Rihla 2013: Introduction to Logic

Transcript Details

Event Name: Rihla 2013: Introduction to Logic
Description: Introduction to Logic - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf 14 Episodes Based on the “Isagoge” of Imam Athir al-Din al-Abhari, this course will introduce students to the science of logic, a prerequisite before serious study of any of the other sciences. In this course students will be introduced to terms, concepts, the five predicables, definitions, propositions, opposition, conversion, syllogisms, and other basic aspects of correct thinking.
Transcription Date:Transcription Modified Date: 4/4/2019
Transcript Version: 1
Original Reference URL: Youtube Video

Transcript Text

which means a lot more suddenly was said

no more water color see than a Muhammad

SAW said him to Steven do you have the

do you have what the picture they took

didn't you take one of the pictures at

the beginning that that was at know what

they said at the beginning yeah did you

take that yeah but um did the this is

this is an ancient city that were in you

know the before the Muslims were here it

was a cone iam so it had a pre Islamic

history but it was the capital the

Seljuk one of the great dynasties of the

and great they were great servants of

Islam the Seljuk Empire and this this

was their capital but now it's honored

yeah now it's honored because it houses

the no not that it was that roomies at


the its it's a city that people from all

over the world visit and they go to

visit the the scholar and the saint and

the poet Gilardi no bro me who's

actually Gilardi no Balki

he's originally from Afghanistan his his

father was from the time people bene

time which is one of the clans of our

age so on his father's side he's a

Beckett II a tiny from Abu Bakr Siddiq

and then on his mother's side his his

grandfather was a scholar was a from

ruling family in Central Asia so you

know we were at the maqam yesterday and

and whenever they would teach the math

now II they always began with the verse

from the methanal II in the first lesson

which is never think that the paths to

God are difficult to pass never think

that the paths to God are difficult to

pass to work with holiness is never

difficult and that's reiterated by even

Avila who says that if you think that

Allah can't change you in one moment

then you know nothing about the power of

our loss behind with the ANA so we're

here in the city and it's it's a really

beautiful city it's noted for its piety

in Turkey amongst the big cities it has

about a million half the people here but

they're noted for their piety and

somebody asked one of the people that's

helping us here who's from cunha what

they do for their nightlife he said come

in Ramadan and we'll show you our

nightlife that's a good answer

but the you know Madonna is he was a

very notable scholar he was not an

insignificant scholar he was actually

known for his mastery of the sciences of

Islam and he was a exoteric scholar for

a good part of the first part of his

life his father was a very well-known in

Central Asia and he was born in 1604

which is around 1207 by the Christian

era but he his father got in a lot of

trouble because he was a he wouldn't be

silent about a lot of the abuses and

innovations of the rulers of battle in

that area and so he would go around

preaching and he actually had a lot of

influence he was very influential as a

preacher and a scholar and so he was he

was basically persecuted so that he left

battle in 1607 and he went on a journey

his son at that point was about three

years old so they had to leave with

their and to make his era from a place

of persecution to a freer place what's

interesting though is within a year

about who was completely destroyed by

the Mongols so allah subhanho wa taala

many many of the scholars died and it

was a terrible time for the Muslims but

Allah wanted something else for for that

family and obviously particularly for

July Rodino Rumi but he went to they

went to Damascus they were in different

places he actually met funny they

thought him when he was a very young boy

because he was and but he didn't Dean I

thought it gave him his famous book of

poems and he actually said that he's

going to be a great poet he told his

father that he was going to be a great

poet and a master of the path and and

then when he when he came they ended up

in cunha and he was trained here and I

think what

a lot of people who are from the Arab

world are maybe not as familiar with the

the Scholastic tradition of this part of

the world but they were very very

serious students they had a great

madrasah system

there were several mattresses in this

town which were colleges not schools

there were colleges what we would call

colleges today religious colleges but

they were religious colleges where they

studied many many Sciences in the West

we have the concept of the Trivium which

are the the three language arts in in

the Muslim world there were about 30

language arts that they would masters so

it was a much more advanced and

sophisticated system when you get into

an advanced Islamic tradition by this

period 13 14 15 century these people

were studying texts on one of the

sciences of that they were very very

focused on was called Edmund well doc

which is a science that teaches you how

to analyze the meanings of words in

context so it's a contextual analyses of

words so that you can quickly ascertain

what type of word is being used to

remove ambiguity because one of the most

difficult problems with language is

ambiguity and they also had astillero

was a very important science so they had

their own tradition they would teach

Bulava which has an even ban money would

Vidya and it's tiara is part of Bala but

because it's such an important part

which is the science of metaphors

because much of language abroad jitney

one of the great grammarians and

philologists in the Islamic tradition

argued that the vast majority of

language is actually metaphor that when

you begin to analyze language you will

find that what you're dealing with is

metaphors we're using metaphors

all of the time so they would study that

in order to better understand and

comprehend language he he had a very

very popular method I say here at


Hana Dino Rumi and he he had mastered

all of these Sciences at a very high

level and he was also extremely popular

and apparently from the stories because

there are some interesting biographies

that were written very early that have

people that knew him personally but he

was he was a very very unusual boy as a

child and this is always you know one

wonders about these great minds what

they were like when they were children

the the talk that Ken Robinson gave

about the problems of Education a few

years back and he just mentioned about

you know we tend not to think of

Shakespeare as a child but what was he

like when he was in grammar school and

how would the English teacher really

dealt with somebody like that

so I think the same is true it's very

interesting there's some teachers there

students actually surpassed them quite

early on Saturday in tough days Anya is

a good example of somebody who had a

very early age had a massive opening

even though he was actually considered

to be not very bright in in the

classroom which is often the case with

great geniuses is that people think

they're actually stupid and he had a

massive opening and his teacher actually

ended up putting him in the chair to

start teaching the classes so that does

happen but he obviously had an

extraordinary experience by meeting a

teacher who was completely what we would

almost call an antinomian he was a very

unusual wandering itinerant preacher who

had incredible impact and was usually

chased out of places because he had such

a massive impact he was a charismatic

but when Geraldine fell under his spell

he really went had a massive

transformation had incredible spiritual

openings and then from him poured forth

all of this incredible poetry that's

bread all over the world it's been

translated into countless languages and

there's pilgrims that come from Japan

that come from England Australia all

these different places to come visit

this place and I think you'll see we're

going to go in Shaolin visit the the

madrasah where it is the cells are there

they they're hollow was a thousand and

one nights they would do a Halawa the

day they had to do Kidman

before they were actually allowed to

study so they had to go through a period

of spiritual transformation one of the

one of the stipulations was that they

couldn't speak ill of anybody or if they

were treated badly they could never

retaliate they would just have to accept

everything that was done to them and

they had a very rigorous discipline I

think people forget how serious this

early community was about their religion

and we tend to as modern people it's

very difficult for us to imagine the the

type the intensity of practice and the

intensity of dedication and devotion

that these early peoples had in their

religion one of the the one of the

Andorian poets he said Len I was sort of

officially hynden walch to have a place

in related

mailani we have a good example in

Bushido Hindon and in his sister and

face and Layla Layla and Majnun and in

may in Thailand these are these are

famous love stories of the early Arabs

and what he was saying is is that the

reason God puts the Romeo and Juliet's

in the world is as a proof against

anyone that claims to love God that the

intensity of erotic love the intensity

of love between two human beings can be

so great that people actually go mad and

I'll do anything for the beloved and and

so those people are there in the world

as a proof according to that poet

against people who claim to love God if

you say you love Allah but in kuntum to

halawet to be Rooney say if you love a

lot if you have a claim for something at

beg you know - I didn't with Jerry you

know the the proof is on the one making

the claim so if you claim to love Allah

the proof is in following the prophets

Elias and that's the proof so that's the

the the proof of your love and the

Sahaba had complete to marry they were

completely annihilated in the love of

the Prophet slice him to such a degree

that a Bilal or a Delano after many

years of being in Syria came back to

visit Medina and some of the Med Deniz

convinced him to give the Adhan it was

very difficult for him but he decided to

and when he gave the Adnan people heard

the Adhan for the first time from batao

since the time of the Prophet and they

came out their homes just weeping they

were just crying that that's how present

the prophet saw him was in their lives

in my magical deal and they said if the

prophets name was mentioned his face

used to change the color in his faith

would change

they had issue you know real love and so

he went through that intense period and

what he talks about

and muhabba which is I think you'll

study with city hubs in text on even a

show in his he talks about we have to

held up your Mohammed today are clean

and the last one is muhabba the stations

that you adorn yourself with because in

traditionally in that path that you have

what's called Talia and then you have

Talia and then you have tears Leah and

Talia is the emptying out it's what the

in the Christian tradition they called

it Canosa swear you empty out the self

because the self is is full of itself

you know you talk about people's you

know you say he's full of it and himself

that's exactly what it means he's full

of himself one of the things about daddy

I'm Mia a lot of people don't think what

these terms mean you know Indonesia but

one of the things the Egyptians they say

and they don't know what it means but

I'm convinced it's from their own

spiritual tradition if an Egyptian wants

you to say watch out

he says Headley Ballack min if sick you

know it's not how they say watch out can

development if sick but if you actually

look at what it means in arabic it means

empty your mind of your ego

suddenly Ballack min f ck do the Talia

of yourself that's how you watch out if

you because the only thing that gets you

in trouble is your nuts

that's the only thing it's the only

thing that gets you in trouble is your


and so the the Muslims were very serious

about doing work on themselves now

they're serious about doing work on

everybody but themselves they don't want

to do any work on themselves because

there's nothing wrong with them it's

it's America that's what's wrong it's

Israel that's what's wrong

it's Bashar that if we could just get

rid of that guy everything would be

perfect it's everything but where

it all starts that's why and if you look

at our condition that's the whole basis

of it the prophesy lies to them he began

by emptying them out he made them

vessels for the truth but first he had

to empty them out like the famous you

know the martial artists who wanted to

study with the master and he goes and he

and he meets that this master that he's

been trying to get the opportunity to

teach study with them and he says oh and

I studied with master so-and-so

we did this I did Wing Chun and then we

studied with him and I did this system

and then I studied with this I did this

and he's he's telling the mass or all

these people he studied with and all

these things he learned and so when the

tea came he just kept pouring the tea

the master and it until the cup was just

overflowing and and this this man says

well why are you the cups full he said

so he said really you should stop

fooling filling it because it's full so

it can't take anymore

he said no of course not if it's full it

can't take anymore he said well you're


I can't it's the same thing you're full

and and you find this motif in many's

teaching stories about house on a

Saturday when he went to meet Buddha son

who's been mushishi and here's a man who

went from Morocco he was a great scholar

studying Halloween and then he went to

Tunis he studied he went the east and he

was looking for a spiritual master when

he got to Iraq one of the people of Iraq

told him he said the man you're looking

for is in Morocco so he went all the way

from Morocco to Iraq and the Iraqi man

said no you're looking for William Sound

even mushishi

so he went back and he went up the

mountain for anybody that's visited that

part it's it's near top wan he went up

the mountain to where this great sage

was living and he when he first met him


in the close of the anima he had all

these beautiful janaba and and she said

after cells you know did you do whole so

and he said yes he said yes I said you

didn't do so he goes back he does also

again he comes back he said after cells

you know he said yes he said no you

didn't go back so he goes back and then

on the third time he you know got the


zombies doesn't mean what it what he so

he took the clothes of his servant and

he put them on he gave a sermon his

clothes and then he came he said now

you're ready to come you know you have

to strip away if you and and this is you

know the people don't want to do this

anymore we're like you know gel added

you know Rumi tells a story about the

barber you know that they used to do

tattoos so you go to the barber you get

your hair cut you get a tattoo like now

in America and so he goes to the barber

and he tells him I want a tattoo he said

well what do you want he said I want a

lion you know people see people wonder

why everybody's getting tattoos now

tattoos are about the ego you know

Descartes said I think therefore I am

now they say I think therefore I am that

that it's a way of letting people know

I'm I'm different I'm special I've got

this butterfly on my back you don't have

one of those right and and then they get

more and more and they can't stop

because it's not working you know you

just keep trying to make it work so he

wants a lion because he wants to feel

like a lion so put a lion on my back and

so the the tattoo artists he says all

right so he starts with his needling oh

what's that you know he said that that's

that's the tail he's only making a line

without a tail

okay so then he starts again oh oh

what's that he sa