the world the world is not the

divine but the world cannot exist

without the divine it's the mirror yeah

and we're the pupil we you know God is

contemplating himself through us but

that you know there's no there's no

we're not God I mean that's a Hyundai

love we're not that's we're not

pantheous or Penn anthias or you know

but we do we do believe that language is

limited you know that's why you know the

Quran has so many meanings it's just

endless meanings because of the nature

of language and the Quran is the richest

language and anybody who really studies

Arabic language will increasingly

realize that about the Quran you know

there's just endless possibility so but

the point is is that that rejection of

physicality even though the language you

him will Kunlun ulsan Ohama Tesh mija a

will who one is warm turns out onesa

Warrenton seha a will a widow for would

warrant and zahana

hmm you know every every text that in

any way indicates anthropomorphism

either interpreted metaphorically which

is the opinion of later muta kalamoon

the earlier opinion which i think is the

sound sound us and that's the one I

prefer is oh for well you know just

leave it to God don't don't say you know

what it mean just it doesn't mean what

it appears to mean

which is called taut wheel is Madi as

opposed to that wheel tough ceiling

mm-hmm anakata


well yeah racism is a major human

problem you know still and Muslims are

certainly not exempt from racism there's

different types of racism in the Muslim

world than say in in in the West

I mean Muslims have never had really a

color racism it's much more about tribe

and clan and family and you know and

also now like for instance the Arabs

some of the Arabs might look down on say

Pakistanis or South Asians but there was

a time when it was quite the opposite

you know I mean the South Asians were up

on the top and then again that's about

power and that's the nature of the world

that's why the world is a kind of

uninteresting place from that

perspective because so much of the world

is about power and that's why like

Bernie Madoff is such a wonderful gift

to humanity

you know because Bernie Madoff to me

once you understand Bernie Madoff you

can never take the world seriously you

know because Bernie Madoff was on he was

the head of several charitable

foundations you know he was lecturing on

ethics you know he was the head of

yeshiva Business School and he stole

their whole endowment and he had plaques

of honors I mean that's the world the

you know the world will honor the most

dishonorable and contemptible people

because the world is about appearances

and not about

reality and it's very easy to fool

people in the world because people are

generally naive and they're generally

simple and that's why the venal people

and the worst types of people in the

world get along very well in the world

you know for however long they get along

I mean Bernie did quite well for quite

some time and his wife even got off with

I think two and a half million dollars

or something and but she didn't know

anything about it of course I mean that

he'd stole billions ollars I mean my

wife knows everything about everything I

make and everything so and he had one

accountant he had one CPA and it's a lot

and that CPA I didn't know anything

about it either he was shocked as

everybody else

Bernie sons were shocked even though he

set him up in business everybody shocked

all of Bernie's best friends is one of

his closest friends that I can't believe

it he was one of the nicest guys ever

knew you know I mean that's just dunya

so you know at a certain point I mean

that the thing about it is and this is

it I'm going to tell you the truth

you're a young man like I've been around

long enough to know something we're

aliens really this is not our planet

we're just here for a short time it's

it's like a it's like a prison that

you've been put in and behave well and

you'll get off with good behavior really

just behave well but ignore the other

inmates really because it's it's crazy

and there's a lot of nutcase people out

there and prison makes people mad in

some ways do you know so you just have

to you know your mom addict said and

this is one of my favorite statements

that I've ever heard and this is worth

the whole sitting through this whole

lecture for this really it is mo Matic

said I knew a people a dr. Coleman you

know I

I experienced a people who had no faults

and they preoccupied theirselves with

faults of others and God gave them

faults and he said and I knew another

people who had faults and they pre

occupied themselves with purifying their

faults and ignored the fault of others

and God removed their faults so I think

the best thing for you is not to be that

and to to just be the witness you know

we're shuhada at a nest that that's what

the quran told us to be witnesses unto

mankind and if you're really a true

witness then you don't reflect that if

other people reflect that there's

nothing you can do about that other than

be a true witness to somebody who is not

a racist or who's not a and and just

watch yourself because we all have it

I mean there's people you know there's

been sociological studies of white

people in this culture where they had

had them interview different people with

the same degrees and everything and but

there have a black and Hispanic and a

white and they would their syntax would

change when they when they were talking

with the black people their syntax would

change because there's just sociological

assumptions that are really hard to

break in people so racism is very subtle

and it manifests in a lot of different

ways and and everybody's carrying around

baggage and everybody's had their time

at being on top you know

the blacks have been on top in human

history you know the Arabs were on top  and him in history the whites were on the bottom for a long time and the Irish still are so you know their time will come George Bernard Shaw said I want to be in Ireland when the end of time comes because everything happens fifty years later in Ireland.

It's time for Isha I think



the handle down salatu salam wanna see

they know what have even a cylinder on

and he was a happy woman today only i

sin and idiot hey ami Dean Aloha murder

in mallanna no madam tonight I can't

anymore Hakeem along I am the man fair

enough Anna be mad Anton was in the

ilknur alongside enigmatic one shot

Elena put together than enjoy daddy what

a crumb or salad of Madison the Mohammed

wanna edit Quran what I hold of an hour

what I never had an Italian and I handle

the the subject of tawheed is probably

the single it is the single most

important subject for Muslims to to have

some level of knowledge of I've been

accused of saying that you can learn to

heed in 10 minutes and I think I'll

explain what I meant by that basic

tawheed is is very simple a person can

say la ilaha illallah muhammad rasool

allah and there there Muslim because

Laila hey Lala can be explained very

quickly what exactly it means Lam Abood

be happen Sawalha there's nothing in

reality worthy of worship except Allah

lamb Abood and be happen there's nothing

worshiped in truth except Allah

Leila Heil Allah there is no God except

Allah there's no God except the one true

God that basic understanding is that's

how you get into Islam so from that

point of view it's very quick that's why

there's a Sahabi that said Shahada

that's all he did he did never prayed or

fast it and he went into a battle and he

was killed and he's saying

was for being the Sahabi that died and

went to paradise with her without ever

having prayed or fasted but he said

lately a lot now the Arabs the

pre-islamic Arabs knew Arabic so they

knew what Len if he legends meant like

they didn't have that term for it that's

a grammatical term that came later but

they knew when you have la followed by

an era that's mom soul but they didn't

have those terms either those are

grammatical terms but but they knew what

it was they knew when you have a Fatah

even though they didn't called maan soup

they knew LAN la illaha not la la una

because that changes the meaning that

Eli own la ilaha Neffe little Jin's

negates anything of what follows Allah

is most Athena it's an exception so in

the in the fundamental creed of Islam

you have a negation and an affirmation

the first thing children learn to do is

negate that's why they say let the first

word most kids learn that no because

negation is part of asserting something

one way to assert something is to negate

but the affirmation which follows

negation is done through an exception so

there is no God except Allah and Allah

subhanAllah Dianna the word Allah is a

Semitic word the the Hebrew said l-like

jibra eel eel Elohim is from the same

root yellow which is the Aramaic yellow

was the only Aramaic that's left in the

gospel is Eloi Eloi Lema Lema

sabachthani and that's the only thing in

the gospel from that language which was

probably the language that a scientist

and him spoke so Allah is a proper name


a loss of hand with data so when we wait

when we embark on to ahed there are

certain prerequisites the first thing

people here in Charlotte are what are

called to lobulated seekers of knowledge

and seeking knowledge is one of the

highest things that you can do the

prophets Eliza time said at Bath manhood

you had to seek knowledge is actually

jihad and he also said that with a

character who just doing what Accra is

to SPEA it's like saying subhanAllah so

when you're actually reviewing your

classes your notes and things that is

dhikr of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and the

Prophet said in the memory to my lima I

was only sent to teach people and he's a


he also said Salah why he said I'm that

more a luminous I'll hire the people

that teach people good get the reward of

the people they teach what am class

women many lethality and it doesn't

diminish from the ward of the one doing

it and that's why that that goes on

until the end of time so if everything

that every Muslim has ever done of good

goes back to the prophets Elias and

because they do it with that Nia and the

Prophet taught them Nia the Prophet

taught us will do he taught us prayer he

taught us to heed he taught us all these

things so everybody that's ever learned

that until the end of time has that

reward goes back to the Prophet SAW time

it goes back to the teachers and one of

the blessings of this tradition is the

chain of narration the chain of

transmission that people learn things

based on these chains so we're all links

in the chain and whoever's teaching

something that's learned it from a

teacher who learned it from a teacher

who learned it from a teacher goes back

to like in the case of this book Imam

Ali's book it goes back to Imam at the

Howey but Imam to how we learned

from his mother woman mezzanine Omaha

via Omaha we Iman Meza nice sister she's

also called hooked and Elmo's any and he

learned from his uncle amendment was any

one of the great Japanese scholars and

imam moussa he learned from Imam Shafi

imam shafi'i learned from imam malik

imam addict learned from Nana I learned

from even Omar even omar learned from

The Messenger of Allah so the chain

even among how he the chain is unbroken

it all goes back to the prophets Elijah

them so that that's the blessing of the

is net the prophets Allah serum also

said that in al Maleh Akata latardo as

neha Taha Leah palpable in real on beam

is now that even the Angels put their

wings down for the seeker of knowledge

out of joy for what they're seeking

seeking knowledge the Prophet Elias Adam

also said that man palpable Elma man

terrible Elma Paulo para but memorable

and Melinda he tell Jenna to fear Allah

be he woman palpable marcia tov an ROV

therapy he you know that if you if

you're seeking knowledge paradise is

seeking you if you're seeking knowledge

for allah's sake and if you're seeking

disobedience the fire is seeking you and

the prophets allah i am also the quran

tells us Pharaoh ala decree in

contemplate our Moon as the people knows

if you don't know and knowledge is there

are different types of knowledge one of

one one of the basic aspects of

knowledge which is it's not dialogical


didactical you the didactic that you

there's information somebody studies

grammar then they teach grammar it's

something you learn so in the Zaidan

baba i'm

you know that that's if we're going to

parse that sentence you have to learn

what in that is what it does to a noun

like Zaidan so it's Munsell because of

in and then you learn baba is a feral

and it's moving on the Fatah because

it's a feral Molly and then you learn

that Imran is Munsell because this

mother gonna be that's that's something

that you learn and that needs to be

taught there's not a lot of discussion

you can ask questions like why did

they'd hit alma and you can ask that

question i actually told the mufti of

egypt that the problem in the arab world

is not going to stop until they change

their grammatical sentences that they

teach little kids because it's always

eight hit dhamma and you know I said in

the West we've gotten you know Dixie's

Jane which is another problem you know

but anyway so the that's a knowledge you

know and either you know it or you don't

know it this as simple as that

and so it's information now in in

al-qaeda there's certain information now

you can read it in a book like that book

there that is the Creed of Imam Appa

Howie that book you can read the book

and you might have questions and if

you're clever you know you can

understand quite a bit of it maybe all

of it and you might understand it better

than the person that translated it

that's possible so but there is a

blessing in studying with this chain

there's a blessing we believe that and

and that's part of what this tradition

is about so you can learn from books but

there's always a blessing to go through

that now at a certain point especially

with students it's good to have more

that Kaaba which is where you actually

discuss things that you're learning and

because mother Kara is a way that real

questions begin to emerge because at

biological approach to knowledge is

actually a lot better than the didactic

approach when you discuss things you get

quite a bit out of discussion so it's

very important to recognize that that

this isn't just a dump you know that you

you come and you're empty vessels and

you get filled up these things their

meanings that you need to interact with

to make them real for you so that it's

not just information and and it's

important to to think about these things

and not just to take things all of you

here almost all of you I think are

adults and you know the religion is not

real if it's not based on on a real

belief and our religion has never shied

away from questions you know it's one of

the beauties of the religion is that no

scholar ever said you can't ask that as

far as I know that there are certain

things that you know come from arrogance

and from other things that's another

thing but genuinely if somebody is

generally trying to understand something

then there's usually answers now some

things and particularly with when you

get into tawheed when you're talking

about the essence of God there's real

limitations because of the nature of

language so that's that's also

understood that this is about language I

mean the book of imam at the Howey is a

book of words it's words and the words

are about God and God is the ineffable

God is what we really can't articulate

and language fall short of speaking

about God so before we get into that I

want to preface this by what are called

the Madadi in Nevada a co-defendant

ishara al had the one mobile summit

amara that the the foundation of all

knowledge is the the foundational

principles of every knowledge are 10

there's 10 foundational principles of

every knowledge

and before you start into that knowledge

it's good to know those foundational

principles the first one is called a

head which in our in the English

language we call that a definition it's

important to know the definition of what

you're studying now a definition and in

logic is something that gets to the

essence of a thing when you define

something you have to define it

essentially and a definition should be

inclusive and exclusive it should be

include everything that that thing is

and should exclude everything that it

isn't that's that's a real proper

definition so you know to give me an

example of this the logician say that a

human being is a rational animal human

beings are animals but they're rational

animals and that is a definition because

it gets to the essence of what a human

being is to be human is to be an animal

but also to be rational to be sapien

shal to be an animal that has intellect

the ability to reason other animals

don't have that so it excludes the

irrational it excludes the the animals

that are in an instinct that are working

on instinct and and then you have the

the mold WA which is the subject matter

what that thing is about and then you

have the thumb rot which is the fruit

what's the benefit of that thing well

fun little hole and then you have the

the virtue of that thing why that thing

should be learned because not all

knowledge should be learned there's some

knowledge --is that are superfluous

there's some knowledge --is that are a

complete waste of time

um there's you know astrology is a

knowledge it's a you can study astrology

and it's a knowledge but it's a waste of


alchemy is a type of knowledge also it's

a waste of time

so there our knowledge is out there and

that's why the Prophet said Allah

homogeneous arukadhimon nephew and you

know I ask you for beneficial knowledge

knowledge that benefits me benefits me

because information there's a lot of

information out there but a lot of

information is a complete waste of time

and I think most of us are filled with

trivia that I personally would like

those parts of my brain that have been

occupied by that trivia back but it's

it's something that unfortunately you

know we're stuck with that like

commercial jingles that you can never

get out of your head I mean I watched a

woman literally dying of lung cancer

saying a Chesterfield jingle which was

an old kind of cigarette back in the 40s

or something and she was cursing she

said those liars and she was literally

dying you know in the hospital but she

had that jingle that she heard when she

probably first starts smoking cigarettes

so there's a lot of things that we know

that are just unfortunate but this is

not I mean this is an incredibly

fruitful thing and so knowing it's

virtue is knowing why it's worthy of our

time and our consideration when is

spittoon and then knowing what what what

it's what it's relates to you know what

in other words what it's associated with

what a while there and who is the first

one that made that science what is

smallest him dad or hook Machado and

then to know its name because every

knowledge has an name or it has several

names to know its esteem dad is to know

what that knowledge is deriving its

principles and its facts or its opinions

because there's knowledge is opinion

also it's not just fact sound opinion

and what it's deriving them from what

are the sources of that knowledge

distant that walk machete and to know

the legal ruling of that knowledge to

know the legal ruling what is the ruling

of that knowledge is it for dying

is it for casaya and then we'll Masato

Bardo who bid bobby Activa and then to

know the mesial so the subject is what

it's talking about the mesial are the

details of of those things what it's

investigating so and then in other words

the topics because it is between subject

and topic so the mesial are the topics

and then he says Minh has a man Daryl

Jim yang has a sharafa if you know all

these things then you've attained an

honorable rank so anyway that's those

are called the my body and eye shadow so

in terms of tawheed the the definition

of it is it is the science that

investigates the nature of God and the

nature of prophecy and the nature of

eschatology in other words the last

things so it it it looks at the nature

of God the magia of God the nature of

prophets and and what are called the

summit yet those things that have been

revealed and the end and relate to the

unseen matters that we don't really know

about and then the